Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 19, 2000, Image 74
834-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 19, 2000 Sale Reports WITMAN SALE Pressed-steel toys, tin and metal toys, Wmross trucks and toys from the 19405, ‘sos, ‘6os and ‘7os were sold Friday at a public aucuon held at The Gather ing Place, Mount Joy There were 238, regis tered bidders. Among the items sold were a Texaco tanker truck, $75; first edition Texaco air- planes, $165 and $175; a Gulf airplane, $27.50; a Structo transporter, $65; a Tonka fire engine, $6O; a Texaco Buddy L truck, $7O; a pressed-stell tram engine, $180; a Smith Miller truck, $385; a garbage truck, $95, a Studebaker promo, $115; a 1961 Merc promo, $65; a Mark McGwire plaque, $7O; and a Japan Rambler tin friction toy, $95. Also, a Buddy L carrier, $115; an Allstate carrier, $ 110; a AAA towing truck, $325; a Texaco fire truck, $285, a merry-go-round truck, $115; a jet Texaco fuel tanker, $145; a tin ambulance, $220; a Tonka tanker, $95; a Capital bank, $165; a Structo dump truck, $6O; a Hubley Ford tractor, $200; a tin truck trailer, $200; a Structo truck trailer, $125; a Texaco fire truck with box, $385; a wind-up tin truck, $9O; and a Wyandotte tow truck, $lB5. Also, an ARX dump truck, $150; a Buddy L pressed steel dump truck, $825, Structo livestock truck, $75 and $80; a Mus tang promo, $125; a child’s pedal Mustang, $165; a Mickey Mouse watch, $80; a Greyhound iron bus, $140; a pressed-steel dump truck, $220, a Turner dump truck, $330; a Mobil gas truck, $95; a Hess promo tional van, $220; a Buddy L open-cab truck, $660; an early wooden Sealtest milk truck, $500; and a Hertz earner, $165. Also, a John Deere ped al tractor, $2lO, an Inter national pedal tractor, $165; a child’s nde-on fire truck, $220, a steam roller, $385; a Champion child’s pedal car, $385, a Dick Tracy tin car, $110; a toy guitar, $125, a mail tin toy, $330, a Lazy Day farm truck, $165; a Texaco ship, $195; a Rulkm mule, $140; a Tonka car hauler with box, $195; a tonka dump truck, $125; a U.S. Army truck, $ 125; a tin pickup camper, $195; and a horse merry-go-round, $2lO. The sale was conducted by Jay M. Witman and Luke R. Witman of Witman and Witman Auctioneers Inc., Manheun. WOLFE ESTATE SALE A sale of real estate, tools, and household goods was held Saturday for the estate of Charles W. Wolfe, 515 S Cocahco Road, West Cocahco Township A biuk, ranch-style house with attached two-car gar age on 7 6 acres of land sold for $281,000 to Dennis Sharp ot Denver The property also contained a 16-by4o loot, two-story trame garage/ workshop and a 12-by-28 loot picnic pavilhon with fireplace Also on the block were a 1988 Ford Bronco, $5,600, a Farmall cub tractor with mower, $2,350, an Internat ional cub 10-boy tractor, $ 1.850; a track vacuum sys tem, $400; an MGS trailer, $275, an aluminum exten sion ladder, $l7O, a radial arm saw, $l7O, a gas water ®6th ANNUAL FEBRUARY THAW-OUT 6 INDOOR/OUTDOOR SWAP MEET * Leesport Farmer’s Mkt., Rt. 61 Leesport, PA Date Sunday February 27, 2000 Opens: 7 am Closes: 4 pm Indoor Automotive Flea Market featuring new and used parts, collec tor memorabilia, etc. We have something