Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 08, 2000, Image 108

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    C4-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, April 8, 2000
Examine Agronomic,
Nutritional Traits To Make
Best Hybrid Selections
DES MOINES, lowa - Select
corn silage hybrids with strong pro
duction agronomics first, and then
fine-tune the selection for nutritional
That’s the recommendation to
silage growers and livestock produc
ers from Dr. Bill Mahanna, nutrition
ist with Pioneer Hi-Bred
International, Inc the leading pro
ducer of silage hybrids in North
“As silage growers start feeding
this year’s crop and begin to make
decisions for next year’s planting, it
is important to look carefully at the
total value package ot each silage
hybrid," Mahanna said,
"Agronomics, yield potential, and the
nutritional profile ot each hybrid
must be viewed along with the agro
nomic needs of the farming operating
and the nutritional needs ot the
According to Mahanna, corn
silage is growing in importance as
lorage for livestock because of its
high tonnage potential (the reason
agronomics is key), relatively low
labor requirements, ability to receive
manure applications, high energy
density and feeding consistency
“Before we can worry about nutri
tion, the plant has to emerge from the
ground and yield” Mahanna said.
“Silage yield is still the biggest driver
of profitability per acre Granted,
‘bite-for-bite’ energy density is desir
able, but producers cannot sacrifice
very much yield and still make their
cropping (or livestock) enterprise
profitable ”
The importance of various agro
nomic traits depends upon individual
customer needs, as well as environ
mental conditions and soil types To
maximize yields, growers should
look at drought stress tolerance, bnt
Meat Safety Program
Reduces Salmonella
safety program implemented in
large meat packing operations
two years ago has sharply
reduced the presence of disease
causing salmonella bacteria in
meat, according to the USDA
Under the Hazard Analysis
Critical Control Point (HACCP)
system, salmonella incidence
has fallen by as much as 50 per
cent at most slaughter houses.
The only exception was on pig
carcasses in small packing hous
Large slaughterhouses for
poultry and livestock have been
under the HACCP regime for
two years, small plants for one
tie stalk resistance, root and stalk
strength, early growth, staygreen
(late-season plant health) and, in
some cases, com borer resistance
At the same time, however, milage
producers must understand that nutri
tional quality can vary significantly
between hybrids. So, when selecting
corn for silage, Mahanna advises
growers follow the same priority that
was reported by a recent four-year
silage hybrid study conducted at the
University of Wisconsin. They should
consider yield (tons of dry matter),
high gram content (percent starch),
standability, and proper relative
Nutritionally, corn silage is
unique because it is made up ot gram
and forage, said Mahanna This pre
sents challenges from both a labora
tory analysis and ration-balancing
perspective Fortunately, silage pro
ducers can begin to “benchmark" the
value of hybrids by cooperating in
silage yield tests and by monitoring
the two key nutrients that contribute
ot the energy ot corn silage - starch
and sugar content and the digestibili
ty of the cell wall (dNDF) These test
are available at a reasonable cost
from many laboratories.
In choosing products, silage pro
ducers should partner with seed com
panies that can provide reliable yield
and nutritional data. Hybrid decisions
should be based on data from at least
20 test locations collected over a
number of growing seasons. This
ensures that observed differences are
genetic and not the result of environ
ment, harvest maturity or sampling
“It is important to have enough
information on silage hybrids to
make decisions that will benefit both
the cropping and livestock enterprise
for the entire year,” Mahanna said.
“The payoff is worth the effort.”
year and very small plants since
Ninety percent of the 300
large plants and 84 percent of
the 2,300 small plants have met
salmonella performance stan
dards under HACCP, the
Agriculture Department stated.
Of the 3,162 very small plants -
those with fewer than 10 work
ers and less than $2.5 million in
annual sales - 185 have with
drawn from federal inspection.
HACCP, first developed as a
way to assure food safety for
US. astronauts, calls on food
processors to identify danger
spots for food contamination and
to resolve them. Before HACCP,
carcasses were examined by
hand for wholesomeness.
B"x36' transport PTO
auger, good shape, $6OO.
(2) 23.1x26 Goodyear
tires, 90% tread, $4OO/ea.
New lOhp diesel w/
electric start, $l2OO.
For Sale: New Holland
grinder mixer, model 350.
