A46-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 1, 2000 (Continued from Page A 2) 1010-1300 lbs 52.50-57.75. One consign ment Standard 1-2 1245-1560 lbs 43.00- 47.75. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice, few Prime 2-4 1080-1440 lbs 68.75- 72.25; 980-1035 lbs 67.00-69.00. Select and low Choice 2-3 970-1415 lbs 65.00- 68.75. Couple Select 1-2 1095-1125 lbs 61.75-63.00. SLAUGHTER COWS: PERCENT LEAN WEIGHT BULK LOW DRESS ING Breakers 75-80 pet lean over-1400 lbs 40.50-43.75 37.75-41.00 Boners 80-85 pet lean over-1200 lbs 38.75-42.50 36.50- 39.50 Lean (Hi-Yield) 85-88 pet lean over-1200 lbs 38.50-41.50 36.00-39.00 Lean 88-90 pet lean over-1000 lbs 36.00- Middlebura Livestock Auction Sales, Inc. "Special” Riding Horse Sale Saturday, April 8, 2000 Tack 8:30 AM Horses 11:00 Don’t miss this sale if you are looking for a “riding” pony or “riding” horse! Call 570-837-2222 for info Clarence Shirk, Auctioneer Lie. #002750 Sale barn located 5 miles W. of Selinsgrove or 3 miles E. of Middleburg Restaurant Open It delivers safe, clean, thermostatical business, workshop, garage, pool, g It’s important to fill out your Census form... Here are a few of the places you can go for help. Crlspus Attucks March 1S - Community Center April 14 &07 Howard Ave.. Lancaster Oak Bottom Village 123 Grotfdale Dr. Quarryville Water Street March 27 - Rescue Mission April 14 gin S. Prince St. Lancaster Lancaster Job Cntr. 60 West Walnut St. Lancaster Lancas&r Co- Library f * 125 N. Duke St April 14 Lancaster Trinity Lutheran Church 31 S Duke St, Lancaster Stelnman March 27 - Boys/Qirls Ctub April 14 333 Dauphin St.. Lancaster . 39.75 34.00-37.00 Lean (Light-Wt) 85-90 pet lean 750 -1000 ibs 32.00-36.25 30.50- 32.50. SLAUGHTER BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1400-1935 lbs 50.00-60.25, few up to 68.00; couple fancy Limousins 1275- 1320 Ibs 72.75-73.00. Yield Grade 2 1240-2315 lbs 45.50-51.50, few early 51.50-55.00. Bullocks: Choice 2-3 835- 1200 lbs 58.50- 65.00. Select 1-3 870- 1530 lbs 47.50-54.75. CALVES: Vealers not fully tested this week as buyers for calves to return to farm took most of the supply. Slaughter calves 15.00-20.00 higher. Holstein bulls returned to farm 20.00-35.00 higher. Holstein heifers steady with last week's close. VEALERS: One lot Standard and low Good 60-70 lbs 23.00. illy controlled heat for yi ireenhouse, and more March 27 - April 14 March 27 - Mon. - Fri. April 14 10 ■ 4:30 March 27 - April 14 Lanc^^^ine 1 E Mam St, Ephrata PA 17522 SLAUGHTER CALVES: Good and Choice 200-350 lbs 95.00-115.00; lew 400-550 lbs 75.00-90.00. Couple Good 565-730 lbs 40.00-42.00. RETURNED TO FARM: Holstein bulls 85-125 lbs 130.00-177.00, with 35 head 95- 100 lbs 181.00-197.00. Plainer type bulls 80-125 lbs 92.00-145.00, weaker calves 70-110 lbs 35.00-100.00. Holstein heifers 80-120 lbs 280.00- 365.00. Plainer heifers 70-110 lbs 175.00-275.00. New Holland Horses New Holland Sales Stables Report Supplied by Auction Monday, March 27,2000 TOTAL HEAD HORSES AND MULES 212. MARKET STRONGER. WORK HORSES 900.00-1125.00. DRIVING HORSES 610.00-1350.00. RIDING HORSES 465.00-950.00. REGISTERED RIDING 810.00- ■% Mon. > Fri, 8-3 Mon. - Fri 12 - 4 Mon. - Fri. 12:00-4 Mon.