Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 26, 2000, Image 92

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    848-Lanca»ter Farming, Saturday, February 26, 2000
FHI AHH 14-4 30PM Lawn and
garden equip Ed s Repair Shop
388 Linden Grove Rd Ephrata
Pa 17522 354-4209 Mel
Hoover auct
FRI APR 14 ■ 6 PM Feeder
Sale New Holland Sales Stables
101 W Fulton St New Holland
Entertainment Farm (Halloween)
Equipment; Orchard - Bakery - &
Farm Store Equipment;
Greenhouse, Tent, Dinosaur,
Antiques, Concession Trlr; 7 Tractors incl.
2 Antique Restored
FRI., MARCH 10, 2000 • 9 am
At SOUDERTON exit off Rt. 309,
take Rt. 113 east to 4th traffic light,
turn right on Callowhill Rd then Ist
to #328
Perkasie, PA 18944.
JD 4020 diesel, side console, new
total engine overhaul; JD 850
w/belly mower; JD 870 diesel
w/loader, JD 1520 HU gas w/loader; JD 1948 A & M antique tractors,
both professionally restored; Atomic Babe tractor & cult;
Farm Equipment
JD 6x4 Gator, diesel, JD 261 3 pt mower; Woods 3 pt 5' Ditch Bank
mower, Bush Hog 2610 L 11 ’ wing offset rotary cutter, 2yr old; Woods
80 mower, JD 7000 4 row no till, dry, planter; Ram-Flo mulch layer;
Ram-Flo 3 pt mulch lifter, Ram-Flo water wheel transplanter;
Glencoe 7’ Soil Saver; JD 210 disc, Vicon 3 pt spreader; Danuser
post hole digger w/9”, 16” & 24” augers, Gilson & Honda F4Ol rear
tine rototillers, Troy Bilt Tuff Cut 24” high wheel mower; 6 stall calf
hutch, vinyl side, B’xlB’ 3 side range shelter on skids, alu side;
Orchard Equipment
PERFECT 3 pt 10’ offset rotary mower w/tree guard wheel; FMC pto
NW43O Speed sprayer, air blast; 3 pt 200 gal sprayer; back pack
sprayers w/motor; John Bean 100 gal sprayer w/eng; Brownie side
mt sprayer; Bean FMC 3 pt 100 gal orchard air blast sprayer w/veg
attach; AZS bulk bin dumper; AZS 24” washer dryer; FMC 2 row
weight sizer; 3 revolving tables; roller conveyors; alu & wdn orchard
ladders; 1000's asttd size baskets; lot wdn bu crates;
Bakery & Farm Store Equipment & Concession Trlr
Carmate 12’x7’ refreshment trailer; Vulcan stackable propane con
vection ovens; (2) Donut Robot 42 machines; Belshaw donut rotor;
Hobart 30 qt mixer; Baker’s Aid 3 rack 2 dr ss proof cabinet; TRUE 2
dr display cooler; United & Beverage Air 2 sliding dr coolers; 6 dr ss
refrig; refrig Juice Mate can vending machine; ice cream dipping
freezer, 2 yr old; Royal 6’ & 4’ curved glass high quality bakery/candy
display cases; 300 lb digital scales; TEC digital 30 lb; 8 Casio elec
tronic registers: apple sheer; sectioner for apple chips; candy apple
maker; Jet Spray dbl well bubbler; Bunn coffee maker; Metro
shelves; (4) 5’ Mars Air doors; 5 Vector electronic bug zappers (food
service grade); Artie 6’x6’ walk-in freezer; B’xl3’ walk in cooler; 10’
back lit sign;
1 horse sleigh; white porcelain kit coal range; Murray 2 ton pedal
tractor; 2 pedal horses w/carts; milk cans; wdn poultry crate; RR sta
tion freight cart; Ig cast iron school house bell; ig pot belly stove; Ig
old cider press w/apple masher; corn sheller; oak chairs; wdn
whlbarrows; & other misc antiques;
Trimline 20’x30’ frame tent; Anchor 14’x14’ frame tent; Eureka
20’x20’ frame tent; Indian teepee; Ig military frame tent; 17’x20’
Bench Mart SR greenhouse;
35’ hydraulic pumpkin eating dinosaur - unique - high quality - a real
attention getter!; custom talking pumpkin; talking Johnny Appleseed
programmable electronic by Cregeen; 10’ tall inflating pumpkin;
Cinderella’s Pumpkin carriage 14' tall x 14’ long; life size straw hors
es & reindeer; chick hatching display house w/42” incubator; 7 cus
tom made people mover/hayride wagons, B’xlB’ flats w/sides, fold
down benches & built-in stairs; 80 hvy duty pneumatic tire express
wagons, 7 JD Tuff Trax trikes; 33 picnic tables; (15) 8’ folding tables;
23 pine 8’x18” benches; revolving bee observation hive; stainless 3
rack honey extractor; 100's professional done signs; hand oper string
baler & base driller for Xmas trees; split rail fencing: plus many fine
items not listed.
