Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 01, 2000, Image 9

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Feeder Sales
Richmond, VA
Tire Mar 28, 2000
USDA-VA Dept of Ag Market News
Summary of Northern Virginia Lives
tock Auctions
Fredericksburg. Root Royal, Marshall,
Rockingham, Shenandoah, Staunton
Union and Winchester Virginia for the
week of Mar 20-25, 2000
Feeder Cattle 2509 Head
Steers Med&Lge 1 Small 1 Med&Lge 2
200-300 112.00- 124.00 95.00 -
100.00 300-400 114.00- 127.00 86.00
103.50- 11050 Few 98.00 - 112.00
91.00 - 112.00 400-500 10350- 11850
7350 - 8550 90.00 - 10250 Mostly 91.00
- 11750 Few 81.00-100.00 500-600
90.00 - 106.00 70.00 • 85.00 8250 - 99.00
600-700 83.00 • 100.00 71.00 • 74.00
75.00-87.00700-8007750-86.75 66.00
71.75 - 81.85 800-900 70.00 - 83.10 6350
66.00 - 7650 900-1000 69.00 • 79.95
60.25 - 71.00 1000-1100 7350 60.00
Holstein Steer Med&Lge 2 300-300
61.00 - 80.00 500-700 61.00 700-900
55.50 -58 JO
Heifers Med&Lge 1 Small 1 Med&Lge
2 200-300 97.00 - 119.00 80.00 84.00 -
96.00 300-400 98.00 - 117.00 74.00 -
78.00 84.00 - 101.00 400-500 87.50 -
109.50 67.00 - 85.50 80.00 - 95.00
500-600 82.50 - 97.75 72.50 70.50 - 83.75
600-700 74.50 - 89.00 65.00 - 72J0 68 JO
- 81 JO 700-800 74.00 - 83.75 66.00 -
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Ken Darlington Michele Bogucki Sue Beshore Andrew McLean Elizabeth Anderson
610-793-0150 717-244-3665 717-932-1715 410-827-5052 410-6514128
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814-684-5707 570-966-9202 570-522-0505 724-981-1324 717-866-9217 724-627-5941
... >A. . >. ** '
Virginia Cattle & Hogs
* *.
* 4,
78.00 800-900 62.25 - 6650
Bulls Mcd&Lgc 1 Small 1 Mcd&Lgc 2
200-30098.00-121.00 81.00-101.00
300-400 97.00 - 12450 71.00 84.00 -
97.00 Mostly 107.00- It 1.00 101.00-
109.00 400-500 93.25 - 11250 71.00 -
74.00 91.00 - 99.00 500-600 85.50 -
10150 74.75 - 9250 600-700 73.00 -
8550 71.00 - 82.00 700-900 63.00 -
76.00 63.00 - 71.00
Slaughter Cattle 504 Head
Slaughter Cows 454 Head Breaking
Utility and Commercial 2-4 36.00 - 45.25
Cutter and Boning Utility 1-334.00-4150
Canner and Low Cutter 1-2 2750 - 3850
Slaughter Bulls 50 Head Yg 1-2
900-1300 lbs 43.25 - 59.75 Yg 1-2
1300-1600 lbs 43.75 • 5350 Yg 1-2 1600
lbs and Over 4350 - 55.00
Cows returned to farms 49 head -
Medium 1 and Large 1 few 2,2-8 yra old
850-1275 lbs bred 3-7 months
475.00- pet head. Cows with calves
at side SO pahs - Medium 1 and Luge I
few 2,5-9 yts 01d790-1225 lbs with calves
baby to 300 lbs 680.00- 1050.00 per pair.
Medium 1 and Large 1, 6-9 yra old
1100-1300 lbs with cahrea baby to 350 lbs
600.00- per pair. Small 1 and 2's,
4-10 yrs old with calves newborn to 200
lbs 33 JO-38 JO pet cwt, calves 85.
