836-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 1, 2000 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M, of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated every Sat. at 2:23 P.M. MON APR 3 -10 AM Farm Equipment 5 miles E of PA & NJ toll bridge from Portland & Columbia on Rt 94 For Walnut Valley Dairy Farm Ralph W Zettlemoyer Auction Co, Inc aucls MON APR 3 - 2PM Murry Auc tion Emporium, 23 N Water St, Lititz, Pa 17543 Elmer Murry Aucts MON APR 3 - 6PM 5 1/4 acres Real Estate, remodeled 2 story dwelling, 2 car block garage & outbuildings, West Cocahco Twp At 45 Sandy Hill Rd For Myron & Lisa Stoltzfus Horst Aucts IDES , APR 4 - Fat Cattle Sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc, 548 Alexander Spring Road, Carlisle, PA TUES APR 4 - 9AM Weaver land Auction - Produce Auction Opening TUES APR 4 -10 AM Vehicles, office equip , rest & bar equip plumbing, computers, carpel, flooring, doors, staircases, furni ture, chandeliers 1825 E Boston Ave , Phila, Pa Wm F Comly & Sons Aucts TUES APR 4 -10 AM Robert E Butcher Dispersal, Cattle, farm machinery, produce On Rt 549, 14 mi N of Mansfield, Pa Bob Rhaylnr. Bob Garrison, aucts TUES APR 4 4PM Real estate 10 b acre farmette 1727 Bow mansville Rd For Ivan & Mary Brubaker Kline, Kreider & Good aucts TUES APR 4-7 45PM Feeder Cattle Sale Carlisle Livestock Market Inc 548 Alexander Spring Rd Carlisle, PA WED APR 5 9AM Lumber & Building Supplies To be held at Wolgemuth Auction 109 N Maple Ave Leola Lane Co, Pa 717-656 2947 WED APR 5 & FRI APR 7 - 9AM Estate of Florence B Crebs At 9th St Northumberland Pa Mark J Jones Jeff Dunkelberger aucts OUTSTANDING AUCTION Sat., April 8 @ 9 AW LOCATION: 11158 Mt Zion Rd Shrewsbury Twp, York Co, PA, 183 Exit 2, Rt, 216 E 500 ft, R on Potosi Rd , 3/4 mi to church, R on M Zion 1/2 mi to sale CARS. BANK STOCK 76 Cadillac Eldorado convertible - auto, 600, 166 K, 71 Pontiac Grand Ville convert ible-auto, 465, 192 K, 4000 shares Glen Rock State Bank stock FURNITURE, ANTIQUES. COLLECTIBLES drysmk w/top, 6 board blanket chest, marble top stands, plank btm & other chairs, oak childs rocker & other childs chairs, oak washstand, high, pressback bed, occa sional tables wood kit cupboard, 5 pc DR suite-table, chairs, hutch, corner cupboard, server, mirror, drop leal table, Hoosier porcelain top base cabinet, hutch, spool cor ner stand, uph gossip bench, plank btm rocker, uph rocker, 5 pc maple BR suite, projection front dresser, cedar chest, DP style diop leal table, oak dresser w/mirror, inlaid chest ot drawers, dress w/mirror & hankie boxes, vanity, GE floor model radio, sewing stand. Smgci sew mach, sm square table, day bed, wood desk, wood file, rechner, platform rocker, stereo/TV, VCR, plank stool, wall mirrors, dough boxes, LR suite, wood office chair, office desk, iron porch tables, wood plant stands, trunk, wood barrels, clothe trees, wood & metal cabinets, wood ironing board, wood wall magazine rack, lyre magazine rack, foot stool -cast legs, filing cabinet, book shelves, morticed bench. Conn organ, piano stool, Poole upnte piano, pump organ, Seth Thomas mantle clock. GWTW lamps. Ray O lamps, hanging kero lights, kero lamps, coffee grinder, cast frog door stop, hats, vintage clothing, old dolls, copper washboiler. cherry piltcr old cookie cutters, tin comb