Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 01, 2000, Image 8
AB4.ancaster Farming, Saturday, April 1, 2000 XH\sy^3^y^} r The National Park Service On April 5 and 6, 1916, Congress listened to argu ments in favor of the establishment of the National Park Service “The parks are the Nation’s pleasure grounds and the Nation's restoring places . ” said J Horace McFarland, president of American Civic Association Con servationists and civic leaders were peisuasive, it seems, tor < Congress voted in the affirmative Since then, the National Park Service has grown fiOm overseemj 40 national parks and monument to 170 distinct areas Today, thi National Parks system includes mop than 81 million acres in 49 states Oh, Wilderness were paradise enow! Tip of the We e k Give daffodils their own vase—daffodil stems excrete a substance that other flowers dislike. Lemon Poppy-Seed Muffins I me muffin tins with I paper cups Cream bul- Lter, sugar, and eggs. Add dry ingredients alter nately with milk and lemon f r, "d Stir in poppy seeds and ground walnuts (if using) Fill muf r tin cups half full and bake at 175°F for 15 to 20 minutes Glaze tops with sugar and emon juice mixture Makes 10 to 12 muffins. 6 tablespoons butter 1 cup sugar 2 large eggs 1-1/2 cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 cup milk grated rind of 1 lemon 1/2 cup poppy seeds 1/2 cup walnuts, ground fine (optional) Glaze 1/3 cup sugar juice of 1 lemon United Feature Syndicate 200 Madison Ave (Printed in the US A ) NY, NV 10016 (212-293-8500) Lancaster Fanning Classified Ads Now searchable on the Internet. ✓ Check Out Our Web Site www l.incjstcrl.ll mine com SPECIAL SALES OF LAMBS and GOATS For Easter Trade Tues. Apr. 11 Tues. Apr. 18 6:00 PM WESTMINSTER LIVESTOCK AUCTION Westminster, MD 410-848-9820 Greek Easter Sale Tues. Apr. 25 6:00 PM Rabbit, Poultry Egg Sale Every Thursday 5:00 P.M. New Moon, April 4 -Omar Khayyam The Rewards Pasture Mat is tightly stuffed with , Better Cow Health rubber and sewn every 4" to prevent , Reduced Leg Injury shifting , R ec i ucec j Swollen Hocks Proven most durable top cover . /^ ore isolation Per Cow - More Least abrasive top cover on the market , Reduced Bedding Costs Fits any stall , pasture Mats Often Pay For Proven performance Themselves Within 6 Months. For details and installation with over 6 years experience, call Petersheim’s Cow Mattresses 117 Christiana Pike (Route 372), Christiana, PA 17509 610-593-2242 U S. Pat. No. 5653195 >% OLD FARMER’S WEATHER PROVERBS On the 3rd of April contes the cuckoo and ike nigktingale. Better April showers than the hreadth ofth e ocean in gold. if St. Vincent’s Day (April 5) is fair, there will he more water than wine. First th ree days of April foggy, expect a flood in June. Pasture Mat The Golden Standard In Cow Comfort Ask For Merrill or Sam Kutztown Produce Hay Auction Fleetwood, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Saturday, March 25,2000 Hay—Straw—Grain OATS: 2.55-2.65 BU. OAT STRAW: 75.00. WHEAT STRAW; 68.00-85.00. STRAW: 66.00-70.00. 67 LOADS OF HAY, STRAW, OATS. HAY AND STRAW SALE EVERY SAT., 9 A.M. Lebanon Produce Hay Auction Report Supplied by Auction 1 uesday, March 28,2000 Hay—Straw—Gram ALFALFA MIX: 127.50-130.00. ALFALFA: 125.00-130.00. MIXED HAY; 100.00-145.00. GRASS HAY: 120.00-140.00. STRAW: 85.00-110.00,30.00 LARGE BALE. EAR CORN: 100.00. HAY AND STRAW SALE TUES. 10 A.M. Greencastle Livestock Hay Greencastle, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction March 27,2000 TOTAL LOTS: 28. 