rk, Maryland, Lancaster Counties Excellent udders are found on these cows in the herd of Iward Johnson. From left, Tena VGBB, 5y 28,390 m 055 f 886 p; Terri GPB4, 2-8 y (after 1-8 y record) 27,268 m 050 f 861 p; and Jessie VGBB,2y 26,320 m 1,031 f 867 p. ar daughter. Final stop was Frey Dairy s arm, Conestoga, where the .000 cow dairy herd is expand ng to 1,500 and kept in the most nodern of facilities. Here the pipeline takes the milk from the ;ows directly onto the bulk tank ruck. And all the necessary nilking parlor, cooling, cow novement lanes, and freestall lousing facilities are in place to *et the job done. A water flush system is in place to handle the manure, in duding an irrigation system to set it to the fields. Automatic Km . **& . ’*sy ' •> -! ft it' rt\ ftt/ 't v'w *. *• a ' * * > * i&jlS sort gates direct the cows to the proper housing or treatment areas. All fresh and treated cows are housed in the old complex. While Turkey Hill Dairies had original ties, they are no longer a part of the Frey Dairy Farm op eration. Along on the tour were the following people; Victor Stoltzfus, Steven Dietrich, Robert Manson, Donald Kauff man, Joel Kauffman, Richard Hostetter, Delmar Sensenig, Heidi Benner, Herb Benner, Jeanette Brooks, Jane Pepple, Roland Moore, Calvin Blank, d,' i V H •V F- J They just like bacon and &XM V " The Indian Chief guards Frey Dairy Farms. Dairy Cow Lane at My „ welcome at the Horace Hiendel and Sons farm in Lady’s Manor. York County. iVIKtoS Howard Robinson, Charles Mooer, Stan Buest, Brad Guest, Dan Card, Neal King, Amos Stoltzfus, Hannah Stoltzfus, Abram Stoltzfus, Jim Longenecker, Ed Brackbill, Devon Brackbill, Samuel Stoltzfus, Ray Stoltzfus, Nolan King. Also, Wes Bontrager, Erica Lloyd, Christy Guest, Scott Umble, Ken Umble, Pat Harrison, Tom Stephens, Mark I'v''' *fi " #IA y^cJ^ jr ,'-* Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 11, 2000-A25 %l * r ’ '"***' »s«|jj Stoltzfus, James Miller, Ken neth Shiever, Everett Newswanger. To end a most enjoyable day, Monsanto hosted the group to dinner at Good and Plenty Res taurant along Route 896 on the way back home. It would be hard to find anyone on the tour that didn’t have a good time. In cluding this writer. il?
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