holder, cast griddle, skillets & pots, walking sticks, old framed pics me “Little Daisy”, candle mold, sad irons, arrowheads; brass oil lamps, tin water can, ink well set, meat hooks, balance scale, Dietz lantern, he plates, old childs garden tools, brass spittoon, crocks, milkcans, copper bucket, milk strainer, wood boxes, bird cage & stand, metal measure, slate, gramteware, wood bucket, egg baskets, tan, air conditioner, trombone, guitar, sewing notions, books me 1867 dictionary, hymn books, sheet music, sleigh bells, misc old tins me Cream Dove peanut, costume & old jew'elry; Maytag washer, range, old elec tnge, 78 records, teacher bells, postcards GLASSWARE, LINENS, ETC. pink, green, yellow, blue depression glass, milk glass, some Roseville, carnival glass, some ruby, old bottles, bone dishes, goofus glass, world glass set, candy dishes, round butter, cake plates, mdiv butters, mdiv butter churns, lots S&P shakers me Aunt Jemma & Uncle Moses, Foust carnival vases; salts, misc old bowls, glass measure, pottery mixing bowl, Fostona, hobnail, bowl & pitcher set, stemware, gild ed glass, glass kero jug, amethyst vase, bud vase, sq Planters jar, Highland Dairy milk bottles & others, Lozengerjar, canning jars, figurines, planters, quilts-1 dated, afghans, dresser scarves, aprons, hankies, table linens, needlepoint, ice bucket, tin pie plates, gold leaf paint, sewing basket, flatware, porcelain casters, old wood-wood chopper toy, Ralstoy tanker toy, silver plate items, Hollands candy box- Shrewsbury; wood handle utensils, hammered alum items, baskets, cast planter, exercise bike, lawn chans field sprayer-poly tank, milk bottler, Surge & IH milkers, milking stool, milk box, Surge SP 22 vac pump, DeLaval 300 gal milk tank (rough), wood milk bottle crates, lightning rods, dchorners, wheelbarrow, lawn roller, log chain, OISL Stihl chainsaw, twisted clevis, misc hand & long handle tools, vises, workbench, toolboxes, pipe cut ter, scythe, Echo string trimmer, wood feed cart, calf crate, 300 gal skid tank, hill side hitch, IH tractor seat, hay fork, blow torch, -H-items to numerous to mention AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Cars have been garage kept This is an exceptionally nice sale This is the site of the lormcr Highland Dairy TERMS: Cash or good check Not responsible tor accidents Refreshments by Hametown Farm Women AUCTIONEERS: OWNER; Kenneth Keeny AU2797L Thomas Carman 717-993-3448 Virginia Lehman, POA Marlette Thomas AU32SIL WED APR 5 -10 AM Antiques, Dolls Toys, Paper Ephemera Ridge Fire Co, Rt 23 between Rl 100 and Phoemxville, PA Kathy Maurer, Aucl WED APR 5 -10 AM Gallup & Ten Haken JD Dealership Used Farm Equip Rt 474, Clymer, NY RovTeitsworlh. me aucts WED APR 5 -10 AM Tractors, Farm Machinery, Household Goods 118 Wmtersville Rd, Richland, Berks Co for Ray & Barb Bicksler Harry Bachman, auct WED APR 5- 10AM Laboratory & office equip, jewelry slock PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE REAL ESTATE RESIDENTIAL LOT 27’x74’ BARN/BLDG. TOOLS - FARMAII CUB - WOODWORKING EQUIP. LUMBER - PERSONAL PROPERTY SAT., APR. 22, 2000 9 AM - Real Estate 1 PM LOCATION: Oak St, Schaefferstown, PA Rt 501 North thru Schaefferstown Turn right at Hess Gas Station on 501 N turn right onto Oak St to property on right Heidelberg Twp, Lebanon County Real Estate