Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 19, 2000, Image 60

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    820-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 19, 2000
Stationary grinder mounted
on mixer tank, includes 5
HP and 3 HP motors
(elec ), $1,500-Cumber
landCo 717-776-6664-No
Sunday calls
Snow plow, 9 ft wide, with
adjustable angle, has truck
subframe modified to fit any
large loader bucket easily-
Cumberland Co 717-530-
Choreboy pipeline 2" glass,
600 gal milkeeper tank
w/compressor and Pre
heater Dynavent bale
shredder, 7 HP Honda-
Cumberland Co 717-776-
JD 4840 Power shift, axle
duals, exc rubber, motor
complete overhaul Dmo
tested 200 plus HP-Cayuga
Co. NY 315-258-2879
JD 730 gas WF & 3 pt, JD
60 orchard, JD L IH 350 tn,
MF 2 pt spinout wheels,
gas, JD 40 crawler-Warren
Co 908-995-7242
1977 Int dump truck, 41K
26,000 GVW 5-2 speed 3
axle lowboy, Bxl6, 13,000
GVW exc condition, both
$7 500-York Co 717-428-
IH 350 utility tractor w/fast
hitch TA new rear tires
ready to work $3,950-Jum
ataCo 717-734-3670
Two-way hyd plow, 1985
model, good condition
$1 800 can deliver John S
Fisher 722 E-Valley Road
Loganton Pa 17747-Clm
ton Co
Good quality alfalfa hay
lage-Perry Co 717-789-
3056 or 717-789-3687
NH baler twine, 9000, 18
bale, take 1 or all, $2O,
Pequea hay tedder, good
condition, $1,200-Lancast
er Co 717-626-6592
NH 488 haybine rock
guards, bolt on knives,
good original condition,
decent rolls, solid machine,
shed kept, $l,BOO
- Co 717-469-
Portable cattle feeder,
portable cattle chute
Portable livestock scale All
in excellent condition' Also,
Boer goats for sale'-Adams
Co 717-624-1533
Hay, Ist cutting alfalfa
orchard grass, also 2 & 3
cutting alfalfa, both no ram,
also, seasoned oak lum
ber-Chester Co 717-529-
OMC 312 Mustang skid
loader, 46” bucket, manure
fork, very good condition,
$4,200 080-Snyder Co
1983 Case 580 Super E,
4x4 diesel, extendahoe
3000 hrs , private use, nice
condition, $26 500 080
Cumberland Co 717-245-
International 450 3x16 3
pt, automatic reset plow,
very good condition-Mon
roeCo 570-629-1820
Tob planter, $2OO, 2000
Job lath, $22 per hundred-
Lancaster Co 717-548-
2558-call 7am
DS Bucket-a-day coal
stove and water tank, exc
condition, $275 Levi S.
Stoltzfus, 633 E Meadow
Rd . Manheim, Pa 17545
Manufacturer of Farm Sprayers
Sprayer Parts and Repair
• Pressure Washers • Hydraulic Hoses
• Black Walnut Cracker
858 Pumping Station Road jjgg Answering Service
Kirkwood. PA 17536 22 717-529-6553
Mahoning Outdoor Furnaces
Cut Heating Costs With An
/Vlvto Outdoor Furnace
liT^r'Standard Model Burns Coal,
g- Wood or Wood By-Products
B Roxbury Sales & Service
Will Adapt to any Existing Heat System
Accessories & Installation Available
Master Mill hammer mill
w/stand like new 14 ft one
chain conveyor, fiber funnel
cow-culator, Raytex-Chest
er Co 610-273-9569
300 Gallon Century
sprayer, 30 ft booms,
$l,OOO, centrifugal pump,
Gehl 2170, 9 ft haybme,
$1,400-Berks Co 610-
Ford 8700 cab, air, PP, NH
858 round baler, NH 353
grinder mixer, folding
auger-Bucks Co 610-346-
IH 1466 tractor w/heated
cab, good strong, solid
tractor, $8,500-Centre Co
Coonhound pups and start
ed dogs Night champ
sired, black & tan, bluetick,
walker, shots and wormed,
$lOO & up-Lycommg Co
John Deere 2755 four
wheel drive Hi and Lo dual
hydraulic, 540 AN 1000,
3100 hrs-Lancaster Co
Two Hereford feeders, ten
months old, wormed, on
feed Also, one yearling bul,
well marked, good blood
lines-Wayne Co 570-689-
Three Standardbred trot
ters traffic safe sound, 3
and 4 year old $9OO
- 717-
Pygmy goat buck brown,
dehorned, born 5/97,
proven, $75-Lancaster Co
Mules from 3 to smooth
