Ridge Administration Launches ‘Export For Scholars ’ Program (Continued from Page A 1) town. ‘“Export for Scholai s’ will take classroom lectures to the next level by allowing students to actually participate in an ag ricultural export program. “Students will come to appre ciate the global impact of Penn sylvania agriculture and the economic opportunity available With Secretary Hayes is Del-Val ag and food ambassa dors Emily Metz and Scott Hartz. in the international arena. This program helps to emphasize that Pennsylvania agriculture has ‘Products for the Planet.’” “Export for is part of the Department of Agricul ture’s “Action Plan for Pennsyl vania Agriculture.” To begin this marketing and education program, 20 open Holstein dairy The calves greet Emily Metz, Delaware Valley College Ag and Food Ambassador and Samuel Hayes Jr., Pennsylvania secretary of agriculture at the launching of the Export for Scholars program. heifers were selected last week by the Department of Agricul ture, the Pennsylvania Holstein Association, Delaware Valley College, and W.B. Saul High School. Twelve of the heifers now are at the Delaware Valley College farm in Doylestown. The remaining eight are at W.B. Saul High School. Over the next six months, students will manage the heifers, select sires, breed the heifers, learn about export regulations, and observe port operations. “Delaware Valley College is noted nationally as an institu tion where students are given Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 11, 2000-A29 opportunities to discover and develop their talents through ex perimental learning,” Dr. Thomas C. Learner, Delaware Valley College President, said. “Our students need to see that agribusiness today is global. ‘Export for Scholars’ is an excel lent example of a collaborative effort between the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, the Pennsylvania Holstein Associa tion, and Delaware Valley Col lege to provide our students with the finest practical education possible. This project will teach our students about business in ways found at few other institu tions.” As part of the ‘Export for Attention Dairymen! •k Reduce SCC ★ Improve milk quality ★ Increase profits & bonuses ★ Keep lines clean ★ Reduce cleaning compounds Millers Water Works 1-800-991-9183 Tech Mix, inc. I SPECIALTY PRODUCTS FOR I ANIMAL HEALTH AND NUTRITION BOVINE BLUELITE iib. 5 3.75 buffered electrolytes and vitamins —— RUMEN YEAST CAPS PLUS 25 boluses per jar. *_ _ _ _ Give to Cows at: *23b95 * Freshening * Ketosis Prevention * Stressed or Sick Cattle ypjp* C ALFRESTART HUBER S ANIMAL HEALTH SUPPLIES 810 Tulpehocken Rd , Myerstown, PA 17067 717-866-2246 Mon 730 a m to 6p m Thurs & Fn 730 a m to 8p m lues & Wed 7 30 a m to 5 p m , Sat 7 30 a m to Noon (Turn to Page A3O)
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