Public Auction Mon. Mar. 20, 9 AM Taneytown Farm Equipment 9th Annual Spring Sale Consign Now to Advertise Call Sam or Tony 877-751-1500 Mowrey Auction Company Machinery Auction Wed., Mar. 15th 9:00 A.M. CST HUGE MACHINERY AUCTION OFFERING OVER 35 COMBINES - 100 TRACTORS - 700 PIECES OF TILLAGE CALL FOR FREE BROCHURE taking consignments until Mar. 14, 2000 BUY, SELL & TRADE DAILY WILL BE SELLING WITH 2 AUCTION TRUCKS Needing good clean machinery, offer ing trucking, detail shop & on the spot cash. CALL NOW FOR MORE INFO. Ask for Jon or Jim Mowrey (815) 889-4191 (815) 889-5365 FAX email-mowreyauction @ Mowrey Auction Co. Inc. 301 E. Frederick St. Milford, IL GAP FIRE CO. 24TH ANNUAL SPRING SALE Sat. March 25, 2000 8:30 A.M. New & Used Carriages, Storage Sheds, Lumber & Building Materials, Farm Machinery, Groceries Lawn & Garden Equipment, Handmade Quilts & Furniture Consignments & Donations Appreciated Contact Elvin Beiler (717) 442-9549 Terms By Gap Fire Co. MIDDLEBURG UVESIDCK AUCTION 4NWIA!, ffmryWWVT MArHINFRY SAIF RR #3, PC BOX 185 Mlddleburg, PA 17842 (570) 837-2222 (870) 837-2512 Fri. March 17, 2000 @ 9:00 AM For Free Advertising: Please Call To Consign By March 6, 2000 570-837-2222 or 570-837-2512 No Commission On Large "NO SALE" Equipment Sale Barn Located On Rt. 522 - 3 Miles East of Middleburg or 5 Miles W. of Selinsgrove Clarence Shirk Lie. #AU002750 —7 oaam ciamuir'c Stemner's Auction Service Anma* SAT APR 1 - 8 30AM - Horse related auction 125 Bermudian 10AM Mel's Stables SSA Wallace Church Rd, East Berim, York Co PA Mel TWO FARM FARM AUCTION QUALITY EQUIPMENT & MACHINERY SAT., MARCH 11,2000 10:00 AM Located at the Gortner Airfield. From Oakland, MD, take US Rt. 219 South 5 miles to Blue Ribbon Rd. From US Rt. 50 at Red Flouse, MD, take US Rt. 219 North 3 miles. Follow the signs from Rt. 219. John Deere 6620 side hill combine with 643 6r com head, 215 flex grain head, transport run ning gears. Tractors: JD 4850 MFWD w/cab, JD 2950 w/canopy, White 2-155 w/cab. Ford 7000, AC 200 w/cab. Case 1835 C skid steer, JD 570 skid steer. Equipment: IH 720 plow, Kewanee 3 pt. chisel plow, JD 18’ disc, JD 15’ disc 24” discs, Brillion 10’ cultipacker & 14’ cul tipacker w/wheels, JD 13 hose grain drill, Ontario 16 dbl. Disc grain drill, IH 800 com planter w/Yetter attachments, Case IH 8’ disc mower, NH 467 mower conditioner, Pequea 9’ tedder, 4 spool tedder, JD 336 baler w/thrower, NI 484 round baler, NH 851 round baler, NH hay rake, hay wagons, JD 3970 forage harvester w/kernel processor, 7’ grass head & 2r narrow com head, IH 782 forage harvester, w/com & grass head, AC 780 forage harvester, NH 717 grass pick up head, Gehl 99 forage blower, IH 56 forage blower, NH 28 forage blower, Gehl Scavenger II 312 manure spreader, 2 gravity wagons, 375 bu. Auger wagon, 2 dump wagons, Agro Tread snow blower, 3 JD com planter fert. Boxes w/augers, JD 3 pt. hitch sprayer w/45’ boom, IH 4r