BSO-Lancaater Fanning, Saturday, February 26, 2000 SAT APR 29 - Personal proper- S ' r “ :k D * uc,lon Sales ' lnc ty antiques, 130 Frogtown Rd , - East Earl Pa Chester & Edna SAT APR 29 - Public Sale of Weaver Kline Kreider & Good Household, beef cattle, farm aucl machinery, several JD tractors SAT APR 29 - Horse Sale 830 vluwliS,.? owner Tack 11 AM Tack Middlebura Ke Wickard,auct Look For Public Sales Scheduled Past Deadline On Second To Last Page Of Section A A AUCTIONEER'S DIRECTORY \ I Call 717-626-116* to list your auction service. | NOTICE To assure that your Public Sale appears in the Public Sale Section we must have your advertisement by 5 PM Tuesday of each week’s publi cation. _ > Prolntlonal i^ 0H ( auctioneering Martin auction service \ ) 410 W. Church Rd. (•mwi J Ephrata, PA 17522 N (717)733-3511 Real Estate • Farm Equipment • Antiques • Household Goods It doesn’t cost to use our Auction Pays. CALL TODAY!! WEEKLY AUCTIONS MONDAYS 3 PM J 2112 N READING ROAD I DENVER PA 17,17 • Antiques, Estates, Household, Commercial, Real Estate 1 • Computerized Auction Service Antiaues wi,h On-site Capabilities ** • Buy Or Sell On Commissions Sat. 1 0-5 . no Buyer’s Fee I Sim. 8-5 * No Hidden Fees bdrrsS'desupcinct net 717-336-2861 w*^ COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL AUCTION SERVICE REAL ESTATE - FARMS a RESIDENTIAL PERSONAL PROPERTY - ANTIQUES - FARM STOCK SALES - LIQUIDATIONS RANDAL V. KLINE LLOYD H. KREIDER AUCTIONEER-REALTOR AUCTIONEER 717-733-1006 717-786-3394 ROY E. GOOD, JR. AUCTIONEER (717)445-4309 EJCTk W HORNING 11/ A## FARM AGENCY, INC. Merle Eberly AU-2417-L • Alvin Homing AU-0433-L Elton Homing AU-0434-L Morgantown, PA (610) 286-5183 > > Courteous Real Estate Services > > Professional Auctioneers > > State Certified Appraisers > > Specializing in Farms and Land _j 1 Aurtirjn Serv; r _r^ 1 1 1 717-270-4555 ' „, ■ ALL POINTS AUCTION CO. SAT APR 29 -9 AM Real Estate, personal property, antiques 2404 Mam St, Narvon, Caernar- von Twp, Lane Co By Elmer & Esther Hertzler Horning Farm Agency, Inc 610-286-5183 SAT APR 29 -10 AM Spring Heifer Sale Belleville Livestock Market, Belleville, Pa IAM Mattoon Road Pittsburgh, (Steuben Co ) New York Nistock s Com plete Holstein Dairy Herd Disper sal Pirrung Aucts Inc MAY 2000 TUES MAY 2 - Fat Cattle Sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc 548 Alexander Spring Road Carlisle PA TUES MAY 2 - 7 45PM Feeder Cattle Sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc 548 Alexander Spring Rd . Carlisle, PA WED, MAY 3 - 9AM Lumber & Building Supplies To be held at Wolgemuth Auction 109 N Maple Ave , Leola, Lane Co Pa 717- 656-2947 WED MAY 3- 6 30PM Wmross, Hess, Farm Trac & Toys To Be held at A&C Diffenbach Auction Inc 100 W Jackson St New Hol land, Lane Co Pa 717-355- 7253 FRI MAY 5 SPM & SAT MAY 6 0 30AM sth Annual Steam-O- Annual Soring Feeder Cattle Sale Eighty-Four Auction Sales Eighty-Four, PA Located 4 miles east of Washington, PA on Rt 136 Ex. 8 off 170. Mon., Mar. 13, 2000 All Types Of Feeder Cattle Outweigh-In With The Regular Sale Sale Time Approx. 3:00 P.M. Clair Kearns Auctioneer (AU000496L) 724-222-9965 Public Sale SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 2000 10:00 A.M. Located at: 2615 McClay’s Mill Road, Shippensburg, Pa. Directions: From Shippensburg take Route 696 North two miles, turn left onto Middle Spring Road, proceed 7/10 mile, turn left onto McClay’s Mill Road, right across bridge - first farm. Watch for yellow sale signs. TRACTORS • International 996, TA, dual hyd. and PTO, 4-post canopy • International 856, TA, cab, dual hyd. and PTO, WF • Farmall 400 TA gas, fast hitch FARM EQUPMENT Knight Reel Auggie 2250 TMR mixer trailer w/scales, New Holland 