Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 08, 2000, Image 70

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    822-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 8, 2000
32 inch loader bucket foi
Power Kmg/Economy trac
tor Bradford Co 570-265-
3 PT sweeper, PTO drive
potating brush Don’t need
pretty, old/ugly, cheap &
‘Works right' gets it sold l
Ferguson maybe 7 Chester
Co 610-827-7561
Brown swiss/holstem cross
bull calves Must be same
age Need 2 or 3 head
Renss N Y 518-766-5656
9' to 10’ offset finishing Disc
Transport Luzenne Co
Electronic fuel injection kit
#l2B2, speed pulse gener
ator kit-#AAI47, for Zemco
automotive driving comput
er-#DCS3SI Lane Co
To rent cow barn with ti
stalls no land or house in
lancaster Chester Co 570-
965-2820 evenings
Wanted. Farmall M, Super
M 350, 400 or 450, with
good tin, tires, engine & live
hydraulics Paying cash
Can p/u Perry Co 717-
NH 7’ Haybme York Co
H Beam trolly crand 14 ft
Franklin Co 717-532-9023
White pigeons Call nights
9to 11 p m or morning 7to
Sam Cumberland Co N J
Steel wheels for 4WD trac
tor Rear approx 60 high,
front approx 48” high Also
reg front wheels 32” Yates
Stainless Steel
20 Year
Limited Warranty
S&R Outdoor
Box 233
Shippensburg, PA
(717) 532-5820
Roof slates size 7” by 14"
need at least 50 but lesser
amount helpful Please
leave message Berks Co
Wanted allis Chalmers snap
coupler plow for parts, old
er model Berks Co 610-
Five healthy beef type feed
er steers 500-700 pounds
Call after 4'oo p m. Lane
Co 717-786-3701
Mounted plow for John
Deere "H” tractor Lane. Co
Buying chestnut logs, ches
nut boards (1") Buying old
oak boards, must be 7” and
wider Prefer you deliver
Adams Co 717-334-0249
Ford cars or parts 1932 to
1950, need 59A8, engine
need not run, also parts
cars or original Schuylkill
Field stones, telephone
poles, Paul N Zook, 399 Mt
Vernon Road, Gap Pa
17527 Lane Co 717-442-
Wanted flea market ven
dors Kmgsdale ant gas
engine show May 20 & 21,
2000, phone Steve Adams
2 8R22 5 fires, used on U
haul F6OO Ford trucks
Lane Co 717-653-4667
Wanted' Atlas lathe parts
for carriage and compound
rest, assembly No 100-9
bed 5-3/4 wide x 30 long.
York Co. 717-938-6167
Salvage to large barns, log
houses, corn barns, mills
Buying wide attic flooring
will travel Proprly insured
SC Penna Adams. Co
Silver King and Plymouth
tractors, any condition, also
parts, litexature. Call Eve's
Richland Co 419-896-2828
Man from Mass with JD
Van Brudt Lime Drill parts,
please call, I lost your
phone number Lehigh Co
4-Her wants to but good
Lister Slablemate Clippers,
needed for 4-H Sheer
Shows Wayne Co 570-
Danuser Post Hole Digger
12 inch auger Mifflin Co.
3 Pt concrete mixer Lane.
Co 717-626-4398
Cab for Allis Chalmers 180
or 185 tractor 717-786-
Church pews, call 469-
0626. ask for Paul Wert
Int’l 2-bottom plow tor Far
mall Super C w/out fast
hitch pis. Call 246-3658 -
Generous finder’s fee
offered leading to purchase
Of 1975-1987 Chevy C-1-
short-bed pickup truck.
Write 35 N Walnut St, ML
Carmel, PA 17851 -North
umberland County.
Wanted lease to purchase
15 to 20 Head or Milk cows
Ist and 2nd calf preferred
Holstein and Jersey. Potter
Co 814-334-5722
Grain cleaner and seed
cleaner. Shenadoah Co
IH or JD grass seed box 13
or more holes. Garnett Co
Looking for a bunkbed with
full size on the bottom, and
single on the top Lane. Co
Wanted, Dead or Alive
John Deere 2 cylinder farm
tractors, parts, tractors wel
come reasonably priced
only (Broke plowbow)
Clearfield Co. 814-857-
Funds to purchase prof
itable business, good
return, profit share possi
ble. All replys confidential
Write to Business Pur
chase, PO Box 10-1, Bird-
In-Hand, PA 17505 Lane.
