Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 08, 2000, Image 66

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    818-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 8, 2000
Rotary mowing
Rectangular baling
Round baling
Forage harvesting
Field operation Ground speei
Field efficiency
(mph) (%)
The outlook for fuel prices
over the next few months is pos
itive. Several oil producing
nations have made promises to
increase oil production which
will eventually exert downward
pressure on crude oil prices.
99 U.S. Senators Support
Rally For Rural America
a vote of 99 to 1, the Senate
overwhelmingly recognized the
recent “Rally for Rural Amer
ica” and the need for Congress
to immediately alleviate the
deepening economic crisis in
rural America.
The Sense of the Senate
amendment, authored by Sen.
Paul Wellstone, D-Minn., was
passed recently as part of a crop
insurance reform bill.
The National Farmers Union
(NFU) led nearly 40 groups in
organizing the rally, which
brought more than 3,000 farm
ers, ranchers and rural citizens
to Washington, D.C., March 20-
21 to call on Congress to act on
the rural crisis.
“More than 3,000 rural Amer
icans traveled by bus, plane and
train to Washington this week to
send Congress a message,” said
NFU President Leland Swen
son. “We hope the overwhelm
ing support for this measure
indicates that Congress is ready
to take meaningful action to
return prosperity to rural Amer
USD A Biotechnology
Advisory Panel Meets
PARK RIDGE, 111. The
first meeting of a national advi
sory committee on biotechnol
ogy met recently and will be
providing the USD A with
advice on the thorny topic of
Agriculture Secretary Dan
Glickman opened the meeting of
43 scientists, farmers and con
sumer advocates which will play
a significant role in the develop
ment of agriculture policy over
the next decade.
“Agriculture biotechnology
will have a tremendous impact
not only on our food choices, but
in the way we produce our food,
on our natural resources, on
trade policy, and on other disci
plines like medicine. So I
wanted to tap a broad range of
expertise. And I wanted a group
of people who would look
(Continued from Page B 17)
2- 60-75
5-12 75-90
3- 75-85
4- 70-90
2.5-6 60-85
3-8 55-75
15-5 60-85
According to futures prices, #2
heating oil (a good proxy for
diesel fuel prices) is expected to
fall 7 percent by June and 9 per
cent by August, before increas
ing with seasonal demand.
Gasoline is expected to fall 10
percent by June, 17 percent by
August, and 23 percent by
The Sense of the Senate
amendment acknowledged the
many economic challenges
facing rural communities, in
cluding record low commodity
prices, anticompetitive markets,
a loss of jobs and businesses on
rural main street, and decline in
health care and education.
“Congress should respond
with a clear and strong message
to the participants and rural
families that Congress is com
mitted to giving the crisis in ag
riculture, and all of rural
America, its full attention by re
forming rural policies,” read the
The amendment called on
Congress to respond in a
manner that will:
• Alleviate the agricultural
price crisis.
• Ensure competitive mar
• Invest in rural education
and health care.
• Protect natural resources
for future generations.
• Ensure a safe and secure
food supply.
beyond the science and explore
the effects of this new discipline
wherever it might be felt,”
Glickman told the committee.
“I am a strong believer in the
potential for agricultural
biotechnology. But over time
I’ve also gained a greater appre
ciation for the need to address a
lot of the concerns surrounding
biotechnology. And, ironically,
USD A has been in a leadership
role in raising some of the ques
tions,” he said.
“We as a society must sort
through some very complex
issues to make informed deci
sions about policy, programs,
and initiatives that are in the
best interests of all involved con
sumers, farmers, processors, ev
eryone in the food chain.”
Farm Bureau has several
members on the committee.
C-IH Model 4500 Vibra
Shank field cultivator 13’
Lehigh Co 610-298-2761
Sulair compressor Hercues
diesel needs work/ JD
4230 new motor needs
trans , complete loader MH
colt Mustang 20/30
orange 914-374-2412
Nice Deitz Fahn DX7 10
4WD 4550 hr 145 hp
parshift creaper geer 34
speed 8 reverse, like new
precision vacuum seed
planter, 4 row $1,500 315-
For Rent Pasture for 40
head, good fence, will
divide, phone early morn,
Nottingham, Chester Co
Craftsman 10hp mower
mulcher 5 speed, rear
engine rider fair, B O
Anens rider G C BO
Chester Co. 610-948-7499
N H 489 Haybme $BOO. NH
Tedder 262 $BOO Little
giant 30ft elevator $4OO
Chester Co 610-869-8150
Cub implements - cults, 1 -B
plow, snow plow $450, Far
mall H distributor $l5O,
Honda T-70 Parts $75 com
pressor 2 hp Hunterdon
Co 908-782-2966
Souders manure loader
with Hyd bucket $4OO obo
Pressure treated electric
fence stakes 3 for $1 00.
