CB-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, April 8, 2000 FARM EQUIPMENT 1976 JD6600 combine die sel hydro w/15' rigid ',eod. Shed kept. $B,OOO. 1984 IH 1480 4WD electro hyd controls, auto reel speed. VG cond, shed kept, $15,000. 814-259-0046. Ag-bagger GH69O, 9' w/ hyd package, bag boom 8, cradle. 540-867-9003. New NH 24-36' hay & corn elevators. (2) Brlllion 10' alfalfa packer/ seeders sl,Boo/$2,400. New 24' Allied hay elev. $875. Rebuilt 40' Zimmer man $2,400. Holland tree planter $525. Ipt FH IHC 1X rollover plow, new bottoms, $450. Ipt FH 6' Mott flail mower $565. 2R 3pth Ellis transplanter, new, $650. Nl hay rake $550. IHC hyd dr. hay rake $l,lOO. Thank you, Thom. Wheary, Jr 717-687-0102. Mustang skid loader 442, Kubota diesel engine 38hp, foam filled tires, forks, bucket w/teeth, good condition, $4900. 717/687-7816. Caterpillar: Cat restored model 10 to model 60, complete & running. Also (4) Cat D 2 dozers. 908/850-1565. IH 1586 cab, 3pt, 3 re motes, twin shaft, me chanically good, needs cosmetics, $7250. 410-239-7989 Shaver post drivers, 3pt hitch complete, HCIO $2150, HCB $1395. We can deliver anywhere. Taney town Farm Eq. 410/751-1500. White 549 5x16 Plow. Auto reset w/new plow points. $3OOO 814-448-0147 White Tractor 6810 4wd, 110 hp, 4spd, 767 hrs, rear bar axle, pass, seat w/ belt, wt. carrier, 3rd re mote valve; 465 Loader, 93" tooth bucket & bale hugger. Ad|. rear wheels. $5600 814-448-0147 JD 7200 vac no-till plant er, 500 acres in new con dition, monitor, insecticide boxes, fr. coulters, fi nance avail. Carroll Co. MD, $14,000.410-795-4160 Oliver tractors: HG, OC3, OC4, OC6; also parts for same. Restored Cletracs. 908/850-1565. Glenco soil saver 7 tooth, carefully reconditioned, very nice, $4,850. Ephrata 570-668-5249. CIH 495 dsl tractor, 4WD w/ldr, very low hrs, $18,500.410-658-6789. NH bale wagons, all mod els, delivery available. 1 - 877-735-2108 406-883-2118 for FREE brochure. Farm Equip ment Finding Service, Poson, MT 4010 JD Tractor Tricycle $6,000/obo; Like New Tractor Tire, Good Year Radial 650/75R34 215-249-1826 Oliver 550 Ind W 244 LL Loader 6' Mower, 6 Years on Rebuilt Motor $4500 610-384-4227 IH roll bar with roof, $375. 717-532-8926. IH 475 18' disc, hyd fold, $3200; Ml 5209 discbine, $4500; IH 720 forage har vester 2RN, 5' pickup, $1500; JD 350 crawler loader for parts, $lBOO. 570/966-4462. Set of 16.8x38 snap on duals 40% rubber $4OO 080. 1 electric dallet jack with charger $3OO 080. Call after 6:00 PM 856-589-2637. Case gram drill, 10' DD, v.good working cond. 610-932-0759 Brand new JD 3pt hitch kits for 520 thru 630, $1075 080. 717/530-9459. AG Bagger, model 4190, $6500 obo. 440-577-1139 440-224-0533 1991 J-Star 12' 3pth, PTO, manure pump w/fill pipe, $5OO. 2000 gal. tandem axle liquid manure spreader $lOOO. 717-872-9152 371-5170 Front & Rear, Quick Coupler, Triple Remotes, Ex. Cond. $44,900 Joseph Weaver 610/466-0945 mmmvmmm* New HARDI 9 Falcon hydraulic front fold boom Available in 42', 45' and 50' on NAVIGATOR 550 M series sprayers • 550 gallon tank size • Patented Self-stablizing Suspension • Patented spring loaded Outer Boom Safety • HARDI* single nozzle holders (optional Mechanism TRIPLET) - HARDI* ISO nozzles - 20" nozzle • Specially designed transport bracket for safe spacing road transportation and boom protection * Optional Hydraulic Tilt kit for individual LH & RH boom height control VISIT OUR W! www.abcgrc 110 South Railroad Ave, New Holland, FA 17557 Number One In Orchards and Vineyards Ni Tr 41 Mow Tall Weeds or Heavy Grass with Ease 354-4191 (800) 346-8319 C GJR OFF}) 110 South Railroad Ava., Naw Holland, PA 17557 V v Monday-Thro ftlday 7:30-5:00; Saturday 7-Noon . m Visit Sjte: www.abcgroff.com tor designed for in the field and \ty on the farm. Gemini 8360 115 HP, 4 Wheel Drive, Cab, Power Shift, and More $60,990 >nve. 9518 Rotary Cutter, 6ft. $895 Fl v ■- 346-8319 “S 354-4191 Put a t P to fO! TLIOO All Purpose 82HP, Cab/4 Wheel Drive, w/Air Ride Seat and 24x12 Dual Command Transmission $40,400 Plenty of Power and Comfort for Spraying TN9OF Narrow 80HP, 4 Wheel Drive, Air Conditioned Cab $32,990 Reliable Performance, No Matter What the Job -**/ •* * »*• 12 x 12 Hyd. Shuttle Shift, Turf Tires $18,500 wsn * NAV. 550 M, ACE 206 centrifugal, HC 12.4 x 24", 45' Falcon HY: $8,681 HARDI y# S V ICWHOUAN)