Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 08, 2000, Image 96
848-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 8, 2000 WED MAY 3 - 3PM~Charies THURS MAY 4 - 6PM Real Fasold 1005 Orange St, Selins- Estate 11 Ac Famnette, 405 E grove, Pa 3 bedroom home 28th Division Hwy, Bnckerville, antiques & collectibles Hassinqer Elizabeth Twp For Annetta Smith “Courtney,aucts 570-539-8791 HorstAucts THURS MAY 4 - 6PM 124 W WED , MAY 3- 6 30PM Wmross Franklin St Ephrata, Real Estate Hess, Farm Trac & Toys To Be Wm anty Estate Art Pennebeck held at A&C Diffenbach Auction er Auction Service Inc, too W Jacks'- : ,1C - 'v * Jackson St. New Hoi- THURS MAY 4- 6 30PM Real SjSi Lanc Co, P a 717-355- estate at 900 E Kercher Ave, —— Myerslown, Pa By John and Judith Gehman Sylvan B Wit mer, auct THURS MAY 4 2PMReinholds FRI MAY 5 - Real Estate Auction' Fire Co Banquet Hall Rt 897 Juniata Co Farm in Tuscarora Reinholds Antiques personal Twp Randy & Karen Hess own* property for Warren Hartmg and ers Bryan D lmeSi auct Pameb6Cker AUC "° n FRIMAY & SaTm'ayT: oerviuu 8 30AM sth Annual Steam-O- 91.5 ACRE M/L LIMESTONE FARM CLAY/EPHRATA TOWNSHIP 12 ACRE FIELD TO BE SOLD SEPARATELY PUBLIC AUCTION MONDAY, APRIL 24,2000 Auction Time: 1;00PM Directions: From Ephrata, lake Route 322 West, turn left onto Market St (at the Olde Lincoln House), go to stop sign, turn right onto Rettew Mill Rd., then immediately 101 l onto Lincoln Road to Ist farm on right Lancaster County, PA. with laige eat-in kitchen, living room/tamily room combination, parlor, laundry & 1/2 bath, loyer with open stairway on first floor Upstairs has 4 bcdiooms, small nursery, full bath, attic storage, central vacuum, watci sollcncr, updated electric, recent new root, aluminum siding, wrap-around poich, lull basetuent, oil hot water heat & 1000 gal underground tank House is in good condition Large Bank Bam '2 Story Fi appiox 40’x62’ with a 40’x62’ addition with bunk feeder and set up lor 110 steers, also a IB’x4o’ lean-to wagon shed & corn crib 175 Capacity Steer Bam: 16’ x 190’ open steer barn with 2nd story hay storage, large barn yard with bunk feeder, 18 ton & 10 ton grain bins, corral with headgatc 4 Silos: 2 - 20’x70’ stave, 1 - 24’x80’ stave; I - I2’xso’ poured concrete. All silos arc equipped with unloaders, presently being used and in good condition. Block Chicken House: approx. 56’ x9o’, top 2 floors set up tor 4400 layers with auto feeders, egg room & loading dock. Lower level has large cistern, imple ment stoiage and a 36 head capacity steer pen with bunk feeder supplied by underground conveyor from silos. Equip. Shed/Shop: equip, shed is approx 38’x 100’ with a 10 run dog kennel on the end Shop is approx. 34’x54’ with overhead doors, 200 amp service, large oifice with hot water and 1/2 bath. Com Bam: 16’ x6B’ peaked slated floor crib with drying capability, garage with generator room and service panels. 