Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 19, 2000, Image 78

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    838-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 19, 2000
Pi f vm equip {3 Npw
Holland equip etc ) Massinger &
C ourtney Audi 570 539 8791
SAT /-CB 26 10AM Toy Auyc
tion E’tfabethville Pa Romborq
er & Associates auds
SAT FEB 26 10AM Farm
machinery household goods
antiques Mr & Mrs Francis
Gates Morrisons Cove Produce
Auction Brnn W Figard aucts
SAT FEB 26 10AM Farm
equipment From Honey Brook
Pa West Brandywine Twp
Chester Co By William Balder
ston Horning Farm Agency Inc
610 286 5183
Public Auction Register
( losing Date Mond.n 5:00 P.M.
id each week's publication
Inteinet Sale Registci will he updated
ccerj Sal. at 2:23 P.M.
ATTENTION Auctioneers
All sales register info needs complete address,
street, town, county & state.
SAT FEB 2b 10AM Vehicles Pa Hunyad, Auction Co
construction machinery & support SAT FEB 26 10AM Antiques
equp 1450NVAve Wilmington HH Goods Tin Iron Agate
DE Nationwide Auction Sys Wood Glassware Old Cma s
terns Deco Tools Riding Mower 2306
SAT FEB 26 10AM TwiHey Helena Or Hempfield Twp
Farms Consignment Auction Lane Co Gertrude A Hess
Sale Rt 50 & Woodyard Rd Owner Howard E Shaub inc
Willards Md Pate Richardson m
SAT FEB 26 11AMH Lyle
cat ffr 1 nAM Farm Landon Auction Complete farm
Equipment Cumber,son Rd Wes" °° ** fwp Chester Co ShaylorAucts
Pa Terms by William Balderston SAT FEB 26 830 Tack 11AM
Horning Farm Agency Inc 610 Horse Sale Middleburg Livestock
286 5183 Auction Sales Inc Middleburg
SAT FEB 26 10AM late Model Pa
off lease truck tractors Hatfield SAT FEB 26 9AM Kenneth &
Julie Nerhood RR4 Middlebura
Farmersville Auction
Located in Farmersville,
3 miles east of Brownstown,
Lancaster Co., PA
Antiques, And Collectibles
Of All Kinds.
Too Much to List!
Annual Pres. Day Antique
& Collectible Auction
Mon. Feb. 21st. - 8:00 a.m.
Approx. 1000 lots of furniture
Approx. 1000 lots of smalls
Furniture Sells At 10:00 A.M.
VISA, Master Card, DISCOVER, MAC Accepted
Call Larry Rutt 717-354-5095
Auctioneer's Lie. #ALJ-2455-L
Cumberland Valley
Produce Auction
March 8, 2000 • 9:00 AM
Snow Date: March 15, 2000 • 9:00 AM
Sale Bill begins 2-5-2000. Please call
consignments in A.S.A.P. (717) 530-5007.
Cumheiland Valley Produce Auction is located
4 miles N. of Shippenshuig, PA Take Rt. 11 N
to Koser Rd., make left. Auction is 1/2 mile.
MACHINERY: NH 220 balei w/throwcr, NH
90 bale handler; N 1 36 tt. elevaloi, IH 800
cyclo an 400 coinplanter, 4 iow 3 pt. cultivatoi;
6 tt 3 pt. ictary mowei, 12 tt. pastuie hanow;
40 tt Badgei conveyor, good condition; IH
vibra shank harrow; NH 489 haybme, good
cond , ID 7000 4 row plateless corn planter; JD
494 A cornplanter; NH 273 baler w/thrower;
bale wagon; JD 310 II ft. disc. Bullion 12 ft.
cultipacker,N.H. 355 Mixer good condition,
Gehl forage wagon, Bush Hog 3 pt rotary
mower, Gehl 7200 flale chopper, Kelderman
twin lake hitch, Case IH 183 L 6 row 30” cul
tivator, 84 Ford F 350 truck rebuilt 351 4 spd
service body, Case IH 1300 3 pt hitch, 7 ft.
cycle bar mower; 2 A.C. 8 ton wagon gears,
Athens 131 11 1/2 ft. Disc, N.I. 323 1 row com
picker, good cond. J.D. KBA 8 ft. Disc. Bale
chopper 11 hp engine good cond. I.H. 400
cycle 4 row corn planter., 1211 Sunflower disc
rockflex like new, 782 N.H. Chopper, CIH
4500 field cultivator, 9 ft. sprmgtooth harrow.
