A3H«ncMter Farming, Saturday, April 1, 2000 To Transfer Farm Estate (Continued from Page A 22) By communicating these issues early, the program di rected said, the family can learn what each member is about. “The most important thing is to sit down and talk with family members,” she said. But the father and mother who sell the farm shouldn’t have high income expectations if they want the next generation, their children, to be successful. “It’s very difficult to get the market value for the farm a: expect the farm chil dren to be successful,’ Bowlan said. Many businesse: and more partnerships “fail over the human relationships than over the business,” shf said. So it’s importani to involve ALL of th< family members in th< decision. Most farmers, she noted, between the age of 35-55 want to start owning assets. If they don’t have the asset; between those ages, they “will leave the farm,” she said. Get those agreements in writing. Involve the spouses and partners, assume nothing, make clear the expectations, use the best legal and accounting advisers available, measure progress, review what you have written often, reexamine on going assumptions, and involve spouses early and completely POULTRY & GAME BIRDS ALL POLY HANGING FEEDER HFIS #69905004 $9.50 M fe 15 Lb. Capacity DELUXE REEL FEEDERS $ 12 .50^^ #610010049 8 FT. BALE FEEDER LEGS $165.99 MIRACO POLY FEED BUNKS Fenceline “J* Bunk 7’ 1 0V2" Long $270 SHALL ANIMAL £9 SJmAg WATERERS RABBIT fImeST 699990301 Boz $2.25 gl R■ ■ 6Wmiaa 3 - $3.89 69999030316 oz $2.00 IWMMUBf 699990294 5" w/sifter/lid $4.20 $2.99 Aw * „J U **“ 699990295 7" w/Sifter/lid .$4.60. 699990304 32 02 Poor communication, said Bowlan, is “90 percent of busi ness problems.” And communication is more than talking. It involves listen ing. Even at conferences, those attending often hear only about 25 percent of what is said, noted Bowlan. Farm owners should get past the “unquestioned tradition” that the son automatically in herits the farm. Passing on the farm to daughters is increas- GAME BIRD FEEDER PLASTIC COATED EGG BASKET $15.95 #699990022 LIQUID FEEDER HDF-BML #610010017 m. t k ingly common. The average age of the farm owner, at time of transfer to the next generation, is 57 years. But the older generation waits some times too long to “let go,” Bowlan said. The key is to offer the transfer as a way of preserv ing a way of life not looking for maximum financial gain. And new farm owners should take time to have meetings with the partners to talk about strate gies. At those meetings, Bowlan said, don’t discuss religion or politics. But also spend a few days a month on outside inter- CONVENTIONAL NESTS & REAR ROLL-OUT NESTS 4-GALLON POLY POULTRY FOUNT 4GF • #612060006 $22 . 75 Pullets or 150 chicks Hog& Poultry Contracts Srt” Farmer Boy Ag Systems m 4/1/00 v? 7 410 East Lincoln Avenue, Myerstown, PA 17067 Ml Same Day Shipping 717*866*7565 • 1-800-845-3374 .mm ests to gain perspective on the business. Bit by bit, the older generation can involve younger members in the farm operation. Allow, early on, the purchase of farm ani mals and machinery. Allow the younger generation to make major business purchases in line with an established farm plan. Some experts agreed that per haps the age of 40 would be a good time to begin incremental steps to slowly allocate the farm estate, bit by bit, to avoid huge inheritance taxes. According to Samuel A, INCREASE MILK PRODUCTION, LOWER FEED COSTS! We specialize In crimping com out of a silo, or bunker, or chopper, or ag bagger, or blower Made for 5000 Series Ji Propelled Harvesters. Ai Made for 3970 & 3950 John Deere Pull Type Harvesters. 2000 Bagger Processor: Process >re silage quickly & efficiently. ’ - Regroovlng available! Replacement rolls available - $lOOO each. Call for our spring discount! Lancaster Silage Crimper A'i'H Hiif’ioshuu Rd • L.i.mm-.lit PA I'uil • 717 JC*9-37* V*'"' fife**-: L v * -*>