12 ACRE FIELD: TO BE SOLD SEPARATELY . This 12 acre field is located across Burkholder Dr. from the farm, included is a 30’x210’ Layer House with a 20’x28’ egg room, 2 wells, 27,360 bird capacity, with egg collectors & packers, 630 ft. of road frontage. Great location to build a home, check with Ephrata Town ship about your plans. NOTE: Because the Hursh’s decided to discontinue farming, you will have the opportunity to purchase this high producing limestone farm with a 320 head stcci operation Buildings are in good repair Entire farm, except the 12 acres, is in ag piescivc Also entire farm is in the clean & green program Gram system is being leserved and will be sold later at the farm equip, auction TERMS: 10% down payment at auction for both tracts. Balance at final settle ment on or before November 1,2000 for the farm, and June 15,2000 for the 12 acie field. Farm buyer will have the opportunity to purchase this years’ crop All herein information is believed to be correct, but is being used tor advertising put poses only, OPEN HOUSE Sat., April 8, 1 00 PM to 3 00 PM; Sat., April 15, 1 00 PM to 3 00 PM or by appointment Balance of farm can be seen anytime. For a private tour, information, or for help to obtain bank financing. Call Aaron E. Martin, Auctioneer at (717) 733-3511 Attorney: Michael P. Kane 299-5251 1670 Lincoln Road, Lititz Housi Auction By AMOS M. & LAURA B. HURSH (717) 733-9723 Profottfonal auctioneering Martin auction service 410 West Church Rd. Ephrata, PA. 17522 (717)733-3511 AlMMMlftl Rama Spring Consignment Auc tion For Into Charles Slillmger 717-755-8312 or Chuck Noonan 717-755-9465 FRI MAY 5 & SAT MAY 6 Lebanon Area Fairgrounds Leb < Pa Coaches, carriages, sleighs, ponies Martin's Aucls SAT MAY 6 - Ervin J Byler Absolute Auction Dayton Pa John R Huey Sue Ann Weidner, aucts SAT MAY 6 - BAM Real estate, antiques S collectibles, houehold terns, guns, etc Millersburg, Pa at 764 Union St Irene E & Lawrence C Latsha, owners Oockey-Romberger & Deppen aucts SAT MAY 6 -8 30AM Five aomtville Fire co Annual Commu nity Sale Household goods, quilts, tools, lawn & garden 1087 Dry Tavern Rd, Brecknock Twp, -n Co By Fivepomtville Fire _anc Co By . Do Local Aucts SAT MAY 6 - 8 30AM - Horse 10AM Mel’s Stables, 834 Wallace Hd New Hollam Hoover, Auctioneer SAT MAY 6 - Cohocton (Steuben So ) NY Pirrung's Annual Farm Machinery Consignment Auction, hrrum SAT MAY 6 - Hoovers Annual Consignment Sale Near Bloserville, Cumb Co e arm equip lawn & garden col- leclibles, no household Ron , catTii m o — r \u~i SAT MAY 6 - 9AM Household SAT MAY 6 - 9AM 2 miles Wof g OO( j S antiques, collectibles, Lancaster, 1 mile Wof Omni e j guns M At 472 E M am St Mennonile Home Household , B y v H Raymond Reeser foods, antiques wood working R e^ rt / Jeffrey ' B & Michael L tools, cars etc Norman & Grade Landis Abe Diffenbach & Sons Martin auclS “Public Auction” Sat, Apr. 15, @ 10 A.M. Located at Cross Keys Auction Center one mile North of Duncansville, PA Route 764. Nice line of Antiques & collector items from the W.E. Grimm estate & a local home. Consisting of 10 pc. Feudal oak dining room suite, 3 pc. Tiger maple bedroom suite,? pc. Rock maple bedroom suite, 5 pc. Walnut bedroom suite, 3 sec tional oak bookcase, drysink, oak chest drawers, oak dinette set, Clark’s spool cabinet, marble top Eastlake stand, player piano, 2 Eastlake parlor chairs, antique table & floor lamps, kneehole desk, enameled gas cookstove, two claw foot end tables, fancy wall mirrors, oak washstand, early dove tailed blanket chest, oak hall tree, water benches, pierced tin pie cupboard, Hoosier kitchen cabinet, 2 pc Country cupboard, drop leaf farm tables, oak desk & library table, youth bed, table victrola, round top trunks, water benches, quilting frame, oak & walnut picture frames, rug loom, Coca-Cola chest, post cards, paper memo rabilia, books, linens, vintage clothes, 3 child’s German accordions, quilts, oil lamps. Zither, granite & ironware items, 7-Up cooler, beer trays, lot of glassware in carnival, depression, fiesta, jadeite, pressed etc., magazines, antique black smith tools, com sheller, antique cross cut saws. Zenith colored TV, sofa’s & chairs, set Battinia dinner dishes, dinette set, box lots & hundreds of small items from this 101 year old estate. (Plus) from the Epnght estate to be sold at 12 - Noon - 1890-1920 Signal Cannon breech loader & Allen & Thurber pepperbox. Terms: Cash, approved check, MC, Visa & dis cover. “COL.” K. R. MILLER, JR. AU-000613L AUCTIONEER & SALES 814-696-1913 or 695-0351 W? AUCTJok FOR J. HAROLD & JEAN MUSSER Friday, April 14, 2000 Starting At 4:00 P.M. Saturday, April 15, 2000 Starting At 8:00 A.M. NO BUYER’S PREMIUM - AH-11-L Sale Location: 1137 Newcomer Road, Mount Joy, PA 17552 Sale Directions: Route 230 West & then South on Newcomer Road (Newcomer Road is located between Twin Kiss and Country Table Restaurant) - Watch for auction signs. Friday Session: Ertl planes, J.D. & Farmall collec tor tractors, 20 Hess trucks, 40 Winross trucks, Penjoy trucks, Avon Steins, Doll stroller, Mechanical banks, Nylint ire truck, Rocking horse, Music boxes. Collector plates, Tonka trucks, Golf bags, Christmas decorations, Fisher Price toys, Cook books, Var. farm collector toys, Linens, Cigar boxes, Hubley cap pistols, Fluid lamps, Agateware, Sheet music, Kitchenwares, Var. prints, Modem crafts, Woodenwares, Rug beater, Partial listing for Friday’s session. Saturday Session: Brass hand bells, Steeple on steeple shelf clock w/eight day wagon spring move ment, Folk art smoothing board, Mt. Joy advertis ing, Door stops, 23 Hummels, 1971-1984 Hummel collector plates, Oak wall telephone, Mahg. ink well, Currier & Ives prints, Redware, Ice cream scoops, Peanut jars, Cheese mold, Daguerreotype, Photo album. Stereo viewers, Iron utensils, Brass pails, Doll cradle. Bowl & pitcher set, 1912 license plate. Quilts, Miniature fluid lamps, Massey-Harris 44 special pedal tractor, Gone-with-the-wind fluid lamp. Butchering stove, Agate coffee pot, Yellowware, Blue willow, Flowing blue, Stangl, Shirley Temple bowls, Shelley cup & saucer, Art glass, Rye/straw & woven splint baskets, Spongeware mixing bowl, Copper apple butter ket tle, Woven coverlet signed “Made by C. Yordy Willow Street,” Copper lustre pitchers, Chelsea cof fee pot, Stemware, Opalescent glass. Guns at 11:00 A.M.: Remington model 760 .222 cal., Win. Model 59 12 ga„ Springfield model 67 12 ga.. Savage model 24, Various ammo & gun cases. Furniture at 12:00 noon sharp: Mahogany cap tain’s desk. Pa. softwood 2 part comer cupboard, Oak bow-front china cabinet, Cherry slant lid desk, Windsor chairs, Victorian carved & molded lamp stands. Tilt tip tea table, One drawer stand. Child’s rocker, Blanket chest, Marble top washstand, Wicker armchair. Mortised benches. Wing back chair. Rope bed, Swivel top card table. SAT MAY 6 - 9AM Antiques & SAT MAY 6 - 9AM Real estate, personal property, located antiques, furniture, guns, riding approx 1 mile Nof Geigertown mower At 640 Spruce Rd . New along Rt 82 Robeson Twp, Berks Holland, Pa By Lester M & Elva Co By Forrest Cramp, Homing W Weaver