Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication PUBLIC SALE OF NEW AND USED LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS Saturday, April 15, 2000 At 9:00 A.M. Sharp Location: 1700 Ritner Hwy, (Rt. 11), approx. 3 mi. north of Shippensburg, Cumberland Co., PA. NEW LUMBER: 14 pc. 2"xlo"x2o', 26 pc. 2"xI0"xl8', 13 pc. 2"xlo"xl6', 11 pc. 2"x8"xl8', 56 pc. 2"xB"xl6', 8 pc. 2"xB"xl2', 64 pc. 2"x6"x2o', 199 pc. 2"x6"xlB', 113 pc. 2"x6"xl6’, 81 pc. 2"x6"xl4', 54 pc. 2"x6"xl2', 48 pc. 2"x4"x2o', 103 pc. 2"x4"xlB', 1800 pc. 2"x4"xl6’, 772 pc. 2"x4"xl4', 771 pc. 2"x4"xl2’, 91 pc. 2"x4"xlo', 215 pc. 2"x4"xB', new nails, 500 lbs. siding screws. USED ROOF TRUSSES: 81 44 trusses, 4/12 pitch; 40-20' trusses. USED LUMBER: 600 pc. 2"x4"xl6', 300 pc. 2"x4"xl2'; 300 pc. 2"x4"xB', 400 pc. 2"x6"xB', 150 pc. 2"x6"xl4' tongue and groove, 100 pc. 2"xB"xl4' tongue and groove, 280 pc. 2"xB"xl4' treated, 60 pc. 2"xlo"xl4', 75 pc. 2"xlo"xl6', 60 pc. 4"x6"xlo' posts, 60 pc. 4"x6"xlB' posts, 200 pc. 4"x4"xB' treated posts, 250 pc. 4'xl2’xs/8" insulation. SPECIAL NOTE; 320 pc. 2"xB"xl4' OLD white oak, 2"xB"xl6' poplar, white pine bam siding, old bam beams, 100 14' telephone poles, 100 10' tele phone poles. ROOFING AND SIDING: 250 pc. 24’ roofing, very good condition, 200 pc. 12' red roofing; 75 pc. 22' white painted steel, 8 pc. 7'xB' bam doors w/roll track, new trim, soffit, fascia, comers, etc. FANS AND FEED BINS: 14 48" fans w/motors, exc. cond., 25 36" stainless steel fans, 2 12T feed bins, 1 26T feed bin, good cond. EQUIPMENT AND MISC.: 85 KW single phase generator w/IH L.P. gas engine w/automat ic transfer switch, electric pallet jack, JDhigh pressure washer, 3 water heaters, 4 pressure tanks, 150 3/4 - 1-1/2 HP motors, 2 200 amp service pan els, 2 150 amp service panels, 3 phase electric service panels, 2 industrial air compressors w/80 gal. tanks and 3 HP motors, 2 2 HP hydraulic pumps, Modine gas heater, dry type 480 V trans former, 200 amp 3 phase service panels, dimmer "switches, 2 electronic scales; 300 lb. electronic platform scales, 30 4'xB'xs/16" new woven wire, 2 DeLaval #76 milker pumps, 3 office desks, lots of service wire, copper wire, electrical boxes, 600 pc. 1-1/2"x2"xlo' angle iron, 2 40' flatbed tandem axle trailers, no titles. POULTRY BUTCHERING EQUIPMENT; Chicken pluckers, stainless steel bowls and tables, 12 30"x50" stainless steel carts w/swivel wheels. NOTE: This is only a partial listing. More lumber and equipment will be added. Positively no con signments accepted. Terms by: LAWRENCE R. MARTIN 1700 Ritner Hwy., Shippensburg, PA Ph. 717-530-8443 Auctioneers: Lamar Z. Sensenig 532-9160 Lie. #AU-001803-L Andrew Martin 532-5382 Not responsible for Accidents. Food Stand Reserved. SAT., APRIL Bth LANCASTER, PA -Ji at Lancaster’s “FARM & HOME CENTER”, Service Road Off Route 72, behind Conestoga Boats & Jones Honda Dealers V ‘ ALSO: Repair parts, die cast trucks, literature. See Riecke’s, Cabin Toys & Parts, Harke, and others SAVE sss $l.OO off show admission with this Ad. CONSIGNMENT Farm Toy AUCTION -4:00 pm Farm toys of all brands expected, Including pedal tractors and a few trucks. Auct. R. Stoltzfus and R. Harry (AU1906-L) To consign call (717) 656-8919 •—•—•—•—•—•—•—•—• • • • • • • • • • • • FALL EVENT, NOV. 11 SAME LOCATION SHOW 9:00 am till - 2:00 pm LARGEST AREA SHOW FOR FARM & INSTRUCTION TOYS SAT APR 22 - 2PM Margaret yard, Accident, Md Joe Friend, Gentzel, Reedsville, Pa 2 Bed- auct foomhome,antiques,cdelctibles SAT APR 22 - 6PM Holloway ass*1 9 er * Parted - Holloway Show Pig Sale, Courtney,aucis Solanco Fairgrounds, Quanyville, SAT APR 22 - 3PM Limousin Pa Many H Bachman, auct Cattle Auction Friends Stock- FARM AUCTION CATTLE - MACHINERY - VEHICLES - FEED The undersigned will sell on the premises known as 1313 Baust Church Rd. near Uniontown, Carroll Co., MD. From Uniontown take Trevanion Rd. North to Baust Church Rd., (Rt. 84), turn on Rt. 84, .7 mile to farm lane. From Taneytown, take Trevanion Rd. South to Baust Church Rd., turn left to farm lane. From Westminster take Rt. 140 to Rt. 832, turn left 3.5 mi. to farm -lane. Watch for signs. SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 2000 At 10:00 A.M. 80 DAIRY CATTLE 80 77 Holsteins, 2 Jerseys 1 Br. Swiss inc. 20 1 st calf heifers, 17 2nd calf cows. Balance 3 & 4 calf cows. 69 Head in production, 11 dry. currently producing over 50# daily. These are stanchion bam cattle, pregnancy checked, TB & blood test ed. DHIA & milk records at ring side. This is a home raised herd, showing a lot of quality and capable of an increase in milk production. MACHINERY N.H. 320 baler; N.H. manure spreader; N.H. 24 ft. Elevator; UNVERFERTH Perfecto field culti vator; M.F. 12 ft. disc; gravity flow wagon; 20 ft. Hay wagon; KESTON T/A silage wagon; 702 UNIHARVESTOR, diesel eng., W/R corn head; A.C. N/T 7 row bean/corn planter. SMALL ITEMS, including a se harness VEHICLES 1973 CHEV 4x4 P.U.; 1996 FORD F-350 flat bed dump w/460 gas eng.; 1964 IHC Loadstar 1-1/2 ton truck; 1986 FORD F-150 4x4 w/gas eng.; BISON 14 ft. T/A cattle trailer. FEED Est. 5000 bales of 2nd & 3rd cutting alfalfa hay, some w/mixed grass; 4000 bales of 1 st & 2nd cut ting timothy hay; 1000 bales of straw. All baled with N.H. 320 baler. Hay has been made without rain, and all hay & straw is top quality. Hay will be sold by the bale. Ample removal time. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Leonard & Dan have decided to discontinue dairying - keeping all young cattle & selling surplus equipment. SALE ORDER: Smalls, machinery & Vehicles, Feed, Cattle (About 11:30 A.M.) TERMS: Cash, Check, Visa or Mastercard on day of sale. Details for Credit Card use will be announced prior to auction. NO BUYERS PRE MIUM. Not responsible for accidents. No items removed until settled for. Leonard & Dan Reddick 1313 Baust Church Rd. Union Bridge, MD 21791 PH 410-756-2173 SINCE 1920 yih>ut K Auctioneers, Inc. "Experience Doesn't Cost, tt Psytr Food & Facilities 9toi Hanaonviii* Rd. Available Frederick, MD 21702 301-808-9809 Fax 301-898-3596 e-mail MON APR 24 - IPM 91 5 Acre lection of old Limestone Farm ciay/Ephrata Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 1, 2000-845 Twp, Lane Co, Pa By Amos M & Laura B Hursh Aaron Martin, Rapho Twp, Lane Co For Mar auct garet M Metzler Wolgemuth MON APR 24 - 2 30PM Rem- «*» holds Fire Co Banquet Hall, Rt TUES APR 25 - 7 45PM Feeder 897 Remholds, Antiques and per- Cattle Sale Westminster Live sonal property Ellen Weik Estate stock Auction and Sarah Levan Trust Fund Art WED, APR 26 - 9AM Farm Pannebecker Auct