for everyone! Does the cold weather have you down? Come check us out...WE ARE HEATED UP!!! Inside spaces are filled, but we have limited outside spaces (some under cover) available. For more information before show date contact: J&G Auto Parts (215) 678-4683 FREE ADMISSION FOOD ON PREMISES FREE CAR CORRAL (Weather Permitting!) FREE PARKING! FREE DOOR PRIZES! RAM OR SHMB PUBLIC AUCTION FARM MACHINERY - ANTIQUES - HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Wednesday, March 1, 2000 - 9:30 A.M. Located in Cumberland Co., Route 641,7 Miles West of Newville -1 Mile East of Newburg. Ele. Stove, Cherry Game Table with Matching Chairs, Sofa, Love Seat & Matching Chair, (2) Rocker Rechners, (2) Queen Ann Chairs, Dry Bar, Library Table, (2) Small Refrigerators, (2) Antique Kitchen Cabinets, Old Cylinder Playing Phonograph (needs some repair), Victrola with Records, Crocks, Gram Cradles, Wooden Wheel Barrow, Antique Wagon Bed, Steam Engine Gauge, Single Prong Hay Fork, Hay Knives, Antique Wrenches, Old Tap & Die Set in Wood Case, Blacksmith Forge, Single Trees Anvil, Wood Beam Potato Plow, Scoring Plow, Walking Plow *1929 MODEL A FORD PICKUP. ORIGINAL. GOOD CONDITION. RUNS GOOD* (Selling After Household & Antiques) BUTCHER EQUIPMENT (3) Kettles, Lard Press, Meat Grinder, Sausage Stuffer, Benches, Stirrers, Ladles, Wooden Scauldtng Barrel. M.F. 2675. Cab, Power Shift, Good Rubber, 3900 Hrs , Runs Great M.F. 383.R0 PS & Canopy, 550 Hrs , Like New Kubota M4050-DT. 45 hp., 4x4, Westendorf Loader, Bucket & Fork, Sims Cab, 4800 Hrs , Nice Case 1490. 75 hp , 200 Hrs on Engine Overhaul >vid Brown 99 r issev Harrr Cab Enclosure Runs Good r, 2 Row Narrow Corn & Pickup Heads N.H 716 Forage Wagon, 3 Beater & Roof, 10 ton N.H. Gear ■Ma; A.C. #3OO. (2) row, no till Planter, 3 pt., Dry Fertilizer, J.D. 246. (2) row Planter, 3 pt, J.D. 8250. 14 Disc Gram Drill with Grass Seeder, MM 13-7 Grain Drill, Oliver 344. 3 pt., 4x16 Plow, M.F 74. 3 pt., 4x14 Plow, Rhino 12 ft. Transport Disc, Ford 12 ft. Transport Disc, Pittsburgh 12 ft. Transport Disc, Case 8 ft. Transport Disc 12 ft. Lever Harrow, (2) 11 ft. Cultipackers, McCurdy Bin Wagon, 8 ton Gear, N I. 323 Single Row Picker 300 Gal. Field Sprayer, Bear Cat Flail Chopper, N.H. 520 PTO Spreader, Good, Gehl 315 Scavenger II Spreader, Tandems, Very Good, Farmhand 217 Tank Spreader, 20 ft. Feeder Wagon with Sideboards, White Wash Sprayer, Meteor 87 in. Snow Blower, Twin Auger, 3 pt., Hydr. Controls, Like New, Honda 300 4x4, 4 Wheeler, Honda 250 SX. 3 Wheeler, Lawn Chief 12 hp. Tractor Mower, 36 in deck, 85 Ford FISO Pickup, 6 cy., 3 speed with 0.D., Farm Permit. 225 AMP Lincoln AC-DC Welder, Asst. Ele. Motors (3 hp & 2 hp.), Bolt Bin, Ele Fencers, Log Chains, Tractor Chains, Bolt Cutters, Round Feed Racks, Load Binders, Barn Paint, Pipe Vice, Pipe Cutters & Threaders, Milk Receiving Station, S S. Strainer, Wheel Barrow, Vices, Oil Barrels & Oil, Pumps, Pipe Fitting, Pipe Wrenches, Wood Saw, Scrap Iron Piles, 40 ft Double Aluminum Ladder. All the Usual Long Handle Tools, and Many More Misc Items Sale Managed By KLING’S AUCTIONS, INC . PA Lie #O5OO R D#l, Bos 66, Landisbum. PA Office 717-789-3883 