00-90.00 per cwt, 635.00 per head. Baby
calves returned to farms 92 head newborn
to 4 weeks 22.00-111.00 per bead. Over
100 lbs 74.00-147J0 per cwt
Lambs Total Receipts 202 Head Slaugh-
'w telmark com ®
ter Lamb* 146 Head New Crop Choice
Few Prime 1-2 Few 3 102 lbs 92.00 Good
and Few Choice 1-2 94 lbs 97.23 Wooled
Choice Few Prime 1-2 Few 3 107-121 lbs
84.23 • 88.00 Good and Few Choice 1-2
108 lbs 83.30 Good and Few Choice 1-2 87
lbs 96.73 Feeder Lambs 12 Head Medium
and Large Frame 1-2 70-83 lbs 103.00 -
109.00 Medium and Large Frame 1-2
30-60 lbs 81.00 Slaughter Ewes and Rams
44 Head Ewes Choice 2-4 26.00 - 29.30
Utility and Good 1-3 33.00 - 38.00 Cull
and Low Utility 1-2 30.00 Rams All 30.00
- 35.00
V S'
♦ M
Goats 17 Head (Sold by the Head) Nannies
Medium 39.00 - 68.00 Small 33.00 - 48.00
Kids 24.00
Slaughter Hogs 77 Head Barrows and
Gills US 1-3 200-230 lbs 36.30 - 40.00 US
2-4 230-300 lbs 38.00 • 39.50 Sows US 1-3
300-300 1b530.00 US 1-3 300 lbs and over
3730 Boars 300-600 lbs 10.00
USDA-OK Dept Ag Market News
Oklahoma National Stockyards - Week
ly Cattle Summary
Compared to last week: Feeder steers
steady. Feeder heifers steady to 2.00 high
er, advance on 600-750 lbs. Demand mod
erate for feeder cattle. Best demand con
tinues to center on steers light enough to
feed beyond the discounted summer CME
boards. Stocker cattle and calves steady
with very good demand. Quality average,
few attractive. Feeder cattle in slightly thin
to moderate flesh condition. Stockers and
calves in thin to medium flesh with few
fleshy new crops included. Weigh-ups
avenge. Slaughter cows and bulls steady
to 1.00 lower. Demand moderate from
packers, extremely good from country
buyers. Packets just marking time and
hardly able to compete at any figure let
alone less as slock cow buyers very aggres
sive and taking bulk of offerings back to
country. Total of 433 cows and bulls sold
Oklahoma City
Feeder Cattle
Oklahoma City, OK
Wed Mar 29, 2000
with only 17 percent to slaughter. Receipts
this week 9,569; last week 8,960; last year
10,034. Supply consisted of 73 percent
yearlings over 600 lbs; 20 percent calves
and short yearlings under 600 lbs; 3 per
cent cows and bulls. Heifers comprised 40
percent of feeder and calf supply. Prices
follow with weighted average weight and
price in parenthesis.
Feeder Steers: Medium and Large I few
300-400 lbs (330 lbs) 122.00- 137.00
(128.76); 400-300 lbs (430 lbs)
110.00-123.00 (11736); 500- 330 lbs (333
lbs) 104.00-11230 (10636); 550600 lbs
(373 lbs) 9630 109.00 (104.41); 600650
lbs (634 lbs) 93.00-100.23, thin
101.25-10630 (99.12); 650700 lbs (673
lbs) 88.0096.00, few thin 93.0099.00,
few fleshy 83.0087.00 (91.
88); 700730 lbs (731 lbs) 83.75-89.00
(86.66), few Stockers 90.00-94.00;
730800 lbs (771 lbs) 82.0087.75 (84.76);
800830 lbs (823 lbs) 78.25-84.23 (8139);
830900 lbs (873 lbs) 7330 80.23 (77.82);
900973 lbs (930 lbs) 733076.00 (74.04).
