*Kids # r* O.J <| I % The Spy Business How much do you really know about the CIA and what it does 7 The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) performs a variety of functions to keep our country safe The leaders of the United States don't have time to do all the research on other countries or to find out the secrets of those countries That's why they depend on the CIA Intelligence is broken into a number of categories Current A look at things that happen during a regular day Estimative A decision as to what might or might not happen Warning An alert that something urgent might happen that needs attention Research An m-depth study of an issue Scientific & Technical A lot of information about foreign technologies The CIA Seal Just like all other government agencies the CIA has a seal President Harry S Truman approved the current CIA seal in 1950 The seal is red white and blue the colors of the flag In the middle of the seal is a compass or star It has 16 points which stand for the search for intelligence all over the world The compass is on a shield that stands for defense Above the compass and shield is a bald eagle the national bird and the symbol of strength and alertness For more information on the CIA and its functions, visit http //www odci gov/aa/ciakids/index html on the Internet At t 1 3| # # •• •• • ' !• •% •! 4 W M sw y 6* W '• \* *•' XIS ONV 333H1 A3MSNV VC /||p| Color m each space that contains a letter tas /vrl *-<v> PEACO K C T U R P OfQ II A 1 Dfflw ?1 I u .V U L T VU L T AC O C V QUA 1 DOR F F I N. PUF I N R T SEEKtSFIND FIND THESE WORDS IN THE PUZZLE SELOW. CHICKEN FALCON PUFFIN CONDOR PEACOCK QUAIL EAGLE PELICAN TURKEY EMU PENGUIN VULTURE THE WORDS READ UK DOWN AND ACROSS. E O fil Start* Here * So You Want to 8e... Have you ever wondered what it would be like to help people who have been sick or hurt. Well, that's what recreational therapists do. They help people who have gotten hurt in an accident or who have been sick and can't move around much get active again. In order to do this, recreational therapists use sports, games, arts and crafts and even music. All these things work to build patients' confidence and help them on the road to recovery Recreational therapists build a program for the patient by looking at the doctor's chart, talking to the patient's doctor(s) and other staff, and also talking to the patient's family. They also listen to what the patient has to say. Then they help the patient with stretch exercises and even work with him/her to reduce stress Some recreational therapists are self-employed, but most of them work in hospitals and nursing homes. Many recreational therapists work in hospital activity rooms. Sometimes, they work with a patient in a swimming pool or on a playing field Most of the time, therapists work 40 hours a week, but sometimes they are required to work evenings, weekends and holidays Hospitals usually require therapists to have a degree After that, therapists have to pass a test to become certified by a national board / * T U R T W P U R E R U L K M I EEC Y L A W G N X A E NEW N N E F y*/
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers