Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 01, 2000, Image 98
BSO-Lancaater Farming, Saturday, April 1, 2000 JULY Ave' Leola, Lane Co Pa 717- SAT JULY 1 - 8 30AM - Horse 6 A6:i94Z 10AM Mel s Stables 834 Wallace TUES. JULY 11 Fat Cattle Sale Rd, New Holland PA Mel Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc Hoover Auctioneer 548 Alexander Spring Road WED JULY 5 - 9AM Lumber & Carlisle, PA Building Supplies To be held at WED JULY 12 -630 PM Feeder Wolqemuth Auction 109 N Manle NOTICE! I! Look For .Public Sales t Scheduled Fast Deadline On Second To Last Page Of Section A a ■ AUCTIONEER'S \ I Call 717-626-1164 to list your auction service.J? NOTICE To assure that your Public Sale appears in the Public Sale Section we must have your advertisement by 5 P.M. Tuesday of each week’s publi cation PrstMSiofMl kl** ( AUCTIONEERING ( } 410 W. Church Rd. J Ephrata, PA 17522 N (717)733-3511 Real Estate • Farm Equipment • Antiques • Household Goods It doesn't cost to use our Auction Pays. CALL TODAY!! John D. Stauffer \3 / /jviciioneej^ 1484 Mountain Road, Fulltime Courteous Professional Auction Service Since 1976 Real Estate • Farm Equipment * Antiques Personal Property • Livestock Phone 717-665-5099 IX7I HORNING FARM AGENCY, INC. Merle Eberly AU-2417-L • Alvin Homing AU-0433-L Elton Homing AU-0434-L Morgantown, PA (610) 286-5183 > > Courteous Real Estate Services > > Professional Auctioneers > > State Certified Appraisers > > Specializing in Farms and Land COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL AUCTION SERVICE REAL ESTATE - FARMS & RESIDENTIAL PERSONAL PROPERTY - ANTIQUES - FARM STOCK SALES - LIQUIDATIONS RANDAL V. KLINE LLOYD H. KREIDER AUCTIONEER-REALTOR AUCTIONEER 717-733-1006 717-786-3394 ROY E. GOOD, JR. AUCTIONEER (71 _7J 445-4309 ALL POINTS AUCTION CO. PA 17545 Manheim Cattle Sales Finger Lakes Live stock Exchange, Canandaigua, NY FRI, JULY 14 - IPM State Grad ed Feeder Pig Sales Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc 548 Alexander Spnng Road, Carlisle, Pa . FRI JULY 14 - 7PM Dairy Sale Middleburg Livestock Auction Sales, Inc, Middleburq. Pa FRI JULY 14 - 7 PM Horse Sale New Holland Sales Stables, 101 W Fulton St. New Holland Pa TUES . JULY 18 - Fat Cattle Sale, Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc, 548 Alexander Spring Road Carlisle. PA TUES , JULY 18-7 45PM Feeder Cattle Sale Carlisle Livestock Market Inc 548 Alexander Spring Rd, Carlisle, PA WED JULY 19 & THURS , JULY 20 - 8 30AM Wed Lawn & Gar- AMERICAN LINEBACK ASSOCIATION SPRING SALE ALL AGES Large selection of top quality registered Linebacks including a few show calves. April 14, 2000 12:00 noon Middleburg, PA Middleburg Auction Bam (570) 837-2222 or contact: Barnard Batly (610) 793-1861 for Lineback consignment information II HERD DISPERSAL, COMPLETE I ” 55 COWS, 30 HEIFERS 1 a < IL Many Registered And Some Grades— April 19, 2000 Selling At New Holland Sales Stables Watch For Future Ads! Norman & David Kolb, Mgrs. 61L I Barn 717-354-4341 Fax 355-0706 Home 717-397-5538 | or=sio f W \ Mare Owners of p'l | r All Breeds ? S' S " STALLION PRESENTATION DAY J I begins at 10:00 A.M. on | i Saturday, April 8, 2000 1 J at Mel’s Stable | I 3 miles south of New Holland on Hill Rd. | j, Stallion owners must call | I to reserve a stall - Call 1-717-354-6431 I ; For more information call: I [ 610-273-7540 *6lO-273-3993 | I i I If you have considered to raise a colt, * I come to Mel’s Stable to pick the I | Stallion on April Bth! I «>>* den Tractors, misc items Thurs Misc items, tires, posts, etc Farm Equp & tractors. 