Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 01, 2000, Image 175
I*** e *sf**f^*^***^ e **W e Angus feeder steers, Holstein Heifers Due Soon N| :^ rfthn _ f ,' ' LflCMtef Perming, Saturday, April 1, 2000-D23 ready for pasture, 717-263-7737 kS£ ■ • fttrfh Tensil 7l 7v us7l ? b' 85 *’ 92 *’ 8 Holstein cows due w/ sale, wormed & OCV’d. Always Wanted complete Dairy Herd* Hlgn Tensil • Spilt Rail I 717-354-5717. 2nd& 3?d wl of Starting at $4OO. Plus Hare Immediate Buyers Waiting Give u. a call ,° ar “ Fencing Nice reg. Holstein bull, 15 good herd, due to freshen many other bred Long- also groups of open and bred heifers^ • Wire Mesh Horse Pence mo. old, dam over soon good Size WIN deHv- horn cows. 717/334-4908 Quality Herds Jar Sale at All Times •FVC Fencing 1 28.000 M, closed herd. er. 717/328-2235. (O), 717/334-4136 (H), Happy Hollow Farms , M.tniH.l n, $825,717/285-7682. -— : 717/642-0079 (F). John H. Wetmore sutenu or installation —-———- —— 2 nice rea Slmmental 717-253-5329 house 717-253-6995 bam Wholesale St Retail ****., show cattle, 1 black ckie Bov vour next Angus bull 717-A7O-3364 car _ . buds, mid 6 frame score, to calf. 1 choc, gray open, now and save Vl5 to Check Our Prices exc bloodlines. Can be toth toe aSr choose from. Top A.L Before You Buy, seen In.. Lebanon, PA. bloodßne.Bl4/832-3551. pedigrees. Calving ease, XOMWM»»W6»»»MO»MO»»«MW»MMO»4& Call New Holland Pence 1 TV uTVSI jij J""** Limousin Cattle For Sal. ||l 'Ti'? CRC oeno dtY^ reg & grade. 28 heifers, able. 717-667-9817 (home) Yearling heifers, several yearling bulls 717-656-9596 i^cocai \° s° 3 7T - 814 - 865 ' 5857 (office). also 2 yr. old bulls. Mostly black, ********"***—***>**"*— Reg . Holstein bul, Mag- 717-369-56 W. 7 5 for sale or lease: j;| can be registered. mi?, son out of a Mascot Registered Holstein Bulls !»700374e8914 bbi ml■ rosmhw ofifiTnivA skip Jersey bulls for sate, by popular sires; dams I|L FENCE ready for service, stump records to over 30.000 M. ■ prov«i,swo. Acres 717/792-3216 York. Many to choose from __ m vonrK/ Berks Co. Stumpland VnTTVXI FJ .1 -L J Cal,for P^ebr^i Poled R«g 3 *£Xe 610-488-1965. prices on 410-692-2095, paintmy- ery. 570-726-7889 Reg. Holstein buls. AH 2 ” Wide Grooves for hioh tensil Nice Holstein heifer, lust mler cow'tonllies'of tire Superior Footing * , Reg. polled Hereford bulls, fr^ h - Holstein breed. Arlen H. An effective and and 2o e 7l7 e /M V 2-££ 9 ‘ Wlfv Keener 717-285-7426. ' economical way to board fence —-^r —.. . KIUI -3-: goats, $lOO/ea Hidden Grade and Registered protect cattle from To be soldat NH special Acres, 956 Fallowfleld RD, Holstein Heifers, also Ca- f,C injury due to ■HBHHBRRHRHyBHBBI feeder sale April 14. Atlglen, PA 19310 nadian Herds. For further ,J slick concrete 140 High Rd Shippensburg, PA 17257 Yearling Llmosin bulls, 2 610-593-7365 iv msg inf 0,717-671-5990 I7iyi einmia i AftAAtt black, 3 red. Also 35 Limo (717)530-0128 1-800-433-6236 cross feeders. 600-900 lbs. Polled Hereford Bull, Reg. Rea Holstein Bulls; Anv TUE CrADDI ED MAM For more | nfo caM 4Yr old. Gentle, Exc. aae. Dams records uo to ThH InC OVHDDLLn "" _ 717-445-4076 Breeder $2200 or Will 30.000 milk, 1,200 fat. Call Anytime (800) 692-0123 I Tl ,- ... ...... Trade for Like Animal. STUMP ACRES J 7 * T L L U—T Eti M'c niSm 2 Ad Also Year old Hereford 717-792-3216. York Co. y ■* s/r I ET7 f.Hl I ®-,. 