834-LancMter Farming, Saturday, April 1, 2000 SAT APR 1 - 9AM - Tractors, Farm Machinery, Truck etc Wal ter’s Hatchery Rd , New Salam Borough Jack & Anna Mary Nace, Owners C C Miller Sons, Auct SAT , APR 1 - 9AM • Farm & Butchering Equip, Collectibles, Furniture, Misc at 643 Pine Stump Rd , Chambersburg, PA Mr & Mrs Conwell Rife, Owners Terry L & Kelly A Shelter. Aucts SAT APR 1 - 9AM Lebanon Val ley Livestock sth Annual Farm Machinery Consignment Sale 717-865-2881 to consign SAT APR 1 -9AM Large Machin ery Auction 7 miles S of Somer set Luce Aucts SAT APR 1 - 9AM Auto shop equip, tools, parts supplies and trucks Frystone Fire Co Berks Co, Pa For Marks Garage Syl van B Wilmer, Dale Stauffer, aucts SAT APR 1 - 9AM Antiques, household goods Magh furniture, oriental rugs, CX Carlson & other framed pictures, Hummel fig urines, tin & other toys, guns 147 Glennville Rd, Village of Cochranville, Chester Co, Pa By Ira E Garver, Jr Estate Howard E Shaub. Inc, aucts Directions: Located in Myerstown, PA. From Schaefferstown take 501 N. to 422 West. Proceed 1 mile to auction on left. From Lebanon take 422 East to auction 1/4 mile before light at 645. From Bethel take 501 S. to 422 W. to auction on left. NOTE: This is an ongoing business. Most of these items are trade-ins from other local dealers, con signments from home owners, and general over stock ALL ITEMS ARE SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. LAWN MOWERS: 2 John Deere 318 Hydro Power Steering 50”, John Deere 180 17 H.P., Bolens DJT 1700 Bolens Diesel 60” Deck, Bolens 11 H.P. 36 inch, Massey Ferguson 1200 12 H.P., Yardman 12 H.P. 38 inch, Jacobsen Rear Engine Rider, Snapper 8 H.P. 30 inch, Snapper 8 H.P. 33 inch. Cub Cadet 14 H.P., Dixon 12 H.p. 38 inch, with bagger. Simplicity 3108 8 H.P. 30 inch. ServiStar 18 H.P. 46 inch, John Deere 68 Rear Engine Rider, John Deere SB2, Sears 10 H.P. 36 inch, Toro 8 H.P. 25 inch, White 12 H.P. 38 inch, Ford YTIBH with snowblower & deck, John Deere 110, Toro 8 H.P. 32 inch, Huskee 12 H.P. 42 inch, John Deere RX9S, New Toro Wheelhorse 12 1/2 H.P. 32 inch, Anens HTI6, Demo Ariens 1440 Easy Rider ZTR, John Deere 400, Gravely Front Cut 16 H.P. Ferris 18 H.P. 52 inch Pro w/200 HRS on New Engine, Wheelhorse 11 1/2 H.P. 36 inch, John Deere 165 w/Bagger, John Deere 332 Diesel, PS 50 inch Hydro, Many more expected. PUSH MOWERS: ROTOTILLERS: MISCELLANEOUS: John Deere 440 Snow mobile, John Deere Snowblower for 60 or 70, Snowblowers, Troybilt vac w/Chipper, 5 H.P. Woods Trailer Vac, Honda 3-Wheeler, 13 Ft. Utility Trailer, Weedeaters, Chainsaws, Etc. GOOD FOOD AND GIVEAWAYS WE WILL ACCEPT ALL LAWN & GARDEN CONSIGNMENTS UNTIL THE DAY OF AUCTION. NO CONSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED ON SATURDAY APRIL 8. BRING YOUR EQUIPMENT TO SELL AND BUY EQUIP MENT TO USE. Terms: Cash, Good PA Check, Master Card & Visa Out Of State Buyers Must Have Dated Bank Letter Of Credit, All Items Sold As Is. Removal Time Is 2 Weeks. Receiving Dates April 3-7 Until 9:00 PM. Auction Site Phone (717) 866-4530 Sale For: Service Plus Power Equipment 420 W. Lincoln Ave Myerstown, PA (717) 866-4530 f?H ILIP Hl % AUCTIONEER SAT APR 1 - 9AM Tractors & Garage tools 2 1/2 miles N of Liverpool Norma E Brubaker, owner Roger A Lauver, Dean E Lonoacre. aucts SAT APR 1-9/CM Antiques, Col lectibles, Furniture, Primitives, Farm Equip, Misc Rt 274 & Cam ber's Comer, Duncannon William H Gamber Estate Fahnestock's Auction Svc SAT APR 1 - 9AM Public Tool Auction, At 3228 Perkiomen Ave, Reading. Pa For Ruth L Graeft Klinger Aucts SAT APR 1 • 9AM 79 acre