MISC: 300 amp engine powered welder; 140
Foimast TMR w/electnc scales, Haidy 100 gal.
3 pt. spiayei; (4) 165 L 161 spreadei wheels, (3)
Ritchie wateiers, Cagle 200 gal 3 pt spiayer
elect control hyd. pump, 32 toot boom, 200 gal
field spiayer
Cumberland Valley
Produce Auction
March 22, 2000 • 9:00 AM
Consignors: Please call 717-530-5007.
Sale bill will start 2-12-2000.
C.V.P.A. is located 4 miles N. of
Shippensburg, PA. Take Rt. UN to Koser
Rd., make left, Auction is 1/2 mile.
(2 21/2 Story Frame Home w/Alum.
Siding w/40’x60’ Horse Bar &
160’x 70’Pole Barn
on 8.7 Acres of Land)
Wed., Mar. 1, 2000 At 10:00 A.M.
Loc. 418 Drytown Road, Holtwood, Martic
Twp., Lancaster Co., PA
(About 1 mile west of Rawlinsville)
Real Estate Open for Inspection: Sat.’s, Feb 12,
19 & 26 from 1:00 PM until 3.00 PM. Or phone
(717) 464-3541
10% down, day of sale. Balance due at settlement
Real Estate To Be Sold at 1:00 P.M.
Food Served.
Sale by: Russell D. Shope
Donald H. Nikolaus, Esquire
Nikolaus & Hohenadel
Howard E. Shaub, Inc. (717) 464-3541
Auctioneer (AU-000831-L)
8:00 A.M
To be held at the Lincoln Fire Hall, in rear
of 1438 West Main Street, Ephrata,
Lancaster County, Pa., (One Block off Rt.
322 West). Watch for sale arrows.
Oak Washstand, Blanket Chest, Vanity & Bench,
Wooden Breakfast Set, Mahogany Tables,
Bookcases, Eaily Doctors Chest Full of Medical
Items, Oil Painting, Pictures & Frames
(Some With Early Marks)
1981 Left Handed Russell Henry Pitcher,
Depression Glass, Cookie Jars, Pressed Glass and
China, Old Milk Bottles, Old Marbles, Crocks,
Set of Silver Flatware, 5 Madam Alexander Dolls,
German Doll, Collector’s Plates
Early Ranger Eagle Bicycle, Early Scooter, Early
14” Keystone Wind-Up Car, Black Mechanical
Bank, Tin Friction Tractor & Jumpin Jeep,
American Flyer 356 Silver Bullet Train, Lionel
Tram, Old Erector Set, Tin Typewriter, German
Pogo Stick, Iron Dog Doorstop, Iron Book Press,
Chimney Flue Pictures, Iron Dutch Oven, Iron
Muffin Molds, Flat Irons, Iron Gypsy Kettle, Ice
Tongs, Metal Christmas Yard Animals, Old Adv.
Cans, Wooden Adv Boxes, Plasticville Houses,
Lots of Early Deeds starting at 1751, Early
Township Book, Lot of Old Photos, Calendars
Starting at 1914, 1910 PRR Map, Old Valentines,
Black & Other Post Caids, Old Stamp Album,
Quilts, Linens, Old Pens, Pocket Knives, Sterling
Silver and other Jewelry, Pep Pins, 45 RPM and
78 RPM Records. Early Daisy BB Gun, Old
Tools, Metal Plane, Fishing Rods & Plugs, loads
of other items too numerous to mention.
