Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 19, 2000, Image 57

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    Showing off items up for bid at the 14th annual Lancaster County 4-H Benefit
Auction, from left, are members Joel Buckwalter, Megan Holloway, Kevin
Hoober, Lisa Hershey, and Loren Hershey.
LANCASTER (Lancaster Co.)
-The 14th Annual 4-H Benefit
Auction will take place on Sat
urday, February 19th, beginning
at 9:30 a.m., in the Farm and
Home Center Auditorium, 1383
Arcadia Road, Lancaster.
The auction will feature
items including Kellogg’s cereal,
animal and pet products, Win
ross trucks, Breyer models, live
plants, cook books, tools and
much more! A few special items
include a potted spring daffodil
arrangement from The Olde
Millhouse Shoppes, a photo
graph signed by Penn State
Football Coach Joe Paterno, and
signed and numbered prints of
Lancaster County sites. Numer
ous gift certificates for merchan
dise and area services will also
be sold.
Food items will be sold through
out the day by participants of
the 4-H Exchange Program. Pro
ceeds from the auction will ben
efit the county’s 4-H program,
which involves nearly 4,000
youth, ages 8-19, in “learn-by-
York County 4-H
Benefit Auction
The annual York County 4-H
Benefit Auction will be Friday,
March 19, at the York County 4-
H Center near Bair.
The auction will begin at 5
Continued this year will be
prize-winning desserts and club
theme baskets. Also auctioned
throughout the evening will be a
wide variety of items. Many are
donated items from local busi
nesses. Collectibles (sports mem
orabilia, country music items,
NASCAE items, Winross, Tonka
and Ertel trucks), antiques,
household, craft items are just a
sampling of what is expected.
Gift certificates for dining
spots, forms of entertainment,
and other recreation and ser
vice-related businesses will be
available through a silent auc
Children will have an oppor-
14th Annual Lancaster
4-H Benefit Auction
doing” 4-H projects and empha
sizes the development of life
skills. The program is also fortu
nate to have the support of over
500 adult and teen volunteer
leaders. Monies raised will be
used towards the purchase of
educational materials, entry fees
to events, transportation costs,
volunteer leader support, and
other 4-H expenses.
Gift certificates to be sold for
services and merchandise in
clude: The Village Greens, The
Amish Village, The Castle Roller
Skating, Country Table Restau
rant, Lancaster Archery Supply,
Hoss’s, Dutch Apple Dinner
Theatre, Esbenshade Turkey
Farm, and Fulton Opera House.
Tickets for the Strasburg Rail
Road, Hershey Bears Hockey,
Rainbow Dinner Theatre, and
Sight & Sound performance of
“Noah” will also be available.
To receive a complete list of
sale items or make a donation
for the auction, contact the
Lancaster County Cooperative
Extension office at 717-394-
tunity to bid at their own auc
tion of child-pleasing items. Part
of the tradition of the 4-H
Auction is the great homemade
soups, sandwiches, and baked
goods. So don’t eat dinner at
home. Bring your family to the
auction for dinner! Public is
invited to attend.
New on Saturday morning,
March 18, will be a Farm
Consignment Sale. Wanted for
consignment are farm equip
ment, tools, supplies, feed, straw,
livestock, etc. The auctioneer is
donating his services, so the
commission benefits the York
County 4-H. For more informa
tion about the consignment sale,
call (717) 292-2198.
The proceeds from the auc
tions benefit the York County 4-
H Center.
For details about the auction,
donations or 4-H involvement,
contact Penn State Cooperative
Extension at (717) 840-7408.
