Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 12, 2000, Image 99

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    r BUY
JD 7800 cab 4x4, PS trap
L JD 4055 Cab, MFWD PS.
W JD 4255 PS Trans , 4x4,
I r JD 4450 Cab, 4x4, RS, 3
JD 4440, Cab, PS. 2 hyd
JD 4040 Cab, 2 hyd, QR
NH LX 885 Turbo skid'
JD 4040 QR trans, 4 pos
JD2140 75hpsameas
JD 2030 w/new loader &
JD 2040 (2550) cab Ind
Woods 6215 diesel mowii
JD 2130 dsl. md PTO,
JD 2840 hi/lo 2 hyd , 41
JD 2510 WF, overhauled
JD 4020 dsl, WF SR Irani
JD 2130, ind PTO, 1 hyd,
JD 4010 dsl, NF complt
JD 1120md PTO new pi
LI2OOG Prime Mover Skit
JD 332 dsl lawn tractor
MF 35 gas delux in good
JD 148 Idr w/valve & bi
t JD factory wide front for
JD yellow roof roll bars, I
JD 4020 or 3020 tophnki
Woods Idrs & snow blowi
Zimmerman Blevati
Woods Equlpmei
Wagons. Bale Bodl
Bins; JD Front ft Ri
Reiff Fa
275 Goodhart Ro<
►r Interstate 81, Exit 10, ,
Financing A Trucking Available
4801 S. STH ST., EMMAUS, PA 18049 610-965-5203 v..<-
(Displayed In Heated Building)
1997 JD 6400 Cab, Air, Power Quad, w/Creeper, 580 Hrs.,
Triple Hyd., Excel. Cond.
1997 JD 6200 Open Station, 4x4, Power Quad w/Creeper,
12x42 Rack & Pinion, Excel. Cond.
1997 JD 5300 4x4 w/Reverser, Triple Hydraulics, 540
Loader, 200 1-Owner Hrs., Like New
1990 JD 4955, Cab, Air, Power Shift, MFD, 4000 Hrs.,
Triple Remotes, 18x42 Duals
JD 4650 Cab, Air, 15 Speed Power Shift, MFD,
3000 1-Owner Hrs., Excel. Cond.
JD 4050 Cab, Air, 15 Spd., Power Shift, 4x4, 2900 Hrs.,
Very Nice
1980 JD 4440 Cab, Air, Quad, 4200 1-Owner Hrs.,
Excel. Cond.
JD 4240 Cab, Air, Quad, 3800 Hrs., Good Cond.
1977 JD 4230 Cab, Air, Quad, Triple Remotes, New Engine,
Good Cond.
JD 4250 Cab, Air, 15 Speed Power Shift, MFD, 4000 Hrs.,
Very Nice
JD 4040 Cab, Air, Power Shift, Good Cond.
JD 2955 Cab, Air, Hi-Lo, 38" Rubber, 2600 Hrs., Exc. Cond.
JD 2955 Cab, Air, MFD, Hi-1 nMm»Fad< & Pinion,
JD 2955 MFD Hi-Lo, Dual Hyd., w/Hinker Cab, Very Nice
JD 2950 Cab, Air, Hi-Lo, Dual Hyd., 3200 Hrs., Excel. Cond.
JD 2755 Cab, Air, Dual Hyd., Rack & Pinion, 3800 Hrs.,
Good Cond.
JD 2750 Cab, Air, Hi-Lo, 15x38 Rack & Pinion, 2100 Hrs.,
Exc. Cond.
JD 2350 Cab. Air, Hi-Lo, 3400 Hrs., Very Nice
JD 2350 Diesel, Open StationfcMl»l oader. Very Nice
JD 2355 Open Station, 4x4, Hi-Lo, 1900 Hrs. w/245 Loader,
Excel. Cond.
JD 3020 Diesel, Side Console, WF, Syncro Range,
Good Cond.
JD 1520 Diesel, 3 Pt„ Good Cond.
1975 IH 1066 Cab, Air, 3500 1-Owner Hrs., Very Nice
1980 IH 1086, Cab, Air, 2800 Hrs., Excel. Cond.
IH 1486 Cab, Air, 3800 Hrs., Dual PTO, Recent Engine &
T/A Repair, Excel. Cond.
IH 1486 Red Power, Cab, Air, Dual PTO, Good Cond.
IH 1086 Red Power, Cab, Air, Good Cond.
IH 1086 Cab, Air, 3100 1-Owner Hrs., Very Nice
IH 986 Cab, Air, New T/A, Good Cond.