Michale J Martin, Farm Aoencv 610-286-5183 auct IBIBIBIBIBIBia si AUCTION | OF VALUABLE I HUMMELS - ROY ROGERS f MEMORABILIA - POCKET- I WATCHES - JEWELRY - j WINROSS TRUCKS - I GOLD & SILVER COINS I ON: FRIDAY EVENING, I APRIL 14, 2000 | At 4 P.M. I At Springetts Fire Co. Social Hall, 3013 I E. Market St., York, Pa. The following to I be offered at public auction from sever- | al York County homes. | 38 Hummels, Hummel plates incl. 1971, Bells I Etc., 70 Lots of Roy Rogers & Other Memora- | bilia, 40 Lots of Pocketwatches, 50 Lots of | Jewelry, 40 Winross trucks, 75 Lots of Coins. | Lists available for all of the above - Call auc- | tion firm. Not responsible for accidents. |j TERMS: Cash or approved Check. NOTE: | Enter Fire Hall going West off Route 462. | PREVIEW SHOWING: Friday 2:30 P.M. to | Auction Time I AUCTION SCHEDULE: Misc., Winross |i Trucks, Jewelry & Watches, Roy Rogers I Items, Hummels, Coins. I | Gilbert & Gilbert Auctioneers, Inc. gj Brian L. Gilbert Lie. #2256 I Jacob A. Gilbert Lie. #336 i Phone (717)252-3591 or 252-1656 I PUBLIC AUCTION 31+ ACRE LANCASTER COUNTY FARM SELLING TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER OVER $195,000 ANTIQUES, FURNITURE, HOUSEHOLD GOODS 60+ YEAR COLLECTION SAT., APR. 15, 2000 8:30 A.M. Located between Elizabethtown and Bainbridge Lancaster county PA at 2608 Bainbridge Rd. (Route #241) Bainbridge, Pa. 2 1/2 story brick/log house with 4 bedrooms, large living room, dining room and eat-in kitchen. Oil hot water heat with private water/sewer. 3 car garage and bank barn. About 17 acres tillable with stream and some wooded. For fact sheet and to inspect this property call 717-367-8000. Terms: 10% deposit day of auction with balance in 45 days. Real Estate to be sold at 11:00 AM Lift top dry sink, plank settee, dove-tailed chest w/strap hinges, spinning wheel, flax wheel, rope bed, wood box, marble top table, OAK: 2 curved china closets, flat front china closet, side by side sec. desk, stack bookcase, hall bench, rd. ext. table w/claw feet, child’s roll top desk. Empire bureau, 5 trunks, 2-5 pc. BR sets, washstand, par lor furniture, dough tray, slant front desk, plat form & pressed back rockers, slag glass table lamp, N. Clark & Co. 3 gal crock w/sunflower dec., Cowden & Wilcox blue dec. jug, new Brighton 3 & 4 gal. jugs, blue dec. butter crock, salt crock, blue sponge plates, platter & bowls, 35+ pcs. carnival glass incl. 2 water sets, 25+ chickens on the nest, Ig. amt. pressed & pattern glass, Roseville basket, chare, pitchers, 25+ pcs. depression, coal oil lamps & lamp parts, salts, jar dineres, blue willow, W. Nutting prints & others, pocket watches, butter scales, candle mold, flut ing irons, agate lunch buckets, tinware, washbowl & pitcher set, flow blue plates, copper kettle, cos tume jewelry, stereoscopes & cards, brass bed, Belgian C&S pewter spoons, cow creamers, white ironstone, figural vases, flatware, books, linens, JD 300 & Wheel Horse riding mowers, 1978 Chev 4x4 truck with new inspection, wash er/dryer, port, dishwasher, refrigerator, kitchen ware, boxlots, and many other items too numer ous to mention. Auction held in tent. Sale for FAIRY E. KAUFFMAN Attorney: David Greer Shaffner Auction Co. Mark Diffenderfer 2897-L 717-367-8000 Marty Fleck, Apprentice 717-367-9672 “We treat your property as if it were our own ”