Marco builders, 36” fire
place, used 1/2 year, $3OO
- Co 610-970-
1976 Chev motor home,
refng, furnace, A/C,
awning, runs OK-will make
a good hunting camp, only
$1,200-Lancasfer Co 717-
Angora rabbits, German
Giants, purebred whites,
colored crosses, babies,
adults Angora goats, white
and colored, Amity-Lehigh
Co. E-mail, moonray®
erolscom 610-967-6087
1995 14’ body w/dump lift,
metal side rails, asking
$2,000-IMorthampton Co
Vermont Castings
Stoves, Gas
1060 Division Highway 322 East,
Ephrata, PA 17522
1 Block East of Rt. 222
(717) 733-4973
Mon, Tun, Wad. 10to 6; Thun,
S&R Outdoor
Box 288
Shippensburg, PA
(717) 532-5820
“Vis a vis” carriage, very
good condition, velvet infe
rior, burgundy w/gold pin
stripes, brakes, trunk, cur
tains, $4,200-Lancaster
Co -Call Paul Stolfzfus
Timothy hay, wheat straw,
ats straw, JD MC crawler
id JD 420 utility, partially
istored, sell or trade
'commg Co 570-482-
Weaving loom, 48” floor
loom, good condition, 4
harness, 2 reeds, sheep
wool, spinning wheels,
weaving/spinmng supplies-
Dauphin Co 717-362-
1965 Chevy C6O tilt cab, 5
spd , Hi-Lo, 6 cyl, 21' bed,
cattle rack, 85,000 miles,
exc condition, $2,500-
Augusta Co ,Va 540-337-
1988 Ford F 250 4x4, 351
engine, auto, w/8 ft heavy
duty snow plow & EZ
dump-Dauphm Co 717-
John Deere radiator core
for model 70/720/730 21-
1/2” x 193/4 x 3”, never
been repaired, $B5, Ford
wheels. 16 5 x 6, 8 hole,
$7 50/each-Columbia Co
Two display cases, 2’ W x
6’L x 3’H, glass top and
front w/lights, $175/each
080-Centre Co 814-369-
Pair Sorrel Jack mules,
white mams and tails, three
coming, four standing, 16 1
hands, green broke,
$4,500-Lancaster Co 717-
NH 517 PTC manure
spreader, 205 BU, Tbar
apron chain, works OK, a
little rust, kept inside, $3OO
- 717-444-3466
John Deere #52 loader for
JD 755 or 855 tractor, also
brand new Steiner
rototiller-Centre Co 814-
42” Snowblower for 5216
Simplicity 16H riding mow
er, $lOO-Fulton Co 814-
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 19, 2000-817
Old horse drawn/regular
farm equipment, 21 items
including gram drill
(Ontario) gram separator
stenciled-buyer takes all-
BerksCo 610-562-5515
Haylage stored m upright
silo, straw, clean, small
square bales, calf hutches,
poly or fiberglass, choice,
$lOO-Lebanon Co 717-
Two GE electric w/36"
mower deck, w/o batteries,
many parts, snow blower,
hedge trimmer, service
manual-Berks Co 610-
Cast iron farm bell, $99,
new m box trailer hitch,
10,000 lb, fits Ford or
Chev, $lOO, farm gate-
Montgomery Co 215-679-
Hercules ZXB-5 engine,
good condition, only needs
magnet, fits Avery “V”,
Minn Mol “V”, Cletrac and
Wards tractors-Dauphm
Co 717-657-1942
Alfalfa hay, wrapped or dry,
timothy and mixed hay-all
in round bales, stored
inside-delivery available-
Cecil Co , Md 410-398-
1979 F-150 4x4, 35’s,
351 W, CD player, bucket
seats, black and purple,
asking $3,500-over $4,500
in truck-Franklm Co 717-
Sauder loader off 404 IH.
Wagner loader for Fergu
son or Ford, Super 68
baler, works good, $6OO
- 570-620-9292
630 John Deere, 3PT, PS,
good rubber, $4,850-
Dauphm Co 717-566-
Horse hay for sale-timothy
grass mix, $l5O/T, timothy
190/T-can deliver-Lancast
er Co 717-336-3663
hiking goats and doe kids,
nost Nubians-Cumberland
Jo 717-766-9091
i Perkins
Sales & Service
• Diesel Air Compressors
• Diesel Hydraulic Units For Tunnel
• Up to 200 HP Open Power Units
• Castrol Heavy Duty ‘
Lubes _ 4 NEW /
,_ . .... PERKINS
• Diesel Rebuilding ENGINES IN
For Sale: 4.108 STOCK
Perkins, Used '■'''V'N/s
Location: Peters Rd. & Leacock Rd.,
3 Miles South of New Holland
Reg. Holstein bull, 14
months old, sired by Patron
dam, 35,000 milk, 958 F,
938 P, great type, $BOO
080-Umon Co 570-523-
Balloon stuffing machine
all supplies, to start imme
diately making balloons,
also louvers for small to
midsize pickup truck-Berks
Co 610-488-8955
NH 489 haybme, good
working condition, rolls m
good shape, $3,500-
ChesterCo 610-273-4362
Tiies, pair 16 9x34, 6 ply,
50% tread, $175-Cambna
Co 814-495-5509
1991 GMC full size Jimmy,
75K miles, one owner, exc
condition, $lO,OOO, New
Holland 467 haybme, good
condition, $1,2000-Grange
Co, NY 914-294-7265
Harvestore 441 TMR mixer,
180 cu ft, beam scales, 4
years of use, very good
condition-Rockmgham Co,
Va 540-433-1650
‘B9 Dodge 3/4 ton pickup
truck, if has PS, PB, AT, AC,
must sell for $5,000 080-
Lebanon Co 717-273-
3506-after 4 p m
Sick of high oil prices’
Alaska Stoker stove #2
w/hot water coil, 60,000
BTU, used six seasons,
$9OO-York Co 717-259-
‘47 Ford 1/2 ton pickup,
completely restored, 6 cyl,
extra clean, '46 Ford tow
truck w/Weaver boom-
Monfgomery Co 610-933-
Hobart welder gen Wis
consin, Shotgun Win 101
trap ad), stock Ported
Bronmg 8T99, Invectort
chucks, $1,200, $7OO,
$9OO 080-Bucks Co 610-
24" Jointer, $950, Dial plat
form scale, $950, shop
crane, $350, truck trailer
conveyer loader, $950,
nospital bed, $lOO
- Co 570-