Gram bin 2,000 to 4,000
BU with drying floor. Lane
Co. or surrounding area.
Lane. Co. 354-7497
Show ‘n Swap, buy or sell.
Engines, parts, household
Free admission and park
ing. Joanna Furnace April
15. Spaces $lO, Berks Co
Fund Raising. Your group
can make good easy profits
selling bulbs and flowers
No investment, free sales
materials. Schuylkill Co
Pride of the Susquehanna
River boat. Field trip reser
vations available. Find us at
city island. Combine “nde”
with Senators Dauphin Co
APHC at Stud Black Leop
ard Wampum Bear step
14 3 great disp. and confor
mation L.F G. Horse board
ing reasonable rates
Susquehanna Co 570-
Free old harness 5/8” bas
kets. Montg. Co 610-933-
Draft Horse demonstra
tions from 10 a.m. till 3 p.m
April 15, take exit 37 off 180
at Mifflmville, PA Columbia
Co. 570-458-4262
Heavy-duty roller conveyor
26” wide x 45’ long at Diff
enback Auction Apr 14
Wanted Industrial sand
blaster, filter, helment Also
35/37’ trusses Lane Co
A Helms Roto vertical axis
wind electric generator,
(12V D C. for charging bar
rtenes) will be at Diffen
bach Auction 4/14. New
Holland, Lane Co
A green forecart left at Bart
sale was picked up by
somebody else by mistake.
Could anybody help me.
Lane. Co 60 Picadilly Hill
Road, Quarryville. PA
36” Chicken house fans,
free for the taking, 1 mile E.
of Churchtown on Glick
Rd., JS Allgyer, Lane. Co.
Sale Reports
A Public Auction of
personal property was
held April 1 by the
estate of Jeaneete
Warner, 1020 Hanover
Rd., York Co., Pa.
Some prices were:
Jude box $975, pin ball
machine $350, pool
table $350, Mills 50<Z
slot machine $2OOO,
Diamond Star 50
machine $750, Baileys
50 machine $B5O, Five
Jacks 50 machine $5OO,
Briggs slot machine
$8235, Win. shotgun
$350, Win. 22 shotgun
$330, Harrington &
Richardson gun $230,
Rem. Wingmaster shot
gun $l6O and Savage
model 842 gun $l9O.
Charles & Scott
Wehrly were the auc
A Public Sale of
machinery was held
Where's your mustache? “
TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 10:30 A.M. Sharp!!
(Blizzard Date Wed. April 12)
■ - ■
Sale to be held at the farm on Curtisdale Lane located adjacent to the
Southern Tier Expressway (I 86/Rt. 17-15) along the westbound lane
between Coopers Plains and Campbell.
From Exit #4l - Campbell follow Rte. 415 south about 1-1/2 miles, turn
right over river Curtis Bridge, first farm on right.
From Exit #2 - Coopers Plains follow Rte. 415 north about 2 miles, turn left
over river at Curtis Bridge, first farm on right.
Polly-O-Dairy “Super Milk” Quality Award for 16 Consecutive Years!!!
Parlor- Freestall Herd - No BST - S.C.C. Consistently 150-190
Milking Cows Averaging Nearly 70 lbs.! A.I. Sired and Bred for Years
120 Milking Age Females, year around freshening, excellent conformation,
great udders!
43 Bred Heifers from shortbred to springers; 13 Open Yearlings; 19 Short
Yearlings; 13 well started Calves; 12 Hutch Calves. A super set of young
stock, well bred-well grown! All cattle will be interstate ready for qualified
buyers, inoculated with 9-Way Shipping Fever shot and necessary animals
pregnancy/sterility examined! Catalogues at ringside, reliable truckers avail
able! Selling Order: 1-Selected Bred Heifers; 2-Milking Herd; 3-Milking
Equipment/Dairy Equipment; 4-Remaining Bred Heifers; 5-Open Heifers-
DAIRY AND BARN EQUIPMENT: DeLaval 2000 gal. bulk tank model
EC/AC Serial #81155, calibrated to 17,544 lbs., complete with twin 5 h.p.
