Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 01, 2000, Image 55
#»■ I / / —\ \ ■»<•* I—l L —' ' — l 3 *B i were recognized for earning var g| | 4 Y-- jous awards during the organ- J% I BB member banquet the f I ESS Mifflinburg Area High School. MBI BH members V the ban- I vania FFA member to receive an J» Agriscience Fair. She the botany cate gory. Daren • for earn , profi- Kenamond and Douglas Wolfe Charlie Gudeman, WPSX Cooks program host, and Bar- wer ® honored for being regional bara Miller, Penn State Cooperative Extension family living proficiency award winners, agent, are the guest cooks at the 2000 Homemaker Show Courtney Benner, Denae to be held at the Central Christian High School In Dußois J °, n ’ J: es,,e Kenamond, on April 8, starting at 12:30 p.m. Cooking demonstrations, Kuhs, and Valerie displays, samples, door prizes, and lots of fun. Call for Spanger recognized for re ticket information at (814) 371-4200. Sf v,n 8 *® PFA Keystone Degree, while Sheena Moser re hhmhm ceived the Union County Star A’Sftftfr***,l Farmer Award and Lindsay /WKfOl Spanger received the Kuhns K Brothers Forestry Award. For The Control Of fa... Daniel Kenamond received •Ipalrows ’crowT 8 the Star Chapter Farm Award, AwtWteA Pesticide For Morris received the Star Control of Pest Birds Chapter Agribusiness Award, *29s°° a °d Tristan Roup received the +6.00 Shipping HBBBBiflinH Star Chapter Greenhand • Restricted use pesticide must have applicators license ¥7/-vt T t» I Biain supply NEED YOUR ittRiVS iilil FARM BUILDINGS (717)536-3861 PAINTED^ probFeivTmilk? ” ~ write- 61 us give you a price! Don't Dump Your Hard Work - . .. Down The Draini Daniel s Painting Making Cheese With Your Milk 111 637-A Georgetown Rd. 11 Preserves Its Value _ . J*. . ____ 4-Milking Penalty Warm Milk HOnKS, PA 17572 6 ' , v _ n (or leave message) CALL THE CHEESEMAKER «#>■ nneo We’ll Take Care of Everything \*l » / DO i~O£D/C Toll Free 888/624-3373 Spray on and Brush in Painting 717/933-4385 V* UU ■sidUMSMCSUhtiaussdhsuoduE^^ HOT HOUSE The Chi Machine Far Infrared Rays (FIR) Health Builder The Sun Harmony Aerobic Exerciser Within the magnetic spectrum, while some rays, such as Does your body get the oxygen it needs? light, can be seen by the unaided human eye, most are (AiUpied from. quiz by or Eig. totally invisible to us. Far Infrared Rays (FIR) are well Check all the boxes which apply to you - beyond the ability of the naked eye to see. FIR is 2! * ake up t , lred ’ even , after ei f ht hours of sleep ~ f * . . . L , * □ 1 sleep restlessly, waking up frequently capable of penetrating deep into the human body. It can a , suff^r from ch ; onic fat t gU c gently and delightfully elevate the body's temperature. □ i have poor physical endurance When it does so, it helps to expand capillaries which O I tend to be moody and irritable stimulates blood circulation. This increases the body's J an V' iusce P tl ' s J® to colds and flu energy reserve, and accelerates the metabolic exchange g} and on edge between blood and body tissue. That's not all! FIR can □ I am frequently constipated actually increase the body tissue's regenerative ability. It □ 1 have frequent pain in my shoulder and/or back also reduces abnormalities in nervous system and helps 1 have we| ght problems the autonomous system funct.on properly U • Electronically Controlled & Safe might not be assimilating sufficient ox> a en • Simple to Operate Please consult your physician You ma wish to have your blood oxygen levels tested before and • Small and Portable after you begin lo use the Chi Machi. e • A Wider 160 Degree Heating Surface 100% satisfaction A . . I_Onn /.XP /.OHO I convinced me that lack guaranteed! 1 ® vv<,owyv " I otoxygems the root 0 t ' 717-354-4929 I most or perhaps even all hte usa, inc. V ' Dr shlzuo lnoue S®3r Award. Mark Kuhns received the Ser viStar tools tor tomorrow Award. Clinton Morris received a regional award for his record book, while Leslie Kenamond received a county award. Za chariah Sholley was selected to receive a lamb given by Moun tain View Farms. 58 chapter proficiency awards were presented to members, while Erin Bowman, Jessie Camp, Denae Johnson, Leslie Kenamond, Mark Kuhns, Clin ton Morris, Sheena Moser, Lind say Spangler, and Donald Weller 111 were recognized for receiving state project book gold awards. Three members re member banquet included from left Clinton Morris, who received the Star Chapter Agribusiness Award; Daniel Kenamond, who received the Star Chapter Farmer Award; and Tristan Roupp, who received the Star Greenhand Award. Maintenance Free Railings For Porches, Decks or Balconies We have the expertise to design & create a system just to fit your need. Any Size, Different Styles ' IXI ■- v/ny/ railing systems offer low OCtCC maintenance and durability. • No Rust • Smooth Surfaces Available • No Paint • Impact Resistant • White "* MHIIRiIHrHPH •No Scraping • Lasting Beauty • Ivory •UV Stabilized • Non-Fading Colors < VINYL RAILING Quality Workmanship y* 7 351 0534 systems SSSSSSS*. Now Holland PA |H -- ~ 111 Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, April 1, 2000-B7 ceived silver awards. 31 members received ribbons for placing in the SUN Area FFA record book contest. 13 members received scholarship awards, and chapter awards were presented to 26 members. Other awards were also pre sented during the banquet. Elio Chiareili, Jr., president of the Pennsylvania FFA Associa tion, was the speaker at the ban quet. Lindsay Spanger presented an annual review of chapter activities. Installed as new officers were Sarah Erdley, president; Jessie Camp, vice president; Daphne Catherman, secretary; Sheena Moser, treasurer; Jeffrey Saud ers, sentinel; Lindsay Spanger, reporter; and Caleb Clark, chap lain. Teachers Glenn Spangler and Charles Kessler, FFA advi sors, were recognized by retiring officers.