Hatfield at the plant. At five months the hogs begin going to slaughter and the rooms are emptied a few weeks after that. The Beams per form a complete cleanout of the facility. The Beams haul about 85 hogs at a time, on average. The Beams were able to weather the price fallout in De cember 1998, when the price plummeted to 15 cents a pound. In early 2000 the Beams averaged 41-41.5 cents per pound for hogs delivered. Beam credits his consulating veterinarian for introducing them to a lot of the concepts of proper swine care. The veter inarian keeps the farm in line with slaughter checks and health recommendations. Beam also has a beef finishing operation. He finishes Dental Care and Feeding of Old Horses David L. Foster, V.M.D. I’ve seen this scenario hundreds of times before. I arrive at a new clients farm, remove and arrange my equipment, and am introduced to my patient. The owner says: “Old Pokey has lost a lot of weight the past few years. He used to be such an easy keeper, but now, you can see for yourself, he looks so thin.” I am a veterinarian who practices horse den tistry and I get a lot of these calls. The life expectancy of horses is getting longer. There are many things that contribute to this. Improvements in diet, shelter, parasite control and veterinary care all have con tributed to the increased lifespan of horses. The effects have “Established 1980” SUMMIT AC SYSTEMS Serving your Fencing Needs • High Tensile Fence Livestock Handling Equip. 800/242-3240 814/735-3293 phone/fax 4 eves. IW FARMS iats Road, JJ 08807 ;ey's Fencing 3049 about 400 Angus-based crossbreds per year. The cattle are sold to Moyer Packing. The system is com silage and grain, feedlot-based. The calves are obtained at Virginia tele-auctions and trucked to Elverson. Beam points to the dry, hot summer that kept fly prob lems and other issues at bay. Beam already has hosted some public events at the farm. One was a picnic in 1997 to show neighbors some of the in novations at the farm. He said in the future he would like to switch over to more food by-product feed and combine that with a total mixed ration diet for the cattle. been amazing. Just twenty years ago, when I began my vet erinary career, a horse over twenty-five years old was a rarity. Now it is quite common to see horses and ponies that are pushing thirty and beyond! But with this new ‘lease on life,’ comes a few challenges. There are subtle but important changes that take place as a horse ages. We must keep these changes in mind to keep ‘Old Pokey’ happy and healthy. Some of the most important changes that take place in the aged horse are in his mouth. We feed horses hay and usually some form of concentrated ration like grain. They also eat forage or grass. Horse’s teeth are wonderfully GLENWOOD METALS LLC CUSTOM CUT METAL ROOFING & SIDING Galvanize & Galvalume •29 gauge -15 colors painted • 26 gauge commercial • 29 gauge stainless steel • .024 Aluminum Standing Seam Roofing • 12 colors painted & galvalume Trims - Screws - Nails to match colors 265 E. Meadow Valley Rd., Lititz, PA 17543 717-626-9674 800-582-9956 717-627-6892 - Fax (Turn to Pago 60)
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