mouth from Virginia, broke
Will trade steady line mule
E Beiler-Lancaster Co
Sure Drop corn planter and
a Twin City tractor mtg in
1923 Will be sold at Sell
er’s Auction 2-25-00-Lan
casterCo 717-656-9733
Ten ft V-plow, subframe,
hydraulic cylinder and
hoses, fits Cyclone A, JD,
can alter to fit other tricycle
JD-Lehigh Co 215-679-
1990 Wl5O 4x4 truck, auto,
AC, exc condition, $5,900,
electric stove, Hotpomt,
older model but works fine,
$3O-Northampton Co 610-
Twelve ft feeder wagon
w/headlock, adjustable for
large, small cattle, quick
release for downers, 1/4”
thick tank bottom, $1,150-
Cumberland Co 717-532-
Stove owners, Flea, Marke
teer Concessionaires
stove display items, $250-
all-Lycommg Co 570-323-
5222-leave message, 570-
323-2390, 7-8 a m or 8-9
p m
International 350 row crop
tractor good engine, new
TA, 80% tires, straight tin,
good paint, $4 000 firm-
Cambna Co 610-238-
36 inch sickle-bar mower, 4
HP, self-propelled, A&L 4x6
ft hyd dump, 2 axle trailer,
dual wheel dolly, jack tor
trucks-Lancaster Co 717-
Meat band saw, sausage
stutter, scalding trough
w/chams, 2 butcher fur
naces-York Co 717-244-
1985 Cadillac Fleetwood,
excellent, motor, 58,000
miles, $3,500, A-buy-Berks
Co , rifles, guns for sale
610-921 -3810-evenings
Allison AT-545 transmis
sion, works great, $5OO, 4
Bxl9 5" tires on Chevy P
-30 rims, 95% drive tread
(recaps) $4OO-Clearfield
Co 814-857-5285
Rhino 156 7T chisel plow,
$BOO, cleaned clover seed,
$7O/bushel, Load Star elec
tric chain hoist, two 7 ft
Buster Bars-Lancaster Co
Farmall Cub w/snow plow,
woods 6 ft pull type Bush
Hog, small army trailer, two
Sears Suburban tractors-
Clmton Co 570-726-6641
1978 GMC 1/2 ton 4x4, 4
speed truck, new rack,
clutch Need engine and
body work, $5OO-Fredenck
Co , Md 301-898-7856
IH 2 row, 2 PT, corn plant
er, 2 PT post hole digger,
Farmall Cub sickle bar
mower, $5O-Lebanon Co
Parts, engmes-Cummms
555, AC model 21000-York
Co 717-432-4003
Safety traffic barracades,
pressure treated wood
great condition Great for
parking areas, driveways,
flea markets, $l5/set-
BucksCo 215-493-4108
Case 580 Construction
King backhoe, needs some
TLC $5,000 080, Farmall
Cub snowplow, $2OO, Inter
national Cub Loboy 154,
$1,500-Bucks Co 215-
Patton industrial grade 240
volt convection heater,
4,000 watts, 13,640 BTU, 3
years old Good milk house
heater, $75 080-Bucks
Co 215-536-8859
Incubator, Leahy 416 egg
mcubator/hatcher Manual
turning wafer control, red
wood construction-when
you want the best, $250-
Warren Co , NJ 908-479-
Antique Tractors,
and Gas Engines
For Sale
1931 John Deere GP on
Full Steel'
1940 John Deere H, Exc
Cond , Runs Good $2,100
John Deere LA, Runs
Good, w/Cultivators, No
Tag, Painted $1,600
1949 John Deere A, Stuck
w/Cultivators $BOO
McCormick Deenng W-12
on Full Steel, Runs
Good $2,150
1921 IH 10-20 Titan, Loose
95% Complete $6,500
1918 IHC 8-16 Kerosene
Tractor Apart, 95%
Complete $3,750
McCormick Deenng 0-12,
Stuck Complete $2,100
Farmall Cub, High Clear,
Exc Cond $1,950
Electric Start Set-Up for
F-12/14 $525
Pair of Front Weights for
F-12/14 $3OO
Stover 3HP Model W
on Original Cart $1,550
Oliver 60 Industrial
w/Ware Loader,
Runs Good
1940 Farmall A High Clear
Prototype AV, Runs Good,
Exc. Original Cond $6,500
Single Front Steel Wheel
For F-12 . . $350
McCormick Deermg W-30
on Full Steel, Stuck and
Rough $4OO
Many complete parts
tractors, wheel sets and
used parts for F 12,14,
20,30 regular 10-20,
Farmall A, B, C, AV, H, M,
400, 300, MO, 404
John Lowe
180 Pecks Corner
Cohansey Road
Bridgeton, NJ08302
Please call after 6:00 PM ESI
Photos available upon
Pony for sale, black Leave
a message and we’ll get
back to you-Dauphin Co
Wmroy backhoe for parts,
