Al2-Lancastcr Farming, Saturday, April 8, 2000 Phila. Fruit PHILADELPHIA Terminal Prices as of 05-APR-2000 Provided by: Fruit and Vegetable Mark et News, Federal-State Market News Service, USDA. Phone: (215) 597-4536 Fax: (215) 336-0355 CLEAR 38-66 NA—FVOIO CITRUS FRUITS —GRAPEFRUIT: MARKET STEADY 4/5 buctns FL Indian River Red 23s 12.00 27s 12.00 32s 11.00 36s 10.0040 s 10.0048 s 9.0056 s 8.00-9.00 -LEMONS: MARKET SP LOWER & CA STANDARD LOWER. OTHERS ABOUT STEADY ctns CA Shprs Ist Grade 140 s 18.00 Shprs Choice 95s 14.00 115 s 15.00-16.00 140 s 16.00-17.00 mostly 16.00 165 s 16.00-17.00 200 s 15.00 Unci (Standard! 95s 11.50-12.00 115 s The concrete slat with your animals comfort in mind A laige percentage of openings keep animals clean & dry • H & J Bunks • Hog & Cattle Slats • Bunker Silos Give us a call for more information on hog, beef, dairy and heifer barns. Keystone concrete PRODUCTS 11.50-13.00 15 kg cntrs SP 140 s 12.00 160 s 12.00 -LIMES: MARKET ABOUT STEADY 10 lb ctns FL 48s 8.00 54s 7.00- MX 48s 8.00 54s 7.00-8.00 mostly 7.00 few 6.00 40 lb ctns MX 175 s 26.00- 200 s 22.00-24.00 —MISC CITRUS: NO SALES REPORTED ORANGES: MARKET ABOUT STEADY ctns CA Shprs Ist Grade Navel 36s 13.0056 s 12.00-14.00 72s 10.00-13.00 mostly 1130-1230 88s 9.00-12.00 mostly 9.00- 113 s 8.00-10.00 some 11.00 Shprs Choice Navel 56s 9.00 72s 8.00-9.00 mostly 8.00 88s 7.00-830 mostly 8.00 I i3s g. 50 4/5 buctns FL Valencia 64s 8.00- mostly 8.00-9.00 80s 8.00-930 mostly 8.00-9.00 100 s 8.00-9.50 mostly 9.00 125 s 8.50-9.00 —TANGELOS; ctns CA Minneola 64s 15.00 80s 15.00 100 s 14 00-15.00 125 s 12.00 --- TANGERINES: MARKET STEADY 4/5 buctns FL Honey 80s 18.00 100 s 16.00 120 s 14.00 150 s 12.00 176 s 10.00 10 kg Concrete Slatted Free Stall Barns Other Products 477 EAST FARMERSVILLE RD. NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 slatA (717) 355-2361 ctns SP 75s 14.00 occ 15.00 45s 14.00 occ IS.OO —TEMPLES: NO SALES REPORTED BERRIES —BLUEBERRIES: OFFER INGS INSUFFICIENT TO QUOTE CRANBERRIES: OFFERINGS NONE MISC BERRIES; OFFERINGS INSUFFI CIENT TO QUOTE —RASPBERRIES: OFFERINGS INSUFFICIENT TO QUOTE —STRAWBERRIES: MARKET FL LOWER. CA HIGHER, fils 12 1-pt bids CA med-lge 14.00-15.00 one label 19.00-20.00 ft cond 10.00-11.00 FL med lge 7.00-8.00 ord-fr cond 2.00-6.00 MELONS —CANTALOUPS: MARKET HIGHER' 1/2 CR 9s 8.00-9.0012 s 10.00 fr cond 6.00-8.00 ISs 9.00-10.00 ft cond 8.00 GU 12s 10.00-11.00 mostly 11.00 ISs 8.00-9.00 mostly 9.00 HD 12s 10.00 ISs 9.00 —HONEYDEWS: MARKET ABOUT STEADY 2/3 ctns CR 6s 6.50-8.00 OU Ss 8.00 6s 7.00-8.00 mostly 7.00 fr cond 5.00 8s 8.00 —MISC MELONS: OFFERINGS INSUFFICIENT TO QUOTE —WATERMELONS: ctns per ctn MX Sangria 3s few 18.00 Red Seedless 4s few 22. 00 NON-CITRUS FRUITS APPLESt MARKET ABOUT STEADY etna trypk CL BOAT Granny Smith 90s 16X0 Roy al Gala 70s fr cond 15.00 80s 24X0 fr cond 15.00 90s 22X0 fr cond 15X0 100 s 20.00 fr cond 13.00-14.00 WA U.S. ExFcy Royal Gala 100 s 14.00 CON TROLLED ATMOSPHERE STOR- • Concrete Post & Beams • Concrete Gutters AGE ctns trypk NY U 5. ExFcy Mcln tosh 88s 17X0 WA WA ExFcy Red Deli cious 80s 14X0-15X0 one label 20X0 88a 15.00- one label 20.00 100 s 15X0-17.00 one label 20X0 113 s 16X0 125 s 16X0 Golden Delicious 56-64 a fr cond 10X0-11X0 Granny Smith 72s fr cond 10X0 U.S. ExFcy Fuji 48s 18X056s 18X0 ctns celpk NY U.S. ExFcy Mcln tosh 80s 18X0-20X0 100 a 18X0 120 s 16X0 WA WAExFcy Golden Delicious 80s 25.00 96s 22.00-24.00 APRICOTS: OFFERINGS NONE AVOCADOS: ctns 2 lyr CA Hass 48s 38X0-39.00 mostly 39.00 —BANANAS: MARKET STEADY 40 lb ctns IMPORT 12J0 fair qual 10.50-ILSO sml 858-9XO mas 9XO petite 13X0 40 lb ctns bagged IMPORT 12.50 CHERRIES: OFFERINGS NONE FRUITS OTHER: NO SALES REPORTED —GRAPES: MARKET ABOUT STEADY 18 lb bigs bgd AG BOAT Red Globe Ige fr cond BXO-10X0 CL BOAT Thompson Seedless exlge 18.00- Ige 16.00 med-lge 12X0-14.00 med 10.00-12X0 fr cond 600-7.00 Flame Seedless exlge 19X0 Ige 14X0-15.00 med-lge 13X0-14X0 mostly 14X0 fr cond BXO-9.00 Ruby Seedless med 12X0 fr cond BXO-9.00 Black Seed less Ige 13.00-14X0 some 12X0 fr cond 6.00 Red Globe exlge 14.00 Ige 11X0-12.00 med-lge 9XO 16 lb lugs bgd CL BOAT Thompson Seedless exlge 1600 16 lb lugs wrpd CL BOAT White Seedless Type med-lge fr cond 7XO-BXO 4.5 kg entrs SF BOAT Alphonse med fr cond 5.00 Sun Red med ord cond Got a big harvesting season ahead of you? CLAAS® has the equipment! CLAAS understands the scope of your operation and what drives you. For your big silage, hay and straw needs we offer optimum-package, mid-sized big square balers for high-quality, highly compressed nutrient-rich bales with excejtei handling, storage and transput qualities. The QUADRANT* 220 produces bales 27" % 48" xup 10' in length, and the QUAD& 1150 makes 20" x s2* * up to 7' bates. Add the ROTO CUT* cutting system to pre-process the bale. Our high-capacity twin rotary rakes adapt to uneven ground conditions and gives you one swath in a 22'4" working width or two swaths in a 24'7" working width. Full line of tedders is also avail able. Our 4-rotor model is North America’s largest rotary rake. Meeting ail your harvesting needs! Contact your local CLAAS dealer today for the harvesting machinery you need now. Visit our internet site at or e-mail us at PENNSYLVANIA: Bence's Farm Equipment 116 Willow Brook Lane ... Bedford Greencastle Meyers Implements, Inc. 400 North Antrim Way, RO. Box 97... 717-597-2176 M.M. Weaver & Sons, Inc. 169 North Groffdale Rd New Bethlehem -..Hetricks Farm Supply, Inc. Rt. 3, Box 177 . Newport: Leola Smith's Farm Equipment 30 Acker Road Sandy Lake Implement Co., Inc Rt 173, 3675 Sandy Lake Rd. - Sandy Lake Williamsburg: Longeneckers, Inc Rd 2, Box 121 A-1 130-2.00 —KIWIFRUITi MARKET STEADY fits 1 lyr GR 33i 63)0 36a 63)0 IT 33i 73M) 10 kg ultra IT Mi 123M>108* 123)0 27 b 143)0 30 b 143)0 33 b 143)0 36 b 13.00 39 b 133)0 42 n 123)0 MANGOESt MARKET ABOUT STEADY dns 1 lyr MX Tommy Atkins 12s 4.50-53)0 14s 430-53 K) Ataulfo 18s 7.00- —NECTARINES: OFFER INGS INSUFFICIENT TO QUOTE PAPAYA: MARKET STEADY 10 lb ctns BZ Red Flesh 7s few 11.00 JM Red Flesh 8s 12.00 9s 12.00 10s 123)0 35 lb ctns MX Maradol 16.00 —PEACHES: OFFERINGS LIGHT ctns 1 lyr trypk CL BOAT Ryan Sun 18s 10310 ctns 2 lyr trypk CL BOAT Various Yellow Flesh Varieties 28s 243)0 —PEARS: MARK ET STEADY 40 lb ctns/boxes AG BOAT CAT I Bartlett 70s 183)0 80s 183 M) 90s 17.00-183)0 100 s 16.00 one label 20.00-21300 110 s 143)0-153)0 120 s 143)0 CL BOAT CAT 1 Bartlett 100 s 20.00- Packbam Triumph 120 s 183 M) CONTROLLED ATMOSPHERE STORAGE 4/5 buctns wrpd OR U.S. One D’Aojou 90s 213)0 100 s 203 M 110 s 19.00 120 s 18.00 135 s 17.00 WA U 3. One D’AqJou 120 s 18310 135 s 16.00 PERSIMMONS: OFFERINGS NONE —PINEAPPLES: MARKET STEADY ctns 1 lyr HI AIR 6s 133)0 ctns 2 lyr CR 12s 123)0-133)0 14s 123)0-13310 HD 10s 14.00 12s 14.00 MX 8s 1530 10s 1530 golden ripe 10s fr comd 10.00 PLANTAINS: MARKET STEADY 40 lb ctns CB Yellow 1530 EC Green 15.00 A. i t Big tom batten jtocut jutting system 814-623-8601 717-656-2321 814-275-3507 717-567-3562 724-376-^B9 814-793-3731