Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 01, 2000, Image 58

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    810-L«nca«tef Farming, Saturday, April 1, 2000 ,
:*Kids Kort^sr
Kick Butts
Bedford Co. Correspondent
BEDFORD (Bedford Co.) - Stupid P^' LT jf^F
Bedford County has one of the Crazy K >WK 3pp
most active TATU or Teens Dangerous
Against Tobacco Use Coalitions “Smoking kills!” A
in the state. “Need I say more?”
Setting high standards these Students from the Bedford
teens from Bedford, Everett, County Coalitions attend the **
Northern Bedford, Hyndman, state conference in March.
Tussey Mountain, and Chestnut They do an annual survey to
Ridge students form the county check their own progress in each
coalition. Participants are good individual school. This year,
scholars, and active m school Northern Bedford took a poll at
sports or other extra curricular a wrestling match to find that
activities. Advisors are volun- out of 137 individuals inter- BHHHBBHHHHHP
teer high school teachers, Joyce viewed, 26 smoked and 111 did . . D .. . u .
xj m ■ . r>„; , udents from Bedford m
Herncane, Tnsh Beidle, less not. frawi« Lean Hvndman
Crawford, Ed Beidle, Phil Logue, Ten of those smoking smoked flame” * ’
and Julie Evans. cigarettes, 5 used smokeless
A fall conference kicks off the tobacco, and one smoked cigars. p U j an 0 n incorrect
season with more then 100 stu- Thirty two of those answer- nirfnrp^
dents attending the all day ing the questions said that P c
event annually. It’s a day for someone in their household
planning and getting ideas for smokes while 96 households did <n~
upcoming activities. not have members who smoked. o/"~
This year, the students plan Ninety one were concerned Til ■) ■ I °
to hold a candlelight vigil on with the effects of second hand \Sy o SMOKING!!!,
April 13, in front of the Bedford smoke and 37 were not. s-.,—n—-fe |’|y/| NOT
County Courthouse. Following All of those who did not JOKING!!!
an evening of singing and short smoke preferred a home that
speeches, the students will lead was smoke free. IT
a candlelighting ceremony ask- Another survey was done by .J 3 f —L J—
ing each participant to remem- inserting a questionnaire into
ber a loved one who has died as the center of the local Chamber ——
the result of smoking. of Commerce paper asking busi-
April is a big month for nesses to notify the coalition if
Bedford County’s TATU and on they are smoke free. \
April 15, the annual billboards Students from Chestnut C
will go into place. Located at Ridge computer designed a _ 'fgzS /
such strategic spots as along clever “thank you,” which will be '~FI p
Route 30, Route 220, and Route framed and presented to each 'A X-J
26 leading into Saxton, the bill- answering business. fe
boards, bearing anti tobacco One of the Bedford High v?
messages, are all designed by School activities, which has been
the students. very successful was the creation
of an activity book for elemen-
tary students. CZIS c )
During “Kick Butts” weeks
which is also held in April, high
school students help to educate
the younger generation with a
series of assemblies or puppet
shows, written by the teens
Radio spots will be aired on
local stations throughout the
spring with messages created by
the students such as this one
from Northern Bedford.
“Each year there are more
than 400,000 deaths in the
United States caused by smok
ing-related illnesses."
“Is that how you want to die?”
The choice is yours....
“When you choose to smoke,
you’re not only hurting yourself
but others t 00...
Match the part below w-ih the
color that part turns,when you
Several pages from that book
let are shown on the “Children’s
Page” in this issue.
TATU has become a presti
gious organization in Bedford
County schools. When Tussey
Mountain lost their long time
volunteer leader, Glenn Young,
this year, the students were so
upset they found a replacement
leader. “Some of them want to go
into health related fields and
felt it was very important to
have an organization such as
this,” says their advisor. Phil
TATU even inspired a
Hyndman High School student
to write a song called, “Ashtray
Mama” which will be sung on
the radio this spring.
Watch real chicks hatch.
Hunt for eggs where animals
and insects hide their eggs, and
learn about the variety of ani
mals that come from eggs.
On Sunday, April 16, from 11
a.m. to 5 p.m., families are in
vited to the Hands-On-House,
Children’s Museum of Lancas
ter, 721 Landis Valley Road,
Lancaster, for the Eggceptional
Egg Hunt.
Admission is $5 for adults and
children plus $1 “eggstra” per
child. Reservations are not re
quired. For more information,
Egg Hunt
Students from Bedford High School present a puppet show to second
graders. Travis Leap, Hyndman, entertains his peers with a self-written song,
“Ashtray Mama”
The universe has billions of galaxies,
and each galaxy has hundreds of billions
of stars. The stars you can see when you
look up at the sky are In our own galaxy,
which Is called the Milky Way.
Along with the stars In each galaxy,
there are clouds of dust and gas. Stars are
actually big balls of gas. mostly hydrogen, that
give off heat and light. They are bom from the
clouds of dust and gas. As more and more gas
Is pulled into a cloud, the cloud starts to
spin. Atoms of gas bump Into each other. As
What is worse than raining
cats and dogs?
/ *