Farmhand FBIC grinder
mixer for parts. New Idea
1 row corn picker, PTO
driven. Oliver steel wheel
gram drill. Case 4 row, no-
till corn planter, 3 point
WANTED: Old motorcy
cles, minibikes, scooters,
ATV's, etc. Private col
lector. 610-692-6079.
Ford 7411 loader w/|ov
stick control 8. mountings
for 5030 Ford, used very
little $3200. 32' hay eleva
tor, $285. Surge 25KW,
PTO generator $1350.
(6) JD liquid fert single
disc openers, new.
Bush Hog rotory mower,
8' pull-type, solid wheels,
2-135 4WD 4300 hrs,
SOOhrs on motor over
haul, 50% rubber, 150 hp,
feild ready, 570-596-3656.
IH 5488 2WD, weights, ex.
cond. 724-527-5542
1995 & 1996 Case 580-L
standard bockhoes, 4wd,
EROPS, low hrs.
JD 3255 4WD. 5900 hrs,
good condition; JD 10' AW
disc w/recent new
blades. 717/445-6156.
Vermeer 5x4 silage baler,
bale wrappers, tedders,
rakes, AC 7000 tractor
w/4 bottom plow, AC 170
dsl, 3pth, backhoe at
tach., 8' & IT. C W Nei
derhiser Sales,
724-423-4076 or
JD 660 rake, dolly wheel,
Case IH 7130 Magnum
FWD. Good eye appeal,
good rubber $34,500 Zels
loft Eq., 800-919-3322.
3 bottom JD plow, 14",
3pt, $295.717-626-8257.
JD 3300 combine 1976 die
sel rotary screen with 3
row narrow corn head,
shedded. $9,500
CIH 7140, MFWD, high hrs,
runs good, looks poor,
needs TLC, duals &
weights, $22,000.
724-667-8820 724-667-8350
Tires, 18.4x26 on rim,
very good off JD com
bine, $1000.716-595-3210
(2) 970 Gehl silage wag
ons practically new, haul
ed 40 acres. (1) Gleaner
AA combine, 13' grain
head, 4R com head, low
hrs, shed kept.
NH 456 mower, 202
crimper, in-line baler, 1066
tractor, 892 harvester
w/bed, disc, harrow. AH
good cond. 717-768-0805
JD 3020 gas, WF, Over
$5OOO Spent on Recent
Repairs, Exc AAech Cond.
$7,500; JD 4020 D WF, PS,
Dual Remotes, Diff-Lock,
38” Rubber, Needs Work.
$6,750 Fahnestock Farm
Service 717-866-7066
980 Gehl 8. 3516 Meyers
Silage Wagon, Both in Exc
Cond. 301/824-2311.
MF 33 grain drill, grass
box, 15 hoe, A-l, $BOO,
'63 Ford 5000 dsl, $4,000.
'49 Ford 9N $2,700. Both
good cond. 814-625-2998.
White 6515 Planter no-tiH,
coulters, insecticide, 15
Rows 15" spacing 12'8"
transport width. Used
only 500 acres, 3000 moni
tor, hyd seed
AC6OO no till 6R air plant
er, field ready, com soy
bean plates, fertilizer
boxes, no rust, monitor,
extra parts. 717/532-8786.
NH 630 4x4 rnd baler, like
new cond new belts.
Parting Out: 1H 800 air
planter, 6R, Union Co,
270 Nl cutdltioner, new
flails, good cond, engine
mount available.
717-687-8230 eves
Ford 2910, 1989, 276 actu
al hrs., 2 hyd., price
$11,500.00. Call 856/
IH 800, 6RN air planter,
dry fert, corn & bean
drum, monitor, no-tIH bar
on front, v.g. cond, $4200.
(3) 16' Badger silage tan
dem wagons w/3 beaters
8. roofs. Stump Acres
717/792-3216 York Co.
JD 12' Chisel Plow w/
Gauge Wheels; AC 18'
Field Cultivator, Fold-Up;
(10) IH 295 Planters on 18'
Tool Bars. 856-769-1051
Brillion Cultivator, 6RN,
min. tB w/rolling shield kit.
Used light, one season.
$3600 814-448-0147
Pequea 710 tedder $1175;
JD 2x16 3pt plow, excel
lent, $750; MF 2R 3pt corn
planter, $675; JD #45
loader, excellent, $550; 24'
feeder wagon, $875.
Belarus tractor, 250 AS
w/loader, good shape,
Potato planter, 555
McConnell, 4R. Bin sweep,
30'. Buster Bar, 13'.