pump, $l5O, a Delta electric saw, $l5O, a ceramic kiln, $150; a portable TV, $l5O, an anvil, $l2O, a blacksmith forge. $75, a wooden plane, $75, an iron kettle, $55; an iron trough, $55, and a chainsaw, $5O The sale was conducted by Horst Auctioneers of Ephrata. There were 365 registered bidders. (E FARI FARM EQUIPMENT Mevers 5 18 Forage Wagon, 3 Beaters & Roof, J.D. 8 ton Gear DION Forage Wagon, 3 Beaters, 10 ton Gears Gehl Blower & 34 ft. of Pipe IH. 615 Combine, Gas, 10 ft. Grain Header NH 489 Ha' J.D. 336 Baler with Elector N I. Rake (31 Wo Corn Spout Owners DAVID & DORIS HEBERLIG 225 Ncwvillc Rd . Newburg, PA 17240 717-477-0186 CONSIGNMENT SALE A Large Public Auction of antiques and collectibles was held February 12 at the Chanceford Community Cen ter. 7 miles southeast of Red HJ) FIRST bine k Hay Wagons ;n Ri Lion, Pa. There were 400 registered bidders at the sale. Some prices included, large dry sink with top, $975; mahogany armotre. FEB. 2000 SAT FEB 19 - Real Estate Auc tion Potter Co & Tioga Co Bliz zard Dae Sat. Feb 26 2 Parcels Randy Jelliff Auct Service SAT FEB 19 - Blizzard Date Feb 21 Shiloh, New Jersey F Warren Harris and Son, LLC Complete Gram Farm Machinery Dispersal Pirrunq Aucts SAT FEB 19-Amos S & Rebec ca F Stoltzfus, 37510 Westham Lane, Mechamcsville, Maryland, Farm equip Auct Mel Hoover SAT FEB 19 - BAM Wmterstown Fire Hall, Rt 24 between Red Lion & Stewartstown Pa Antiques, household goods, collectibles & classic Car Sechnsl Aucts SAT FEB 19 - 8 30AM Scouting collectibles, music boxes, toy trucks, misc Dover Fire Hall, 30 E Canal St, Dover, Pa Nevin B Rentzel, aucts H. LYLE LANDON AUCTION COMPLETE FARM MACHINERY (Lycoming Co. PA) Saturday February 26th, 2000 (Blizzard date, Tues. Feb. 29th) Location: From Williamsport, Pa. take Rt. 15 North, go approx. 20 mi., turn west on Rt 184 go 5 1/2 mi. to farm. TRACTORS, SKID STEER, TRUCK, COMBINE; 8600 FORD, Diesel, cab, dual power, dual-hyd., 18.4x38 rears, duals, (duals to be sold separately); 5000 FORD, Diesel, ROPS & Canopy, 18.4x30; 1010 JD dozer, blade, winch; L 775 NH, Diesel, (Deutz engine) skid-steer, bucket, pallet forks, (sold separately); 1997 F-350 FORD truck, 10,000 GVW, 12’ hyd. dump box (3’sides), 400 mtr. pos. rear, pto., (overhauled @ 80,000 mi.) GLEANER K combine, 10’ grain platform; HAYING: 327 JD square baler w/#5O thrower; 258 NH rake; 166 NH windrow merger; FAHR 4-Sar tedder; DANCO (Grove) 2-btr forage box on Grove 8-ton gr„ J&M McCurdy gravity grain wgns.; KILBROS 250 gr. box on 6-ton Central Tractor gr.; (2) Bxl6’steel hay kicker wgns.; NI crimper; INT 3-pt 7’ sickle-bar mower; 36’ SPEED KING elev. w/corn spout; DAVID BRADLEY pto., drive elev.; NH 24’ single chain elev.; 4”Xl2’ grain elev.; NI blower; NI old-style hay rake; PLANTING: 7000 JD 4x30” planter, dry fert., bug boxes, monitor, double disc openers; CASE 2-row, 3-pt. planter; 57 MF 3x14 roll-over plow; HUTCHMASTER 12’ off-set heavy disc, (good condition); BRADY 12-shank 3-bar chisel plow; 9-shank GRAHAM plow; JD 12’ cultimulcher; UNVER FERTH 15’field cultivator; 7’ cultipacker; FORDSON 2-row cultivator; single-shank subsoiler; JD Vanbrunt 7x16 disc drill; OTHER: WINPOWER 25/45 pto