IH 856 Diesel, 3 Pt„ Dual Hyd. & PTO, 38" Rubber, V. Nice
IH 1256 Diesel, 3 Pt„ Dual Hyd. & PTO 38" Rubber,
Very Nice
JD 922 Flex Head w/Fore & Aft,
Late Model
JD 915 Flex Head, Fore
& Aft, Speed Control
JD 913 Flex Head
JD 215 Flex Heads
JD 213 Flex Heads
JD 216 Rigid Head
JD 13' Rigid Head
MF 9115 Flex Head
MF 1859 13’ Flex Head
JD 493 4RN, Like New
JD 643 6RN, Oil Bath
JD 444 4RW Oil Bath
JD 444 4RW, Hi Tin
JD 443 4RN, Oil Bath
JD 443 4RN, Hi Tin
JD 343, 344, 243
1994 Case IH 1020,
15’ Flex, Excellent
Case IH 1063, 6RN
Case IH 1043 4RN
IH 943, 4RN
AC 438 4RW
MF 1163 6RN
Jonestown Ag Repair Shop
Complete Skid Loader Repairs Our Specialty
Galaxy skid loader tires & other brands
Painting & Sandblasting
170 Old Rt. 22, Jonestown, PA 17038
Darvjn Weaver
717-865-9427 717-865-9096 Fax
East Main St., Honey Brook, PA
610/273-3131 or 610-273-3737
NH 770 Pick-Up Head Toro Ground Master
Richie Hog Waterer Commercial Mower
NH 782 Harvester Toro 52” Walk-
LX 465 Skid Loader Behind Mower
NH 315 Baler Case Skid Ldr. 1835 C
I Forage Boxes .. _
| The Strongest Box Period. 489 WOBBLE BOXES
hfffl ip ®
iact Tractors Llll " m wur/ui/i loptvju I\EW HOLLA W
1992 JD 9500 Side Hill, Dial Speed, Fore & Aft, Chopper,
Good Cond.
1992 JD 9400,1000 Hrs., Chopper, 24x32 Tires,
Excel. Cond.
1982 JD 6620, Cab, Air, Hydro, 2,100 Hrs., Excel. Cond.
JD 4420 Cab, Air, 23" Rubber, Chopper, Excel. Cond.
1985 MF 850 Diesel, Cab, Air, Hydro. 1900 Hrs., Ex. Cond.
Case IH #60,15' Stalk Shredder, Good Cond.
Ford NH 355 Grinder Mixer, Hyd. Drive w/Scales, Long
Unloading Auger, Excel. Cond.
IH 1150 Grinder MixerEHlDes, Good Cond.
Ford Heavy Duty Hyd. Angle, 3 Pt. Blade
Cabs to Fit IH 1066, 856,1256, Good Cond.
Summers Hyd. Reel Rock Picker, Good Cond.
JD 175-240 Loaders
Bush Hog 3425 Quick Attach Loader to Fit Case IH
Maxxum, Like New
JD Bradco 8’ Backhoe Attachment To Fit 1520 Thru 2555,
Good Cond.
Crown Hyd. Reel Rock Picker, Good Cond.
Axle Mount 18x38 Duals For JD 4450, 4440, 4430,
Case IH 5240, 1066, 1086, 986, 1486 »
Gehl 100 Grinder Mixer, Hyd Drive, Good Cond.
Leon Rock Picker, Good Cond.
Myers 8’ Hyd. Angle Snow Plow to Fit Loaders
IH 2350 Quick Attach to Fit 856 thru 1486
JD 1750 4R Conservation Planter, Dry Fert, Frame
Mounted Coulters, Insecticide Monitor, Like New
JD 7200 4R Conservation, Dry Fert,, Frame Mounted
Coulters, Insecticide, Monitor, Markers, Like New Cond.
JD 7200 4R Vacuum, Dry Fert., Insecticide, Monitor,
Very Nice
JD 7000 4R Conservation,B3l3 - t, Insecticide, Unit
JD 7000 4RW Dry Fert, Insecticide, Good Cond.
JD 7000 6R Conservation, Dry or Liquid Fert., No-Till
Coulters, Insecticide, Monitor, Good Cond.
JD 7000 4RN, Dry Fert., Insecticide, No-Till Coulters, Very
JD 8300 Gram Drill, 23x7, Grass Seed, Press Wheels,
Good Cond.
