Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 11, 2000, Image 30
A3O-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 11, 2000 Ridge Administration Launches ‘Export For Scholars ’ Program (Continued from Page A 29) Scholars’ program, students will prepare a marketing plan for the export of Pennsylvania-bred dairy heifers to Puerto Rico, Mexico and other Spanish speaking countries in the west ern hemisphere. Students will prepare the graphics and translation for the MARTIN’S TIRE & ALIGNMENT production of a two-language marketing brochure in Spanish and English that will promote Pennsylvania Holsteins. Through private donations, students will have the opportu nity to travel to Puerto Rico for a “trade mission” in August to complete their export business by meeting with livestock pro fessionals and dairy farmers who will purchase the bred dairy heifers. “We are very excited at this cooperation with the Pennsylva nia Department of Agriculture,’ Thomas Scott, principal of W.B. Saul, said. “This is a wonderful opportunity for our urban stu dents to visit Puerto Rico and operate in international trade.” In addition to the Pennsylva nia Department of Agriculture, the Pennsylvania Holstein Asso ciation, Delaware Valley Col lege, and W.B. Saul High School, the “Export for Schol ars” partnership includes John son Livestock Company, Andre Ruiz of Puerto Rico, Sire Power, and the Port of Philadelphia. ate? indard. OPEN-SIDED CALF FACILITY instruction. MEMBER tars 17) 354-4271 From left, Dr. Neil Vincent, vice president, academic af fairs, Delaware Valley College, Samuel Hayes Jr., Pennsyl vania secretary of agriculture, and Tom Learner, president, Delaware Valley College. Galvanized Tie Stalls Featuring: • High Tensile Galvanized Tubing • Stainless Steel Sleeve for Critical Corrosion Protection. • Sturdy Built Clamp Sfeyrdy Buffi' Fabricators of Galvanized Barn Equipment Reinholds, PA 717«484'22i33 STANDING SEAM ROOFING STRICKLE!? METAL ROOFING 717-865-3093 or 610-488-9303 Specializing in double crimp standing seam Available In 20 + prefinished Colors Galvalume - Galvanized - Tern - Etc. FREE ESTIMATES Work Approx. 60 Miles Radius of Lebanon, Pa. RD #2 Box 350-A Annville, PA 17003 INCREASE MILK PRODUCTION, LOWER FEED COSTS! We specialize in crimping com out of a silo, or bunker, or chopper, or ag bagger, or blower v Made for 5000 Senes John Deere Self- Propelled Harvesters. Auger chute available Made for 3970 & 3950 John Deere Pull Type Harvesters. 2000 Bagger Processor: Process >re silage quickly & efficiently. Regrooving available! Replacement rolls available - $lOOO each. Call for our spring discount! Lancaster Silage Crimper JOOH Hof .('shop Rd • LvuMslnr PA 17b()1 • 71 7 Jpb-MZLM For Installed contact ISggg! mm Model 60 Blower: Get tremendous silage handling capabilities.