JD Corn Planter 7000, Exc
Cond. Used One Season.
JD 850, 4WD, loader &
backhoe, good cond
Kuhn 4-star tedder pull
type $1475; NH 477 hay
bine 7', excellent, $3200;
JD 10' packer $775; AC
8-ton running gear, $775.
AC gas eng, approx.
40hp. running cond.
MF 65 gas, rebuilt w/
Allied loader, $6300;
Howse 7'6" HD 3ph brush
cutter, $2lOO. 315/
FNH 499 hayblne, hydo
swing, 12' cut, field ready,
Kawanee fold gang disc,
13.6 cut, H.D frame. Call
Mornings 7:30-10:30
White 543 corn planter,
6x30, no-til, dry fert, mon
iter, $1,200.301-898-7426.
Krause 2200 13' Disc,
Good Shape, Call After
730 PM 717-548-3504
Vicon 4 wheel rake, $350.
Miller 10' offset disc, $BOO.
FOR SALE: Small farm
equipment, plows, pack
ers, discs, harrows, mow
ers, crimpers, tedders,
rakes, etc. Trade-Ins wel
comed. NH mowers, re
built and guaranteed, en
gines, hydraulics, crimper
hookups available. KIRK
pers Dr., Kirkwood, PA
17536. 717-529-3299
285 White 4x4 cab. Dion
forage wagon, ex. cond.
4R CIH 800 air planter,
dry or liquid fert, planted
less than 1500 acres.
IH 400 corn planter, 4R, in
secticide, markers, used
last year, $5OO obo.
717-529-2513, 717-529-6963
Lancaster Co
Combine AAFBSO w/grain
& com heads & trailers
Manure spreaders. New
Idea ground drive. Buy,
Sell, Trade. Repair. Lan
caster Co. 717-786-3387
1993 JD 9500 combine,
exc cond, w/918 flex
head. 301-662-5563.
Crop processor kits for
JD 3970, 3960, NH 89J 900.
$4466. JD 3950, 3940, NH
782, 790, $4266. JD 5000 &
6000 series replacement
rolls, $933/ea. Homing
Mfg. 717-445-9317
Nl 5212 disc MC, red
Agco, exc. Call Mornings
7:30-10:30 717-949-3769
BxBxlB bale wagon,
wooden sides, $750; Ath
ens 7-tooth disc chisel,
$3650; Int. 4R S-tme culti
vator, new, $775; IMH 461
haybine, s 3 5 o .
IH 1466, original paint,
2923 hrs, 1 owner, axle
duals. 570-379-3308.
IH 510 soybean drill, 24
hoe, DD, nice, $1,500.
NH 1895 chopper, 4WD
w/4RN & grass head, field
ready, 3rd valve, $14,000;
JD 5720 chopper, $15,000;
2 Leßoi air compressors,
125 cfm, 185 cfm, JD dsl,
nice, $2750 8. $3750; Big
Blue 400 amp Miller weld
er, Deutz dsl, w/air com
pressor, $3500.
5140 CIH Maxuum, 2565
hrs, 6 weights, power
shift. Firestone radials, 3
remotes, ex. cond.
,$27,500 obo. CIH 600
blower, nice $2750. 7W
tire scraper, 3pth, $4OO.
355 NH grinder mixer, w/
3 stream, long auger.
NH 846 round baler, good
cond, asking $3,500.
CIH 7120 2WD 5500 Hrs,
$21,500; 7130 4WD w/
Duals 717-445-6720
New Holland baler, exc.
cond, barn kept. 856/
Combines, combines,
combines. Sale priced!
Call, we'll quote prices
over phone. Zeisloft Eq.,
RD 9 Bloomsburg, (Jer
seytown) Pa.
Brillion cultimulcher, 15',
$7OO. Brillion cultimulcher
12', $1200.610-489-7831
Flotation tires & rim kits
for manure trucks. Tires
for manure spreaders.
NH 499 haybine, $2,800,
field ready, sold farm,
'52 Ford 8N tractor, exc
cond new paint 8. tires,
w/FE Idr, 717-246-3949.
JD Vanbrunt 13 disc grain
drill, good working order.
730 Case tractor, good
condition, sell as is, good
blower tractor, $3OOO
firm. Mifflin Co.
Gehl 95 mixermill $l,OOO.