8 ??, Dspav Ad Bull Calves (6) $.85/Lb. , . "*■ /iThTnlKri 717-865-6206. A(so Year o |d Hereford Angus bulls, cows & heif- sTfSMr Buy vour black poNed Heifers (14) $.75/Lb. for sale. ■ Some of Canada's Finest I Slmmental Bull early. Nice 570-275-3761. Lv Mess. STUMP ACRES , FENCE & FARM SYSTEMS selection 717-865-4420 'choroiais buns, 28 to 717 ~ 792 ~ 3216 - York Co - Purebred or Grade ! . ooae ni n duii anci duia dive a WANT to RENT a tie stall choose from, open and LJMOU SIN CATTLE/ ! Holstein Herds For Sale ! 2285 OLD PHILADELPHIA PIKE bam wi thout land or bred heifers. Registered, FULLBLOODS; Heifers 1 noisiein neras lor oaie BUM LANCASTER, PA 17602 ■■■ house In Lancaster or easy calving, high per- and bulls; of all ages. Also Fresh and Springing Cows or Heifers > Ph 717-396-8987 Chester County. After formance, from selective Westminster, MD, ! 7pm.570-965-2820. Al breedings. Cameo 410-857-0176. I iPTrßfc Show Cattle Available 1 nnwyinr/t Reg. Brown Swiss cows. I r !« l F £|^ rick Co " MD Registered Texas Long- | _ CaW _ 1 FENCING s<Sn fresh. 814-349-5617 301-831-9243. horns: bulls, heifers, cows. ; H (fi Mff * \ • INSTALLATION • SERVICE • ACCIDENT REPAIR Polled Limousin bulls, 71 7^7-30%' ® Pri ° eS ‘ ROCKMONT FARMS • Hi-Tensile • Split Rail 71776979523 d ' YOfk C °‘ &*** B^ter Fat - Good , I 519-662-3205 1 .Woven Wire . Chain I ink 717/697 9343. Protein. High Type. J M Polled pure bred register- 717-485-5250 PVC Board ed Shnmential bulb, red ————— —n.j— fi n _, e m. •Picket • Pool Enclosures or black. Almost one year Fulblood Limousin Buljs, Liairy LOWS Ot |jjiqv|.: R v|L 1 qu R qq H^^^uTil ;L^|u^|ciqL lR qv iaaa^v1 L l i^ .Vinyl Coated Horse Fence C °' frSS Heifers | | some Polled. Local deHv- BOUClht & Sold b f. _ i QC C t -1 a Llamas- (2) Yearling er y available. Call Lenape | // ISt CALF g Jr O- FACTORY Males (1) Spectacular Limousin,2ls-723-2906. Freddie b IJ —<s> c ,1 „ White w/Unusal Marking - c GmJth a /1 )(j HEIFER e III! OUTLET (1) Brown, Soft Fiber Holstein Heifers 270 »• »UUtIl g (i /V nnunn d 11111111111111111111111111 tias 540/639-2262 i tPvv VaDA sale I QUALITY Our Firs, Desire In Serving Youl E “ \ | Specializing In Vinyl Fencing ■■ ■■ I TmSsDAY?APRa SSWm I plasrtic Lumber & Nice Selection of Holstein, q I “SErrT I Chain Link Kennels — e ’ . , .-- for sale by owner. lEI .«,'n 2 u Cha^ >l f lsC D OS I n “ Jersey heifers 8< calves, J Be Most Will Have Calves By Sale Day |g 922 State Street, Lemoyne, PA 17043 R .SL closed Youna herd with DHI 2x 24 000# I H slred By An 9 us Bulls H ’ 7 ’ noted, over supply, 17,(X» TOUfig neru wuri uni /;x ■ D All Heifers Have Been Calfhood Vacc. g 717-737-9377 rVi A ; n ß n 86 ' C NoBST. Farm born & raised. I g For More Information Contact E M7-967-8451 I I Scott Stickley, Manager, | Scottish Hiohlond ■ Call 607-965-8618 (New York) J i c , rt F A r^. e nL L iu estoCk l , Exch f^ e ;ci n^ OO i I ■V Scottbh Highiana neners \ /■— g 540-667-1 023 (home phone 540-465-3688) e yivrohsyo k I or Hackman Farms 540-465-3274 • r /I/-too j/v. rßiiaumnamuiuimuiiaumnaciaaMuuaumiauiaauiuiuiLimuimmunrmiLammufC CATTLE Wanted: Holstein heifers, new boms perferred or up to breeding age. 610-286-0541 610-286-3706 6 Holstein steers raised from calves, 600 lb avg, 70*/lb. 610-286-6230. 25 Holstein cows weight ing over 1700 lb, milking 80 lb. Mr Green's herd. 570-965-2820. Nice Holstein heifers due In April out of a 23,000 RHA. 717/438-3205. Purebred Poled Here fords. Service Bulls, Cows, Heifers, Steerd. 717-359-5829/ 410-346-7888 Shorthorn Dairy Bull, Ready for Cows. 610-857-9237 Guernsey bull, nine months old, $450. 717-355-9412 40 Holstein Dairy Cow Herd, Year-Round Fresh ening, Low SCC Al Breed ing. Available Immed. 