Franklin Co 717-597-4494
Amerind MacKissic Mighty
Mac shredder, shp $l4O
NH conveyor for gram or
hay 25’ long, no wheels
$lOO Dauphin Co. 717-
Case 1070 tractor CAH one
owner low hrs Excellent
cond case 10’ gram drill
excellent cond Chester Co
Timothy orchard hay fancy
green, made young, guar
anteed no mold $l4O/ton,
2nd cutting very fancy
green $l6O/ton delivery
avail 570-345-4109
Hay, mixed grass, good
quality, no ram, $125 per
ion, delivered in 4-ton loads
/vithin 25 miles of Lancast
ar Lane Co 570-366-8703
311 Bobcat Backhoe
attachment $4,500 2JD
16" 344 3 point bottom
dlows 543 white 4 row corn
Planter $1,500 Juniata Co
3’ pickup bed iwth tailgate
3ft of 1987 Ford $lOO obo,
1979 F-350 pickup, bad
angme, $l5O obo Lebanon
2o 717-867-1227
Bolens 17 H P diesel gar
den tractor with 48” Belly
mower 820 hrs Excellet
condition, hydrostatic trans
HYD life $2,300 Centre Co
Wide flooring, Hewn
beams 10" x 10" -8” x 8” i[
tp 26' Also house to take
down with wide flooring etc
Crawford Co 814-694-
Int corn planter, pull type
with seat $35 JD manure
spreader $125 Fordson
taractor $1,200, hammer
mill grinder Montg Co.
2 - 24 ton feed bins, need
repair, cheep 1 with 3” flex
auger Lane. Co 717-786-
NH 320 baler A-1 shape w
thrower $5,400. IH 183 cul
tivator w-rollmg sheilds,
good shape $1,650 Lane.
Co 610-593-2415
Case 18358 skidloader
2045 original hrs with aux
hyd, very solid & clean,
excel paint, good tires
Lane. Co 717-445-9825
48" Cub Cadet commercial
grade mower deck $2OO
will frake for 3pt style snow
blower York Co 717-927-
PHONE 717-626-llbJ or 717-394-3047
FAX 717-733 6058
Mon Tues . Wed .FnB AM SPM Thurs 7AMto 5 PM
100 pieces new and old
farm toys, many have origi
nal boxes, all in excellent
shape, call for list, Suffolk
Sheep-Cheviot or Poly pay
ram $lOO Dorset/Polypay
Lambs $75 Chamlink Dog
Fence $75 3 pt box scraper
sft, $175 Lebanon 717-
1980 Bronco, 4x4, auto
matic, lifted suspension
with like new 35" tires, new
posi rear, needs work,
$1,600 obo Dauphin Co
Oliver Superior Gram Drill
17,S D 7” with ferlhzer and
hay box, excellent working
order $650 Carbon Co.
Dust collection fan, 23”
inlet Call for details, $5OO
obo Clinton Co 570-726-
JD 630 3pth with new tires,
nice sheet metal, also 3
piece front weight set fpr
520-730 Lycoming Co
1996 Dodge Ram 1500
truck black 4x4 360 motor
AT PW PDL regular cab
cruice control, 79,000 miles
am/fm cassette. Great Con
dition Huntingdon Co. 814-
448-3860, leave message
New 40 x 40 steel arch
building. Centre Co 814-
Six 4’w x 6’H stable doors
$5O ea or best offer; 90+/-
cast-iron tabacco rail hold
ers, BO; miscellamous lum
ber; rafters, beams; rails.
Lane Co. 717-529-2629
Two potato bins 550 cut,
each, crate dumper, Potato
crates Potato flume Lane.
Co 610-286-9510
2500 spruce and fir trees
sft $lO 00 each you dig.
