Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 08, 2000, Image 160
D4-L«n<aster Farming, Saturday, April 8, 2000 LANCASTER (Lancaster Co.) - Recent developments regarding the H 7 N 2 avian influenza (A. 1.) virus which is present in many of the New York and New Jersey live-bird mar kets and which was responsible for the 1997-1998 outbreak in Pennsylvania make it urgent that A.l. biosecurity procedures be reviewed and, if necessary, improved. Up until recently, repeated testing of virus samples (isolates) of H 7 N 2 by USDA-ARS research workers had shown the virus to have the internal structure (ammo acid configuration, etc.) that made it unlikely to become highly pathogenic (to produce severe disease) Recently some of the H 7 N 2 iso lates have shown internal changes that could signal an increasing trend toward the risk of becoming highly pathogenic. If this occurred, the cur rent H 7 N 2 virus could then produce the kind of severe disease seen in the 1983-84 H 5 N 2 outbreak where more than 16 million birds were depopulat ed and many more died before the outbreak was stopped. Because this H 7 N 2 virus is found regularly in some of the live bird mar kets, it is especially important that any direct or indirect contact with live bird markets be reviewed Such con tacts could include dealers m the live bird markets, flocks supplying birds tor the markets, and trucks and equip ment that may be used to transport birds to or from the markets. Any such contacts should be conducted only under the highest level ot biose- Coiync on Yoy ours,,, /y\ove ovcft/ NEED MORE ROOM? Read The Real Estate Ads In Lancaster Farming's Classified Section r BM\ PEANUT \ HULLS 1 For i BEDDING Most effective as bedding for all kinds of beef and dairy cattle, hogs, ' k horses, sheep and V poultty Any amount delivered t or call for at farm. Esbenshade Turkey Farm (America’s Oldest—Since 1858) PO Box 337 i Paradise, Pa. (717) 687-7631 Producers: Be Aware Of Avian Influenza Alert cunty. There are many other procedures which the industry should be practic ing on a regular basis Keeping Avian Influenza Out • If a poultry dealer must come to your farm, insist that his crates and trucks are clean. Never allow crates to be put in your house, particularly if any birds are to remain on the farm. The avian influenza virus is consis tently found in the New York and New Jersey live bird markets • Keep the poultry house locked. Allow only essential personnel into your poultry house. They should wear clean or disposable coveralls, head cover and plastic boots or boots which can be washed and disinfected. Have a disinfectant footbath that is changed daily at the outside entries to the poultry house and egg room. • Both domestic and wild water fowl, including gulls, can be carriers of A.l. virus Don’t carry feces from these birds on your shoes or equip ment into your poultry house. • Do not spread manure from any flock that has experienced suspicious illness and mortality within at least three weeks after illness or unless manure is first composted and cov ered for several weeks. • Dispose of dead birds safely - by incineration, burial, composting or rendering. Never pile birds outside a building or dispose of in fields. • Do not use equipment from another farm on your farm unless it was cleaned and disinfected. JSilo Unloader Technology Takes a Giant Leap Forward! • * FRANKLIN’S FARM SERVICE Laceyville, PA 570-869-2407 HARRYTROOP Cochranville, PA 19335 215-593-6731 HISTAND’S FARM & HOME SERVICE Rome. PA 717-744-2371 HOOVER EQUIPMENT Tyrone, PA 16686 814-684-1777 LAPP’S BARN EQUIPMENT SALES & SERVICE Gap, PA 17527 717-442-8134 KDtR Visit our Website! No Downpayment! No Payments That's right! For a limited time, purchase any NEW Jamesway Big Jim Quantum Silo Unloader with NO DOWNPAYMENT, NO PAYMENTS FOR 90 DAYS! Your first lease payment will be due 90 days from delivery of the Big Jim. Offer valid through May 31, 2000! Call Your Jamesway Dealer Today! JAMES L. HOSTETTER ROVENDALE AG & McVeytown, PA 17051 BARN EQUIPMENT 717-899-6386 Watsontown, IfA 17777 GEORGE COLEMAN 570-538-9564 Elmer, NJ 08318 OR 570-742-4226 609-358-8528 McMILLEN BROTHERS Loysville, PA 717-789-3961 (Van Dale Dealer) WIGGERS FARM EQUIPMENT Corry, PA 814-664-2661 PRINGLES SUPPLY & EQUIPMENT INC. Greenville, PA 16125 724-588-7950 * Lease provisions tailored to your needs - choose the number of months best for you Choose one of two buyout options as well Options include 10% or $ 1 buyout Buyout option determines exact monthly lease payment, and must be designated at the time the lease is accepted Leases financed through Stearns Bank upon credit approval • Egg pickup and feed delivery people should wear protective foot covering - either disposable plastic boots that are left on the farm to dis card or rubber boots that are disin fected. • Insist that supplies brought to your farm are either new (if fiber flats) or are clean, washed, and disin fected (plastic flats, carts, shelves or dividers). • Do not attend auctions where poultry are sold. • Wild birds (starlings, etc.) could spread the A.l. virus. Keep birds screened out of your houses and work with pest control professionals to try and reduce or eliminate these birds on your premises. • Growers should not wear poultry for 90 Days! SOLLENBERGER SILOS CORP. Chambersburg, PA 17201 717-264-9588 SOMERSET BARN EQUIPMENT Somerset, PA 15501 814-445-5555 STAR SILOS Myerstown, PA 17067 717-866-5708 house clothing and footwear away from the farm. • Restrict the movement of all vehicles (automobiles and trucks) entering and leaving your farm. Disinfect the tires, undercarriage (when possible), and floor of vehi cles. • Participate in the statewide avian influenza monitoring program. This includes submitting at least 120 and preferably 24-30 eggs (blood eggs are preferable) per month from all laying flocks and collecting 10 bloods at slaughter from meat bird flocks. • Report any increased illness or mortality to your company or to the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, (717) 783-8300. NEW JERSEY GLADHILL TRACTOR MART Frederick, MD 21701 301-663-6060 MD & VA MILK PRODUCERS ASSOC Frederick, MD 21701 301-663-6552