570-758-1744 Red Angus Rea 10 cows w/calves, 1 bull. Located Bedford Co.. PA. 410-848-0746 Reg. Highland cattle priced to sell. Many colors, halter broke. Belted Galloway bull. Serious calls only. 570-253-1810. Website Registered Shorthorn cattle. Seven bred fe males. 3 roan, 2 red and white, and 2 red colored. Evenings 410-848-8066. Angus Herd Sire, 4yo, ready for heavy service, $1,500.410-771-0071. 12 Head Angus Cows & Heifers. Adams Co., 717-334-8833 39 Cow Holstein Herd, Mostly Reg., RHA, 19.700 M, 3A6%F, 3.14%P. Perry Co, 717-438-3266 Grade Holstein dairy heif ers, 11 bred 6-8 mens, 16 shortbred heifers. LanCo. No Sunday cals please. 717-548-3196/ 548-3994. 4 Holstein feeders, 1 Hereford bun calf, 1 Here ford heiffer calf, 75<t/lb. 717/469-0126. 15 Jersey & crossbred heifers, some fresh, springing close. 717-352-7256. Charolais cow with heifer calf also mixed cows with calves $BOO a pair. Ell Hoover, 1180 Woodtyn Dr., Denver, PA 17517 Lane. Co. Rea Tunis ewe lambs bom 2/16/00 exceptional qua* ty $l5O each. Also 2yr. Turds ram New York breed, proven $2OO 080. 717-284-3129. 5 Holstein Heifers, 15 Month Quantity Size 875 717-445-9857 Reg Polled Hereford cow/calf prs 8> yearling heifers from top Al sires, exc quality, reasonably priced. 717-899-7787. Looking for Guernsey heifers & Jersey heifers, under 6 months. 908-852-9558 22 Reg. Holstein Cows For Sale: 40 Yrs of Al breed ing & DHA testlna Pick of 15/Head. SIJ)SO/Ea/ obo. Call Only Between BAM-6PM 908-369-4120 Reg. Brown Swiss heifer, Pete Rose sire, due 4/1/ 00.717-866-7343 Service age reg. Holstein bull: Dam VGBS 43,913 3.9 1713, 3 records over 40,000. Also other bulls available. 717/548-2597. Registered Hereford Bull 1 Yr Old, Reasonable, 570-437-2656 Heifer raising. F.M. Browns, Berks Co. 610/582-4591. Herford heifer, yearling, $600.410-817-4674 (2) Reg. black angus per formance tested yearling buds. 410-817-4674 Reg. Bulls for sale, dams 30-38,000, dams VG to EX. $825/ea 717-866-7110 Registered Hkjkrtd cattle for safe. 607-849-4913 Foreign buyers coming within 2 wks for bred & open Holstein & Jersey heifers. 410-358-0412. 40 cow Protein Dairy herd most rea, 20 Jersey, 8 Holstein, 7 Brown Swiss, 5 Ayrshire. Year around herd Al breeding. Wayne Co.. 570-224-7666. Reg. Holstein bul, sired by Shoremar Mian, lots of type. Dam by Mandel, 2nd dam EX92, 3rd EX94, 4th EX96, (Dawfin) Inter national know cow fami ly. Great opportunity. 717-354-9496 3 Guernsey cows due to freshen soon, good size. Will deliver. 717/328-2235. 5 Holstein heifers due to freshen soon, out of good herd, good size. Will deliv er. 717/328-2235. CUSTOM SEMEN COLLECTING • Bulls collected on your farm • Semen frozen in straws at $1.45 per unit • Quality service since 1983 • Complete mobile lab. and will travel Zimmerman's Custom Freezing 131 Redwell Road, New Holland, PA 17557 717/355-2048 e-mail address ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ2ZZZZZ2Z2Z2ZZZZZZZZ2 \ BUY DOWN & INJURED | CATTLE [ 100 Mile Radius Of Harrisburg, Pa. [ Prompt Payment - Top Price Paid JOHN JONES [ 717-249-7685 Res. BULLS We have service age bulls, and younger available. We specialize in choosing the right bull to fit your breeding program, focusing on type, longevity and production. ■HSE wr 717-548-2597 ■ s. LEE-MAR FARM / 2724 Conestoga Creek Rd \ / Morgantown, PA \ \ jjS 610-286-9052 %y\Sa\es & Rentals /^Sf °^Covvli c Beef Cows For Sale! 13 Cows 6 w/Calves, Rest Bred & Due. 10 Simm.-Angus Cross, 3 Pure Bred Simm., 2 Purebred Simm. Bulls, All Cattle, Reds & Blacks. All for $12,000.00 Interested Buyers ONLY! Call day 800-899-4281 eve 717-865-6206