Public Auction " , Specialty Collection 540-828-3159 of White House Apple Products Bottles Myron Heatwole’s Collection of Approximately 600 White House Bottles Sat., March 4, 2000 at 10 a.m. At Woodsmen of the World, Rt. 42, South of Harrisonburg, VA (Directions; Interstate 81 exit 245, west on Port Republic Rd. (Maryland Ave.); left onto Rt. 42 South (High Street); 2 miles south on 42 (on right), Watch for auction signs. Misspelled preserving jar; preserving jar with large back label & small front label; square preserving jar with shield label & glass bail top; 19821.E.F.P.; vac uum top apple butter; labeled sour pickle; 16 oz. dill pickle with label; right hand light green 1/2 gallon screw top; three different labeled cruets; flowered cruet screw top; frosted vase, pint tusk screw top & corker; three labeled Amber Apple Juice’s (6 oz., 12 oz. & pint), both #617 pop bottles; small double line pitcher; Lighthouse; one gallon bubble jug; one gal lon twin handle apple; pint apples pour spout; pint apples corker; Winchester silk screen; smooth & rare set; quart screw top New Deal; light green bal lerina; frosted green ballerina; gallon script with small neck & wood handle; rail cars; set of trucks; radio control car; His & Her watches; hats; ther mometers; case of puzzles in original box; two wood shipping crates; right hand jugs; six different pint New Deals; Matchbox trucks; Ertl trucks; Winross trucks. Many more excellent pieces to be sold. Auctioneer Note: All of this collection in excellent condition For more information - owner, Myron Heatwole - 540-879-2693. Terms: Cash or good check; all out of state buyers need bank statement for check. Food Available Tom M. Weaver & Kent Weaver Auctioneers 540-828-3159 540-828-4963 Fax: 828-2777 Not responsible for any accidents AUCTION Lumber & Building Material Sale Location: 109 N. Maple Ave., Leola, PA 17540 Wednesday, March 1, 2000 9:00 A.M. 200 WINDOWS - Vinyl & Anderson; Garden Windows; Anderson Bow Box Windows; Bow Windows; Peachtree Windows Casement Fixed & Operational, 150 Doors; Interior & Exterior Pre- Hung Patio Doors; Bi-Folds - Dbl. Doors; Sliders; French Doors; Doors w/Side Lights; Leaded Glass Doors, Tractor Trailer Load of Vinyl Siding, Roof Shingles; Tar Paper; All Kinds of Trim & Molding; HARDWARE: Nails; Screws, 250 KITCHEN CABINETS; Medicine Cabinets; Broom Closets, Cultured VANITY TOPS & COUNTER TOPS, Vanities; Door Latches, Door Locks; Wash Bowls, Different Sizes of Trusses; PANELING; Trailer Load of Pine Boards; Hardwoods, LUMBER; 1/2”, 5/8”, & 3/4” Plywood: Flakeboard; 3/4” OSB Board; 2x4, 2x6, 2xB, (some treated); Fiberglass Tub & Shower (some handicap) Units; Whirlpools, Sinks; Ceiling Tile; Insulation (4’-8’ Sheets); Metal Roofing; Steps; Flashing; Soffet; Ceramic Tile; Carpet & Vinyl Flooring. Hardwood Flooring, Kiln Dry Wood, 5 Tractor Trailer Loads Green Lumber, 500+ Board Feet of Furniture Grade Mahogany Plus some Walnut, Oak, & Pine; 10’-20’ Spouting, Coils. AUCTIONEER NOTE: Selling with 5 Auc tioneers Simultaneously, Bring a Friend! TERMS: Cash or PA Check with ID List subject to change WOLGEMUTH AUCTION (#2357) Call Dennis (717) 656-2947 FAX (717) 656-6011 EMAIL - Next Lumber & Building Supply Sale April 5, 2000 SAT APR 15 - 9AM Tractor, bchuyikiii co, ka Avice E Mor- Farm & Orchard Items, Shop gac, Owner Mike Deibert, Aucl Equip & Tools, Windmill, HH SAT APR 15 - 9 30AM Farm Items, Collectibles ImiS of Pit- equip Nelson Gardner and fam man in the Mahanlongo Valley, «y. Rocby Holstein Farm At Rick- GAP FIRE CO. 24TH ANNUAL SPRING SALE Sat. March 25, 2000 8:30 A.M. New & Used Carriages, Storage Sheds, Lumber & Building Materials, Farm