Lincoln 4cy welder on trail
er $7OO. After 6pm Mer
cer 609-896-3778
John Deere 4020 diesel
wide front power shift ready
for work Lane Co. 717-
Craftman tractor GT 18
H P. Twin Kohler Magnum
engine 44” Deck 48” snow
blade weights, chains, nice
$750. York 717-244-3415
1989 Mitsubishi Galant GS
5-speed exc. cond. except
has bad engine, 75,000
miles Navy blue, $l,OOO.
obo Evenings Lacka. Co
Noble seed oats, cleaned
and bagged - $4 20 bu
Wanted; 770 David Brown
tractor parts Chester Co
89 Ford, Super Duty, Dump
Truck 14,500 GVW ssp 7 3
Diesel, Heavy Duty snow
plow 64,000 miles. Ready
to work $8,900 Chester
Co 610-269-3442
John Blue sprayer, 45- self
leveling boom, hydro
height control, foam mark
ers, two piston pump, T-Jet,
quick couplers $3,200
Queen Annes MO 410-
Tractor tires 20-8-38 w/nms
98% tread $750 obo, Jacob
Fisher, 83A Lower Valley
Rd , Christiana, Lane Co
1984 Gleaner F 3 corn-soy
bean special, hydro, 13'flex
head, A 430 Black Corn
head ex. cond Carroll Co
1991 Case I.H. 595 row
crop Bar Azles 3pt., 3-
remotes, 1423 original
hours, excellent condition,
shed kept, $12,000.
Lebanon Co. 717-469-0356
Oliver Disk fuel tank old
barn frame, hess trucks, A rnat „„....
old player piano, Imcoln D | a AC °^ rr l
welder trailer 12x7. Cum- 333 f?pirt r Lrtw r H m ? de
hprianri Pn 717 psp Apm ® ready can deliver
periand Co 717-258-4610 $ B5O . Cec|| Co 410 . 658 .
Tractor tires, Good Year 6325
rims, excellent $750 Peer- aae M on tnnmprv/ rTmi 9
less roller mill blower Lane 253 5?37 ® e V < -'° 331 ‘
Co 610-593-8034 —■ 237
Lambert farm community
supported agncultue pro
gram taking applications for
2000 season, also Babydoll
Southdown lambs avail
able, taking orders. Lane.
Co 717-445-6904
Farmall SMTA Diesel
orgmal paint $4,800 JD
820 foot throtle dual
remotes $7,500 Bobcat
5428 1100 hours $7,500
Renns Co 518-766-2927
7' pickup truck, aluminum
topper with claps and lid.
Lane. Co. 717-665-6930
Antique; Sears (David
Bradley) 2 Handiman trac
tor, plow, disc, cultivator,
many more attachments
Working condition, asking
$535. Dauphin Co 717-
1966 Ford Industrial Back
ho Diesel, Rebuilt, Ex.
Cond. $B,OOO. 717-656-
Hesston 1120 Haybme
Pauls Portable Livestock
Scales Westfield 46' Gram
Auger Heavy Duty Portable
Head Locks NI. 3615
Manure Spreader. 717-
N H. 282 Baler with Electric
thrower Very Good Condi
tion $2,500 or Best Offer,
Call evenings Columbia
Trailer Gooseneck display
26' x 8' hydraulic lift side
entire length - living quar
ters - dual axels $3,500.
Perry Co 717-438-3556
25ft elevator $5OO,
24x24x46 100 gal fuel tank
$175, Dellinger 3pt. pto
31”dia saw $3OO metal tail
gate 80’s Ford $75 Lane
Co 717-392-6885
Registered Angus, Calving
eze bulls 3” Gorman Rupp
trash pump with 24h p
Kohler engine on trailer
Franklin Co 717-532-9662
(2) 18 x 30 tires, good 8 ply
casings, some tread left,
$4O each, 1 good tube $lO,
Kesco dumping station,
$7O Dauphin Co 717-362-
IH vibra shank harrow 13ft
width has cylinder, good
condition rear hitch York
Co 717-428-3204
FREE To Good Home
Adult Female Mixed Breed
Dog-Friendly, good w/kids
Black Lab puppy-male
9wks ofld lebanon 717-
1975 Bronco Redone 1989
rebuilt engine 60,000 miles
extra 302 engine transfer
case transmission other
extras. Best Offer York Co
5 -48” Air-Teck Fans
w/shutters $325 10 - 36”
direct drive box fans $75 6
- 36” belt drive $75. Lane
Co 717-354-5682
John Deere mower deck
39" for 110-112 No rust,
this is clean. Mont Co. 610-
Forklift small LP Hyster,
runs good, side shift,
$1,200 Elec Motors all
sizes, single phase. Cecil
Co 410-398-4313
John Deere 3800 chopper
with 2 row corn head, and
grass head, John Deere 60
tractor. Baltimore 410-239-
Mmneapolis-Molme power
unit 4-5/8 x 6 6cyl, funs
good, phone 410-798-0529
after 5 p.m , $2,500 or best
Dodge 1972 1-ton stake
body 38,000 original miles,
318 engine & atuo. trans.