cultivator, John Blue sprayer, 28 Agway loop free stall (new), 5 hp. Roskamp roller mill. Gates, hydraulic cylinders, bam door track, head lock feeder wagon, bale chopper, 2 Honda 200 3 wheelers, 20.8x38 tractor chains, 38” duals, fuel & water tanks, Patz bam cleaner 200’ chain right hand low flight and more. Trailers: Eby 26’ alum. Cattle trailer, Hill 20’ cattle trailer, 27’ flatbed w/tandem duals, 28’ flat bed. Trucks: 1993 Dodge 250 diesel pickup, 1983 Ford Fl5O pickup 63,000 miles. Auctioneer’s Note: We have put the machinery and equipment from two farms together for your convenience. Mr. & Mrs. Yoder have recently pur chased the farm on which the auction is taking place and Mr. Sines is discontinuing his farming business. The majority of this equipment is in very good condition and is field ready. We will begin selling equipment at approx. 11:00, tractors first. We do anticipate some quality, local con signments. Terms: Cash day of auction or personal check w/drivers license ID. OWNERS: Mr. John Sines Mr. & Mrs. Paul Yoder Oakland, MD Oakland, MD CUSTER’S AUCTION SERVICE Robert G. Custer, WV 288 301-334-3141 Leonard C. Custer, WV 755 301-387-6712 SAT APR 1 -9AM Large Machin ery Auction 7 miles S of Sorrier set LuceAucts to shot equip, tools, parts supplies and trucks Fmstone Fire Co Berks Co, Pa For Marks Garage Syl van B Witmer, Dale Stauffer, SAT APR 1 - 9AM Antiques, household goods, Magh furniture oriental rugs, CX Carlson & other framed pictures, Hummel fig urines, tin & other toys, guns 147 Glennville Rd, Village of Cochranville, Chester Co, Pa By Ira E Gamer, Jr Estate Howard E Shaub, Inc. aucls SAT APR 1 - 9AM 79 acre farm farm equip, household tools, antiques, vehicles 1201 Pine Grove Rd, Fredericksburg, Bethel Twp, Berks Co By Elvm Shilling Executor Nelson L Ebersole, auct SAT APR 1 - 9AM West Supply Center, 6127 Cedar Ave Phila, Pa Lumber & Buidlmg Supplies Wolqemuth Auct SAT APR 1 - 9AM fishing & camping accessories, model air planes At 571 Deibler Rd, Millersburg, Pa RudyJ Scheib, owner David Deibler, Ed Shoop aucts SAT APR 1 - 9AM Real Estate HH Goods, antiques, primitive tools 199 Tabr Td , Earl Twp, Lane Co, Pa By Grace S Eaby Robert E, Jeffrey R Michael L Martin, aucts SAT APR 1 - 9AM Large Farm ;onsignment Equipment WOLGEMUTH ANNUAL SPRING N CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SAT., APRIL 8, 2000 9:00 AM Located at 2101 Valley Road, Manheim, Lane. Co., PA. From Manheim, take 772 W. to Mossier Rd. to Valley Rd. From Rt. 283 to Manheim/Mt. Joy exit, turn East onto 772, then left on Breneman Rd. (at Landis Bros.) to Mossier Rd., turn left, take the next road right (Valley Rd.), 3rd place on left. Watch for sale signs! “‘TRACTORS-TRUCKS - FARM EQUIPMENT - LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMENT - TRAILERS*** For free advertising, call us by March 20. Let us sell that new or used equip., turning it into cash for you! Receiving March 