North Atlantic Eggs Atlanta, Georgia Report Supplied by USDA Thursday, February 24,2000 IN PHILADELPHIA, PRICES WERE UNCHANGED TO THREE CENTS LOWER ON ALL SIZES; IN BOSTON, PRICES WERE UN CHANGED TO FOUR CENTS LOWER ON THE MEDIUM AND LARGE SIZES. PRICES PAID TO PRODUCERS IN NEW ENGLAND WERE THREE CENTS LOWER ON THE MEDIUM THROUGH EXTRA LARGE SIZES, UNCHANGED ON THE REMAINDER OF PRICES. THE MARKET TONE WAS MOSTLY WEAK. FOOD SERVICE DEMAND WAS USUALLY LIGHT TO MODER ATE, ADEQUATE TO AMPLE. BREAKING STOCK SUPPLIES FROM REGULAR SOURCES WERE ADEQUATE TO FULLY ADEQUATE, AND DEMAND FOR ADDITIONAL PRODUCT WAS LIMITED AS DEAL ERS CAUTIOUSLY ASSESSED THE MARKET. LIGHT TYPE FOWL WERE FULLY ADEQUATE FOR CURRENT NEEDS. PHILADELPHIA: PRICES TO RE TAILERS, SALES TO VOLUME Mon., Mar. 20 @ 1 pm Approx. 200 Head Consignments For Info — -In. Vintage Sales Stables Inc. Paradise, PA 17-44*- 17-768-) Hershey ■ EQUIPMENT COJNC CELEBRATION SEETHE LATEST SYSTEMS ON DISPLAY • POULTRY • GRAIN HANDLING WATCH FOR DETAILS IN NEXT WEEK’S PAPER BUYERS, USDA GRADE A AND GRADE A, WHITE EGGS IN CAR TONS, DELIVERED TO STORE DOOR, CENTS PER DOZEN. EXTRA LARGE .54-74, LARGE .52- .72, MEDIUM .43-62. BOSTON: EXTRA LARGE .92-1.01, LARGE .85-96, MEDIUM .62-68. NEW ENGLAND: JUMBO 1.07-1.10, EXTRA LARGE .70-73, LARGE .63- .66, MEDIUM .40-43, SMALL .16-19. Morrison’s Cove Poultry & Rabbit Martinsburg, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Monday, February 21,2000 ROOSTERS 3.00-6.75. HEAVY HENS 1.30-2.25. BANTAMS 2.00-3.75. . PIGEONS 1.75. MUSCOVY HENS 2.00. MUSCOVY DRAKES 3.75. BUNNIES 3.75-5.25. RABBITS 4.25-8.75. SEVERAL FLEMISH UP TO 19.00. AUCTION EVERY MON., 7:30 P.M. ECIAL ER NATIONAL EGO MARKET - AT A GLANCE f Lancaster Stockyards | "I Rt. 501 and Marshall Ave. • v Lancaster, PA A V Easy Access, Fast Unloading A i Cattle Sales I A Every Monday 10 fIM I v Shnp. Goats, Calves. Hogs \ V Jim Hunsicker, Mgr. A | 717-394-7915 > X 717-654-4264 f 255 Plane Tree Drive Lancaster, PA 17603 Toll Free (800) HEC-0988 Fax (717) 291-1534 COMING ... Week of March 20 thru 24 NNIVERSARY National Egg Market ATLANTA, GA FEBRUARY 23, 2000 In Chicago, prion were lower. In the Eastern region, prices were unchanged to lower. Elsewhere, prices were unchanged. The market tone was weak. Demand ranged slow to no better than modctate, mostly light to fair, and was usually best for the limited promotional activity. Sup plies of all sizes continued at least adequate to mostly ample. Breaking stock wpplics were sufficient from regular sources, how ever, additional demand often centered around quality product Light type fowl were fully adequate for current needs. Belleville Poultry Belleville, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Wednesday, February 23,2000 GEESE: 4.00-5.00 EA. TURKEYS: 8.00 EA. GUINEAS: 5.50 EA. ROOSTERS: 2.50-5.00 EA. BANTAMS: 1.50-3.00 EA. HEAVY HENS: 2.00-3.00 EA. SILKIES: 2.75 EA. MUSCOVY HENS: 3JO EA. MUSCOVY DRAKES: 4.00-5.00 EA, MIXED DUCKS: 5.00 EA. BARN PIGEONS: 2.00 EA. WHITE BIRDS: 2.50 EA. FANCY BIRDS: 3.00 EA. PEACOCKS: NONE. PHEASANTS: 10.50 EA. DOVES: 5.00 EA. QUAIL: NONE. GUINEA PIGS; 3.00-5.00 EA. RABBITS: UNDER 4 LBS. 1.00-5.00 EA., 4-6 LBS. 5.50-6.50 EA., OVER 6 LBS. 6.00-11.00 EA. FOR MORE INFORMATION PHONE 717-242-2898. Livestock Cooperative Auction Market of North Jersey Poultry & Egg Hackettstown, N.J. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, February 22,2000 HEAVY FOWL 1.00 EA., .35-1.25 LB. LEGHORN FOWL .20 LB. MIXED FOWL 4.75 EA. TURKEYS .SS-.75 LB. PULLETS 4.50 EA. GEESE 6.00 EA. BANTAMS 2.75-3.25 EA. ROOSTERS 2.00-4.00 EA., JO-1.55 LB. BUNNIES 1.50 EA. DUCKS .40-.95 LB. RABBITS .50-2.00 EA., .20-1.75 LB. PIGEONS 2.00-3.50 EA. GRADE A EGGS: WHITE JUMBO, EX. LRGE. .44-.70, LARGE .43-.65; BROWN EGGS, JUMBO, EX. LRGE. .50-.77, LARGE .60-.65, MED. .42. FREE COMMODITY MARKET NEWSLETTER Whether your trade interests are grains or gold, Lehigh Valley Futures, Inc. has the knowledge and expertise to assist you in these markets. For a copy of our newsletter and/or a free trading kit, please contact: Lehigh Valley Futures, SOOOTilghman Street Suite 249 Allentown, PA 18104 1-800-543-8939 or 1-610-366-7979 Fax 1-610-366-9842 The risk of loss in trading futures and options on futures can be substantial Futures and options trading may not be suitable for everyone You should carefully consider the risks in light of your financial condition in deciding whether to trade Beitzel Spraying is now distributing; SAFECIDE® BRAND IC For the control of darkling beetles, hide beetles and flies in poultry houses and for control of fire ants Advantages: ■ Efficacious-boron based SafeCide® Brand 1C kills larvae and adults. Breaks the beetle life cycle and reduces diseases carried by beetles ■ Contains an extremely safe and effective pest control agent (99% orthoboric acid)- larvae and beetles die 3 to 5 days after contact and ingestion. ■ Provides long-lasting residual results. Keeps on working up to 12 months - longer than most available products. ■ Provides an effective barrier. Kills larvae and adults as they emerge. ■ Cost effective - low cost based on per day of activity. For More Information Call BEITZEL’S SPRAYING Witmer. PA 17585 717-392-7227 or Toll Free 1-800-727-7228 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL APPLICATORS LICENSED Spraying Sincel96l INSURED Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, February 26, 2000-A5 NEW YORK EGGS, FEBRUARY 23. 2000. FEDERAL-STATE The market tone continued weak. Retail demand was generally slow to fair at best. Supplies of all sizes were fully adequate to ample. PRICES TO RETAILERS, SALES TO VOLUME BUYERS, USDA GRADE A ANDORADEA, WHITE EGOS IN CAR TONS, DELIVERED STORE DOOR, CENTS PER DOZEN. RANGE EXTRA LARGE 39-61 LARGE 56-59 MEDIUM 47-30 MIXED HAY: 9 LOTS, 125.00- 167.00. TIMOTHY: 117.00. STRAW: 5 LOTS, 100.00-110.00. ORCHARDGRASS: 120.00 AND 145.00. 18 LOTS TOTAL. ■ Can be applied as a dust or spray. Flexible application options let SafeCide® Brand 1C fit easily into your particular management program. ■ ERA approved, ecologically friendly non-carcinogenic, no toxic residues. Safe to be applied by humans. ■ Is field proven. Field studies* show heavily infested farms treated with SafeCide® Brand 1C have better feed conversion rates, increased weight gains, greater livability, and fewer condemnations than untreated farms. ■ No insecticidal resistance reported. ■ Retards the growth of Aspergillus in the litter. ■ Approved for use in the control of fire ants and flies. New York Egg Market ATLANTA, GA. FEBRUARY 23, 2000 Prices were four cents lower on all sizes. Dewart Hay Dewart, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Monday, February 21,2000 HAY: 38 LOTS, 77.50-165.00. STRAW: 8 LOTS, 72.50-87.50. WOOD: 3 LOTS, 25.00-40.00. CORN; 80.00-82.50. OATS: 1.80-2.20 BU. Green Dragon Hay Ephrata, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Friday, February 18,2000 Hay—Straw—Grain Inc.