Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 01, 2000, Image 57

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    Grassland FFA
Grassland FFA Chapter had
three of this year’s 42 American
Degree recipients from Pennsyl
vania. Dr. Larry Burkhart,
Elanco School District Superin
tendent, recently presented this
prestigious degree to Ken
Martin, Keith Sauder, and Jes
sica Weaver.
Grassland FFA American Degree recipients Jessica
Weaver and Keith Sauder are being congratulated by Dr.
Larry Burkhart. Also receiving the degree was Ken Martin.
Ken Martin is the son of Lelan
and Marilyn Martin of East
Earl. Ken had a variety of SAE
projects and was involved in
poultry judging during his FFA
career. Ken has served in several
offices in the Grassland Chap
ter. He also went on to serve as
Pennsylvania FFA Sentinel.
Ken is currently in Baltimore,
Maryland, training for .a youth
evangelism service assignment.
Keith Sauder is the son of
Randy and Linda Sauder of
East Earl. Keith was also a
member of the poultry judging
team and served as chapter re
porter. Included in Ken’s SAE
projects were pleasure horses,
home improvement, and work
experience. Ken has always en
joyed working with his hands,
and his talents earned him first
place in the Pennsylvania Agri
cultural Mechanics Proficiency
Award Competition. He also
went on to be a national semi
finalist. Ken is currently em
ployed by New Holland
Jessica Weaver is the daugh
ter of John and Martha Weaver
of Denver. Jessica had SAE
projects revolving around wild
life conservation and work expe
rience. She was recognized on
the state level for her wildlife
project. Jessica has served as a
chapter president and went on
to be elected president of the
Penn State Collegiate FFA
Chapter. She has also received
several scholarships to help her
achieve a degree in Agricultural
Education. She is currently stu
dent teaching at Oley Valley
High School in Berks County.
Berks Pageant Is May 6
Reservations for the Berks
County Dairy Princess pageant
are needed for Saturday, May 6,
at the Berks County Agricul
tural Center, Leesport.
Pageant reception begins at
6:15 p.m. with dinner served at 7
Cook’s Corner
1 cup milk
2 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons salt
1 to 2 tablespoons shortening
Scald milk and add sugar, salt, shortening, and water.
Cool to lukewarm. Soften yeast in V« cup lukewarm water
and add to milk mixture. Add flour gradually, mixing well,
to make a stiff dough. Turn out on lightly floured board
and knead until smooth and elastic. Place in greased
bowl, cover and let rise until doubled in bulk; punch down
and let rise again. Continue as above.
For a richer bread: Use one cup milk in place of one
cup water; use two tablespoons honey, corn syrup or mo
lasses in place of sugar.
Cracked wheat: Use 4 cups cracked wheat for four
cups white flour.
Graham: Use six cups graham flour for 6 cups white
Oatmeal: Use four cups oatmeal for 4 cups white flour.
Raisin: Add 2 cups raisins or chopped prunes or nuts.
Brown sugar may be used instead of granulated and grat
ed orange or lemon rind added.
Whole wheat flour: Use six cups whole wheat flour for
six cups white flour. Use V* cup molasses instead of
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 1, 2000-B9
Cost is $lO for adults, $8 for
children 6-12, and $1 for chil
dren 5 years and under.
Reservations must be made by
April 25. Send a check to Bar
bara Grimes, P.O. Box 215,
Strausstown, PA 19559.
(Continued from Pago B 8)