$750, JCB3C backhoe,
$4,800, ACHD6 loader,
$3,200, 4” water pump,
Ford, $3OO, HDS bulldozer-
Cecil Co 410-378-2785
Gallon asphalt roller UB
200, 6 cyl mt motor, $350-
St Marys Co , Md 301-
NH3IO baler, super sweep
head #7O thrower, NH256
hay rack, both shed kept,
exc condition-Carroll Co,
Md 410-751-1547
4-H kid goats, Armytreads
1100-18, $5O/each, 700-
16, $5/each, Motor-home,
1976 Dodge, runs great,
needs TLC inside camper,
$1,200-Perry Co 717-834-
IH 510 gram drill, 16-7
w/grass, fertilizer, good
$l,BOO, Tn-axle equipment
trailer, new deck, $1,900
080, surge vacuum pump,
$lOO 080-Snyder Co
Tire one LT24516,
Good Year Wrangler, new,
never touched the road, off
of 3/4 ton 1998 pick-up
truck, $45-Westmoreland
Co 724-834-7197
Candystand at Green
Dragon market Successful
business, high volume Old
est candystand at market
Serious inquiries only-Lan
caster Co 717-336-2748-
after 3 00
Miniature horse, AMHR
small yearling filly, sorrel,
cute & friendly Sell or trade
for female pups, scotties,
labradors, Westies-Sussex
Co.NJ 973-398-7954
Motorhome 1990 Bounder
28 ft 454 Chevrolet, 58,000
miles, good tires, queen
bed, very clean, must see,
$19,800-Lancaster Co
Save vet fees, find rusty
nails in your barn yard
Used metal detectors, very
good pnces-Montgomery
Co 215-635-3966-call
1987 Ford flat bed truck,
F 350 diesel, good condi
tion $7,000-Lancaster Co
Lg drop leaf table, maple, 2
ex boards, 2 chairs, lg
maple hutch, $l5O
- Pa 717-274-
Air Compressors
Installation & Rebuilding
• New Quincy and Saylor-Beall Air
Compressors Available
• Complete Air Systems and Hydraulic Systems
C.L. Sales & Service
237 Wolf Rock Road, Paradise 17562
. (717) 442-4001
(717) 532-9023
JD 2 row cultivators for JD
530, fert attachment, and 2
row cultivators for JD B-
Lancaster Co 717-284-
R6W paint stud, 3 yr old,
leads, loads, gentle,
healthy, $1,200-Bradford
Co 570-869-1025
New Holland 56 rake,
rebuilt, new bearing and
teeth, $1,225 A B Beiler,
231 West Branch Rd ,
Oxford, Pa -Chester Co
16 h, 6 year old, Palomino,
QH/Pmto gelding Fantastic
temperament, nice boned,
correct type, EZ ride,
$9,000 080 Also, other
event horses at all levels-
ChesterCo 610-869-8998
Flexi-shaft Meadowbrook
w/hghts & brakes, good
condition Also, other used
Meadowbrooks, Mill Run
Carnage-Chester Co 610-
Llama, dark brown, 18
month old, male, halter
broke, raised with goats &
horses, great guardian cr
companion, $5OO-Chester
Co 610-869-8883
Wisconsin VE-4 21 HP gas
engine, 12V electric start,
good condition, 5325 080,
3 phase, 15 HP, 230 volt
motor, like new, $l5O 080-
ChesterCo 610-399-5184
Onsrud 1-1/8” spindle
shaper router, $5OO 080,
42 double disc sander,
heavy duty, $l5O, 35,000
BTU propane heater-
Lebanon Co 717-949-
Bright, intelligent Border
Collie pups, farm raised
Parents working goats,
$l5O-$225 Wanted Brad
Dexter heiffer-Nebo, WV
304-655-9998 or message
at 610-326-3168
Reg Holstein cows and
heifers, alfalfa hay, plastic
feed bags, 1999 Silverado
rear bumper-Centre Co
Case 500 D, needs motor
work, $2,000,1950 Farmall
M, hyd-MW clutch, 1500
cub snowplow, $275-Bucks
Co 215-598-7546
1H 986 cab, nice, $B,OOO
- Co,'NJ 609-
Registered spotted saddle
hdrse, mare, 8 yrs old,
black/white, trail or show,
$3,700, TWH/Rackmg
mare, 11 yrs old, trail,
$2,900-Burlmgton Co, NJ
A C Wd-45 W F w/hydr
snow plow, new batt, man
ifold, muffler, 45HP live
PTO-won’t last long,
$1,850-Bucks Co 610-
1978 King gooseneck trail
er w/dressmg room and
bunk, 10,000 GVW,
$1,200, Forage wagon, IH
-130 tandem axle, roof,
$9OO-Lancaster Co 717-
Fourth cut round bale,
wrapped, $4O, delivery
available, corn silage,
$3O/ton, loaded-Strasburg
area-Lancaster Co 717-
687-7939 .