farm, 'arm equip, household, tools, antiques, vehicles 1201 Pine Grove Rd, Fredericksburg, Bethel Twp, Berks Co By Elvm Shilling Executor Nelson L Ebersole, auct SAT APR 1 - 9AM West Supply Center, 6127 Cedar Ave Phila, Pa Lumber & Buidlmg Supplies Wolgemulh Auct SAT APR 1 -9AM At Hause man’s Farm Mtk Hill Church Rd, Pikeville, Pa Berks Co Plants & Shrubbery Gary Hauseman, auct SAT APR 1 - 9AM Two Day / Philip Hurst (717) 336-5443 For Fast Reliable Auctions CALL HURST FIRST 20 South Ridge Road Reinholds, PA 17569 Consignment Public Auction, Farm machinery, tractor.s tools, lawn & garden, lumber, poultry, etc Off Rt 655,5 miles S ofHar nsonville, Pa Charles W Lease, 717-485-9476 or Vernon B Leese 717-573-2302 SAT APR 1 - 9AM Shop tools & equip, elec hand tools, antiques, lumber, misc Complete liquida tion of W T Black Builders At Stembacher American Legion, Post 617, 50 E Bth Ave , S Williamsport, Pa Mike & Janet Raker, owners Scott Younkm & Assoc, aucts SAT APR 1 - 9AM fishing & camping accessories, model air planes At 571 Deibler Rd, Millersburg, Pa RudyJ Scheib, owner David Deibler, Ed Shoop, aucts SAT APR 1 - 9AM Real Estate, HH Goods, antiques, primitive tools 199 Tabr td , Earl Twp, Lane Co, Pa By Graces Eaby Robert E, Jeffrey R Michael L Martin, aucts SAT APR 1 - 9AM Hilltop Sales & Service Annual Consignment Auction, lawn & garden, Falcone Rd, bangor, Pa Hartzell's Auc lion Gallery, Inc SAT APR 1 - 9AM Large Farm Equipment Consignment Sale L Parker Sales, Inc Lee Parker, auct _____ SAT APR 1 - 9AM 11th Annual Community Farm Auction Near Rock Springs at the Huntmgdon- CentreCo Line RonJ Gilligan & RonS Gilliaan. aucts SAT APR 1 - 9AM 12th Annual! Community Consignment Sale at the Hunt Centre Co line near Rock Spnngs along Rt 45 Farm Eq and misc to consign 814- 692-8738 Gilligans and Esh aucts SAT APR 1 - 9AM Antique trac tor, car & tarm implements At Valley Wide farm on Rt 192 between Centre Hall & Rebers burg, Centre Co For Ruth Coursen, Leon J & James T Smith __ SAT APR 1 - 9AM - lawn Eq & Related For Noll's Engine Ser vice, 994 Ridge Rd, Shippens burg, PA 717-423-6300 Martin's Auction Service SAT , APR 1 - New and Used farm, industrial tractors, machin ery, lawn & garden equip Mar shall Machinery. Inc, RR 4 Box 630, Route 652, Honesdale, Pa 570-729-7117 SAT, APR 1 - Farm Machinery, Tractor 557 Ranck Rd, New Holland Allen& Vera Burkholder Kline, Kreider, Good, Aucts Schaefferstown REAL ESTATE PUBLIC AUCTION THURS., APRIL 20, 2000 Auction Time 6:30 P.M. Directions: From Rt. 501 in Schaefferstown take 897 South, where Rt 419 goes North, take S. Market St. to property on left. Heidelberg Twp., Lebanon Co. 310 South Market Street, Newmanstown “Schaefferstown” 2-1/2 STORY FRAME HOUSE WITH REMODELED INTERIOR includes kitchen/dming room combination with custom cherry stained cabinets with extra features, wood stove & electric baseboard heat, large living room with laundry/closet combination, open stairway, family room w/hardwood floor & built-in bookshelves, foyer and 1/2 bath. UPSTAIRS; has 2 bedrooms w/hardwood floors, large cedar lined closet, full modern bathroom. Interior was remodeled 3 yrs. ago with new 200 amp electric ser vice, plumbing and some replacement windows, wood & aluminum siding, standing seam roof, attic storage. Small barn w/1-car garage, lot size 1/4 acre. * Public water * On site sewer * Large enclosed porch * Macadam driveway NOTE: A nice house at the edge of town Inside is in excellent condition. Be sure to tour it. OPEN HOUSE: Sat., April 1, 1:00 PM. to 3:00 PM. Sat., April 8, 1:00 P.M. to 3:00 