Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 26, 2000, Image 60
816-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 26, 2000 n4-H HAPPENINGS Round Valley Riders The Round Valley Riders 4-H Horse Club has just had a very busy month. Every Wednesday members have their study for the State Horse Bowl Competition. They sold refreshments at the 4-H Holiday Workshop at the Rutgers Extension Center and the following day they had their annual holiday party, where they celebrated their achieve ments for the year. After the party, club members rode in a horse-drawn wagon in the Flemington Holiday Parade. The wagon was provided by Hunterdon Coach and Wagon. Just before the parade the club sold cookies and cider on the steps of the Union Hotel to fund raise for a trip to a dude ranch we hope to take in the spring. Meetings are held the third Tuesday of every month at the extension center. The club is open to boys and girls ages 9 to 19 who want to learn more about horses. Call (908) 788-1340 for more information. 4-H State Winners Invade Atlanta Conference Ten state winners represent ed Delaware at the Annual National 4-H Congress in Atlanta, Ga. According to Joy Sparks, extension agent and 4-H coordi nator at the University of Delaware, the trip is awarded each year to outstanding 4-H’ers in recognition of their accom plishments, leadership abilities, and community service. More than 1,300 14- to 19- year-olds, representing 48 states, attended the 1999 confer ence, which included education al seminars, multicultural events, and service projects. The theme was “Make the Difference ” The Kent County 4-H state winners were Meredith Brown and Sherri Hobbs. Brown, a 17-year-old member of the Dover Clovers 4-H Club, has been in 4-H for nine years She completed projects in foods and nutrition, health and safety, rabbits and hand pets, and citi zenship, earning ribbons at 4-H, state and county fairs. The youngest CPR instructor in Delaware, Brown teaches an average of six classes each year. She has served as president and treasurer of her local 4-H and treasurer of the county Junior Council, in addition to being a camp counselor for the past six years. A senior at Dover High School, Brown is the daughter of Richard and Mary Brown of Dover She hopes to pursue a career in psychology or sociology. Sixteen-year-old Hobbs has been a member of the Woodside Emeralds 4-H Club for eight years. Her projects have includ ed sheep, performing arts, camp counseling, leadership and com munity service. She has partici pated in state and county fairs and in talent shows and parades as a singer, dancer and member of the color guard. Hobbs has been a 4-H camp counselor since 1993 and has contributed many hours of service to the communi ty. Following graduation from Caesar Rodney High School, she would like to become a nurse anesthetist. Her parents are Tammy and Herbert Hobbs of Wyoming. New Castle County winners were twin brothers Jarrad Van Stan and John Van Stan of Newark, the sons of Toland and Joyce Van Stan. In eight years as a member of the Fantastics 4-H Club, Jarrad Van Stan completed projects in photography, veterinary science, woodworking, entomology, con servation, rabbits, citizenship and leadership. Van Stan’s pho tography projects focused on learning new techniques includ ing various uses for filters. He received various awards for his projects at state and county lev els and was recognized with the President’s Youth Service Award in 1993-1995. A 16-year-old junior at St. Mark’s High School in Wilmington, he volunteers his time with senior citizens and children and has held leadership positions with 4-H and other groups. He plans a career in speech and music therapy or speech pathology. During eight years with the Fantastics 4-H Club, John Van Stan, 16, completed projects in small animals, photography, vet erinary science, entomology, woodworking, conservation and citizenship. He earned awards in all project areas and received the President’s Youth Service Award for Community Service from 1993-95. Van Stan, also a junior at St. Mark’s High School in Wilmington, participates in many community activities in addition to 4-H, including moni toring the Rehoboth Bay, a wet land and a stream. He would like to pursue a career in biolo gy, genetics, or conservation. Representing Sussex County at the conference were Garan Callaway, Alex Hense, Jimmy Hughes, Aaron Jackson, Jill Jones, and Benjamin Passwaters. A member of the Seaford Blue Jays 4-H Club for seven years, Callaway, 16, raised Guiding Paw puppies and com pleted projects in clothing and textiles. She trained and cared for six puppies, taking responsi bility for their nutrition and health care as well as learning all aspects of guide dog training. Her clothing projects were exhibited at state and county fairs in Delaware and New York. She has served as president of her 4-H Club and as a member of 4-H Junior Council. A junior at Seaford High School, she is the daughter of Gary and Susan Callaway of Seaford, and plans a career as a veterinarian. Hense, a member of Hollymount 4-H Club, has com pleted projects in swine, conser vation, computers, leadership and citizenship. A 15-year-old junior at Cape Henlopen High School, Hense has raised 13 pigs and hogs, he showed the grand champion hog at the Delaware State Fair in 1998. His computer skills include knowledge of scan ners and digital cameras, and he had the winning conservation display at the State Fair, Farm and Home Field Day, and the conservation district’s banquet. He is the son of Gilbert and Roxane Hense of Lewes. Hughes is an 18-year-old freshman at Ferrum College in Ferrum, Va. He has been a mem ber of the Clover Knights 4-H Club for eight years and com pleted a variety of projects, including gardening, camp coun selor, and photography. He has exhibited his vegetables and photographs at the Delaware State Fair for four years. The son of Bill and Karen Hughes of Georgetown, Hughes is majoring in agriculture. Jackson, an eight-year mem ber of the Seaford Blue Jays 4-H