6 miles S. of Chambersburg, Pa 1 mi E of manon, just E off 1-81 at Marion along Rt 914 Marion Auction Service SAT JULY 22 - 8 30AM - Horse 10AM Mel’s Stables, 834 Wallace Rd, New Holland, PA Mel Hoover, Auctioneer ■VED, JULY 26 - 9AM Farm Equip , Tractors, Truck Lots To be held at Wolgemuth Auction 109 N Maple Ave, Leola, Lane Co, Pa 717-656-2947 FRI JULY 28-IPM State Grad ed Feeder Pig Sales Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc 548 Alexander Spnng Road, Carlisle p a SAT JULY 29 - Horse Sale 3 30AM, 11 AM Horses Middle burg Livestock Auction Sales, nc. Middleburg, Pa | Dairy and Livestock Sales | NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES. INC. New Holland, Pa. Located 12 Miles East of Lancaster, just off RL 23 DAIRY SALE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5. 2000 10:00 AM OPEN BRED HEIFERS 12:00 NOON BULLS, FRESH COWS, SPRINGERS Weekly Consignors • Merle Breneman • Leroy Smucker • Jim Hostetter • Marvin Eshleman • Dale Hostetter • Daniel Z. Stoltzfus "250 COWS SELLING" "Leroy Smucker Selling A Load of Canadians" Mostly 2 Yr. and 3 Yr. Olds Many Fresh, Several Springers— Popular Sires -Mason, Charles, Storm, Lindy, Lincoln, Aerostar, Leader, Rudolph, Aeroline—A Lot Of Milk, A Lot Of Type, and Super Set of Uddere. "Herd Selling From Canada, 34 Head" 26 Holsteins, 6 Aryshires and 2 Jerseys— 10 Of These Will Be Springers, Balance in Milk A Nice Group of Cattle With Good Udders— Doug Jarrell "Large Free Stall Herd Sells, Over 150 Head" "J and E" Herd Dispersal Full Flow of Milk, Year Around Herd, Milk Weights To 100 Lbs. -- Many Recently Fresh, Over 20 Springers— Owners—Jim Hostetter - Eric Blauch Also A Load of Fresh Cows and Springers From Canada Will Sell- Plei Note —lf You Need Dairy Cows??? Fresh— Or Springers—Please Be At New Holland Wed. 4/5/2000 Please send all information along with your cattle Tues. Fresh Date, Breeding Dates, Milk Weights, TB & Blood "test charts with your trucker. PUBLIC AUCTION To be held al Flickinger’s Auction House, located 1 mile West of New Oxford, PA Turn South off Rt 30W onto the Bon-Ox Rd & proceed 1-1/2 miles to sale site SATURDAY. APRIL 8. 2000 at 8:30 AM 8:30 am - HOUSEHOLD & TRAINS - 8:30 am; HO scale trains me PA, WM, B&O & Chessie System engines & asst cars, Train layout accessories. Child’s express wagon, Ant spool bed (Single); White wicker including glass top patio table w/4 chairs, love seat, end tables, lamps, rocking chair, Folding chair, Q-size water bed w/heating unit. Sears 5000 BTU A.C , Dmnerware - Coming & Pfaltzgraff, “The Old Curiosity Shop” China; Peanut butter glasses, Nice glassware. Lot VN Costume Jewelry, Sets of Salts & Peppers, Knick-knacks & figurines, “Marine Band” harmonica by M. Hohner; Buck Jones Club pm, Coll Belt buckles, 45 rpm records, VN Old wooden ship w/United clock & red & White lights in portholes, Horse clock, Mantel clock. Homemade clothes tree, shelves, sm benches; etc; Sm appliances. Linens & bed ding, Beanie Babies, Many other items LAWN & GARDEN: Wrought Iron picnic table; Riding mowers - JD “175" Hydro & JD “140” Hydro w/ong. deck; (2) JD “111” w/grass catcher & 38” decks, Cub Cadet w/deck. Self-pro pelled & push mowers; VN David Bradley garden tractor w/cult., disk & snow plow, (2) Troy- Bilt tillers, New & used garden tools, Fairbanks 500th scales, Howe 1000# platform scales (both refmished) 8:30 a.m. - LUMBER - 8:30 a.m.: Various lengths & widths of Walnut, Ash, Oak & Cherry. FARM MACHINERY: Tractors: JD “70” Diesel w/loader; JD “A” w/227 picker &/#5O shelter; Economy Power King w/plow & disk, JD “45” loader, Balers: JD “336” w/kicker, JD “14T”, NH “68” Haylmer, Havbine; NH “469”, NH “36” Flail Chopper, Drill: JD 17-7 Vanßrunt; Rake & Misc.: JD hay rake, JD 40’ elevator w/elec mtr, other hay & gram elevators, JD “2” hay fluffer; IH tractor mower, Prane Clipper mower, 5 ft. pull-type rotary mower, Sprayer: Century 500 gal w/40’ booms. Spreaders: JD “R”, McCormick-Deermg (Cub Size), NI “213” PTO, NH “791” PTO w/hyd endgate. Planters: JD “494A’, 1 Row corn planter; Cult.: JD 4 row, Plows: JD 3 Btm (trip back) pull-type, IH 4 Btm Semi-mtd., IH 2 Btm plow, JD 5-16” Semi-mtd. hyd reset plow w/IH btms., JD 4 Btm 16” 3pt Hyd Reset, (2) Bnllion 3 pt Chisel Plows, IH 1 shank subsoiler, Disks: Oliver 3pt heavy disk, JD “110” Rock-flex, IH drag disk, IH ”475’ 20 ft manual fold-wing disk, Taylor & IH 3 pt disk harrows, Wagons: Danco 12T tandem axle wagon gear, Farmco 18’ bale wagon, (3) flat bed wagons (2 w/corn sides), (3) Gravity bin wagons on heavy gears, Misc.: 2 wheeled PTO Auger gram cart, 3 pt hitch ground scoop, (2) ground leveler blades w/teeth, NEW Danco 3 pt 6’ scraper blade, 6’ & 8’ York rakes w/wheels, Howard 54” PTO tiller, Grove false end-gates w/pwr unit. Tandem axle tilt-bed trailer (bumper hitch, 10K gross, titled); Misc. Items & Tools: 250 treated round posts; (2) Dog Kennels (6’xl2’x6’ & 7-l/2’xl3’xs-l/2’) chain link fence & boxes. High tensile wire, Muller 5-1/2 c f cement mixer on wheels w/1 hp elec mtr, LN Sears 1 hp air compressor w/elec mtr (twin cyl.), Quincy 1/2 hp 220 v air compressor, Set of Kubota tractor weights, Karcher High Pressure Washer, 2hp 220 elev mtr, 2 T Walker floor jack, Reddy heater; Small band saw, (2) Cistern pitcher pumps, (2) Wooden stairs (steps). Hand & power tools, (4) Round bale feeders, MANY MISC. ITEMS NOT LISTED 8:30 a.m. Small items on wagons 8:30 a.m. NOTE: 3 auctioneers beginning at 8 30 a m - All local farmer consigned items NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS - INSPECTION - Wed & Thurs April 5 & 6 - 9 6pm Lunch by St Paul's Church, Harney, MD Friday, April 7 -9-3 pm TERMS: Cash or Good Check. Oul-of-slate checks must have prior approval or bank letter addressed to Flicktnger’s Auction House for April 8, 2000 auction 6% PA Sales Tax will be col lected on taxable items Robert G. Flickinger, Auct. PA Lie #AU-003692-L New Oxford, PA 717-624-8036 Dennis J. Plunkert, Auct. PA Lie #AU-00l 102-L Littlestown, PA 717-359-4489 RD] LAW] - Clip & Save Ad -