DHIA Service Center, Orchard Rood, University Park, PA 1«802 (Continued from Pago A 32) even early sire summaries.” “I’m not exaggerating when I say that we’ve got a drop-in re placement for a small-say Lan caster or Maryland sized affiliate-that will fit on the Gen eral Manager’s desktop with no ** K Do Not Miss This * Meeting * Friday, March 17th 10 am - 2 pm Yoder’s Banquet Room Route 23 & Tower Road New Holland, PA PA Hemp Growers & Processors Co-op Featured Speaker Jean Laprise, President of Kenex Ltd., Canada The largest hemp processor in North Amenca ask a farmer what it takes John Howell - COO Hempwell Inc. Founder & former editor of Hemp Times Manager of 3,000 acre family farm in Missoun ask a farmer/busmessman what it takes. Jane Balmer & Dennis Hess PA Tobacco Co-op Find out what must be done to get hemp grown locally. Call to confirm: * 1-800-873-4367 (USE-HEMP) Vf email: sj lie Tea shredders VERSATILE • Chop and feed the wettest silage bales. • Chop dry hay, straw, and corn stalks • Discharges to either, both sides for free sti bedding • Optional hose attachment for hard ti reach areas and mulching application • Models available to handle all sizes of roi and big square bales MANEUVERABLE • 3 point mounted to operate in close quarters EASY TO OPERATE • Load bales with 3 point bale handler, no loader required. • Simple durable construction • Operate with as little as 60 hp WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS 100 Stover Drive 100-120 Lehigh Ave -P O. Box 928 Carlisle, PA 17013 Batavia. New York 14021 -0928 717/249-6720 716/343-5411 Serving Farmers Through Farm Equipment Dealers Since 1961 problem, and run on otl-the shelf hardware and software. Not emulation cards. Not expen sive gimmicks that make the PC think it’s a mainframe-this runs on a Windows NT or Windows 2000 type system.” What about larger affiliates? Boyer is equally & fT MULTIPLE BENEFITS • Improved Payability, less waste • Feed silage bales directly into bunk or fenceline feeders. Pre-chop material forTMR mixer. • Improved absorption ability of bedding material, less bedding required. • Clean comfortable beds. • Easier handling of manure with chopped material Distributed By: CUMMINGS and BRICKER, Inc. confident: “With processing equipment costing less than $5OOO, our capacity planning says you can handle 750,000 cows per month, comfortably. That fits the largest DHIA’s in the US-probably the world. In Pennsylvania, our daily process ing time went from 6 Vi hours on the mainframe to 16 minutes, on average, on the NT machine.” So what’s next? “We need to focus on a number of needs spe cific to our internal operations first.” Says Boyer. “It’s import ant to give credit to everybody on Pennsylvania DHIA’s team, because everyone has had some hand directly or indirectly in this effort. As the DRPC slaved BALE over the mainframe conversion and the first release of Barn Owl 2000, our technicians had to pick up a certain amount of slack, and we’ve also neglected some of our efforts in our lab, where-once again-people have helped the development team by putting their own time in to bal ance the load. So those folks have also been an important part of our efforts to improve the DRPC. To address their needs we’ll have a Window’s version of our Bam Sheet program that LAND PRIDE Quality equipment from a quality company GROOMING MOWER 3-Spindle, 48", 60", 72" & 90" “•a 1 REAR BLADES 48" Through 120" ROTARY CUTTERS 48" Through 120" LANDSCAPE RAKES 48" Through 96" #KpußinflS- We Ship Parts UPS LEBANON Rt #7, Box 405, Lebanon, PA 17042 Rt 419 1 Mile West Of Schaetferstown 717-949-2000 or Toll Free 877-4Kubota (458-2682) Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 11, 2000-A33 works more closely with Barn Owl and adds some new data entry features this spring. We’ll be moving all of our technicians to Internet access at the same time, and we’ll provide a com plete workflow tracking system to our lab management as well as technicians, field managers, and interested farmers.” Even with the installation of a brand new computer system behind them, it sounds like the PA DHIA DRPC’s work is far from done. MILK Where's your mustache? " _SW t > *** * V- vial OVER SEEDERS & PRIMARY SEEDERS 48" And 72" NEW LANDPRIDE ALL-FLEX MOWERS IT, 14‘, 16.8’& 21.9 Ft. Cutting Widths * Rental Units Available IKUBTIT fttMiaftAJLa*> ■ > urMUMkiv i Call For Details | TRACTORS & EQUIPMENT | Qn Leasjng MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:00 - 5:00 SATURDAY 8:00 -12:00 Serving Central PA Since 1921 j>ILOTSI KELLER BROS. AIRPORT 2550 RUNWAY 600 From Dealership BOX SCRAPERS 42" Through 96" PULVERIZERS* 48" Through 84" TILLERS * 42" Through 76" Financing Or Cash Discounts LANCASTER 1950 Fruitville Pike, Lancaster, PA 17601 At Route 30 & Fruitville Pike 717-569-2500 or Toll Free 877-3KUBOTA (358-2682)
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