Brant Landis Agriculture Services Coordinator pyEflThe jJTepL) Lxxncaster [jßd I Chamber LH3CJ if Ommmn' 6 IwksiiT Phono: (717) 397-3531 oxt. 52 In the past few years, the Internet has become an important component of the business community. There is an estimated 165 million people on the Web, with the Web doubling in size every 50 days. The Federal Government reported e commerce sales during the fourth quarter of 1999 at $5.3 billion. With projections of over $4O billion by the end of this year, the Internet may be an opportunity for your business to experience growth. According to a recent USDA report, over 29% of farms are reporting Internet access. This trend is growing quickly, when looking at 1997's statistics of only 13% of farmers on the Internet. If your farm or business has considered starting a web site to tap into this growing market, now might be the time. As much of the agriculture economy is "I need o tractor that works hard and drives easy." AH I Nood Is A^HfWWnnEi* Convenience. The 6410 is a pleasure to drive, thanks to a high visibility, low-profile hood, easy-to-read gauges on the convenient front panel and easy-to-reach controls in the right-hand con- sole Which means your 6410 can work hard, while you take if easy H cni WITMER’S INC. MILLER EQUIPMENT CO. EQUIPMENT, INC. Box 368 RD 1 2095 S Market St Columbiana, OH 44408 Bechtelsville PA 330-427-2147 610-845-2911 STANLEYS LEBANON VALLEY FARM SERVICE IMPLEMENT CO., INC. J & M MACHINERY CO. RD 1- Off Rte 125 700 E. Linden St. Route 22 & 819 Klmaerstown PA Richland, PA Greensburg, PA 570-646-2088 717-866-7518 412-668-2276 struggling to remain profitable, a web site may help you reach new markets you may have never considered. The Electronic Commerce Resource Center (ECRC) serves as a catalyst for small and medium sized businesses to adopt electronic commerce. The first step they recommend when considering a web site is to define the purpose. Researching your competitor’s web sites is an excellent way to help formulate your own web site ideas. You may want to generate leads, provide information, provide customer support, or transact business. Your purpose along with the goals you want to achieve will help define the structure of your web site. A second step is to determine your target audience. Analyze their demographics, geographic location, technical skills, etc. to Engine. Under the low-profile hood of the 70 PTO hp 6410, the turbocharged, Cummins 83’9 engine burns clean and efficiently And with up to 40% fewer parts than others in its class, it knows how to keep working for you, day after day determine a usage profile. What does your target market want? Is it to purchase quality products and services, to save money, to save time, to obtain useful information? Through answering these questions you can continue to step three: develop a strategy for your web site. Your strategy may be to build brand identity, demonstrate products or services, educate your audience, facilitate direct responses or to just sell more product. After your strategy has been developed, step four is to determine your budget. Your annual expenses in designing and maintaining a web site may range from a few thousand to $lOO,OOO or more, depending on what level of quality and service it requires. You must weigh these expenses against the potential revenue you may gain in new sales, advertising, timesaving, and customer satisfaction. Step five is then determining the content of your web site based on your budget. Some considerations to offer on your web site are your company information, product and service information, address, contact methods, interactivity, an online catalog, a privacy policy, Transmission. The 6410's standard 12x4 Partial Synchro transmission delivers unparalleled operating efficiency Or choose the optional 12 x 12 Syncro/Shuttle for even greater versatility Either way, a wet multi-disc clutch adds durability Key Steps To Develop A Web Site Comfort. Standard spring-suspen sion, 4-way adjustable seating makes you at home in either the cab or fold-down ROPS model An optional air-ride, swivel seat in the cab, along with standard air and heat, pamper you while A. you work -Jell .WHITE purchase methods, search methods, security information and a site map. Once you have reached the point where you feel confident in what your business would like to offer on a web site, you can begin contacting web hosts and gain some proposals of costs. The web site, is an excellent ISP pricing tool in which you enter your area code and gain a listing of comparable Internet Service Provider's in your area. Upon deciding on your ISP, you may begin to construct your web site. Your ISP may be able to assist you in this process, or you may work with an independent web designer. It is important that you design a web site which truly meets your objectives and is customer friendly. There are numerous decisions to make such as selecting your domain name, structure, graphics, layout and speed of your web site in which your ISP and web designer will help you decide. Through working closely with a web designer they should be able to tailor a web site that best tits your Firestone Farm Tires Call Us First Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 1, 2000-A43 needs. In order to keep your web site fresh and up to date, maintenance is a key consideration. Depending on the objective of your web site it may require constant revision to be effective. Schedule regular updates to content and incorporate feedback generated by customer suggestions. The more current you can keep your web site, the happier your customers will be and more likely to use it. Your business may have the potential to grow in this new e commerce industry. You must determine the exact fit a web site could have for your business and explore the venture as if it was any normal business decision. Proper planning is the key step in running a successful web site. For more information on web sites, you may contact the West Chester Electronic Commerce Resource Center at 888-745-3748, your local Chamber of Commerce & Industry. Feel free to send your comments or questions by email to Brent Landis at The Lancaster Chamber at, or call him at 717-397-3531, ext. 62. mSigkid 1 THINKING OF | BUILDING? I READ LANCASTER FARMING'S I i ADVERTISING TO FIND ALL I I YOUR NEEDSI J| For In-Field Farm Tire Service • Fast response from trained service professionals • Fully equipped service trucks • Farm tire replacement deliveries • On-the-spot tire repairs and hydrofill service Save this number! 1-800-437-4961 See us for all your farm tire , service and repair needs! In-The-Field Farm Tire Service Joe's Battery & Tire 2225 Union Blvd. , Allentown, ytmtowc [ PA 18103 1-800-437-4961 Call For Low Low Prices On All Firestone Farm Times