27 - April 7, 8-5, Closed Sundays. NO household goods or junk accepted, tires only if NEW. WOLGEMUTH AUCTION SERVICE Bob Wolgemuth-Manager - Lie. #1534 Phone (717) 665-6684 public /Ruction “Watch For Expanded Listing!” MonddJTf March 6, 2000 8:30 A.M. Location: 251 South Race St., Myerstown, PA. Rt. 501 South thru light at Main Street, 2 blocks, turn R on Park Ave., 4 blocks to sale site. JD 7400 4WD Open ROPS, 1200 Hours, 2 Remotes, Power Quad; JD 2440 w/146 JD Loader, 4300 Hours; NH 499 12’ Haybine; NH 258 Rake w/Dolly Wheel; Zimmerman 36’ Elevator; IH 45 20’ Vibra Shank Field Cultivator; Farmhand CP-40 14’ Cultipacker; Deutz Allis 385 4-Row 30” Planter w/Liquid and No-Til Coulters; NH Twin Rake Hitch; Badger 12,500 LD Liquid Spreader in Good Condition; New Idea 362 Manure Spreader; Gehl 99 Forage Blower IH 706 Diesel, Widefront, 3 Pt.; Farmall Cub w/Hydraulics; Farmall MD; Farmall M w/Loader; IH 1486 w/Cab, 2 Remotes (runs well - looks poor); Farmall H; Farmall 504. JD 2800 5x Spring Reset Plow; IH 735 5x Spring Reset Plow; JD 4200 or 4x Rollover Plow; White 12’ Offset Disc; Miller 12’ Offset Disc; Landoll Soil Saver; Amco 25’ Rock Flex Disc; JD 18’ Field Cultivator; Hmiker 1120 18’ Field Cult; White 271 20’ Rock Flex Disc; Brillion 13’ Cultimulcher; IH 500 12’ Cutting Disc; JD 2600 4x Auto Reset Plow; IH 710 6x Auto Reset Plow; JD F-125 4x 3 Pt. Plow; Dunham 12’ Cultimulcher; Krause 1580 18’ Rock Flex Disk; IH 45 14’ Vibra Shank w/Rolling Basket. HAY, FORAGE AND PLANTING JD 8300 Drill w/Grass & Press Wheels; JD 7000 4-Row Planter; JD 7000 4-Row Planter w/Insecticide; JD 7000 6-Row w/Liquid & No-Tils; IH 800 4-Row w/Fertilizer; M-C 9’ Cut/ditioner; JD 3960 Harvester w/Elec. Controls; Kuhn 3 Pt. Rake/Tedder; IH 5100 21x7 DD Drill w/Grass & Press Wheels; Hesston 560 Round Baler, Zweeger 320-C Discbine; Hesston 2150 12’ Haybine; NH 479 Haybine. Automatic 1200 Roller Mill; Brady 14’ Stalk Chopper; JD 6500 Forage Blower; JD Rotary Hoe; Tn-Axle Trailer; M-C Rotary Scythe, Woods S-260 3 Pt. Side Arm Mower; Bnllion 12’ Packer; Myers Truck Mount Salt Spreader, Century 500 Gallon Sprayer; Wagon Load of Smalls to Start Sale. Consignments accepted on site March 2,3, & 4 - 8 a.m. to 4 p m. Some items subject to prior sale. AUCTIONEERS: HARRY BACHMAN. AU-000033-L BLAINE RENTZEL. AU-00761 GLENN T. WENGER. AU-002510-L CALL TO CONSIGN. HARRY BACHMAN 717-867-1809 GLENN WENGER 717-866-2130 Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, March 4, 2000-849 Parker Sales, Inc Lee Parker, auct SAT APR 1 - 9AM 11th Annual Community Farm Auction Near Rock Springs at the Huntmgdon- CenlreCo Line RonJ Gilligan& RonS Gilliqan, aucls SAT APR 1 - 9AM 12th Annuall Community Consignment Sale at the Hunt Centre Co line near Rock Springs along Rt 45 Farm Eq andmisc to consign 814-692- 8738 Gilligans and Esn aucts SAT APR 1 - 9AM Antique trac tor, car & farm implements AtVal ley Wide farm on Rl 192 between