generator; CALHOUNE (UFT) 1-ton fert. lime spreader; 214 NI manure spreader; 12’ stalk shredder; 3-pt. 9” post hole digger; transfer pump (150 gal. per min.); CLIPPER seed cleaner; large grain cleaner; 500-gal. poly tank; 3’x7’ ss sap pan; drill press; platform scales: ridged pipe dies; cast iron kettle, dehomers, etc.; FROM NEIGHBOR: 4400 GEHL skid-steer, bucket, forks, (forks sold separately); HAYING & HARVESTING: 1260 GEHL forage harvester, tandem axle, elec, control, metal alert, T hay head, 3038 2-row com head; 3700 HESSTON 3-pt. rake/tedder; 782 NH forage harvester, hay head, 2-row (narrow) com head; 272 NI 7’ cut ditioner; (2) 323 NI 1-row com pickers; NI wide-row super picker; Nl-narrow row super sheller; 3622 NI 220 bu. manure spreaderend gate; HARVESTER roller mill; 500 SUPREME Large round bale processor w/tmr & scales (used very little); TERMS: Complete settlement day of sale with cash or good check. • LUNCH - local ladies - benefit AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY. ®SHAYLOR AUCTIONEERS 515 Elmir* St Troy, PA 16947 1209 imIBPk F*rm Machinery • Livestock • Appraisals • Real Estate Broker Licensed • Bonded • Since 1952 • Lie 833 L • 3677 L PH (670) 297 3278 • (670) 207 3873 • (670) 297-2613 E Mail SHAYLOR#EP!X NET on $700; comer cupboard, $450; round claw foot table, $500; 6 pressed back chairs, $75 each; dough tray, $160; ornate kitchen rocker, $300; old cut glass punch bowl PUBLIC SALE Sat., Mar. 4 at 10:00 a.m. Charlesville,PA. Take Rt. 326, Make A Left At Y, Go To Fist Hard Road To Right Onto Ralph’s Ridge Rd. Watch For Sale Signs. Consisting of: IH 856 diesel tractor; IH 424 trac tor 1H 400 Farmall tractor; JD 620 tractor, narrow front w/3 pt. hitch, good rubber; Case 1830 skid steer loader, just overhauled; 1980 chevy 3500 crew cab 4wd; 1976 Dodge farm truck w/360 motor; IH loader for Farmall 400; JD 3300 com bine, gas rotary screen, electric clutch, 18.4x26 drive tires, 18” steering tires w/weights, HUNIKEN bin extension, 343 3-row narrow com head, 10’ grain head w/hydraulic real 1,800 hrs.; JD 7000 4-row narrow com planter w/monitor & insecticide boxes & dry fertilizer; IH 18’ wing disk; IH #lO grain drill; round bale wrapper w/lift; IH 430 baler w/kicker; NH 273 baler; (2) gravity wagons; brillion 10’ double cultipacker; (2) har rows (1) 16’, (1) 12’ IH flail chopper; IH 550 har vester w/grass head; NH 717 harvester w/com head & grass head; NH 26 Super Lift blower; IH 56 blower; ARTSWAY forage wagons w/JD run ning gears; clay forage wagon; NH 352 grinder/mixer bale wagon; wagon running gear; HS 3 pt hitch hay rake; side delivery hay rake; Redhead Harvey elevator; (2) cutoff saws; 3 pt. snowblower; potato digger; (2) feed carts; (1) wagon load rye straw; Livestock: Approximately 15 head of open heifers; 14 head of bred heifers. TERMS: Cash or good check. Not responsible for accidents. Food available. Seller: Charlie Schaeffer, (814) 847-2238. AUCTIONEER: Brian W. Figard, AU1855-L, (814) 766-2574; John Witt, AA002054-L at 11:00 a.m. and 12 cups, $2,000; East ern Arms Co. double barrel shotgun, $5OO, Iver Johnson 32 cal. pistol, $300; and oak bedroom suite, $750. Bob &Tom Sechnst man aged the sale.