JD7OOO six row planter, dry
fertilizer, insecticide, moni
tor, acreage meter, $2,500,
Bullion Pulveriser, 131/2 ft.,
$1,500, all shed kept-
Lebanon Co 717-274-1390
Mustang 345 skid loader,
cheap, NH 445 diesel skid
steer, $4,700, NH 7 ft hay
bine, NH hay rake, rubber
teeth, $1,375, Grimm hay
tedder, $775-New Holland,
Pa 717-354-0266
J D L, runs well, w/cultiva
tors, $2,300, J D H, runs
well, good sheet metal,
$2,200-Salem Co, NJ
Lab pups w/premium quali
ty champ bloodlines, OFA
certified hips, vet checked,
health guarantee, $450,
Lancaster Co 717-445-
Large commercial room
divider curtain 38’6’x12’6’
high, as is, great shop
divider, $5O, egg-pack sys
tem, vac pump, bargam-
Lancaster Co 717-733-
Toy poodle, male, black,
AKC, 11 months old
(small), $2OO, also, Golden
Retriever and Yellow Lab
males, AKC-Cumberland
Co 717-530-1656
Aged gelding, $3OO 080,
also Boer and Nubian
cross kid goats, 4 weeks
old-Lebanon Co 717-865-
‘B7 Military Hummer,
$20,000, ‘B6 Military Hum
mer, running on road cur
rently, $20,000; NFend
from Oliver 880, $250,
Montour Co 570-437-2433
. & ■
te r f=
New & Used E
B Wind Mills |
717-354-5554 I
717-354-9320 I
Will Repair,
Rebuild or
Repower Your
Welder of Gen-Set
Engines, Gas or
Experienced &
Leave Message
Are you having problems making the ends meet?
\nJaii.w/ 576 Spring Valley Rd.,
Quarryville, PA 17566
No one knows the problems a farmer faces today
better tbdn FINANCIAL SERVICES. We have years of
experience m helping farmers with their financial needs
A) Debt consolidation D) Upgrading or downsizing
B) Buying a farm your operation or herd size
C) Selling a tarm E) Collection of AG
related debts
Ford 8-N 1948, good run
ning condition, original
owner, $2,800-Monroe Co ,
NJ 609-758-7586
V-465D Wisconsin air
cooled engine, almost new,
Brady corn stalk chopper
Abram Stoltzfus, 130
Locust St, Leola, Pa -Tal
mage area
1987 H-D Sportser 883,
black, exc cond , 17,000
miles, $5,800 080-Salem
Co 856-453-0634
Front end loader of IH 574
tractor, $BOO-Lancaster Co
Kuhn 13 ft, 3 point hitch
rake model 4101, good
condition, $2,500-Adams
Co 717-338-9653
Farmall Super C cultiva
tors, $l,BOO, 71_0 18 ft 5
bottom plow, $1,200 080,
2 row Hershey transplanter,
$2OO-Lancaster Co 717-
NH 890 chopper w/electnc
controls and hay head,
$1,200, JD4020 injectors,
used 50 hrs, $25/each-
Bedford Co 814-766-3342
Ford Jubilee, 2 bottom
plow, sft cult, $3,500, pair
13x36 tires, rims hubs for
OL-70, 2 bottom plow, JD
44T OL-60 w/w-Northamp
tonCo 610-588-7545
Two 25 ft sections F-70
feeder chain, new-best
offer, JD M, good condition
w/snowplow, one bottom
plow, $2,900-Carroll Co ,
Md 410-239-6211
275 Gal diesel fuel tank
w/hand pump, $l5O, belting
24’x4”, $25, oak horse stall
doors w/hmges, $lO-York
Co 717-225-7403
Ten acres, 1800’s brick
house, large barn, city sew
er Ideal horse farm-Dills
burg Area-York Co 717-
Wooden doors, storm
doors, vinyl, storm, wooden
wmdows-tree window
glass, bathtubs, French
door, cove, handrails, very
reasonable-Dauphm Co
Vegetable/strawberry bare
root transplanter, mechani
cal model M-1000, w/water,
3 PH, like new, $7OO-Berks
Co 610-488-6177
Herefords, 2 cows, 3
heifers, 1 bull-gentle, good
bloodlines, may be bred,
$3,500 for all-Burlington
Co., NJ 609-268-1191
>R D 1
114 l
>R 7