Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 12, 2000, Image 80

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    836-Lanc*ster Farming, Saturday, February 12, 2000
Market |nc 548 Alexander Spring
Public Auction Register
Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M.
of each week’s publication
Internet Sale Register will be updated
every Sat. at 2:23 P.M.
SAT MAR 18 - 9AM Real
Estate, Personal Property, 4125
Wilshire Drive, York, Pa For
Kathryn R Grim Witman Auc
tioneers, Inc
SAT MAR 18 - SAM Estates of
martha Graybill & Wilma Hoff
man Real Estate, Antiques, &
Collectibles Hassrnger & Court
nev Aucts 570-539-6791
SAT MAR 18-9 AM Real Estate,
antiques, HH goods, tools & car
681 Wide Hollow Rd, E Earl
Twp, Lane Co , Pa Freeda E
Good Estate Horst Aucts
SAT MAR 18 - 9AM Real estate,
household goods, tools, col
lectibles 99 E College St, Wem
ersville, Berks Co , Pa By Esther
C Groff Sylvan B Witmer, aucts
SAT MAR 18-9 AM York Co 4-
H Farm Consignment Sale, 1771
Stoverstown Rd, York, Pa Ster
mer Auctioneering Service
SAT MAR 18 - 9 30AM Farm
machinery & farm real estate
sale Huntingdon Co John and
Helen Middaugh Klmgs Auc
tions, Inc
SAT MAR 18- 10AM Farm Con
signment Sale, 1817 Barclay Rd,
Barclay. Elborn Aucts
SAT, MAR 18-11 AM For Casey
Systema, 151 Holland Rd, Sus
sex, NJ, Farm machinery auction
Col F R Daniel Aucts, Inc 908-
SAT MAR 18 - IPM Real estate,
Lane Co West Earl Twp By
Edwma Weaver Gingrich &
Hoover, aucts
MON MAR 20 - Annual Consign
ment Auction for tractors, com
bines, farm equipment Auction
By M M Weaver & Sons, 169
North Groffdale Road, Leola Aal
ron E Martin, Auction Service
MON MAR 20 - 9AM Tractors,
Irucks & farm equip, at 499 Fish S
Game Rd , East Berlin, Pa for
Mildren Sauble by Blame Rentzel
Auction Service 717-764-6412
TUES , MAR 21 - 9AM Quilt,
Craft & Buggy To Be held at A&C
Diffenbach Auction Inc, 100 W
Jackson St, New Holland. Lane
Co Pa 717-355-7253
TUES, MAR 21 - Fat Cattle Sale,
Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc
548 Alexander Spring Road
Carlisle, PA
TUES MAR 21 - 10 30AM Farm
equip tor David & Shawn
Wenger, 532 Brenneman Rd ,
Manheim Pa John D Stauffer,
TUES MAR 21 ■ 7 45PM Feed
er Cattle Sale Carlisle Livestock
Thursday, March 2, 2000 9:30 A.M.
u Twelve Head of Mules = Hitches-Harness
Int Hydro 1066 Diesel in Excellent Condition
3 Westfalia 65 lb Pails Milker Units -
N.I. 2 Row Corn Picker,
4 Row J.D. 7000 Maximerge Corn Planter
Auction Held for: Benjamin & Linda Stoltzfus
in Lancaster County Pennsylvania, 2 miles North of Georgetown from
Rt. 896 West go on White Oak Rd. 4 Mile South of Strasburg follow Rt
896 South.
Sorrel Mules - Harness - Hitches
This is an opportunity to purchase mules with a lot of snap all well broke
mules bought young on this farm, well fitted and trained, two pair of Molly
mules 11 and 12 yrs old, Two single mules woik any where top mules, pair
of Jack mules, (two pair of young mules consigned,) Front gear harness -
collars - bridles, driving lines, full line of hitches
Two Diesel Tractors Sell
1066 Int standard gear shift exc condition.
1466 Int Turbo in good condition Standard gear
Farm Machinery
New Holland 456 mower Hyd controls. New Holland 402 crimper. New
Holland 255 tedder rake with 11 hp Kawasaki engine. 16 hp Kawasaki
engine on mowei, New Holland 256 rake, New Holland 310 baler w/Robm
23 hp engine new 97, 5 flatbed wagons 1 with steel rails. New Idea 32 ft. ele
vatoi, Gchl 600 Forage hai vaster w/leeder table in Good Condition.