Machinery, Groceries Lawn & Garden Equipment, Handmade Quilts & Furniture Consignments & Donations Appreciated Contact Elvin Beiler (717) 442-9549 Terms By Gap Fire Co. M PUBLIC % AUCTION Jfc in St. Marys Co., Maryland Livestock and Farm Equipment Consignment Only Wednesday, March 8, 2000 Directions: From Waldorf take 5 South to 236 turn right to sale on left. At the John Hertzler Farm go 1 mile lane on left. Team of 4 yr. old Jk Morgan/Belgian Cross HP Geldings - Broke I|f 1 Load of Draft ' ->■ Horses and 1 Load of Driving Horses From Lancaster County Hay, Cattle, New & Used Harness Load of Farm Equipment from Beilers Machinery Load of Small Tools and Misc. Items from Gideon Stoltzfus Terms: Cash or Good Check, Everything must be settled for sale day - No exceptions. We reserve the right to reject any item! 9:00 AM: Small Items 11:00 AM: Horses, Cattle, Hay AUCTIONEER: SALES MANAGER; Mel Hoover John Hertzler 834 Wallace Rd 37689 Grove Farm Lane New Holland Mechamcsville, MD 20659 717-354-6431 Cash or Honorable Pa. Check Only All Announcements Sale Day Take Precedence Bf* Over All Advertising jmjt Not Responsible for Accidents IHu Food on Premises LJ.. Wl Auctioneer: Mel Hoover -I— ? * IJ U AU-003111-L U “ ” 71 7 -354-8397 Home or 717-354-6431 Barn ingham Fairgrounds, Harrison burg, Va Tom M Weaver & Kent Weaver, aucls SAT APR 15 -10 AM Real estate, household goods & misc items From Rt 23 in New Hol land take Brimmer Ave S approx 2 miles to Hill Rd turn left to sale on right by Martin B & Thelma K Martin Mel Hoover, auct SAT APR 15-11AMBranchport (Yates Co) New York on the Guyanoga Valley Road across rom Valley Inn Lawrence IcMmn Farm Machinery Retire nent Auction Pirrung Auction eers, Inc Consignment Auction WINROSS, ERTL, HESS TRUCKS, NASCAR ITEMS & MISC. TOYS WED. MAR. 1. 2000 - 6:30 PM LOCATED AT: A, &C. DIFFENBACH AUCTION, INC. 100 W. JACKSON ST, NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 AUCTION HELD IST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH Consignments Welcome! Call (717) 355-7253 Hess Trucks Including Miniatures; Winross Trucks; Banks; and Misc. Toys | TRUCK SALE WILL BEGIN AT 6:3tTPM] A. & C. DIFFENBACH AUCTION INC. 100 W. Jackson St., Box 186 New Holland, PA 17557 Ph0ne:(717)355-7253 Fax: (717) 355-9547 Alan Diffenbach Auct. - AU2258-L Public Auction Harold “Dutch” Watson Retirement Auction Located on Farm 7 Miles N. of Troy, along Rt. 14. 7 Miles S. of Gillett, PA (Bradford County) Fuji Line of John Deere & GeM Farm Machinery 98 JD6410 tractor, cab, 18.4-38” radials - Power Quad trans., w/JD 640 quik-tach loader-only 150 hrs. show room new - sells 3 ways; JD 4450 front wheel drive tractor, sound-guard cab, 20.8-38” duals, 14.9-24” fronts, power shift, only 1800 hrs.; JD 4050 w/4 post canopy, 18.4-38” radials, quad-range trans, dual hyds, only 2700 1 owner hrs ; JD 6300 tractor w/roll-post, power quad, dual hyds, 18.4-34” radials, lowner only 1400 hrs; JD 6300 tractor w/Canopy, Power Quad, Dual Hyds., 18.4-34 Radials, Only 765 Hrs. (One Owner); JD 3020 diesel wfe tractor, side console; pr. land rollers to match. LATE MODEL MACHINERY Tillage: JD2BIO 6 Bottom variable width “Up to 22” Reset Plows, only used 65 acres, LIKE NEW; JD 635 26’ Double fold Disc, only used 130 acres, LIKE NEW; Case Int. 6510 10 Tooth pull type Mulch Tiller, NICE; Knowles 20’ Transport Cart harrow; JD F 145 416 Semi-Mounted Plows. V Hay Equipment: JD 1460 Discbme; JD 1219 Haybine, SUPER NICE; 2 Gehl 1060 Harvesters w/elec controls, 1000 RPM Shaft, Tandem axle, (1 w/late style pickup head & 1 w/2 row adjustable corn head) both used very little; 3 Gehl 970 Self-Unloading Wagons w/3 beaters. Roofs, Tandem