Kevin Harvatine STATE COLLEGE (Centre Co.)-Kevin Harvatine, a junior in animal sciences at Penn State University, is one of 16 recipi ents nationwide of a $1,200 scholarship from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. The scholarships were awarded to students who intend to pursue a career in the beef in dustry and who represent future industry leaders. Award recipi ents must be enrolled as under graduates in the College of Agriculture at a four-year insti tution. They are selected based on a written essay discussing an issue confronting the beef indus try and offering solutions. The title of Harvatine’s essay was “Marketing Based Manage Harvatine Awarded CME Scholarship ment,” which described focus ing the industry on a strategy based on “maximizing long term profits by satisfying consumer needs at a profit.” Harvatine, the son of Paul and Susan Harvatine, Thomp son, Susquehanna County, is active in many extracurricular activities in the' Department of Dairy & Animal Science and the College of Agriculture Sciences while consistently attaining Dean’s List. Committees and ac tivities in the Block and Bridle Club, Dairy Science Club, and Ag Advocates take up a large portion of his time, along with being a past officer in Alpha Zeta, an honorary agricultural fraternity. “ mce largest poured Mud concrete I liflikli# VVllwllla I !■» STORAGE SYSTEM SPECIALISTS Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, February 26, 2000-A4l Harvatine also participates in undergraduate research and is working on an independent re search project that he will present at the summer meeting Bradford-Sullivan Farm Bureau TOWANDA (Bradford Co.)-James Vanblarcom, a Bradford County dairyman and president of the Bradford- Sullivan County Farm Bureau will be speaking at 7 p.m. on March 3 at Towanda High School on the issue of deer man agement. Vanblarcom will share his experiences with deer man agement on his farm. This is one of SO public meetings, hosted by the Pennsylvania Game Com mission’s Deer Management Su pervisor Dr. Gary Alt, taking place across the state in the next of the American Dairy Science Association. His future plans in clude a career in an agricultural support industry where he can help producers remain profita ble and competitive. few months. “I am pleased with the steps being made toward a science based deer management pro gram,” said Vanblarcom. “Since assuming the position of Deer Management Supervisor last year, Dr. Alt has really helped bring the issue of deer manage ment to the forefront.” If you would like to attend this meeting and need more in formation please call Bill Bower at 570-297-2509. All Pennsylva nia sportsmen and farmers should be sure to attend one of these meetings in their area. BUY, SELL, TRADE OR RENT THROUGH THE CLASSIFIED ADS IN Lancaster Farming PHONE 717-626-1164 OR 717-394-3047 FAX 717-733-6058 Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. 8 AM to 5 PM Thurs. 7 AM to 5 PM SANDBLASTING - SPRAY PAINTING - AERIAL SONS, INC. 667 Hartman Station Road Lancaater, PA 17601 (7171 393-6530