McDeenng coin binder w/loader. New Idea 325 two row coin picker 40 hp
Wisconsin engine w/H D Rockfoid clutch, hyd control on machine, 2 bin
wagons on Faim bill gears, 200 gal. field spiayer. 2 forecarts w/biakes,
Gandy applicators
Manure Handling - Tillage Equipment
White Hoise 2 bottom 12 inch plow, John Deere 28 discs, disc harrow, 9 It
field hanow, two 9 It cultipackers, 9 ft log field toller, E.LS. 1000 gal
Tandem wheel manuic spreader, Millei icpaii manure pump, Misty produce
orchard sprayei w/Diesel engine, few household goods, 2 wagon load of
small items, mules sell following machinery
Out of area folks bring proper I.D. to obtain buyer number
Lots of Homemade Food On Premises
Petersheim Auction Service
Steve, Steve Jr., Orpha Rose
AU 001349 L
T Waver, Auctioneering TlUtllUll
Tom & Kent Waver Equipment
Sat., Feb. 26, 2000
at 9:30 a.m.
at the Rushville Hay Auction Site
(Directions: 4 miles northwest of Dayton, VA of 6
miles west of Harrisonburg, VA on Rushville Rd.
(Rt. 737). Watch for signs.
J.D. 5 1/2’ grass head; J.D. 3960 chopper (base);
J.D. 660 hay rake; H & S hay tedder; N.I. 363
manure spreader w/top beater and pan; 14’ silage
and hay feeder wagon; 11 ’ Dunham culimulch; 26’
headlock feeder wagon; 252 Oliver disc; Gehl 99
blower; Wmco generator, 5300 watts, electric start;
Ford 563 3 PT. bale carrier; N.H. tedder rake model
254; Honda 8 H.P. pressure washer (cat pump),
grain dryer; sewage pump; N.H. crop drier; J.D.
2500 5 bottom hyd. reset plow; Oliver 361 Trip
Back 3 bottom plow; I.H. 100 balanced mower; 40’
grain auger on wheels; Bear silage wagon; poultry
water medicator; com acid applicator; silage blower
pipe & gooseneck (40’); (2) 12-hole hog feeder;
1978 F 800 Ford dump truck; bale tumbler; old gas
pump; H.H. 245 manure spreader (tandem); 3 PT.
100 gal. sprayer (hand gun, hyd. pump); I.H. 886 D
w/roof, rebuilt; J.D. 1700 skid loader, D; 1952 J.D.
B (good); Ford T.W. 10 w/turbo, w/roof; Badger 16’
silage wagon, 12 ton gear; J.D. 716 A 12 ton silage
tandem wagon; Best Way 500 gal field sprayer, 40’
booms w/maker & hyd. pump; N.I. 279 9’ flail
mower; 16’ lit trailer w/winch, brakes, 2 axles; Ford
5000 D; Case 2294 D C.A.H.; N.H. 56 rake, rolebar;
N H. 258 rake, hyd. drive.
More equipment coming. Consign your items
now! No equipment accepted after 6 p.m.
Friday, Feb. 25
Terms; Cash or good check; all out of state buyers
need bank statement for check. Food available
Tom M. Weaver & Kent Weaver Auctioneers
540-828-3159 540-828-4963 Fax: 828-2777
Not responsible for any accidents
WED MAR 22 - 9AM Farm
Equip , Tractors, Truck Lots To
be held at Wolgemuth Auction
109 N Maple Ave Leola, Lane
Co Pa 717-656-2947
WED MAR 22 -9 AM Quilt &
Craft To Be held at A&C Diffen
bach Auction Inc, 100 W Jackson
St New Holland Lane Co Pa
Tuiinc ..AO ™ c „ o East Hempfield Twp , Lane Co
THURS MAR 23-Farmmach & pA Tetms By Genex/CRI Robert
tractors beef cows 321 E Martir , Aurt';
Petersburg Rd, Neffsville Galen mar —GHdtime
Hoover Elizabeth Hoover Kline THURS MAR 24 Glad
Kreider & Good aunts Fat™ s - Tul| y' NY H erd Dispersal
Managed byKlmg's Auctions
THURS MAR 23-146 Ac Farm >A 717-789-
FarmEauip&Supplies Longßd 3883 and Woods Auction Set
MAR. 18 at 9:00 A.M.
