Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 08, 2000, Image 52
84-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 8, 2000 Zeke and Salty Brehen’s garden offers butterflies large beautiful butterfly bushes, joe pye weeds, zebra grass, variegated miscanthus and lotus plants. Monarch (Continued from Page 82) get tired of watching them. When they can fly, they fly to the window If it’s warm and not windy, I put them on my hand, open the window, and let them fly away” Butterflies hatched from July through the end of August gen erally stay to lay more eggs and then die The butterflies released from the end of August through October are genetically marked or born to migrate. Butterflies west of the Rocky Mountains spend the winter in California while butterflies east of the Rocky Mountains migrate up to 2,200 miles to Mexico. The Brehm’s stick a tiny 1/4-inch wing tag, or sticker, from the University of Kansas on their later releases. “We keep a log of our releas es. We keep track of the sex of the butterfly, temperature, and wind conditions.” The wing tag lists an abbrevi ated address for the University AVltfOl For The Control Of • Starlings • Pigeons • Sparrows • Crows Avilrol Is A Pesticide For Control of Pest Birds *295“ +6.00 Shipping • Restricted use pesticide must have current applicators license Blain Supply Rt. 1, Box 117 H Blain, PA 17006 (717) 536-3861 of Kansas. Anyone finding a dead monarch with a wing tag should mail the butterfly to the entomology department. This helps scientists keep track of migratory paths. The butterflies overwinter and are studied by scientists at a protected monarch reserve area in El Rosario, Mexico. Sally said over 200 tagged monarchs make it to Mexico, but none of their mon archs have made it. Sally and Zeke became inter ested in raising butterflies five years ago. They attended semi nars offered by the entomology department at Penn State. “Zeke is an environmentalist for the Department of Environmental Protection. When most women get flowers from their husbands, I might get a beautiful, brightly colored bee tle! But I’ve always been inter ested in nature. Each year we plant a new host plant to attract a new type of butterfly.” For more information about raising butterflies, contact the North American Butterfly Association with chapters in Harrisburg and at Penn State. Landscaping To Attract Birds UNIVERSITY PARK (Centre Co.)-Most homeowners can attract a few birds to their property simply by hanging out a bird feeder, but a wildlife spe cialist and a horticultural researcher in Penn State’s Col lege of Agricultural Sciences say people fond of these flying visi tors can customize their land scape to attract a variety of birds. “The best way to attract birds to your home is to think like a bird,” says Margaret Britting ham, associate professor of wild life resources in the School of Forest Resources. “Consider what the birds need and then see if your property meets those needs.” Consider the following fac tors: •Food. Birds will visit a house with just a feeder, but a wider variety of birds will appear if a mix of feeders and fruit-bearing plants is available. “Limiting use of insecticides also is import ant because most birds feed on insects during breeding season,” Brittingham says. •Cover. Trees, shrubs and other plants offer cover from predators and the elements. Brittingham recommends using plantings of various sizes. “Birds divide their habitat verti cally,” she says. “Some bird spe cies occupy only the shrub layer, while others are found only in tree tops.” •Nesting Sites. Certain bird species require specialized areas to nest, such as tall grasses or ev ergreens. •Water Source. A birdbath or simple ceramic dish filled with water can serve as an excellent water source. Brittingham says songbirds are attracted by the sound of running water, so homeowners might consider in stalling a re-circulating water fall or fountain. Robert Snyder, research sup port assistant in horticulture and an avid birder, recommends that homeowners offer a variety of plants to prospective winged visitors. •Fruiting Plants. Snyder points out that small trees and shrubs are excellent sources of low- to mid-canopy cover. Plants that provide food in summer months include service- Consider incorporating these features isic needs: tm berry, dogwood, elderberry and common spicebush. Food sources in fall and winter in clude honeysuckle, fruiting cra bapple varieties and common winterberry, a native holly. “Many of the berries produced by these plants are brilliantly colored and can provide a bit of color in the winter months,” Snyder says. •Evergreens. Snyder says ev ergreen trees and shrubs provide cover for birds year round and, when planted together, can act as a windbreak for birds. Ever green cones can be a source of food as well, particularly for winter finches and crossbills. •Native Shrubs. Snyder says native shrubs that bear fruits preferred by birds in the wild can be used to landscape mar ginal areas. He says alders and hawthorns can tolerate poorly drained areas, and brambles such as dewberry, raspberry and blackberry will grow in poor, dry soils. “There are several catalog suppliers that carry native plants,” Snyder says. “Larger nurseries or garden centers may stock them as well.” •Grasses. Several game birds, sandpipers and songbird species are ground-nesting, requiring long grasses or meadow-like conditions. “Allow grasses to grow up along fencerows or drainages, or plant a corner of the property with native grasses to make a meadow,” Snyder suggests. •Pile Things Up. Snyder says some birds like to nest in brush, rock or wood piles. “Be sure to put the pile in an area where it looks unobtrusive and will not It’s important to fill out your Census form... Here are a few . | of the places RHiSSk JM you can go for help. WmllMt//>r>J m Crtspus Attacks March ls*& Community Csnter April t 4 407 Howard Ave., Lancaster Oak Bottom Village 123 Groffdale Dr. Quarryville Water Street March 27* Rescue Mission April 14 210 S. Prince St, Lancaster Lancaster Job Cntr. 60 West Walnut St. Lancaster Lancaster Co, Library March 27 - 125 N, Duke SI. April 14 Lancaster Trinity Lutheran Church 31 S. Duke St., Lancaster Steinman , March 2? * Boya/Qlrls Club April 14 333 Oauphin St. Lancaster I anca|ter&iai-pimq \ or r*eka Water attract wild animals such as skunks near your house,” he says. •Vines. Vines such as trumpet creeper, American bittersweet and wild grape can conceal piles and provide additional cover and food for birds. Vining plants that attract hummingbirds in clude runner bean, morning glory and Virginia creeper. Snyder suggests hanging twine down from a tree or feeder and training vines to climb the lengths. •Flowers. Brittingham says hummingbirds are attracted to the color red. Beebalm, cardinal lobelia and columbine are just three of the many plants that can attract hummingbirds. A fact sheet, “Pennsylvania Wildlife #2-Attracting Wildlife: Sources of Assistance,” lists sources for additional tips on at tracting wildlife. Single copies are available free of charge by contacting your county Penn State Cooperative Extension office, or by calling the College of Agricultural Sciences Publi cations Distribution Center at (814)865-6713. March 27 - April 14 March 27 - Mon. - Fri. April 14 ' 10-4:30 March 27 - April 14 1 E. Mam St., Ephrata PA 17522 at PMd«ri —J a and Food 3 Soureot Provide. 0 * 3 Mon. - Fn 12 - 4 Moo. * Fri -12:00 * 4 Mon.-Fit 9-5:30 Sat 10-4 Mon. - Fn 12-4 Mon, * Fri. %% * 8:30 S&ilo»4>