PM. or by appoint For appoint, or help to obtain bank fmkncmg call Aaron E Martin at (717) 733-3511. TERMS: 10% down payment at auction, balance at final settlement on or before June 2, 2000. Attorney Michael P. Kane, 299-5251 Auction By VERNON O. & LAVERNE M. NOLI (717) 949-6518 Professional Aaron IAHTIN AUCTION SERVICE 410 West Church Rd Ephrata, PA 17522 (717)733-3511 aikkcjso-l SAT APR 1-SAMConsignment auction of building materials & equip held at TB Lumber, Liver pool, Pa Kenneth E Massinger, Neil A Courtney, aucls SAT APR 1 - SAM Real estate, antiques, household goods, furni ture. auto, )ewlery and col lectibles 720 N President Ave, Lane , Pa Estate of Helen R Herr H Edward Johnson, auct SAT APR 1 - SAM Farm auction real estate, mobile home, vehicle & contents of the late Rnest & Ruth Goss at 1559 Snook Rd, McClure, Pa Stevens Auct Ser vice SAT APR 1 - SAM Antiques, household goods, car 222 Lehman St, Leb Leb Co , Pa By Earl Walter Estate Dale L Putt, auct SAT APR 1 - SAM Construction Equipment, Carpenter T ools, Household goods, skid loader S COMPLETE ON % 're public Auction Thurs., Apr. 13,2000 @ 3:3opm Liquidation of 5,000+ Sq. Yards In stock Carpet & Vinyl Flooring For Hurst General Supply, Danville PA DIRECTION: From Danville take Rt. 54 South towards Elysburg, approximately 3.5 miles. Hurst General Supply will be on the left. We will be selling 4,000+ sq. yards of carpet, to include all types of residential & commercial grades, from “room size” to “full rolls”. A great selection of styles & colors. Also selling 1,300+ sq. yards of vinyl flooring both residential & com mercial grades, 2,000 sq. yds. of padding, & 300+ pieces of 4’xB’ paneling. Auctioneer’s Note: This will be a short auction with a large volume of flooring goods. If you are a home owner, landlord, or are building or remod eling, you can’t afford to miss this auction. TERMS: Cash, Check, VISA or Master Card. KENNETH E. MASSINGER RR 02, Box 985 McClure, PA 17841 570) 058-3536 AU-001532-L AUCTIONEERING pickup truck Valley View Rd, Caernarvon Twp, Lane Co By Rondy Martin Homing Farm Agency, Inc 610-286-5183 SAT APR 1 - SAM Antiques, Indian artifacts, tools & hardware, ect At the Horst Auction Center, Ephrala, Lane Co, Pa For Wilber E Hoover Estate Horst Aucts SAT APR 1-9 15AM Furniture, antiques, collectibles, guns At 30 Ashley Dr, Dillsburg, Pa Mr & Mrs Robert Drey, owners Chuck Bncker, auct SAT APR 1 - 9 30AM 1942 Case Tractor, Com planter, Oliv er 13 disc gram drill, furniture, antiques For Mr. and Mrs Ted Pyrek, New Hampton Rd, Wash mqlon. NJ Arthur Hanna, auct SAT APR 1 -9 30AM Estate Of Mr S Johnson Hurff Mon roeville, NJ (Near Lake Garrison) Ralph D Hughes, auct SERVICE NEIL A. COURTNEY . R.D. #1 Box 239 Jhk Richfield, PA 17086 ISf (570) 539-8791 Ali-002651-L VEHICLES, OFFICE EQUIPMENT, REST. & BAR EQUIPMENT, PLUMBING, COMPUTERS, CARPET, FLOORING, DOORS, STAIRCASES, FURNITURE, CHANDELIERS TUESDAY, APRIL 4-10 A.M. 1825 E. BOSTON AVENUE, PHILADELPHIA, PA 94 GMC TRUCK, 94 CHEV TAHOE. 95 PONTIAC GRAND AM, 90 DODGE VAN 1994 CMC Truck w/Lift Gate VIN IGDE6HIPIRJSIS4OO, 111,162 Miles, 1994 Chevrolet Tahoe VIN IGNDTI3W9ROI2B4O3, 94,551 Miles. 1995 Pontiac Grand Am VIN 1G2NE15D48M533672. 