Location 99 East College St. Wernersville,
Berks Co., Pa.
Directions: From Reading Pa. travel west
on Rt. 422 to Wernersville turn right onto
Stitzer Ave. (at Herb Motor Ford dealer) go
6 blocks to College St. turn right go to sale
on left. „
Lot size approx. 77 ft. frontage x 125 ft. depth sit
uated thereon is a brick cape cod home with
kitchen, living room, dining room, bedroom, full
bath on first floor. 2 bedrooms and commode on
second floor full basement, breezeway and 1 car
attached garage, mini bam.
G.E. refrigerator, wooden table w/4 chairs, round
wooden table w/6 chairs, large hutch, 2 pc. bed
room suite, wooden desk, living room suite, asst,
chairs and tables, sewing machine, bookshelf,
blanket chest, toy box, Hotpoint washer, Kenmore
dryer, tv, stereo, lawn chairs, many more items.
Tobacco and cigar items, schnitzel bunk, #5 and
#8 crocks, cast iron bull dog, depression and cut
glass items, children’s books, early doilies and
bureau scarves, tiffany lamp, milk can (Phila.)
early National washboard, Toro self propelled
mower, wheel barrow, bench grinders, hedge trim
mer, wooden ladders, many more items.
NOTE! AH items are in excellent condition don’t
miss this sale.
REAL ESTATE SOLD AT 1:00 P.M. 10% down
settlement in 45 days. To see property call 717-
933-5328 or come to open house Mar 4, 1-3
Terms by
Albert J. Groff, POA 610-693-5295
Sylvan B. Witmer Auction Service
AUOOIBO7-L 717-933-5328
Dale Stauffer AU003748-L
Atty. Stiener, Sandoe, Cooper
Refreshments will be served -
Not responsible for accidents
SATURDAY, FEB. 19, 2000
11:00 AM
LOCATION: 465 Woodley Town Road,
Magnolia, DE. When traveling on US Rt. 13, turn
East at Canterbury Light (Irish Hill Road), go to
4 way stop, go straight across to 2nd road to left
(Woodley Town Road), Ist farm on left Signs
JD 4440 w/cab air & heat, quadrange w/120.8x38
axle duals (S# 031399 R); JD 2640 w/148 loader;
JD 8820 Combine w/220 flexhead 4 wld; IH 1977
2070 A Fleetstar; Tandem Truck Tractor w/290
Cummins (approx. 200,000 ong. miles); 36-1/2
ft. Haulette by Fayette equipment trailer; will
spread to 14 ft. wide (nice); Fountame 40 ft. flat
trailer; 13 ft. IH 3 ph chisel plow; JD 210 12 ft.
disc; Brillion 15 ft. Crowsfoot packer; Bnlhon 14
ft. Crowsfoot packer; AC Model 333 16 row xls
in. no-till mower; JD 6 row x3O in. shank cultiva
tor, JD Ixl4 in 3ph plow; 80+/- 6 in x 30 ft.
Mathieson twist lock irrigation pipe; 50+/- 7 in x
30 ft. Ring lock irrigation pipe; 40+/- 6 in. x 20ft.
Mathieson twist lock pipe; 6 in. suction line, 40
ft. heavy duty pipe trailer (nice); couplers, valves,
gun stands, 5) hand guns, assorted irrigation fit
tings, 6) JD Hydraulic cylinders; IH hydraulic
cylinders, 4) JD top links; 3) 275 gallon fuel
tanks, WAP high pressure washer/steamer;
Lincoln 220 welder; JD Al5O shop heater; battery
charger, JD 8 ft front mount snow blade; mount
ed post hole digger; quick hitch; riveting tools;
assorted tires and wheels, digger chain; snow
TERMS: Cash or approved checks day of sale.