1875 Twenty Cent Piece, 1856 Quarter, Silver
Halves and other
Terms by
Dale L. Putt, Auctioneer AU-000733-L
Phone Akron (717) 859-1430
SAT FEB 26 11AM Farm
a < lion 9 mnes W of
Lewistcwn PA Glenn E & Kiye
L Martin owners Bryan D Imes
SAT FED 26 11AMTr d rtur
combine farm equipment Aaron
Hoffer Estate 2142 N Union St
Middletown Pi Harn> H Auct
SAT FEB 26 11AM Aaron Hof
fer Estate Tractor combine farm
equip 2 carnages 2142 N Union
St Middletown Dauphin Co
Pa Harry H Bachman auct
SAT FEB 26 11AM Real
Estate 7 parcels in Central
Columbia School District Con
uuclPd at Mount Pleasant Town TUFS FEB 29 10AM 112 bin JD Inrtnm 4 MFWF) fnrarw
.hip Comm Ctr Millertown Rd Acrns 2 story home with full wp.™
A?,m SbUrq PA °' en " I? Pmen ' KV T T n, T “'r HfK fR* P
h nerht Aur, Community Mr & mrs Jacob ,
SUN FEB 27 7AM 4PM Stoltzloos nwn°r TurnersAsso- I utt> i-tH 29 bPIVU om Sale
Indoor Ouldour Swap Meet at dates real estate & Aucitor Inc m'Vnjjn!? ?
Leeaporl Farmers Mkt Fit 61 TUES FEB 29 10 30
Leesport PA By J&G Auto Parts bura NJ late n odel (arm equip 6
CARL E. OCKER Auctioneer AU2425-L
Fri., Feb. 25, 2000 - 5:30 PM
To he held at 4401 Philadelphia Ave., Chambersburg, PA 17201
4 miles North of Chambersburg along Route 11 at
FURNITURE: John Schellenbert 1847 painted blanket chest, 6 decoiated
Showaltcr plank bottom chairs - Grecncastle area. 2 drawer blanket chest,
grained jelly cupboard, early childs slat back rocket, set ot can seat chairs,
plus more
TOYS: German mechanical pool shooter, German bucksaw, German wind
up duck, Marx tin hoise, cast iron tractor, Cl water pump; Cl horse drawn
wagon; wind up mWnkcys. Marx Ferdnan bull, Donald Duck rubber car, 105
mm anti aircraft, windmills, Ftgero cal; Cl “Champion Express” wagon, tin
British hoise and rider, acrobat. Felix, tin engine, 2 bumper cars and drivers,
Strass rooster. Cl Harley Davidson motorcycle, Champion car; small iron
cars. Cl Overland Circus horse drawn wagon, German 9 carousel. Wolverine
#27 Drum Major; B-O plenty; Dopey; pool players, Hubley tractor and
wagon, Strauss dengable, Hillbilly express; Capital Hill racer; iron trains
German tin sled and rider, submarine; A 3907 mechanical shooting gallery
(box): 2 tin tops, Marx military plane. Pioneer air express. A Flyer silver pas
senger cars, rocket engine; tin car and passengers; celluloid wind up circus
pig; bisque Mickey and Minnie Mouse; Great American baseball tin game;
collection of sm china dolls; Lionel parlor car, die cast toys.