Holstein*: Large 2 330-373 lbs
973099.00; 463 lbs 91.00; 723-773 tbs
Feeder Heifers: Medium and Large 1
few 300400 lbs (330 lbs) 10730 113.00
(109.77); 400-300 lbs (430 lbs)
97.73-109.00 (103.12); 300330 lbs (322
lbs) 93.30-97.00, thin 99.30-104.30
(9834); 330600 lbs (376 lbs) 9023-99.00
(93.79), few fleshy 873088.00; 600-630
lbs (628 lbs) 84.73-92.00 (8739); 650700
lbs (682 lbs) 81.00- 87.30, fleshy
78308030 (82.82); 700730 lbs (724 lbs)
78.0084.23 (80.74); 730800 lbs (773 lbs)
733081.00 (7736); 800900 lbs (830 lbs)
74.00-76.00 (74.98); 913 lbs 74.00;
10001030 lbs (1020 lbs) 67.23-69.73
Slaughter Cows: Head %Lean Weight
Average Dress High Dress Low Dress
•Brit 8 73-80% 9301330 383041.30
41.30-42.00 33.00 *Bnr 13 80-83%
10501300 40304230 41.004330 3730
Lean 27 83-90% 8301450 38.00-4030
40.0043.50 33.0037.50
•Brk'Breakers, *Bnr*Bonets
Slaughter Bulls: Head Weight Avenge
Dress High Dress Low Dress Yield Grade
1-2 17 1400-2000 50.00-54.50
54.00-56.00 47.00-49.00
Estimated dressed cost at Oklahoma
National Stockyards: Lean 83.90; Boners
81.20; Breakers 74.40. Bulls 92 JO.
Replacement Cows: Pretested for bangs,
pregnancy, and age Medium and Large 1
Age Weight Months Bred Quality Price
Help in Buying ANGUS
as close to you as 301 /271 -2767
Just pick up the phone and call Or drop a
note. I'll be happy to talk over the type
and kind of Angus for your needs—and help
you find them. No obligation
or write today
BILL POWELL, Regional Manager
1 American Angus Association
Call 301 /271 -2767 Box 295, Thurmont, MD 21788
Off Exit 3 of 1-81
MONDAY at 2:00 P.M.
THURSDAY at 1:00 P.M.
Both Days at 11:30 AM.
m, ait we>
IstErklay flight of Eveiy Month at 7:15
Bvcsy Wednesday a* 6:30 EM.
Annual Brood Cow Sale
Friday April 28 - 7:15 PM
Selling Stock Cows, Cows w/Calves and Stock Bulls
Beef Type Only— No Feeder Cows
Have Your Cow In By 3 PM For Preg. Check.
f— —
Charles “Jim” Metz Jeffrey S. Craig
Res. (301) 739-4470 Res. (717) 532-5224
OFFICE - 717-597-2171
Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, April 1, 2000-A9
4-6 yr old 950-1250 6-8 months High,
blacks 703.00-770.00 4-6 yr old 900-1275
6-8 months Avg quality 380.00-663.00 4-6
yr old 950-1200 2-3 months Avg, blacks
575.00- 4-6 yr old 850-1100 2-5
months Avg quality 500.00-560.00 7-8 yr
old 1050-1325 4-8 months Avg quality
Palis: Medium and huge I Age Cow
Weight Calf Weight Quality Price 2-8 yr
old 800-1200 150-300 Avg quality
760.00-830.00 6-8 yrold 800-950 100-150
Lo quality 575.00-675.00
Lebanon Valley
Fredericksburg, Pa.
Report Supplied by Auetion
Tuesday, March 28,2000
STEERS: CHOICE 2-3 1135-1475
LBS. 69.00-71.50, SELECT 1-3 66.75-
68.25, STANDARD 1-2 62.00-65.00.
1490-1595 LBS. 62.00-64.75, SELECT
1-2 60.25-61.00, STANDARD 1-2 52.50-
HEIFERS: CHOICE 2-4 1430-1515
LBS. 68.50-69.00, SELECT 1-3 66.00,
STANDARD 1-2 54.50-55.75.
45.00-47.25; BONERS 80-85 % 43.25-
44.75, LEAN 85-90% LEAN 37.00-
42.00, SHELLS DOWN TO 24.00-36.50.
BULLS; YG#l 1410-2195 LBS. 50.50-
HOL. 57.00; HEIFERS 260 lIOL 82.00;
BULLS 955-1040 HOL. 47.50,480 HOL.
LBS. 92.00-98.00; UTILITY 70 LBS.
FARM CALVES: #1 95-115 LBS.
150.00- #2 95-115 LBS. 102.00-
275.00- #2 85-130.00 LBS.
AND HEIFERS 70-110 LBS. 100.00-
HOGS; 45-50% 240 LBS 42.00, 40-
45% 216 LBS. 40.00.
SOWS; US#l-3 563 LBS. 35 00,
MED. 540 LBS. 28.00.