Full ad next week or call for color brochure,
Auct. Note - Owners are retiring after many successful years of
operation. Don’t miss this opportunity to purchase quality, well main
tained equip, that can make sss for you. Several unique, interesting
Terms - Cash, acceptable check. Buyers new to Auction Co. MUST
have specific bank letter guaranteeing payment. Contact Auction Co.
for format.
TW Ralph VV, _
820 Nursery St. • Box 215 (610) 395-8084 Fax (610) 395-0227
Fogelsville, PA 18051-0215 “Proven Service Since 1955”
FRI APR 14 - 5 30PM & SAT
APR 15 900 AM Myerstown
Church ol the Brethren 52nd
Consignment Sale Glenn Has
smger 717 866-2925 for into _
SAT APR 15 Wickards Annual
Consignment Sale & Machinery
on consignment plus 75 head of
Twmbrook Rd.,
Tents, Greenhouse
Entertainment Farm Equip
feeder cattle Kevin Wickard &
Rick Foreman Aucls Carlisle,
SAT APR 15-8 30AM 45 acre
farm in Center Twp, Snyder Co 7
mile NW of Middleburg, Pa Retta
Loss owner Ken E Smith Den-
ir, aurte
SAT APR 15 - 8 30AM
Antiques, household goods, fur
niture Andrew Allwein, Rt 343
North of Lebanon Hairy H Bach
man aucl
SAT APR 15 - 9AM Real estate
personal property and antiques
Real estate sold at 11AM From
mlersecton of Rt 11 and Rl 23
west on Rt 23 for 1 1/2 miles, turn
left on Coventryville Rd for
approx 1 3/4 mile to property on
left East Nantmeal Twp Chester
Co By Estate of Mildred E Brew
er Horning Farm Agency Inc
SAT APR 15 SAM Consign
ment Auction Rt 522 at villaoe of
Wagner, 12 miles North of Lewis- bale Benefits Beaver Run
town, PA (Mifflin Co) Call Ivan School
Auct SAT APR 15-9 AM Remholds
Blajie Rentzel[«AL)-76f Fire Co Banquet Hall, Rt 897
SAT APR 15-SAM smi S Tur- Remholds Antiques and Person
bolville, 2mi Nof Washing- al Property for Lester Fritz Art
lonville off Rt 54 Consignment Pannebecker Auction Service
SAT., MARCH 4, 2000
To be held in the Reinholds Fire Co.
Banquet Hall, Rt. 897, Reinholds
9 pc Dining Room Suite, Teacart, Zenith TV;
VCR, Jcnn Air Refrigerator Freezer; Maytag
Washer and Dryer; Stiffel Lights.
Franciscan China; Gorham Service For 12
Silverware, Royal Worcester England Devonshire
China; Reed and Barton; Sterling Wt.
Candleholders, English Teapot, Mixing Bowls;
RCA Cola Thermometer; Wooden Box - Sturgis,
Lititz; Griswold Square; Lanterns; Tins; Xmas;
Umbrella Stand; Books; Jewelry; Garden
Ornament; Collection of Salt and Peppers - M.D.
Sturgis Paintings, Easel, Art Supplies; Frames;
DOLLS: Mdm. Alexandra, Lissi, Hello Candy,
Maw West Effanbee, Dolly Dingle, Pee Wee
Cub Cadet 2284 Riding Mower; Trac Vac
Industrial Plus 11 hp; metal 2 Wheel Trailer;
Parker Lawn Sweeper; Gilson ST 10 Snowblower;
Stihl Weedeater; 2 Ton Jack and Other Jacks;
Folding Chairs; Escape Ladder; 2 Wheel Cart;
Hedge Trimmer, Hose and Reel; Alum. Step
Ladder, Dog Kennel; Hand and Garden Tools;
Animal Trap; Animal Caller; Hunting Knives;
Goose Decoys; Fishing Rods, Reels, Lures; and
Many Other Items Too Numerous To Mention.
Terms By:
t\ rt Pannebecker nS 3
uction Service B - Habe c ker #i296-l
■ I C. Bard #3838-L
Public Auction
Farm Equipment
and Personal Property
Will sell for the undersigned the following
located at 2177 Loop Road, Chambersburg, PA
(turn right off Route 11 South just before
Johnnies Restaurant Supply and proceed 2
miles to sale site) on:
Sat., Mar. 11 at 9:30 A.M.
Massey Ferguson 180 Diesel, Hesston 530 round
bailer; 13x7 FB John Deere drill; International
corn planter; John Deere 224 bailer; 32’
Zimmerman 220 V elevator; gravity wagon; New
Holland 46 haybine; 3 bottom plow; 10 ton
wagon; International manure spreader; front end
loader prongs; wagon chassis; post hole digger;
harrow; cultipacker; field sprayer; hay saver feed
er; salt feeder; (2) wheel trailer; new 5 foot 3 pt.