MISCELLANEOUS: Eh Terry pillar and scroll clock; deep frames; 36 pc.
of Nontake Azalea - 12 dinner plates, serving pieces; 8 pc. Sterling dresser
set, Wavecrest cracker jar; 1927 - 1941 tin hunting licenses; 1929 - 1950’s
fishing license, “ A Singer For The Girls” child sewing machine, Abbotts ice
cream sign; wooden Pepsi carrier, 7 UP sign; Royal Crown cola thermome
ter, flesh forks; tin advertising and tobacco cans, 30’s Ghost magazine; mar
bles; Ig. amount of tin type pictures; early eye glasses; tin cookie cutters;
flags, 1940’s Bedford dog tags, advertising pins; Iron UP dogs; 30’s
autoworkers pins; collector plates; oiler cans; 9 Baum-Reilly 1920 books, 2
cobalt blue vases, Cmnibar collector plates and covered box, Nixon-Wallace
- Humphreys political buttons; 2 Indian pots; childs china tea set; nice trade
cards, depression, W King St Shippensburg Laughlm Card; 1911 brass sun
bonnet calendar, Rockingham custard cups; mini clear lamp; western song
books, 9x13 Western movie sheets- Cisco Kid, Tex Ritter, 14 others, 2) 007
lecords; 3 Gody books; cake stand
NOTE: The above listing represents part of a 40 year collection We have
many very nice items.
AUCTION IN THE BACK ROOM BEGINS AT 7:00 PM with a lot ot old
plastic radios and other collectibles, furniture and household items
STORM DATE: Saturday February 26, 9 AM
Terms: Cash, good check, MC, VISA, American Express
Thursday, March 9,2000 • 10:00 AM
Farm Machinery, Milking Equipment, Five Registered
Belgium, Draft Horses, Registered 10 Yr. Old Std, 5
Mos. Old Colt, Corn Silage In 12x50 Upright Silo
Auction held for:
Stephen P. & Martha Stoltzfus
On White Oak Rd., Lancaster County, Pa., 2 miles north of Georgetown,
5 miles east of Strasburg; follow Rt. 896 to White Oak Rd. east
Horses, Harness & Hitches
/hite Oak Sally - reg. mare foaled 1996
>ueen Du Marais Farceur - reg. mare foaled ‘B2, her 5 mo.
Wl old colt sells
* - Sally and Queen both Vet. checked O.K. to breed
Bonnies Sally - reg. mare foaled ‘B9, in foal to Tom due Spring of 2000
iamond B. Lihhit - reg. mare foaled ‘B7, in foal to Tom due Feb. 2000
- reg. stallion foaled ‘9O; sire-Hi-Jarretts Don,
I Sue
!tts T<
dam - Phinneys Convincer
Full pedigrees will be announced and available sale day.
Auctioneer’s note: Horses are in nice condition worked all winter on the
Stoltzfus dairy farm; horses are 16.5 and 17 hands. No guarantee of authen
ticity on written matter.
Four sets of nylon Bntchman harness, 3 front gears, full line of hitches
INT. 806 DIESEL TRACTOR McDeenng 2 way steel bottom plow; John
Deere 20 discs disc harrow; 3 section field harrow; 12 ft. single cultipacker;
steel field roller; spike harrow; New Holland 456 mower; New Holland 56
rake; Pequea tedder; New Holland 273 baler w/4 cylinder Wisconsin engine;
2 flat bed wagons; Zimmerman 32 ft. elevator; New Holland 402 crimper;
New Holland 455 mower hyd. control, John Deere 999 com planter;
McDeerinp ground-drive corn binder; Gehl ensilage cutter w/PTO gear box;
2 horse cultivator; 2 fore carts; Pequea manure spreader new ‘9B; Superior
gram dill hyd. lift, hyd. press, A.C. engine; Int. 806 diesel tractor on steel 540
- 1000 PTO good running condition.
Delaval V.P. 77 vacuum pump new ‘97; three D.V.C. 300 milker units 65-76
lb. pails; 600 gal Muller milk tank; hay feeders; bed chopper; foot bath; feed
carts; 4 ton feed bin; New Holland 355 portable grinder mixer, new 5 yrs.
Bring Proper I.D. to obtain buyer number.
Homemade food on premises
Petersheim Auction Service
Steve, Steve Jr., Orpha Rose
AU 001349 L
Kenny's Auction
Farm Equipment
Milking & Barn Equipment
Kenny’s Auction
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