Axles, all Like New; JD 328 Baler w/Pan Thrower, one owner, NICE; JD 672 Rake w/dolly wheel & rubber teeth; 3 9’xlB’ Wooden Hay Rake Wagons, all w/tandem axles & flotation tires; NH 45 Trailer Sickle bar mower; Kewanee 36’ All purpose transport elevator; Buffalo Valley 36’ All purpose transport elevator; General Equipment: JD 8250 18-7 Single Disc Grain Drill w/grass seeder & fert. Attachment, Demco 300 gal single axle pull type Sprayer w/foldup booms, like new, used very little; JD 455 Hyd. Push Manure Spreader w/end gate, 1 year old, used very little, Gehl 170 Grinder Mixer w/Hyd. Auger & 18’ Auger Extension; H&S 20’ Feeder Wagon; 12’ Alum. Grain elevator w/motor; Other 12’ Gram Elevator, Fidelity 40 KW PTO Generator on Cart; Cornell 3 pth 24” Wood Splitter; Silo Equipment: 2 Weaverhne 430 S.S. Hydrostatic Feed Carts (1 has 300 Hr. & 1 has 500 Hrs.) Nice; Van Dale 20’ Ring Drive Silo Unloader ( 3 years old); Van Dale 18’ Ring Drive Silo Unloader (2 years old); 2 Van Dale 16’ Ring Drive Silo Unloaders (3 years old); Small items: 54” & 48” Alley Fans on wheels; 10 H.P. Vacuum Pump; 30 Ton Hyd. Press; 295 Welder; Air Compressor; 80 Hole Bolt bin w/bolts; 20.8-38” tractor chains; Taylor hot water forced wood or coal boiler; feed cart; etc. etc. etc. TERMS: Cash or Good Pa. check day of sale. Out of state buyers must have current bank letter of credit guaranteeing funds. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Absolutely the best set of machinery to sell this spring, 99% bought brand new & always shed kept. Conducted By h HAROLD “DUTCH” WATSON (570) 297-3058 Auction Co. 1515 Kepner Hill Road, Muncy, PA 17756 PA Lie. #RY 71L (570) 546-6907 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 26, 2000-849 SAT, APR 15- 12PM N Corn wall Twp, Lebanon Co , Pa 2170 Colebrook Rd , Leb Nelson L Ebersole, auct SAT , APR 15 - IPM (Due to Easter) State Graded Feeder Pig Sales Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc 548 Alexander Spring Road Carlisle, Pa TUBS APR 18-Fat Cattle Sale, Carlisle Livestock Market Inc 548 Alexander Spring Road, Carlisle, PA TUES, APR 18 - 7 45PM Feed- Thursday, March 2, 2000 Starting at 11:00 A.M. 6 John Deere Tractors er Cattle Sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc 548 Alexander Spnng Rd, Carlisle >A Pi WED APR 19 & THURS , APR 20 - 8 30AM Wed Lawn & Gar den Tractors, misc items Thurs Misc items, tires posts etc Farm Equp & tractors 6 miles S of Chambersburg, Pa 1 mi E of manon, just E off 1-81 at Marion along Rt 914 Marion Auction Service THURS APR 20 - Equipment Sale 9 AM Middleburg Livestock Auction Sales, Inc Middleburg, Pa THURS APR 20-FeederSale7 PM Middleburg Livestock Auction Sales Inc Middleburg, Pa FRI APR 21 - 7PM Blue Ribbon Show Pig Sale, Cambria Co Fairgrounds, Keith Bard family Portage Harry H Bachman auct SAT APR 22 - 8 30AM - Horse 10AM Mel's Stables, 834 Wal lace Rd, New Holland PA Mel Hoover, Auctioneer SAT APR 22 - 6PM Holloway- Parletl - Ho9lloway Show Pig Sale, Solanco Fairgrounds, Quarryville, Pa Harry H Bach man, auct WED, APR 26 - 9AM Farm Equip, Tractors, Truck Lots To be held at Wolgemuth Auction, 109 N Maple Ave , Leola, Lane Co. Pa 717-656-2947 THURS APR 27 - SPM Real Estate, personal property, antiques 1365 Apple St, Ephra ta, Pa Ephrata Boro By Melvin Z Weber Homing Farm Agency Inc 610-286-5183 FRI, APR 28 -1 PM State Grad ed Feeder Pig Sales Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc 548 Alexander Spring Road, Carlisle, Pa FRI APR 28 - SPM 1606 Mam St, Goodville E Earl, Pa Lawn & Garden For Goodville Fire Co FRI APR 28 - 7 PM Horse Sale, New Holland Sales Stables, 101 W Fulton St. New Holland, Pa Seller