(Continued from Page 89) auction or centralized distribution point. Calves purchased under these circumstances should be started on a diet that is relatively high in fiber and gradually adjusted to a higher energy finishing ration. The Immune System The immune system helps animals resist disease by pre paring them for the stresses they are sure to encounter. A general understanding of how the immune system functions is important in developing an effective animal health pro gram. An extensive network of small vessels constantly moni tors the animal for the presence of foreign agents or materi als that may penetrate protective body coverings. This network, called the lymphatic system, funnels the foreign disease-producing agents to the lymphoid system, which recognizes them as abnormal and begins to neutralize their destructive potential. The neutralizing activity establishes groups of cells capa ble of creating antibodies that specifically attack the disease-producing agents. Antibodies normally attack two to three weeks after the foreign agent enters the animal’s body. However, cells that also have a memory function can produce antibodies much more quickly-in about three days-if the same agent attacks the animal a second time. The blood circulatory system delivers the highly specific antibodies to the site(s) of irritation. The functioning of the animal’s immune system is called active immunity because the animal actively participates in the production of antibo dies. Your Partner for Nutrient Management Compliance Tuiti to the full-time Nutrient Management Team from Brubaker Consulting Group to help you develop your individual manure management plan. Brubaker Consulting Group offers complete Nutrient Management Services, including: •CAFO Permitting • Nutrient Management Plans • Engineering Services To find out if your farm meets current requirements or to learn more about us, call today. HlSrubaker 1 -800-840-1 711 CONSULTING GROUP E-mail: info@ brubakergroup.com Website; www.brubakergroup.com Vaccination And Age Increase Immunity Two of the most effective aids in maintaining animal health are vaccination and natural or age-related immunity. Vaccination intentionally exposes the immune system of animals to a specific agent, permitting it to respond quickly to a subsequent infection. A second intentional exposure is known as a booster vaccination. Vaccination can substan tially reduce severe disease problems, especially those caused by viruses, if the times of peak stress and the usual disease-producing agents are known. In the absence of vaccination, viruses often achieve their full destructive potential. Antibiotics are not effective against viral infections, but they are often used to reduce the severity of secondary infections caused by environmental bacteria. Natural immunity is acquired in the course of normal aging. As animals age, they are constantly exposed to infec tious agents; during periods of minimal stress this exposure generally stimulates immunity without disease symptoms. As a result of increasing immunity and improving ability to handle stress, older animals are usually more resistant to disease than younger animals are. Thus, purchasing more mature cattle can help reduce the incidence of disease. Preshipment Conditioning Recommendations can be made for minimizing stress in feeder calves. Since the change from the maternal to the feedlot environment involves tremendous stress, prepara tion for this period-preconditioning-has been the focus of attention. The buyer of feeder cattle should be aware of rec (Turn to Page 72) • Barnyard Evaluations • Spreader Calibrations • Manure Analysis • Soil Testing • Soil Erosion Conservation Plans • Renewal Assistance, and more