Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 04, 2000, Image 20
A2O-Uncaster Farming, Saturday, March 4, 2000 HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.)-If life imitates art, a presi dential candidate’s position on cheese might indeed become a hot issue in the upcoming pri mary elections. Capitalizing on the primary elections, a new 60-second cheese commercial chronicles the demise of a fictitious presi dential hopeful, John Hayes, who commits political suicide when he’s caught on camera voicing an unpopular platform: “I don’t like cheese.” The new advertising cam paign, “Ahh, the power of Cheese,” launched in January with the new spot entitled “Election.” The new campaign was developed by dairy farmer funded promotion organization Dairy Management, Inc.™ and Dl IRABED' COW MATTRESS The Only One Of Its Kind l rS 80 oz. Waterproof 0 The Heaviest 0 The Driest 0 The Most Effective 0 The Strongest 0 77be BEST Why Buy Anything Else? Duraßrisketl "3HT Easy to install 8 ft. sections gggfflßEß- Martin Construction Co. $1 00 per stall HOPE POLYBOARD 61^20 ✓/ /V /A Mllk h °? eS ’ Mnmon Fisher J/ /r /// manger liners, Ronks /// MUDGUARD 717-687-0349 /l [ ll\ /// non woven Farmer Boy AgSystem* £LJ l\ \/ O Jf geotextile 80M4W874 T- ' —{/ Get out of the mud l North Brook Farms anßi jmk Toll Free: 877-624-2638 JJ LEBANON VALLEY ENTERPRISES, INC. Manufacturing • Powder Coating - Precast Winning the Presidential Election May Be As Easy As Loving Cheese it’s local affiliates such as the American Dairy Association & Dairy Council Mid East and the Pennsylvania Dairy Promotion Program. The fictitious candidate is recorded by the news media in real time and the sound bite is broadcast around the nation. The reaction of the voting public is swift and harsh as seen via a series of wickedly authentic and witty vignettes. The most suc cinct and humorous reaction comes from America’s popular, respected elder statesman, former Senator Bob Dole, who makes a winning cameo appear ance. “We wanted to capitalize on the topical nature of the primar ies and add an element of real ism and surprise to the commercial. Bob Dole is the per fect spokesman to deliver the unanimous judgment of the voting public,” says Debra Sum merall, spokesperson for PDPP. What makes this advertising message believable is that it ac curately reflects how cheese lovers, who represent 73 percent of the population, feel. “Our consumer research indi cated that cheese lovers so love cheese, they can’t fathom and TIMMERMAN corp. WELL BALANCED, RUGGEDLY BUILT FOR p< A Vei Elf Lo M Lo C c Fo LE S i -RISSLER-*) -i -i -i TTIAK-HOE”-i -i -i -«y - J JJJ r A Full Line Of EFFICIENT BELT DRIVE FANS ixhaust Fan //Housing & Shutter 36” & 48” Portable !4”, 30”, 36”, 48” Circulating Fans RT and FRT Series Trailers Aval We Also Build Other Models, Sizes, - Vegetable Cultivator - are even suspicious of someone who does not like cheese,” Sum merall says. “The universal pop ularity of cheese makes this advertising scenario amusing and plausible.” “Election” represents an evo lution of a successful two-year advertising campaign aimed at cheese lovers. The strategic plat form of this new work is that “cheese has the power to affect people deeply.” In “Election,” 125 King Court/ Hollander Rd. New Holland, PA 17557 (717) 354-9611 MANY YEARS OF TROUBLE FREE SERVICE lilable In 5000# thru 12,000# GVW. t, and Capacities. Call For Information people feel so strongly about cheese that it affects their im pression of someone who does not like cheese, and ultimately changes the outcome of a politi cal campaign. “Election” is the first of a pool of four new television exe cutions for cheese that will launch during 2000. Mohnton, PA (800) 436-5623 (onlait I s I or l.ikTatim ()r I lu' IKalrt Ncari'sl mi! erse rd,