\ * Transition cows find Animate* so palatable they sometimes don't know when to stop. Introducing Animate anionic mineral supplement The threat of milk fever and other post calving disorders associated with hypocalcemia are real for every producer. That's why more farmers are turning to Animate, the new, low inclusion anionic mineral supplement that transition cows will eat. Topdressed or added to a total mixed ration (TMR), its proven combination of anionic minerals and palatability enhancers means cows won't turn away from their feed. Plus, its patented matrix technology provides a uniform granular anionic source during the crucial transition stage. IMC>ir „ ACRICO. Feed Ingredients IMC Agrico Feed Ingredients 2345 Waukegan Road Suite E-200 Bannockburn, Illinois 60015 847-607-3290 Fax: 847-607-3527 E-mail:deaxe@imcglobal.com