26 LOTS OF HAY. ALFALFA: 92.50-170.00. MIXED HAY: 88.00-165.00. TIMOTHY: 118.00 AND 121.00. STRAW: 73.00. Belleville Hay Belleville, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Wednesday, March 29,2000 Hay—Straw—Grain ALFALFA HAY: 75.00-152.50. MIXED HAY: 75.00-145.00. STRAW: 82.50-100.00. CORN: 80.00-110.00. OATS: 2.10-2.40 BU. Aberdeen Livestock Churchvilie, Md. Report Supplied by Auction Wednesday, March 29,2000 SLAUGHTER STEERS: STEADY. CHOICE 2-4 1100-1400 LBS. 71.00- 75.50; SELECT AND LOW CHOICE 1000-1500 LBS. 68.00-72.00; HOL STEIN STEERS HI CHOICE AND PRIME 1250-1400 LBS. 66.00-69.00; CHOICE 1200-1500 LBS. 63.00-66.00; SELECT ALL WEIGHTS 53.00-59.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: STEADY. CHOICE AND PRIME 950-1300 LBS. 70.50-73.50; SELECT ALL WEIGHTS 900-1400 LBS. 62.00-68.00. COWS: STEADY. BRK. UT AND COMM 2-4 BULK 39.00-43.00; HI DRESSING 44.00-49.00; CUTTER AND BONING UT. 36.00-39.00; HI DRESSING 39.00-42.00; CANNERS AND CUTTERS 32.00-39.00; LOW DRESSING 30.00 DOWN. BULLS: STEADY. ALL WEIGHTS 1100-1900 LBS. 46.00-56.00. VEAL CALVES: STEADY. CHOICE AND PRIME 200-400 LBS. LBS. 73.00-89.00; HI GOOD AND LOW CHOICE ALL WEIGHTS 67.00- 78.00. FARM CALVES: 20.00 HIGHER. HOL. BULLS 100-125 LBS. 143.00- 170.00; HOL BULLS 85-95 LBS. 84.00- 115.00; HOL. HEIFER CALVES 100- 120 LBS. 260.00-330.00; SMALL FRAME 70-105 LBS. 115.00-210.00; SLAUGHTER CALVES ALL WEIGHTS 20.00-40.00. FEEDER CATTLE: 5.00 HIGHER. BULLS AND STEERS 400-900 LBS. 73.00- HEIFERS 300-700 LBS. 74.00- LAMBS: STEADY. CHOICE AND PRIME 90-110 LBS. 85.00-97.00; LIGHTER LAMBS 120.00-174.00; HEAVY EWES 33.00-41.00; LIGHT EWES 43.00-55.00. GOATS: STEADY. SMALL 25.00- 40.00; MEDIUM 40.00-65.00; LARGE 85.00- HOGS: STEADY. 210-250 LBS. 38.00- 255-300 LBS. 34.00-40.00; INCREDIBLE LOW PRICES!! SUPER TOUGH STEEL BUILDINGS Factory Direct 800/825-5059 HEAVY SOWS 31.00-39.00; LIGHT SOWS 24.00-29.00; BOARS ALL WEIGHTS 10.00-12.00. New Wilmington Livestock New Wilmington, Pa. March 27,2000 Report Supplied By PDA CATTLE 103 [PDA] Compared with last week’s sale si cows steady to 200 higher SLAUGHTER STEERS one Select 1-3 62 75, one Standard 1-2 55 00 HEIFERS few Standard 1-2 52 00- 55 75 SLAUGHTER COWS Breakers 75- 80% lean 41 00-43 25, one 45 00, Boners 80-85% lean 37 50-42 25, Lean 85-90% lean 35 00-40 75 Shells down to 28 00 BULLS Yield Grade 2 955-2415 lbs 45 00-47 25 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS one Medium 1 580 lbs 61 50, HEIFERS one Medium 1 430 lbs 74 00, BULLS few Medium 1-2 400-555 lbs 59 00-78 50 CALVES 127 VEALERS Standard and Good 70-105 lbs 35 00-50 00, Utility 50-60 lbs 20 00 FARM CALVES No 1 Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs 112 00-120 00, 80-85 lbs 95 00-107 50, No 2 90-120 lbs 50 00- 105 00, No 1 Holstein heifers 80-120 lbs 5000-105 00, No 2 80-130 lbs 150 00- 27000 Beef type bulls and heifers 80-100 lbs 112 50-125 00 HOGS 215 Barrows and gilts steady to 50 lower BARROWS AND GILTS 49-54% lean 200-280 lbs 41 00-42 25, some to 45 75, 45-50% lean 230-280 lbs 40 00- 41 25, 40-45% lean 260-290 lbs 38 JO - 50 SOWS few US 1-3 500-650 lbs 35 00-37 00,320-500 lbs 30 00-35 00 BOARS 340-755 lbs 15 00-16 00, one 265 lbs 33 00 FEEDER PIGS 15 NO MARKET TEST' SHEEP 73 NEW CROP LAMBS Choice 40-80 lbs 115 00-122 50, Good and Choice 35-80 lbs 90 00-105 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP. 22 00-42 50 GOATS 9 [All sold by the head] Medium Nannies 35 00-60.00 per head. Available models 25 x 32 (2 left) 45x90 (1 left) 30x44 (3 left) 50 x 100 (2 left) 40x62 (4 left) 55 x 150 (2 left) call for olhcM sizes