Centre Hall & Rebersburg, Centre Co For Ruth Coursen, Leon J & James T Smith SAT APR 1 - 9AM - Lawn Eq & Related For Noll's Engine Ser vice 994 Ridge Rd , Shippens burg, PA 717-423-6300 Martin's Auction Service SAT , APR 1 - New and Used farm, industrial tractors, machin ery, lawn & garden equip Mar shall Machinery, Inc, RR 4 Box 630, Route 652, Honesdale, Pa 570-729-7117 SAT, APR 1 - Farm Machinery, Tractor 557 Ranck Rd, New Hol land Allen & Vera Burkholder Kline, Kreider, Good. Aucts SAT APR 1 - 9 30AM Coms ngmnet Auction Fawn Grove Farmers Market 202 Hunt Club Rd , Fawn Grove, Pa Rigdon Aucts SAT APR 1 -930 AM 729 Grist FARMER CLOSE-OUT TRACTORS TILLAGE MISCELLANEOUS Mill Rd, 1 mile N of Martmdale pa Antiques, personal properly tools (or Keller and Roseme Sensemg Leßoy S Horst and PaulW Horst, aucts SAT APR 1 -10 AM Located in Blair Co Sinking Valley A line of farm machinery Jay and Jim Keller Mark and Brian Click aucts SAT APR 1 -10 AM Farm equip James D Horst & family have dis continued their Coldstream Farms operation Interstate 81 exit 240, Mt Crawford, Va Tom M Weaver & Kent Weaver aucls SAT APR 1 -10 AM Three Rivers Frank Shepard Wood bury Ct Retiring Potato & Crop Farmer Phil Jacquier Inc Auct 413-569-6421 Fax 413-569 6599 Email philcom@|acquier auctions com SAT APR 1 -11 AM JuVmdale Invitational and Spring Promise Show Calf Sale hosted by Vm cent and Juliet Wagner - S Ramona Rd, Lebanon, Pa HanyH Bachman, auct SAT APR 1 -11 AM Reserved for retirement auction of modern machinery Steuben Co NY Pir rung Auctioneers Inc MON APR 3 - 6PM 5 1/4 acres Real Estate, remodeled 2 story* dwelling, 2 car block garage & outbuildings, West Cocalico Twp At 45 Sandy Hill Rd For Myron & Lisa Stoltzfus Horst Aucts _ TUES , APR 4 - Fat Cattle Sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc 548 Alexander Spring Road Carlisle, PA TUES APR 4-4 PM Real estate 10 8 acre (armette 1727 Bow mansville Rd For Ivan & Mary Brubaker Klme, Kreider & Good aucts TUES , APR 4 - 7 45PM Feeder Cattle Sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc 548 Alexander Spring Rd. Carlisle, PA WED , APR 5 - 9AM Lumber & Building Supplies To be held at Wolgemuth Auction, 109 N Maple Ave, Leola, Lane Co, Pa 717-656-2947 WED APR 5 -10 AM Tractors, Farm Machinery, Household Goods 118 Wmtersville Rd, Richland, Berks Co for Ray & Barb Bicksler Harry Bachman, auct WED APR 5 • 3 30PM Merle & Mary Klinger Beaver Springs, Pa 3 bedroom home on 3 acres Hassmger & Courtney, aucts WED, APR 5- 6 30PM Wmross, Hess, Farm Trac & Toys To Be held at A&C Diffenbach Auction Inc, 100 W Jackson St New Holland. Lane Co, Pa 717-355- 7253 THURS APR 6 - 9AM Real estate, household goods antiques & coins at26N Kmzer Rd in village of Kmzer, Paradise Twp Lane Co, Pa By Esther A Clark Robert E , Jeffrey R 4 Michael L Martin aucts DARYL GRUMBINE 717-866-2585 DAVE WENGER 717-866-2135
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