Equip, Tractors, Truck Lots To MON APR 24 - 6PM Real be held at Wolgemuth Auction, Estate Sugar Rd, Fredericks- 109 N Maple Ave, Leola, Lane burg, Bethel Twp, Leb Co By Co. Pa 717-656-2947 Eve Manbeck Harry Bachman, WED APR 26 - 4PM Collector auct Cars, motorcycles, boat, building TUES APR 25 - 6PM 10 acres supplies, tools, antiques Mlddle- Between Manheim &Ml Johv town, Md J G Cochran, aucL ANNE ARUNDEL CO. YOUNG FARMERS 21 ST EQUIPMENT AUCTION Sat., Apr. 8, 2000 9:00 AM Located at the Davis Farm on Birdsville Rd. in Davidsonville, Md. Items for sale include; JD 3800 Grain Drill, New Holland 352 Grinder/Mixer, 12’ Kewanne Disc w/buster bar, JD B tractor w/new paint, JD 10’ 8200 Grain Drill, JD 12’ Roller Harrow, JD 3pth 4 Bottom Plow 14’, 3 pth Beefco Roto Tiller, 3pth hay rake, hammermill, electric drills & saws, trac tors, hand tools, garden tractors, spreaders, chain saws, sod, gas welder, plows, hay balers, discs. Consignments will be accepted on April sth from noon to 6pm and April 6th and 7th from Sam to 6pm. Baked goods and refreshments available For info call Clif Turner (410-741-1369) or Joel Greenwell (410-798-5827) Elizabethtown Area Real Estate - Furniture - Guns Glassware - Antiques - Honda Mower PUBLIC AUCTION SAT., APR. 29, 2000 Auction Time 9:00 A.M. Real Estate 12:00 Noon Directions: From Route 230 just east of E-town turn onto Groff Avenue to property on left Elizabethtown Borough, Lancaster Co, PA J 4 t >4 ‘i - ' Mm 929 Groff Ave., Elizabethtown BRICK RANCHER with kitchen & dining area com bined, large living room with foyer, family room could be used as 3rd bedroom, 2 bedrooms with large closets, 1- 1/2 bath rooms, large enclosed breezeway between house & 2-car garage. Full basement with fireplace, elec tric baseboard heat, recent new roof, storm windows * Central AC * Macadam Driveway * Public Water & Sewer * Low Maintenance House OPEN HOUSE: Saturday, April 8,1 00 PM to 300 PM Saturday, April 15,1 ;00 P.M. to 300PMor by appoint. For appoint to see or help to obtain bank financing call Aaron Martin at 733-3511 NOTE: Don’t miss this well built house, approx 1/2 acre lot. Lots of nice personal items Bring lawn chairs No Out of State Checks. Food at auction TERMS: 10% down payment at auction, balance at final settlement on or before June 15. 2000 Attorney John R. Gibbel, (717) 626-0291 Auction By FRANK R. & JENNIE H. STRICKLER ***** (717)653-5653 / AUCTIONEERING I Martin auction service ) \ / 410 West Church Rd ■ i Ephrata PA 17522 \* u \J (717)733 3511 public .Auction Location: Schubert Road, Bethel Township, Berks County, Pa. From 178 Bethel exit-north on Rt. 501 - right onto Schubert - go through the intersection to property on left Real estate being a .7 acre lot with improvements Quonset style house w/main floor having a spacious living/dining room, kitchen, bedroom, full bath w/laundry. 