Club, has completed projects in dairy goats, woodworking, and horticulture. He used his wood working skills in his dairy goat project, constructing milk stands, among other items, for the goats. Jackson has received several awards at state and county fairs for various projects, including champion and grand champion goats, milk stands, dried flowers and vegetables. A 17-year-old junior at Sussex Tech High School in George town, he plans a career in horti culture and landscaping. He is the son of Bonnie and Oliver Kendall of Seaford. Jones of Bridgeville is a nine year veteran of the Greenwood Hi-Flyers 4-H Club. She has completed projects in computers, photography, citizenship, child care and leadership. Her pho tographs have been exhibited at 4-H, state, and county fairs. She has been a camp counselor and served in a number of leadership positions in 4-H and other orga nizations. The 17-year-old senior at Sussex Technical High School plans a career as a speech ther apist or elementary school teacher. Jones is the daughter of Jerry and Joanne Jones. Sixteen-year-old Passwaters of Bridgeville has completed projects in sheep, veterinary sci ence, horticulture, leadership, and citizenship during his eight years with the Dublin Hill 4-H Club. His work in veterinary sci ence complemented his work with sheep. His horticulture pro jects have included both vegeta bles and ornamental plants. In addition, Passwaters has partic ipated in numerous activities dedicated to leadership and citi zenship as a 4-H camp coun selor, and as a volunteer at local nursing homes, his church, and other community organizations. A junior at Woodbridge High School in Bridgeville, Pass waters is considering a career as a riverboat pilot or a sports com mentator. He is the son of W. Coulter and Charlotte Pass waters. Glenburn 4-H Sewing Club Taking New Members The Glenburn 4-H Sewing Club is now taking registrations for youth to sign up for 4-H tex tile science projects. In 4-H, memoers learn basic clothing construction skills to complete a garment of their choice, accord ing to their experience and interest. Leaders, Hilda Lewis and Ann Northup of RR 4 Dalton, except all levels of expe rience from beginners to advanced including tailoring and formalwear. Both boys and girls ages 10-19 years are encouraged to register by calling the Penn State Cooperative Ex tension office at 963-4761. 4-H is the youth educational program of Penn State Univer sity and Cooperative Extension. It helps boys and girls ages 8-19 to: •acquire knowledge and life skills •develop attitudes and abili ties to cooperate with others •learn to accept and carry out responsibility •develop self-confidence and communication skills •appreciate the value and dignity of work. Adult leaders share their knowledge and skills with youth in an informal setting. Members enroll in 4-H projects such as foods, animals, gardening, lead ership, etc. Projects are a tool used in teaching youth responsi bility, initiative, decision-mak ing and other life skills. To find out more about 4-H, call Penn State Cooperative Extension of Lackawanna County at 963-4761. Penn State is committed to affirmative action, equal oppor tunity, and the diversity of its workforce. rLnr-\° fSfaccediJ' West Snyder FFA donations to the Ronald McDonald House, from left, Snyder County Commissioners Rick L. Bailey and Steven D. Bilger; FFA members Jennifer McWilliams, Heather Hollenbach, and Melissa McWilli ams; and Pennsylvania Farm Bureau coordinator The resa L. McCool. West Snyder FFA Aids Ronald McDonald House The West Snyder FFA Chap ter collected more than 350 pounds of food and goods and presented a check for $132 to the Snyder County Farm Bureau, which in turn made the dona tion to the Ronald McDonald House in Danville. The project was conducted in cooperation with the Snyder County Farm Bureau and the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau Na tional Food Checkout Day Pro gram. Feb. 9 served as National Food Checkout Day. Food Checkout Day was established Clarification UNIVERSITY PARK (Centre Co.) In a story in sec tion B of the Feb. 19 issue of Lancaster Farming, a story sup plied by Penn State provided in correct information. In the story about root crops, it was reported by Penn State that beets require high levels of boron. According to Pete Fer retti of the horticulture depart ment at Penn State, “gardeners 4-H Summer Program Assistant Attention all interested men and women who have completed at least one year of college and who are interested in learning more about Penn State Cooper ative Extension and the 4-H Youth Development Program. Hands-on experience as a member of the Chester County 4-H team, working with Penn State Cooperative Extension, is available this summer. Experi ences will be provided in the 4-H program, which includes family living, dairy, livestock, camp, and other Penn State programs. Please send a letter of inquiry with a current resume by March 17 to Laurie Szoke, Chester County 4-H Coordinator, 601 Westtown Road, Suite 370, P.O. Box 2747, West Chester, PA 19380-0990. to emphasize the affordability of food in America. Statistics show that between Jan. 1-Feb. 9, the average American family earns enough money to feed their family for the entire year. The donation toward the Ronald McDonald House was selected by the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau. The Ronald Mc- Donald House was selected be cause it serves as a “home away from home” for families of chil dren who are critically ill. The members of the West Snyder FFA Chapter hope the families who stay at a Ronald McDonald house are as comfort able and well fed as possible. should mix one-quarter (V 4) tea spoon of laundry borax powder into a gallon of water.” He noted, with all micronu trients, “apply exactly the amounts recommended and no more. If you only get a partial response, repeat the exact same amount after two weeks. If you still don’t get enough response to the micronutrient, retest or seek professional advice before taking any other action.”