Rotary mower; score out plows; cement mixer;
hog waterer; cow clippers; hydraulic jack; (3) cast
iron troughs; side rake; diesel fuel tank; gas tank;
chains; trickle irrigation equipment; electric
fencer; 10 round bales of straw; roto-tiller; meat
grinder; chain saw; arc welder; welding table; set
of steel yards; work benches; assorted hand tools;
dried lumber; and more.
bam lantern; grain cradle; trap (ground-hog);
early iron hinges; block pulley; cross cut saw;
milk cans; flat top trunk; single beds complete;
bob sled; crib wash boiler; hooked rug; high chair;
new-computer desk; maple chest of drawers; new
love seat; floor fans; foot locker; crocks; Favorite
#l2 cast iron skillet; drying rack; Maytag auto
washer; Kenmore dryer; Penney’s chest deep
freezer; Kerosene heater; butcher’s block; pitcher
pump; and more.
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: The Witter’s have
sold their farm- all must go. Equipment in nice
condition. Will begin sale with household/col
lectibles, then onto farm equipment and related
items Not a long sale"
Mr. & Mrs. Merle E. Witter, Owners
TERMS: Cash. Lunch Stand available. NOT
responsible for accidents day of sale. Statements
made day of sale take precedence.
ph. (717) 263-6512 AUCTIONEER
ph. (717) 369-3984 AUCTIONEER
2-car garage
2.1 AiatTß&t
THURS., MARCH 2. 2000
4 PM
LOCATION: 845 Fivepointville Rd, Stevens (Red Run Area)
Rt 272 N to Rt 897 S to Fivepointville, turn right on Fivepointville
Rd approx 2 miles to property on left (Brecknock Twp)
Real Estate consists of 2-1/2 story frame w/vmyl siding house
w/country kitchen, family rm w/bnck base and wall for stove, liv
ing rm , 4 bdrms , 1-1/2 baths, full bsmt and attic storage House
has over 1680 SF living area, attached 13'x16' summer house
w/water, oil forced air heat and on lot well and septic sys OUT
BUILDINGS INCLUDE: 2 story frame bank barn 27’x34' with
horse stall water & electric frame w/vmyl siding 2-car garage
22'x24’ all on 2 1 acre tract with fenced pasture and animal shel
ter, Plenty of garden area NOTE: Ideally located rural property
with spacious house & out buildings Seller relocating out ot state
House has alum & vinyl soffit, fascia and replacement windows
Inspection by appt or Open House Sats , Feb 12, 19 & 26 from 1
to 4 pm For picture brochure, land plotting and financing call
Auctioneers 733-1006 Terms 10% down, balance April 14, 2000
Brian Black, Atty.
Randal V Kline, Lloyd Kreider 9
& Roy Good Jr, Auctioneers
Lie #499, #2116, #513
717-733-1006 auctioneers
TUES., FEBRUARY 29. 2000
10:00 A.M.
Outlet Rd., Manchester, NY
Off exit 43 NY Thruway
LOCATION: Outlet Rd. is off Rt. 21,1/4 mile
north of Rt. 96. From Rt. 21 proceed 1 mile
east to the Moyer farm.
NOTICE: The Moyers have sold the family
farm and offer a very reliable and well main
tained line of equipment.
SELLING: JD 7520 articulated tractor
w/3 pt. PTO, 2 remotes & duals; JD 4430
w/cab & 20.8x38 duals, quad range: JD
4020 D (very good condition); IH 656 D gear
drive: MF 3165 tractor w/loader; JD 7700
4WD combine in nice condition w/6R N corn
head & 215 platform (stored inside): JD 7200
6R dry planter w/top auger; coulters & bug
boxes - excellent: Glenco 24’ field cultivator;
Glenco 11 shank disc chisel: 18' tine harrow;
White 281 13’ offset disc; White 588 6xlB
O.L. plow; IH 720 sxlB plow; JD 630 22’ fold
ing disc; Dunham 15’ cultimulcher; JD 8300
grain drill; wagon w/hoist; 12’ cultipacker;
Tox O Wick 370 dryer; (2) 20.8x38 and
16.9x38 duals; JD 825 6R cultivator w/side
dress pump; 3 pt. back blade: 32’ auger
w/gas engine: B”x6l’ PTO auger; 6”x4o’
auger; 1500 gal. poly tank; saddle tanks;
endgate auger; Berthound crop sprayer
w/35’ hyd. booms - like new; Hi crop rotary
grain cleaner; 32' elevator: gravity wagon
w/auger; Dunham front end loader; JD 5
mower: old Chevy winch truck; 3000 gal. fuel
tank w/pump; (2) 300 gal. tanks w/pumps;
275 gal. tank w/pump.
TRUCKS & GRAIN BINS: 27’ 7 ring drying
bin w/stir augers & power sweep; 21’ 9 ring
bin w/drying floor; 87 Chevy pickup: 77 IH
1700 truck w/17’ dump body; 68 Chevy 60
w/14’ grain body & air brakes.
ALSO: Motomco moisture tester w/balance
scales; 150 gal. 3 pt. sprayer; 6’ KK rotary
mower: (5) surge units; (5) 9.00x20 truck
tires: Pickup fuel tank; new & used parts;
shop tools & supplies.
TERMS: Full settlement auction day, cash or
good check.
RoyTeitsworth, Inc.
(716) 243-1563
FAX (716) 243-3311
6502 Barber Hill Road
Geneseo, New York 14454