JD 7000 6R Dry Pert, Insecticide Monitor, Good Cond,
Case IH 5100 24x6 DDEE333& Grass Seed & Press
Wheels, Very Nice
JD 750 10’ No-Till Drill w/Dolly Wheels, Excel. Cond
Liquid Fertilizer Attachment To Fit JD 7000 Corn Planters
Bullion 10’Transport Grass Seeder, Double Boxes, Exc
JD 300 Husker w/2 or 3 Row Head, Very Nice
Nl 324 2RW, 12 Roll Bed, Late Model, Like New
N 1 325 2RN, 8 Roll Bed, Good Cond
(Displayed Inside Building)
• JD Snowblower
7’ wide like new
• Paul B.
Field Sprayer,
500 Gal.
very nice
u^ ig^,^l!^u3!:ia!;uaa!aHg
i White 6600, {
I 1998, corn |
g planter no-till I
| 6 30” rows I
I w/interplant k
d rows for beans, |
I insecticide |g
I boxes, |
I hyd. markers, I
2 years old,
excel, cond.
i -• S
i I
IH 720 6xlB Spring Reset on Land
IH 710 5 & 6xlB Spring Reset on Land
IH 710 4x16 Spring Reset Hillside Hitch
IH 720 sxlB Spring Reset Hillside Hitch
IH 710 sxlB Spring Reset
IH 710 4xlB Spring Reset, Hillside Hitch
IH 710 3xlBE333Reset
White 508 4xlB Spring Reset
White 598 4 Base Spring Reset, Variable Width
IH 5500 3 pt 12’Chisel Plow
Case IH 6500 9 Shank Conserve Till, Like New
Athens 10’ Heavy Duty Offset Disc
JD 950 10’ Roller Harrow, Good Cond.
Krause 4900 21’ Rock FlexE3S3xcel. Cond
JD 1610,11 Shank 3 Pt Chisel Plow
JD BWF 12' RockEßHDsc
Dunham 23' Hyd. FoldEHSJlrt Packer, Ex. Cond
IH 490,19’ Hyd, Fold Disc, Good Cond
Krause 9 Shank ConserTill, Good Cond.
NH 1063 Pull Type Bale Wagon, 160 Bale Capacity
(Very Nice) ... .... .$lO,BOO
NH 1037 Bale Wagon, 105 Bale Capacity (Exc Cond ) $lO,BOO
NH 1033 Stack Wagon. 105 Bale Capacity (Good Cond ) $5,650
JD 3950 Harvester, Elec. Control, Long Tongue
(Very Good)
JD 435 Round Baler. Net Wrap, Bale Trac, Tucker Wheels
(Exc Cond.)
JD 335 Round Baler (Exc Cond) . .
Ford NH 853 Round Baler w/Fast Net, Bale Command
(Good Cond)
NH 848 Round Baler w/Bale Command (Good Cond )
NH 847 Round Baler (Very Nice)
AgCo Nl 4845 Round )
JD 348 Baler w/Quarter Turn Chute
JD 337 Baler w/30 Elector
JD 327 Balert-Hiljlctor
JD 346 BalerEEUDchute (Very Nice)
JD 1508 15’Wing Foldßotary Mower
Woods 90" FinishingEHSuLike New)
JD 1360 MoCo Discbme, 9-1/2' (Very Nice)
NH 477, T Haybme
JD 343 Corn Head w/Chooper Mounting Plate
NH 310 Baler w/Thrower (Exc Cond)
To t
Harrisburg 4-
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 12, 2000-Cll
L 555 New Holland Diesel, Needs Tires.. $5,000
We Make Hydraulic Hose Assemblies. In
Stock: Standard and Metric Fittings,
2 and 4 Spiral Hose Up to 1"
Group 31 Batteries. 1000 Cold Cranking
Amps, Ll3xW 6 13/16xH 9 3/8...560
Exchange or $3 Core Charge
Universal Replacement Seats For Skid
Loaders. Starting At $49.50
Hydrostatic Transmission Rebuilding
Save Up To 50% on Parts
Hard To Find Parts
Hydraulic System Vacuum Flushing
Engine Parts and Service
' Kubota Perkins Ford Wisconsin
Yanmar Etc. Related to Skid Loaders
Used Parts for Most Makes and Models
of Skid Loaders
Wanted to Buy
Loaders for Salvage or Repair
GD Equipment
414 Rowe Rd., Shippensburg, PA
17 I*7B
28 South
/y\ <f 0/
S. 6th Street
S. sth Street
* [Heussman, Inc.