718 forage harvester w/electnc controls, 770 2RN corn head, 717 hay head, I.H. 56 forage blower, two I.H. 51 forage wagons on good gears. Grove 14’ 3-beater forage wagon, N.H 495 haybine, I.H. 241 round baler, John Deere 24T baler w/kicker, B’x2l’ steel rack wagon. Grove B’xl6’ wooden rack wagon, Little Giant 24’ elevator w/motor, Farmhand 5-wheel rake, New Idea 3626 manure spreader w/tailgate, Glenco 3-pt 13-tooth chisel plow, Oliver 348 3- pt 3-16” spring reset plow, Athens Model 131 11’ disc, I H. 400 no-till 6-row cyclone corn planter w/hquid fert, J.D FB. 13x7 grain drill, 200-gal field sprayer, N I 3-pt. fert sprayer, Teagle 3 pt. bedding chopper, JDS pull type rotary mower, 3- pt tire scraper, 7’ 3 pt scraper blade, NH. 718 and 717 harvesters - for parts, J.D 54 manure sprayer -f or parts 7-ton GSI feed bin w/6”xlo’ auger- nice shape, lots of SCRAP IRON, hyd. cylinders, misc. farm tools, wooden chicken coops, Ritchie poultry fountain, feeders and brooders, plus more misc. items. DAIRY EQUIPMENT • SURGE 1,000-gal. Model 80710 milk tank w/compressor, washer and heat reclaimer • 4 DeLaval DV3OO milkers w/electric pulsation and Superflo-vu claws. • De Laval 2” stainless steel complete pipeline system set up for 30 stalls • DeLaval 76 3 PH vac. pump w/oil reclaimer. Note: Don’t be late. Not many small items. GLEN AND KATHY PUGH (717) 532-5923 Terms are cash and/or PA check with proper ID. Refreshments available. Not responsible for accidents. Martin’s Auction Service Andrew (717) 532-5382 Nevin AUIO7BL Rama Spring Consignment Auc tion For Info Charles Stillmger 717-755-8312 or Chuck Noonan 717-755-9465 SAT MAY 6 - 8 30AM - Horse 10AM Mel's Stables, 834 Wallace Rd New Holland PA Mel Hoover. Auctioneer SAT MAY 6 -10 AM Heifer Sale, New Holland Sales Stables, 101 W Fulton St, New Holland. Pa SAT MAY 6 -12 PM 6 acre w/beautiful home, approx 10 miles W of Slate College, Pa Centre Co Auct Ron J & Ron S Gllligan #AU-339-L & #AU343O L 814-237 0189 FRI, MAY 12 - 9AM Tractors , Farm Eg & Supplies To Be held at A&C Diffenbach Auction Inc 100 W Jackson St, New Holland Lane Co. Pa 717-355-7253 FRI MAY 12 -1 PM Stale Graded Feeder Pig Sales Carlisle Live stock Market, Inc 548 Alexander Spnnq Road, Carlisle, Pa FRI MAY 12-6 PM Feeder Sale New Holland Sales Stables, 101 W Fulton St, New Holland. Pa FRI MAY 12 - 7PM Dairy Sale Middleburg Livestock Auction Sales, Inc, Middleburg, Pa SAT MAY 13 - 9AM At 350 Smilhville Rd , New Providence Pa 31 acre farmette, auto, sleigh, antiques By Violet V Alben Estate Probst Family aucts 717- 464-3700 Sale for: Dairy and Livestock Sales NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. New Holland Pa. Located 12 Miles East of Lancaster, just off RL 23 10:00 AM OPEN BRED HEIFERS 12:00 NOON BULLS, FRESH COWS, SPRINGERS • Merle Brencman • Leroy Smucker • Jim Hostetter • Marvin Eshleman • Dale Hostetter • Daniel Z. Stoltzfus SPRINGERS a nd FRESH COWS SELL!!! A Load of Springers from Canada Sell - some have papers - (2) Registered Bulls Sell Top Pedigrees Ready for Service Note To Consignors! Please send all information along with your cattle lues. Fresh Date, Breeding Dates, Milk Weights, IB & Blood Test charts with your trucker. Sale Managed Bv New Holland Sales Stables, Inc. Barn 717-351 KS4 1 Fax -070(5 I Ininc 7 1 7-3*-) i 5^:5,S Norman & David Kolb, Mgrs. 61L FEEDER CATTLE CONSIGNMENT SALE JERSEY SHORE LIVESTOCK THURS., MARCH 9TH, 2000 following Regular Sale approx, time 7:00 p.m. Phone 814-349-5099 Livestock sale held every Thursday starting at 4:30 p.m. Kitchen Open Late Model Logging Equipment - Shop & Yard Site Due to poor health, Jim & Ruth Oonaway, owners of Forest Logging, will offer for sale at Public Auction the following