IR 100 CFM diesel, air
compresser $2,000. T-bar
web for NH 790-791
spreader $75.
300 JD 28' elevator for
corn & hay w/lhp motor,
$200; 3pt Oliver 2R com
planter w/fertillzer at
tach., $200; IR 323 com
picker, $775. All working
order. 610/589-1572.
Firestone tire, 15x5x38,
used, 3/4 tread, $B5. AC
6R 30" com planter, llq
fert, $5OO. JD 4R 38" corn
planter, llq fert, $350. AC
6R cultivator, rear mt,
w/lkj fert attach, $5OO. JD
frt mt cultivator 6 or 4
row $5OO. MF hay rake
$4OO. MH silage cutter
blower, $3OO. 30' alum,
dump trailer, exc cond.
1993 7110 Case H Mg
num, 2WD, cab, AC, 1850
hrs 20.8x38 tires, excel
cond. Farmhand loadei
w/bale spear fit 88 8. w
series IH tractors
JD 7000 6-R conservation
planter w/llq fert, good
cond, $6,000. After 6pm,
Airtec sprayer pull type
64 ft. hyd. boom, 400 gal
tank mechanical agation
IH 1586 20.8x38 duals 3500
hrs, JD 2800 6 bottom
variable width on-land
plow all in good condition.
JD 7410 Tractor Cab, 4x4
PQ Sharp, $45,500
JD 8300 drIH, 7x21, used
only 250 A, bought new,
JD 2940, 16 speed, dual
hyd, $7500. JD 301 3pt,
live PTO, PS, $4900.
717-532-2007 eves & Sat
Whitford pellet stove, w/
owners manual, pipe &
pellets, $450. New cost
$l9OO. 656 gas Farmall
w/3pt, WF, 6' Woods pull
type rotory mower,
JD Shell fenders for
1020-1530 $125 ea„
717-530-9459 6-9 PM.
STARTERS with 3 yr.
warranty for most do
mestic tractors and se
lect imports. With 6
month no risk money
back guarantee. Call
Gary D. Sneath at
NH 311 baler w/70 hyd
thrower, super nice, excel
cond. 717-235-1766
Farmall 706, 806, style
Fenders 2 lights $265 ea.,
666, 686, 766 style w/one
light $269 ea.,
717-530-9459 6-9 PM.
BELTING: We specialize in
flat belting, cut to order,
baler throwers, self un
loading wagons, long
table blower belts. Frank
lin Co. 717-263-0573. NO
Sunday calls.
MF TO2O, TO3O fenders
$125 ea. Also MF 100 se
ries fenders $lB9 ea, 200
series fenders $215 ea.
717-530-9459 6-9 PM.
135 MF w/loader, dsl,
3800 hrs, good cond,
IH 400 4RN Com Planter
w/lnsecticide Extra
Clean, in Marion, PA Call
Mornings 7:30-10:30
1086 cab, 3 rem, dual
PTO, TA, 20.8x38, nice.
1066 cab, TA, 2 rem, dual
PTO. 1066 fender TA, 2
rem, dual PTO. 686 cab,
TA. 3288 cab, 2 rem, dual
PTO, nice. 786 fender, 2
rem, dual PTO, nice.
12' Cultipacker w/16"
rolls, good cond, $425; 8'
packer w/16" rolls, $2OO.
Kirkwood Repair, 550
Cooper Dr, Kirkwood,
PA, 717/529-3299 (best
time 8-9 am).
JD tractor parts, new,
used and rebuilt. New re
placement parts for JD,
IH, Ford, MF. We ship. Call
for catalogue. Nelson
Parts, 1-800-730-4020.
JD flat top fenders $159
ea., 730 fhru 4020.
717-530-9459 6-9 PM.
NH 770 pickup head, like
new, $800.301 -898-7426.
Wagner HD loader for
tractor model WF3FF,
7085 Duetz Allis 540-1000
PTO, 97HP, Good Cond.
Flotation tires for big ma
nure spreader. (2) JD 716
forage wagons. Pequea
hay tedder. Feed bln.
Need used tractor parts?
Call Leaman Tractor
Parts. Specializing In IH,
including TA's & Clutches.
15KW generator, dsl,
brand new. $6,500. After
6pm, 717-359-9423.
Krause 16' single wing
chisel plow, field ready,
VG condition, $4,500.
Self-propelled Super 1049
bale wagon, exc cond.
1033 pull-type bale
wagon, exc cond.