consists of Residential Zoned lot 130’x142 w/2 story frame bldg 27’x74' w/100 Amp elect Lot is level w/fruit trees Public water is available Quiet side street location Terms 10% down balance 60 days Inspection by appointment For land plot ting brochure financing call auctioneers at 717-445-4309 or 717- 733-1000 Terms BY LEROY R. & EDNA M. Auction Conducted By SHAAK Randal V Kline Lloyd Kreider & Roy Good Jr Auctioneers 717-949-3322 Lie #2116 #499 #513 Thomas Cooper, Atty. 717-445-4309 i AUCTIONEERS FARM ITEMS 1825 E Boston Ave Phila, Pa Wm F Comly & Son, aucls WED APR 5 -10 AM Farm mar ket equip, supplies, decorative wicker baskets groceries 1105 W Mam St, Mount Joy Pa For Herr's Country Market Miller & Sieqnst Aucts WED APR 5 - 2PM Antiques, household goods collectibles pnmitves & tools Held at Horst Auction Center Rt 322 & Durlach Rd Ephrata Lane Co For Pauline D Dyer Horst Aucts WED APR 5 - 3 30PM Merle & Mary Klinger Beaver Springs Pa 3 bedroom home on 3 acres Hassmger & Courtney, aucts WED,APR 5-6 30PMWmross, Hess, Farm Trac & Toys To Be held at A&C Diffenbach Auction Inc, 100 W Jackson SI, New Holland Lane Co Pa 717-355- 7253 WED APR 5 - BPM Spring Con signment Sale Stock Cows & Calves Four States Livestock Sales, Hagerstown, Md THURS, APR 6 - Real estate, 1 ac wooded tract w/split level home, 2 car garage, 27’x32’ shop Jeffrey & Christine King, Kline, Kreider, Good, aucts THURS APR 6 - 9AM Real estate, household goods. antiques & coins at 26 N 'Kmzer Pa By Mrs Samuel Henry Rd in village of Kmzer, Paradise Howard E Shaub, Inc, auct Twp Lane Co Pa By Esther A Clark Robert E Jeffrey R & Michael L Martin aucts THURS APR 6 - SAM Furn , antiques & collectibles power & ahdn tools At Al Starr Firemen s Bldg, Village of Willow St, Lane Co Pa By Mrs Donald (Cora) Miller Probst Family Auction THURS APR 6 - SAM Cub Far mall Tractor, Farm equip horse articles butchering articles, tools, household goods 271 Hollow Rd New Providence Lane Co COMPLETE AUCTIONEERING SERVICE " Real Estate by Auction Saturday, April 15, 2000 At 9:00 A.M. 157± ACRE FARM-2 PARCELS For the Estate of Carrie Klinger West Beaver Twp., Snyder County, PA DIRECTIONS: From Harrisburg travel North of Rts 11 &15 Just north of Liverpool turn left onto Rt 104 and continue into Middleburg At intersection of Rt 522 turn left or SW and pro ceed to McClure At the McClure Family Restaurant or Ush Gap Rd, turn right and follow approx 3 miles Turn right at ' and follow n fr — Kitchen, Living Room, & Family Room w/Woodstove Hookup The Home has an Attached 2-Car Carport The Buildings are a 40x60 Bank Barn w/Several Attached Straw Sheds, a 36'x96' Pole Equipment Building, 80' Bunk Feeder, Butcher SHop w/10'xl0' overhead door, a Kettle Furnace, a 18'x60'Silo w/Unloader & an approx 5,000 Bu Gram Dryer Parcel #2 65-1/2 Acres Approx 10 Acres Wooded, & 35 Tillable NOTE Due to sub division restrictions, parcel 2 will be offered to any adjoining property owners or purchaser of parcel I Parcel 1 & 2 to be offered individually & in their entirety Possession of Tillable Acreage available for planting upon downpayment The 2 Parcels have approximately 130 tillable acres, 23 wooded acres, 2 acres for homesite & two ponds totally 1 1/2 acres All this located along a private lane Be prepared to bid on this fine properly Call for showing KENNETH E. HASSINGER NEIL A. COURTNEY RR 02, Box 985 R.D. #1 Box 239 McClure, PA 17841 JL. Richfield, PA 17086 (570)658-3536 .DS) (570)539-8791 AU-001532-L AU-002651-L FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 2000 9:00 AM LOCATED AT A&C DIFFENBACH AUCTION INC., 100 W. JACKSON ST.. NEW HOLLAND. PA TRACTORS: 1H 234 Compact Diesel w/3 pt & 5’ Belly Mower, Cub 154 Loßoy w/5' Belly Mower, IH Cub w/5’ Woods Mower Deck, JD 316 w/46” Mower Deck (Extra Clean), JD 4230 W Cab, JD 2040 LP Series w/Cab, MF 135-Gas, JD 4250 4W MFWD Power Shift w/Cab, JD 4040 4WD w/Cab-Front Weights, Hyster2soo LB Propane Fork lift, 580 K Backhoe w/Cummms Diesel-Good Running Condition, And Many More Not Mentioned FARM EQUIPMENT: Kuhn GRS 25 Rake-Tedder, NH 489 Haybme, JD 55 Forage Blower, 3 Pt Plastic & Drip Line Layer w/Fert Applicator In Good Cond, AC 333 No-Till 4R Corn Planter w/78 Series Air Champ Units, Liq Fert, Insect Boxes and Monitor, IH 3 pt 4 Shank Auto Reset Ripper, IH 3BT Rollover Plow, MF 880 4BT Spring Reset Plow, JD 7000 4R No Till Dry Corn Planter, Little Giant 32’ Elevator, Martin Smidley 100 BU Steer Stuffer, JD 7000 4RN Liq Corn Planter, JD 7200 4R Corn Planter, IHC #9 Trailer Gear Mower, IHC #9 Regular Gear Mower-Both Rebuilt. New Alum Spring Wagon w/Cap, Nl 362 M Spreader, NH #8 Forage Wagon, Massey Harris #8 M Spreader, JD Kulefer 505 Disc, Smucker 900 Gal Tank Spreader, Nl 323 Corn Picker, Deutz-Fahr 85345 Baler w/Thrower, Bullion 12’ Inboard Cultimulcher, Oliver 3 PT Trip Plow.NH 310 Baler, JD 400 Rotary Hoe, Bullion 12’ Cultipacker, Gehl 1500 Round Baler; NH 477 Haybme 7’, Hardi 3 PT Mist Sprayer, Deutz-Allis KS 200 3PT Rake, NH 33 Crop Chopper, NH 68 Baler, JD 609 Rotary Mower, IH 560 4BT Tup Plow. Bush Hog 6’ Rotary Mower, JD 700 Grinder Mixer, NH 357 Grinder Mixer; IH 800 2R 3 PT Corn Planter, Bush Hog 7 Tooth Chisel Plow, NH 718 Harvester; JD 336 Baler, Hyd Bale Shredder. Krone Discbme, JD Model H M Spreader, JD 780 Hydro Push M. Spreader: Grimm PTO Tedder; And Many More Items Not Mentioned THERE WILL.BE AN ABSOLUTE SALE ROW OF EQUIPMENT SOLD AT APPROX. 1:00 PM ALL ADVERTISED ITEMS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. SOME EQUIPMENT SOLD DAILY. RECEIVING DAYS - MONDAY THRU THURSDAY, APR. 10TH THUR 13TH - 7:00 AM TO 5:00 PM NO SMALL ITEMS RECEIVED ON FRIDAY. SALE ORDER 9:00 AM - SALE STARTS 9:30 AM - LARGE EQUIPMENT 12 NOON - FARM TRACTORS AFTER TRACTORS - CONSTRUCTION & CONTRAC TOR EQUIPMENT 12:30 PM - LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMENT APPROX. 1:00 PM - ABSOLUTE ROW OF EQUIP. A&CDIFFENBACH AUCTION INC 100 W Jackson St, PO Box 186, New Holland PA 17557 Phone (717)355-7253 Fax (717) 355-9547 THURS APR 6 -10 AM Spring Consignment Sale Rt 119 to Gallatin Ave Exit turn west on Bute Rd 2 miles to sign Quar rick Auctm Service THURS APR 6 -10 AM Farm machinery auction So York Co Farm Service Agency owner Klmg s Auctions, Inc THURS APR 6 - IPM Real estate, 566 Fivepomlville Rd By Clifford N & Esther R Zimmer man Kline Kreider & Good aucts Alan Diflenbach Auct - AU2258-L WOLGEMUTH AUCTION Lumber & Building Material Sale Location: 109 N. Maple Ave., Leola, Pa. 17540 Wednesday, April 5, 2000 9:00 AM 200 Windows - Vinyl & Anderson; Garden Windows; Anderson Bow Box Windows, Bow Windows; Peachtree Windows Casement Fixed & Operational, 150 Doors; Interior & Exterior Pre- Hung Patio Doors; Bi-Folds - Dbl. Doors; Sliders; French Doors; Doors w/Side Lights; Leaded Glass Doors; Tractor Trailer Load of Vinyl Siding; Roof Shingles; Tar Paper; All Kinds of Trim & Molding; Hardware; Nails; Screws; 250 Kitchen Cabinets; Medicine Cabinets; Broom Closets; Cultured Vanity Tops & Counter Tops; Vanities; Door Latches; Door Locks; Wash Bowls; Different Sizes of Trusses; Paneling; Trailer Load of Pine Boards; Hardwoods; Lumber; 1/2”, 5/8” & 3/4” Plywood; Flake Board; 3/4”: OSB Board; Fiberglass Tub & Shower (Some Handicap) Units; Whirlpools; Sinks; Ceiling Tile; Insulation (4’-8’ Sheets); Metal Roofing; Steps; Flashing; Soffet; Ceramic Tile; Carpet & Vinyl Flooring; Hardwood Flooring; Kiln Dry Wood; 5 Tractor Trailer Loads Green Lumber, 10’-20’ Spouting, Coils. Auctioneer Note: Selling with 5 Auctioneers Simultaneously, Bring a Friend 1 Terms: Cash or PA Check with ID. List Subject to Change. WOLGEMUTH AUCTION (#2357) Call Dennis (717) 656-2947 FAX (717) 656-6011 http://www.wolgemuth-auction.com GMAIL-wolgemulh-auct@juno.com Next Lumber & Building Supply Sale: May 3, 2000 Tj, absolute AUCTION T Weaver, Auctioneering y"* FSTITI Tom & Ken, Weaver ” C«. VA #2367-2543 • 540-828-3159 CC|UipiTieiTl NELSON GARDNER and Family have discontinued operating Rocby Holstein Farm and wish to sell at Public Auction Sat., April 15, 2000 At 9:30 a.m. at Rockingham Fairgrounds Harrisonburg, VA You Don't Want To Miss This Auction! Directions: Interstate 81 exit 243, south on Rt. 11 for 2 miles OR exit 240, north on Rt. 11 for 2 miles. Kubota M 5950 DT with 1840 QA loader (4WD), CASE IH 2294 M.F.W.D , C.A H ; CASE 2470 4WD with duals, IH 1066 Hydro; 1997 Case I H 5240 Maxxum, 2 wd , cab, weights, 910 Hrs , I H 574 w/row crop wheels, new paint, I H 2250 Mount-o-Matic loader, 48" bucket, 1997 Gehl 2365 10' disc bine (exc.), 1997 H & S byfold wheel rake, w/center wheel (6 wheels on each side); CASE 1840 skid steer loader, diesel, Rhino SE 8' rotary cutter, 3 FT; 8' H&S tedder; hydraulic bale fork, 3 FT; IH hay conditioner, H&S manure spreader, Hyd 295, NH 144 invert er, Claag hay tedder, NH 258 hay rake, (2) Badger forage wagons on 12T, Rhino 200 12' double offset disk, CASE-IH 415 roller harrow; NH 326 baler with 72 thrower; Herd 750 3 pt. seeder/spreader; NH 1600 forage harvester; NH 919 A 3 auger base, NH 939 N 3 corn head; NH hay pickup; NH 4 RN Snapper head; IH 5100 21x7 soybean special drill; WIC bedding chopper with Honda engine; Grain Chief 6x54 auger ele vator, electric; Shaver HD-10 post driver with Hyd. controls, Danuser 12" post hole digger; 3 pt. bale spear; Stirex 4 spinner hay tedder; 1500 gal. fertilizer tank, 1 set 20.8x38 duals; 1991 GMC 7000 truck, diesel with 16' Godwill dump body, gram bed; 1978 C 65 Chevy gas with 24' Jerr Dan rollback body, 2-speed, 5x2 Rear. Many other farm related miscellaneous items. Information: Contact Larry Gardner voice mail: 540-801-9824 email: LWGARDNER@aoI.com or Auctioneer Tom Weaver 540-828-3159 Auctioneer Note: All equipment family owned and in excellent condition. Terms: Cash or good check; all out of state buyers need bank statement for check. Food available. Tom M. Weaver & Kent Weaver Auctioneers 540-828-3159 540-828-4963 Fax: 828-2777 Not responsible for any accidents.