described Real Estate & Equipment on: Saturday, March 11, 2000 BEGINNING AT 10:00 A.M 1318 Old Virginia Rd - Pocomoke City, MD Pocomoke, MD is located on Rt 13, 90 miles North of Norfolk, VA and 30 miles South of Salisbury, MD From the Virgima/MD line go 2-1/4 miles to Masten’s Lumber Co. On left take Ist left on “Old Virginia RD" by the Church Go 1/2 mile to 1318 Old Virginia Rd Sale on Right From the North, take US RT 13 thru Pocomoke, MD, past Midway Chevrolet Go 1/2 mile, turn Right on Old Virginia Rd REAL ESTATE: Believed to contain 2 acres of land, 40x60 shop & office LOGGING EQUIPMENT: CUTTERS - 1998 Timbco T 425 tract feller buncher w/6CT Cummings, 260 HP, 12” pads, Quadro saw only 1700 hrs: 1997 Hydro Ax 511. 359- Cummings, 2200 Hrs w/KOEHRING Saw Head, 611 Hydro Ax for parts w/update for saw, rebuilt end & trans before Feb, ALMOST NEW SKIPPERS ■ 1996 John D leere 648GX Grapple Skidders, 3249 hrs, 30 3 arch grapple skidder, 30 5 duals, cab, only 3637 hrs, i4BG Grapple Skidder, cab, 44” rubber, H&A, only 1405 hrs, 4 Extra 44” Tires & Wheels, 2 sets of tracking to mount on 44” rubber Duals, cab. w/2829 hrs mounted on 1997 Evans HD Delimber trailer & 1997 CTR new style Delimher Model 314 TSC (sold as a package), 1994 Prentice 410DX w/5424 Hrs on Evans Trailer w/Delimber 2CTR 42-1 A slasher 1995 w/Dollv Cart - CTR Buck Saw. 16'6" w/stop will fit Evans Trailer 1972 International twin screw w/Ramey 102 Hydraulic Loader, 53,200 miles, 335 CAT, TRUCKS & TRAILERS -All Trucks & Trailers have scales and will be offered sep arate & together Buy a good truck, buy a good trailer or buy the package These trucks are in very good condition 1997 Ford Aero Max TVactor. AT 9513, Detroit w/auto trans, only 119, 878 miles 1995 Ford TVactor LTL 9000 w/425 CAT, 13 Speed, 225,000 miles, 1994 Ford w/400 CAT, 9 speed, 9000 Aero Max, new clutch assembly, 297,000 miles, 1992 Ford LTL 9000 Aero Max. 425 Cat, 13 speed, 396 m miles, 9000 miles since rebuild, 1998 Ford LTL 9000 w/425 CAT, 13 speed, rebuilt front end, new paint, metal radiator, only 492.000 miles: 1982 Kenilworth TVactor. conventional, long wheel base, 400 CAT, 13 speed, 1985 Ford work Truck w/5 9L Diesel, new engine 1978 Ford F-350 Utility TVuck w/98,658 miles, brand new Ford 6 cyl 300 engine, Utility Body & Fuel Tanks, 1988 Ford Cargo Van w/15’ Fiberglass body service truck w/Lmcoln Ranger 8 Welder & Generator, Ingersoll Rand 7-30 electric start compressor, TRAILERS - 1997 Eager Beaver 35 Ton self-contained detachable Gooseneck w/electnc start engine, 1997 Pitts Pole TVailer w/extra long longue, 1974 Evans Pole Trailer: 1979 Evans Pole Trailer: 1982 Evi Trailer, straight deck; 1964 Bam Trailer, SHOP EQUIPMENT - Like New Whilco. Inc. Cleaning system on trailer w/500 gal tank, 11 HP Honda. 100’ Hose, steam & warm water pres sure washer, New OTQ 5019 Transmission Jack: Large Quantity of Wrenches, Parts, Shop Tools, INSPECTION: Saturday, March 4 or Week of Sale Timbco Feller Buncher is still in woods, call and see in field demo of this great piece of equipment TERMS: Cash Day of Sale or Certified Check Letters from banks shall be required from all purchasers unknown to auctioneer Buyers unknown to the auctioneer will be required to bring a letter of credit Titles will be held 10 business days for all items paid for with a check We work with Telmark, Onx, your Bank or Leasing Company Fax Letters to 410-835-8613 by 5 00 PM Friday, March 10, 2000 TERMS: Real Estate $6,000 down on day of sale in cash or check acceptable by the under signed, with a balance to be paid within 45 days Time is of the Essence pete h — . AUCTION RICHARDSON ypiLES tklv Com P.O. Box 51 Willards. MD 21874 (410)546-2425 or 1(800)408-9384 1967 Dorsey Lowboy