-Fit 9-5:30 Sat 10-4 Mon - Fri 12 - 4 Mon. - Fri. 12 - 8:30 Sat. 10 - 4 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated every Sat. at 2:23 P.M, APRIL Spring Consignment Sale 1 mile SAT APR 1 ■ 9AM Hall Equip- of Fredericksburg, Pa Along ment Co Farm tractors, trucks H 1 “ and farm machinery, Rt 14A Hall, NY Roy Teilsworth, aucts . Collectible Auction Held at Mason SAT APR 1 - 9AM Lebanon Val- Faeitrty, Rt 19. Fillmore, NY R G lev Livestock Mkt sth Annual Mason Aucls public Auction VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, ANTIQUES, FURNI TURE, GLASSWARE & HOUSEHOLD GOODS ☆ SAT., APRIL 22, 2000 ☆ 9:00 AM ☆ LOCATED AT: 811 NEWPORT AVE , GAP, LANCASTER CO , PA From Route 10 & Route 41 at Gap, take Route 30 West to Newport Ave , (3rd left) turn left to auction on left * REAL ESTATE * (to be offered at Noon) Real Estate consists of 1 5 story bnck dwelling on a 43’x94’x50’x123’ lot of land The first floor contain! living room with fireplace dining room, kitchen, bedroom and a full bath The second floor has 2 bed rooms and storage space There is a full basement, with a built in garage The dwelling has oil hot air heat, cistern and has public sewage This home needs TLC but has a great location on one of Gap’s pretti est streets This property is seriously for sale and deserves your atten tion * OPEN FOR INSPECTION! SAT. APRIL 8, 2000 2-4 PM * * CALL AUCTIONEERS FOR COMPLETE BROCHURE OR PRIVATE SHOWING H is ANTIQUES AND FURNITURE it Marble fireplace mantel and surround, Rudolph player piano. Rose, Marble-top Rectangular table, secretary, wooden bench from Gordonville Railroad Station, set of plank bottom chairs, ladderback chairs oak shelf, rockers, oak plant stands, oak sideboard, end tables, library table, cane rocker, pine nursing rocker, oak rocker, swivel chair, cane chair, rec table & chair round wicker table, kneehole desk, slant top desk, mahogany coffee table, mirrored dressing rack, seamstress table, iron bed St John treadle sewing machine child’s rocker, asst lamps, upright Philco radio, Philco table top radio, and much more' it ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES & HOUSEHOLD GOODS * Old hanging light fixture, top hats, oval pictures, asst pictures, reverse glass picture, old photos, L C Miller Soudersburg Mirror, Toys, games, asst dolls from early ’7os, asst doll furniture, alphabet blocks, sled, croquet set, 48 Slate flag, apple butter stirrer, meat hooks, sprinkling can. aluminum siding, pewter tray, carnival glass vase, Haviland, Homer Laughhn plates, large ironstone bowl, German dish, asst glass ware, crock, mixing bowls, Flow Blue dishes, 1949 Railway Guide, PR R passes. ’4ss, sheet music, 1939 NY World’s Fair Guide, 1894 The Century Book, 1874 Children of the Abby, Hemingway, nice lot of novels, based on motion pictures from 1920’s & 1930’5, many with dust jacket and much more' Auctioneer’s Note: Nice early furniture & local collectibles Home needs TLC, but could be good investment Don’t miss n Real Estate Payment Terms: 10% Down Payment day of auction, bal ance due May 31,2000 Buyer pays all Realty Transfer Tax Personal Property: Payment in full day of auction with cash certified check or approved PA check Broker Participation: I c /c tee available tor successful registered buyer prior to April 20. 2000 Registration letter must include Respective buyer's signature Brokers call Auctioneers for details Auction Conducted By: DABD Stephen J. Barr AU-002422-L James S. Davis Jr. AU-002421-L [yy|V Gap, PA 17527 (717) 442-9221 AUCTIONEERS! Food Service Provided by J & M Catering Announcements Day of Auction take Precedence Over Previous Advertising 1750.00,1 AT 2350.00. BETTER RIDING 1000.00-2000.00,1 AT 2350.00. PONIES 160.00-400.00. LARGE PONIES 500.00-610.00. COLTS 210.00-410.00. REGISTERED COLTS 285.00- 575.00. Livestock Cooperative Auction Market Of North Jersey Hackettstown, N.J. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, March 28,2000 Hay—Straw—Grain ALFALFA: 5 LOTS, 2.35-2.90 BALE. MIXED HAY; 8 LOTS, 2.10-2.50 BALE. TIMOTHY: 4 LOTS, 1.80-2.30 BALE. GRASS: 3 LOTS, 2.10-2.60 BALE. MULCH: 1 LOT AT 2.00 BALE. OATS: 1 LOT AT 5.40 BAG. CEDAR POSTS: 3 LOTS, 1.70-2.10 EACH. 25 LOTS TOTAL. SAT APR 1 - 10 30AM Estate & Auction Conducted For: Estate of Josephine Souders Doug Good, Attorney Pennsylvania Livestock Auction Wayncaburg, h. Thuraday, Mar. 30, 2000 Report Supplied By Auction CATTLE: SL. COWS: UTILITY A COMMERCIAL 37.00-44.50; CANNER A BONING UTILITY 30.00-38.00; CAN NER A LOW CUTTER 26.00-3230; SHELLS 26.00 A DOWN. BULLS: YIELD GRADE I lsoo#-2000# 40.00- YIELD GRADE 2 1000#-1400# FAT 40.00-36.00. FEEDER STEERS: M&H 300-500# 55.00- 250-2*o# 54.00-118.00, M 600-900 LBS. 40.00-82.00. HEIFERS M l&L-l 300-500# 42.00-112.00; H 400-650# 42.00-90.00. BULLS M&Lrl 300620# 45.00-11530. CALVES: VEAL: PRIME 68.00-90.00; CHOICE 38.00-80.00; GOOD 35.007000. FARM CALVES: #1 HOLSTEIN BULLS 90-120# FEW 35.00115.00; #2 HOLSTEIN BULLS 80-100# FEW 12305000; BEEF X BULL&HFRSyHD. 20.0095.00. HOGS: BARROWS & OILTS #l-2 210-255# 34.00-42.00, #2-3 255-280# 30.00- SOWS #l-3 300-500# 22.00- FEEDER PIGS: 1-3 15-20# 5.00- 17.00/HD.; 1-3 25-35# 10.00- 1.00/HD. LAMBS: HIGH CHOICE 80-100 LBS. 80.00- CHOICE 40-75 LBS. 80.00- FEEDER LAMBS GOOD 60.00- SHEEP 20.00-45.00; FAT SHEEP 59.00 A DOWN. GOATS: LARGE 35.00-135.00/HD.; MEDIUM 30.00-70.00/HD.; SMALL 20.00- HORSES: 35.00-66.00; PONIES 20.00-55.00. Owner Retiring! An Endless Opportunity In The endless Mountains! Public REAL ESTATE AUCTION SAT., MAY 6th @ 12:00 Noon “The Ararat Lodge” (Resort) Baldwin & Stalker Roads (Off Ridge Rd.) Susquehanna County, Ararat Twp, PA (7 miles North of Elk Mt.) Includes; Main Lodge, Tavern, 10 Person Public Hot Tub, Four Cabins, Four One Bedroom Unit Bungalow, Pond 32’ Deep, Outdoor Pavilion, Pole Bam, Indian Longhouse, Two Homes- Panoramic View, Vehicles, Equipment, Furnishings and MORE! Inspection: Sun., April 9th, Noon - 3:00 P.M. * Details! Col. Steve Sitar (570) 586-1397 PA Lie. #AU2I24-L Col. Dick Monasky (800) 800 ÜBID, PA Lie. #AU2I44-R PUBLIC AUCTION 31+ ACRE LANCASTER COUNTY FARM SELLING TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER OVER $195,000 ANTIQUES, FURNITURE, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, 60+ YEAR COLLECTION SAT., APRIL 15, 2000 8:30 AM Located between Elizabethtown and Bambndge Lancaster County, PA, at 2608 Bambndge Rd. (Route #241) Bambridge, PA 2-1/2 story brick/log house with 4 bedrooms, large living room, dining room and eat-m kitchen. Oil hot water heat with private water/sewer. 3 car garage and bank bam. About 17 acres tillable with stream and some wooded. For fact sheet and to inspect this property call 717-367-8000. Terms: 10% deposit day of auction with balance in 45 days. Real Estate to be sold at 11:00 AM. Expanded list to follow. Sale For FAIRY E. KAUFFMAN Attorney: David Greer SHAFFNER AUCTION CO. Mark Diffenderfer 2897-L 717-367-8000 Marty Fleck, Apprentice (717) 367-9672 “We treat your property as if it were our own ”