compressors (R-22 gas), washer, sight gauge, digital readout thermometer,
original owners installation! DeLaval 7-1/2 h.p. vacuum pump with s.s. vac
uum tank, oil reclaimer, dual controls, (78 CFM output 4-27-99); DeLaval
freheater; 76 plate cooler; DeLaval 2 in. s.s. highline herringbone double six
parlor, brisket rail, Blue Diamond air gate closers with 6 controls, 12 weight
jars, 12 Germania claw milkers, plus all pertinent controls and parapherna
lia; Blue Diamond 23 ft. crowd gate system; 12 Germania model S.B. all
s.s. automatic takeoffs; MVE mach SM-33 semen tank; breeding wheel;
Badger bedding chopper with Wisconsin gas engine; 16 poly square and 8
EZ Hutch poly calf hutches; Cardinal app. 5 ton taper bottom bin with
unload auger; App. 150 square bales of wire tied straw; App. 126 6x6 round
bales of Ist cut 1999 mixed grass hay; Gehl 315 Scavenger II tandem axle
slinger manure spreader, 5 yrs. old: Excellent 1995 Oswalt model 300 TMR
“RuffageO Master” wagon with poly lining, J-Star digital scale.
NOTE SALE ORDER: Selected Bred Heifers-Milking Herd-Dairy and
Barn Equipment - remaining Bred and Open Heifers-Calves. Sale starts at
10:30 Sharp!! Tent-Lunch-Comfort Facility on site.
TERMS: CASH or approved check from known parties. Unknown persons
need bank letter or prior fax transmission for immediate removal privilege!
Call ahead if any questions! Acceptable ID required for bidder card. Nothing
to be removed until settled for!
Owned by the Smith Family
Curtisdale Farms Partnership
For info call evenings Mike 607-527-8336 or Dennis 607-527-8168
Auction Conducted by
James P. Pirrung and Associates
P.O. Box 607 Way land, New York 14572
Phone 716-728-2520 Fax 716-728-3378
April 1 by Ponderosa
Farm, Inc., 755 Barnes
Comer Rd., Rising Sun,
Prices were: Int.
1066 tractor $6OOO, Int.
656 tractor $3200, Same
tractor $4900, J.D. baler
$l9OO, wooden hay wag
ons $375 & $450, metal
rack hay wagon $1950,
AC. 200 tractor $2BOO,
‘B9 Ford cattle truck
$5175, alfalfa hay $2 a
bale, wheat straw $1.75
a bale, side delivery
rake $5775, Deutz Allis
round baler $550 and 20
x 60 silo 3/4 foil of silage
Norman E. Hunter,
Carol A. Hunter and
Ronda L. Hunter were
the auctioneers.
A Public Auction of
farm equipment was
held April 1 by Mrs.
Doris Simpson, 1302
Brownsville Rd.,
Harrington, Delaware.
Some prices includ
ed: J.D. 2755 tractor
w/cab $24,600, J.D. 4430
tractor with cab
$19,600, J.D. 4430 trac
tor (no cab) $14,900, Int.
1460 combine w/15 ft.
grain table $26,800,
Case 480 E backhoe
$12,500, Int. 18 ft. man
ual fold disc $3150, J.D.
6-row com planter
$6lOO, J.D. 450 grain
drill $4250, Brillion 11
ft. 3 pt. hitch chisel plow
$1650, Rambler Sport
Express wagon $525
and Int. Harvester 3/4”
socket set $550.
Sam Walters 111
managed the sale.
A Public Sale of
antiques and personal
property was held
Saturday for Keller and
Rosiene Sensenig, Grist
Mill Road, New
Auctioneers Leßoy
S. and Paul W. Horst,
Bowmansville, let 208
registered bidders.
Items sold included
an Earl Township map
dated 1855, $3,150; a
sandstone trough,
$1,050; a two-horse
wagon, $725; and egg
crate, $42.50; a horse
tie, $100; a butter chum,
$130; old milk bottles,
$5O to $390; five large
sandstones, $75 each;
and a millstone, $3lO.