90.532 Miles, 1990 Dodge Van VIN 287H8Z1Y3MK403973, 143,429 Miles CARPET. PADDING. GRANITE, FLOORING. MOLDING, TILE 50 Rolls of Carpet 12’xlO’ to I2’x6o’, 20 Rolls of Vinyl f tie 12’xl6’ to 12'x135’, Area Rugs, Throw Rugs, Runners, Padding, Curtain Rods, Traverse Rods, Fabric, 1500 S F Granite, 3220 S F Bruce Pre-Fmished Oak Flooring, 8‘ Prc-Fimshcd Casing & Baseboard Molding, 6’ & T White Pine Flooring RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT & BAR EQUIPMENT Cantle Pizza Oven, South Bend Broiler, Southbend 4 Burner Range, Blodgett & Toastmaster Convection Oven, Warmer, Mignalo Bam Mane, Sgle Dble & 8 Dr Refrigerators, Computenzed Dnnk Mixer, Bar Stools, Stack Chairs, Bar Sinks, Brass Foot Rail, Stage Lighting, Honeywell Air Cleaner, Smoke Generator, 24”x24” Marble Table Tops, Ccrvm Vega & Becker Speakers, Hafler Amps, CD Players, Peavcy Elect Cross Over, Exit Signs, Cash Registers, Multi-Mixer Shake Machine, Beverage Air Beer Box OFFICE EQUIPMENT, PHONE SYSTEM, DOORS. FURNITURE, CHANDELIERS Sharp 8300 & SF 7850 Copiers, Nashuatec 4345, 3713, 3522T3 & 3322 Copiers. Konica 8206 & Panasonic Fax Machines, Xerox 7032 Telecopiers, Hewlett Packard Vectra 386/33n Computer, Apple Scanners, Stylcwntcr 2400 & Pro Pnntcr, Asst Powerware, Backups, Brother Typewriter, Identix Finger Pnnt Sec System, Asst Terminals, Monitors. Comdial Executcch Phone System w/10 Phones, Executone & AT&T Phones, Pre-Hung Steel Intenor, Colonial & Pine Doors, Sofas, Loveseats, Hunter Brass metal & Ceramic Chandhers, Lanterns, Loveseats, Boxspnngs, Cnbs, Strollers, Table Lamps PLUMBING. STAIRCASES. ASSORTED EQUIPMENT, ETC. Jacuzzi Whirlpools, Tubs, Toilets, Shower Stalls, Faucets, Oak & Pine Staircases, Stow 2 Bagger Cement Mixer, Scars Mixer, Washer, Dryer, Refngeralor, Star Shade Cutter, Vinyl Rolling Mach , Hoover Wet Vac, Air Compressor, 14’ & 5' Aluminum Ladders, 10’ & 12' Fiberglass Ladders, Pallet Jack, Rug Truck. Beveled & Plate Glass Mirrors, Exide Electric Jack Charger, Shoes, Wheelbarrows LABORATORY & OFFICE EQUIPMENT JEWELRY STOCK WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5 - 10 AM 1825 E. BOSTON AVENUE, PHILADELPHIA, PA ASSETS OF GEN TRAK INC REMOVED TO OUR PREMISES FOR CONVENIENCE OF SALE Nikon Diaphol TMD Inverted Microscope, Servall RC-SB & RC-3B Refrigerated Superspeed Centrifuge. Beckman TJ-6 & Universal UV Centrifuges, Chemical Lab Hoods, Asst Incubators, NuAir CO2 Water Jacketed Incubator, Precision Water Bath, Dynatcch Lab Quick Spcnse lie Controller w/Plate Counter, Reservoir, (4) Harris -80° Chest Freezer, Gem Walk-In Box Freezer & Refrigerator, Jordon Upright Freezer, Refrigerators, Lab Cabinets, Pumps Meters, Light Viewers, Timers, Scales, Auto Folder, Shelving, Work Tables, Air Compressor, Pallet Jack, Dock Plate. Samsung TV, VCR, Office Partitions, Executive Desks, Credcnzas, Chairs, File Cabinets, Bookcases, Cages, Computers, Fax Mach, Printers TRUSTEE SALE IN BANKRUPTCY CS NO. 99-15949/JHW - PLATINUM JEWELERS INC JEWEL RY STOCK REMOVED TO OUR PREMISES FOR CONVENIENCE OF SALE COMPRISING OF: 14K Gold Charms Silver Charms, Gold Rings, Beads & Pearl Necklaces, Gold & Silver Chains. Gold Earrings, Watches Lucien Piccard. Esquire & G-Lide G-Shock & Other Brands. Crystal Paperweights 2 AUCTI INSPECTION: MONDAY, APRIL 3,2000 - 9AM - 4PM TERMS: CASH OR CERTIFIED FUNDS • 25% DEPOSIT ($lOO.OO MIN.) 10% BUYER’S PREMIUM ON ALL PURCHASES VISA & MASTERCARD ACCEPTED FOR BALANCE OF PURCHASE INSPECTION- MONDAY, APRIL 3, 2000 - SAM - 4PM TERMS. CASH OR CERTIFIED FUNDS - 25% DEPOSIT ($lOO.OO MIN ) 10% BUYER’S PREMIUM ON ALU PURCHASES VISA & MASTERCARD ACCEPTED FOR BALANCE OF PURCHASE ■ Established In 1834 UOMI Jf/lucZio*te&u, 1825 East Boston Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19125 (215) 634-2500 • FAX (215) 634-0496 . PA Auctioneers License No. RYOOOOB7-L e-mail: comlv@icdc com website: www comlvmm >N SALES
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