*u FEED BINS We assemble, deliver and set up bins on your farm * Weather tight die-formed roof 'Stronger engineered sidewalls 'Ground controlled fill caps 'Galvanized roll-formed legs 'Engineered leg braced systems 'Fast flowing hopper bottom WitMip) CORE AUGERS and Flex-flo™ AUGER SYSTEM in 2 1/4” dia. to 5” dia. J P'»LYTUFF FREEDOM FOUNTAINS 1 -Hole Cattle 60 Beef/30 Dairy $279.00 Stock No 12010081 2-Hole Cattle 160 Beef/70 Dairy $346.75 Stock No 12010082 2-Hole Cattle/Horse Electnc/80 Head $241.60 Slock No 12010086 ' • Other Models Available Barn Cooler Fani The only patented air circulation fan on the market l Because of its design it provides more air movement and therefore more cooling effect than any other circulatioi fan Calf/W > Multi-Max Ideal Group fSßfrgm IrR Housing for II HU rn 111 Ul V Calves * Goats Sheep • JLIII It Ostriches • Pigs CsOf-tel INDIVIDUAL CALF HUTCHES by Calf-Tel™ RH & LH Access Our Deluxe model features a new, extra tall - - offset entry door opposite a right or left side tiiyjlg -A feed access floor Lets you group hutches iMcl’n* side-by-side for easy feeding and service IHpli 1 ? Comes with two large pails, inside pail *‘ f> ‘ holder and eyebolts for lifting Rainproof **' jidge top ventilators keeps calves dry and comfortable J Hog & Poultry Contracts » 11 I I Hours; Mon-Fn 7to 5:30 Avallablel^^^^ S.t 7:30 to Noon 24 Hour Farmer Boy Ag Systems __ Service ° ** Jnc. rgg, 3/4/00 ppSj 410 East Lincoln Avenue, Myerstown, PA 17067 » Same Day Shipping 717-866-7565 • 1-800-845-3374 ” 6- Tube Stock Guard Gates 2" Heavy Duty 50 ‘ High 2“ Heavy Gauge Steel Tubing, High Solids, Baked On Graphite Red Enamel Paint, Comes With Hinges, Bolt Hook and Latch Cham Length Price $57.99 ! 165.99 ! 174.99 1184.95 $93.99 FENCING BBHLEM 16' GALVANIZED 34" Hog Panel $13.50 FENCE 99010023 PANELS mmmm ”itC heaters \> a. The Purafire heater provides a consistent, clean burning and fuel efficient source of warmth for all types of poultry and swine houses Choose from two models, the CBOM variable output (40,000-80,000 BTUH) and the C 225 (225,000 BTUH). Each is LP or natural gas compatible and can be mounted inside or outside your confine ment house Electronic ignition Stock # 99050270 99050271 99050272 99050274 99050273 ’» p^f I Pennsylvania Livestock Auction Wajmcsburft h. Thursday, Mar. 2, 2000 Report Suppled By Auction CATTLE: SL. COWS: UTILITY ft COMMERCIAL 34.5042J0; CANNER ft BONING UTILITY 30.00-36.50; CAN NER ft LOW CUTTER 26.00-29.75; SHELLS 26.00 ft DOWN. BULLS: YIELD GRADE I 1300#-2000# 35.00- YIELD GRADE 2 1000#-1400# FAT 31.00-40.50. FEEDER STEERS: 3OO-300# 35.00- 230-280# 34.00-114.00, M 600-900 LBS. 40.00-76.00. HEIFERS M IftL-l 300-300# 42.00-96.00; L-l 400-630# 42.0089.00. BULLS M&H 300620# 43.0011Z00. CALVES: VEAL: PRIME 68.0090.00; CHOICE 38.00-80.00; GOOD 33.007000. FARM CALVES: #1 HOLSTEIN BULLS 90120# FEW 35.00105.00, #2 HOLSTEIN BULLS 80100# FEW 12.503000; BEEF X BULL&HFRS./HD. 20.0093.00. HOGS: BARROWS ft GILTS *l-2 210233# 34.0042.00, #2-3 233-280# 30.0041.00; SOWS *l-3 300300# 22.0040.00. FEEDER PIGS: 1-3 13-20# 3.00- 17.00/HD.; 1-3 23-33# 10.00- 1.00/HD. High-quality CIAAS® fIHHHi equipment satisfies aCMpM your need for nutrient-rich silage ■ Wm CLAAS offers a full tine of equipment for nutrient-rich silage. Produce perfectly formed, dense bales with today's most reliable, technologically advanced heavy-duty fixed chamber and variable chamber round balers models are available with the t al XOTO CUT* cutting system tl pre-processes silage and adds j density to each bale and cholo jROLLATEX* net wrap or twine, mower conditioners, with hca\ duty cutter bars and your choiri of roller or tine conditioner, fol low ground contours for dean, even cutting. Reliable, heavy-du tedders with 6 tine arms per rotoi accelerate dry down. Dependable hexty-duty rotary rakes, single am twin, with tandem axles produce uniform, fluffy windrows. Meeting all your harvesting needs! CMfIS loumy Contact your local CLAAS dealer today for the harvesting machinery you need now. Visit our internet site at www.chiasofamerica.com or e-mail us at claas@claasofamerica.com PENNSYLVANIA: Bence's Farm Equipment 116 Willow Brook Lane ... Bedford: Meyers Implements, Inc 400 North Antrim Way, RO Box 97 ..717-597-2176 Greencastie Leola M.M. Weaver & Sons, Inc. 169 North Groffdale Rd.... New Bethlehem:. Hetricks Farm Supply, Inc Rt. 3, Box 177 Newport: . Smith's Farm Equipment 30 Acker Road Sandy Lake Implement Co., Inc, Rt. 173, 3675 Sandy Lake Rd. - Sandy Lake Longeneckers, Inc Rd. 2, Box 121 A-1 Williamsburg: Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 4, 2000-All LAMBS: HIOH CHOICE *O-100 LBS. tO.OO-10S.00; CHOICE 40-75 LBS. *O.OO-135.00; FEEDER LAMBS GOOD ■'•60.00-103.00; SHEEP 20.0045.00; FAT SHEEP 25.00 ft DOWN. GOATS: LARGE 35.00-135.0