with liftgate. best offer. York
Co. 717-993-9090
880 Oliver overhauled
engine and power boster,
also 88 good condition
best offer, both very good
sheetmetel Cumb. Co.
Dorset yearling ewes
Excellent quality show
ewes Dams are great
mothers, easy lambers
Call now $2OO. each Lane
Co 717-284-5911
Ayrshires-Summer Year
ling-Nice bred heifer due
April, was 4-H Project,
Fresh heifers York Co 717-
Sydhill Australian stock
saddle-breastplate $975 ,
Beautiful condition
Stubben All-purpose sad
dle, good condition, $475
Western trail - $225. York
Co 717-259-7721
20" Push mower like new,
serviced $7O Tiller rear
hook-up for lawn tractor 30”
6hp gauge wheels $9O
Lane Co 610-593-5409
Antique wheel horse riding
tractor with mower tecum
sch engine. Lane Co. 717-
24T baler with 30 throuther
from new in good condition
never out side $1,500
Feed bin 8 ton $250
Lebanon Co. 717-949-3723
Gehl 95 mill $l,OOO. 100
CFM. Air commpresser
$2,000. T-Bar web for 791
N.H. spreader $75 Lane
Co 717-354-7267
6807 Deutz tractor 70hp
JD 700 grinder mixer needs
repair Lane Co 717-626-
Hollymatic super 54 patty
machm with box of paper
factory serviced, very good
condition $950. Before 9
p m please Lacka Co
3 yr. old Belguim gelding.
Light sorrel. Broke, ready to
go. Jonas Esh, 3424 Old
Phila Pike, Ronks Lane
Utility Trailer one axle
brakes 7xlo $6OO Lane
Co 717-392-6911
JD 1240 corn planter 4RN
dry fertilizer insecticide
$950. 8 ton brock feed bin
with 6" auger $250 Lane.
Co. 717-548-3722
4th cutting Alfalfa Lane. Co
Sassaficas farms 717-464-
Alfalfa, Grass, & Mixed Hay
delivery available in 1-1/2
ton loads, John Deere 494
corn planter, no fertilizer
Lane. Co 653-9408
Farmall M diesel excellent
original condition power
steering, two hydraulic out
lets $2,500 John Deere 80
diesel excellent $7,500
Northhampton Co. 610-
Omaga standard truck
body complete with hydral
ic liff, good condition
$1,750 Frederick Co. 301-
JD 336 baler with thrower
Excel Cond JD starter and
generator for 24 volt. Call
anytime. Bucks Co 215-
House, garage, shed, 47
acres Potter County fields
and woods spring water,
beautiful views, great hunt
ing. Asking $112,500. Pot
ter Co. 814-228-3317
Anderson window 4x4
crank out with screen. 4” 16
guage Chicago metal brake
(not junk) Berks Co. 610-
Kubota L24SDT 25HP
4wdr. loader Curtis Cab.
670 hrs calcium in wheels
$lO,OOO. Lebanon Co. 717-
1816 Case skid steer 48”
material bucket 36" manure
fork fair condition $2,700.
Garrett 301-746-8884
Oliver 77, MM 2 row corn
picker, JD 4 row planter,
Oliver 4BOT plow, T)-35
w/backhoe-loader, food
concession trailer. Dauphin
Co 469-1519
Kittens, mitten footed, non
registered, wormed, litter
trained, tigers, t-white,
black, blk-white, blond, sev
eral others $B5 Adams Co
Butcher block type table
43” x 128” $250 Chop rite
#32 grinder with pulley or
handle and knifes $145