2nd level loft has 2 bedrooms and storage room Other par ticulars to include a partial basement, propane hot air furnace, on lot septic system, drilled well, enclosed front porch, natural floors and woodwork Adjacent to home is 2 story barn last used as a retail store with cattle stalls and pens Hay storage area 12'x24' utility shed 10% down payment auction day with balance due at settlement within 45 days Inspection by calling 717-859 4693 Legal information by Attorney MEAL ALBERT 7 I 7 299-07 I I . Auction by H. A JOSEPH and ANNETTE MEYER horseshoe -_*X' 717-859*4693 ANNVILLE, PA 17003-8850 ’w' (717) 867-1809 iOUWTRY REAL WED EVE APR 26 - SPM Antiques & Collectibles, house hold items, tools & Misc N of Hamsburg at 1037 Powells alley Rd, Halifax Shirtey J S Raymond C Thompson, owners Dockey- Romberqer, Deppen, aucls WED EVE APR 26 - 6PM Real Estate Along Spnngville Rd Eden Twp, Lane Co, Pa By Hairy W Frackman, Jr, auct WED APR 26 - 730 PM Feeder Sale Four States Livestock. Hagerstown, Md THURS APR 27 - SPM Real Estate, personal property, antiques 1365 Apple St. Ephra ta, Pa Ephrata Boro By Melvin Z Weber Homing Farm Agency Inc 610-286-5183 OH Sat Apnl 1 from 1-3 pm FRI APR 28 - Former Siciliano Farm, 73 acres, E Windsor Twp, Mercer Co, NJ Faimaldn Preser vation Proiecls FRI APR 28- 11 AM Valuable antiques, lewelry & personal prop erty At Shupp’s Grove along Rt 897 Lane Co By The Estate of Alma B Lutz Horning Farm Agency, Inc 610-286-5183 FRI, APR 28 - IPM Slate Grad ed Feeder Pig Sales Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc 548 Alexander Spring Road, Carlisle Pa FRI APR 28 - SPM Nicholson Pa benefit for Tyler Memorial Hospital Auxiliary, Shamrock Auc tion Service FRI APR 28 - SPM 1606 Mam St, Goodville E Earl, Pa Lawn & Garden For Goodville Fire Co FRI APR 28 - 7 PM Horse Sale, New Holland Sales Stables 101 W Fulton St, New Holland, Pa FRI APR 28 - 4PM & SAT APR 29 - 8 30AM Glassware, china pottery, etc At Horst Auction Cen ter 50 Durlach Rd Ephrata Lane Co , Pa Horst Aucts SAT , APR 29 - Personal proper ty, antiques, 130 Frogtown Rd East Earl, Pa Chester & Edna Weaver Kline, Kreider S Good auct SAT apr 29 Horse Sale 830 Tack 11 AM Tack Middleburg Livestock Auction Sales, Inc Mid dleburg, Pa SAT APR 29 - Benefit for the Wyalusmg Kiwanis, Shamrock Auction Service SAT APR 29 - Public Sale of Household, beef cattle, farm machinery, several JD tractors Lee Casner, Slain, Pa owner Kevin M Wickard, auct SAT APR 29 - 9AM Tractor, Construction tools, household goods, antiques, located at 335 Candy Road, Camru Twp, Berks Co Pa miles S of Reading just off rt 625 by Robert Wiehe Leßoy S Horst and Paul W Horst, aucts SAT APR 29 - 9AM Annual Spring Farm Machinery Consign ment Auction at Alparon Park, Troy, Pa SAT APR 29 - 9AM Antiques, Early Furn , Hummels Glass ware, Books Collectibles, Dolls, Household Goods Gap Fire Hall Pequea Ave , Gap, Lancaster Co , PA Lillian Lmdemnan owner Barr Davis Aucts SAT APR 29 - 9AM Tractors, farm machinery & tools for Mr & Mrs Kenny Altenburg 11719 Eastern Ave Balt Co, Md Sechnst aucts SAT APR 29 - 9AM Real Estate, personal property, antiques 2404 Mam St, Narvon, Caernarvon Twp, Lane Co By Elmer & Esther Hertzler Horning Farm Agency, Inc 610-286-5183 OH Sat March 25 & April 8 from 1-3 PM SAT APR 29 - 9AM Farm machinery, farm tools, acces sones, household goods, antique furniture & collectibles At 2524 Armstrong Valley Rd, Halifax, Pa Clyde E George, owner David Deibler. Ed Shoop. aucts SAT APR 29-9 AM Real Estate, Guns, Kubota & Power King Trac tors, Tools, Antiques, Collectibles Appliances, Furniture, HH, Misc Roger Flory Estate, Fahnestock s Auction Svc MONDAY APRIL 17, 2000 6:00 P.M.
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