Appenzeller Farm
Donald Appenzeller
Sam Walters 111
(302) 284-4619
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Please be on time,
very, very few small items.
vice J4Y
THURS MAR 23 -10 AM 34
Koenig Rd Bemville Berks Co
Pa Farm Equip JD Tractors
Combine & Harvester Sale (or
Lavein Koenmg Les Longeneck
er, Auct
FrT MAR 24 -10 AM Farm
Machinery, 3 Tractors, 986 Int
Diesel Jacob K & Katie Lantz
875 Morgantown Rd, Honey
Brook, PA Steve Petersheim,
SAT., MARCH 18,1:00 PM
Real Estate
Lancaster Co,. West Earl Twp.
Directions: From Ephrata, take Rt. 322 East
to Hinkletown at Martin’s Bike Shop, turn
right onto Farmersville Rd. Go to 2nd road
right, turn right (also Farmersville Rd.). Go
apprx. 1 mile, turn left onto South Fairmount
Rd. Property 1/2 mile on left. From New
Holland: Take 23 West to Good’s Furniture,
turn right onto N. Shirk Rd. Go apprx. 3
miles, turn left onto East Farmersville Rd. Go
1 mile to S. Fairmount Rd. left, 1/2 mile to
property on left.
This Property Is A Nice Country
Setting For Beginners Or Retirement
Couple. Situated On Apprx. 1/2 Acre
Lot Is A Mobile Home With Kitchen,
Living Room, Bath & Laundry, And 2
Bedroom. In Addition, Also Is A
Carport, Freezer Room And Small
Shop. Property Has On-Lot Sewer &
Open House February 26, 2000
2-4 PM
nzrirji TERMS BY:
± 717-859-2484
jjL Public Auction JUt
Thurs., Feb.l7, 2000 10:00 AM -
Horses, Crop,
Farm Equipment
Directions: From Gap take 30 West to 772 New
port Rd. West to Sale on Right, or From Inter
course take 772 Newport Rd. East to sale on left.
m 5 Hd. Draft Horses 5 Hd.
mM 4 Mares & 1 Gelding
Broke to all farm machinery, ready to go to
Horse Related Items
6 set front gears, 5 bridles, 10 collars, check lines,
jockey sticks, backers, 1,2,3,4,5 & 6 Horse hitches,
Crops Crops
24 Round Bales, 5 Cutting Alfalfa
Farm Equipment
NH 311 Baler w/2 Cylinder Wisconsin Engine (good
cond.); 2 Way White Horse Hydraulic Reset Plow
(Used Very Little), New Holland 455 Mower with 20
HP Kawasaki Engine and Hydraulics (good condi
tion), Nickelson Hay Tedder (good condition), New
Idea Crimper, New Idea Rake, 2-16fUFlanVaeons
with Corn Sides, good condition; BBMBmBIm
BQQQQI McCormick Deering 1 Row Tandem
Axle Corn Binder with Long Loader (good condi
tion), McCormick Deering No. 9 Silage Cutter, 323
New Idea Corn Picker, Roto Beater Shredder With
Engine, 2 Auto Turn For Carts, Good Condition, 3
Row I&J Cultivator (like new), New Idea 10A
Manure Spreader (good condition), Ground Drive
Vicon Spinner Spreader, 1 Row New Idea Trans
planter, 1 Row McCormick Deering Cultivator, 10 ft.
Cultipacker, John Deere 20 K.B.A. Disc, McCormick
Deering Binder For Parts, 8 ft. Portable Hay Feeder,
200 Gal. Poly Tank, Shovels, Brooms, Forks, Scrap
ers, Feed Cart
Misc. Items
Fiberglass Fence Posts, Poly Wire, Approx 14,000
Tobacco Lath, 3 Compartment Tobacco Press, 10
Lath Lazy Susan Lath Holder, Tobacco Shears, 2
Wheelbarrows, 2 Wagon Load Small Items.
Terms by
Steven B. & Katie S. Stoltzfoos
5087 Newport Rd., Kinzers, Pa. 17535
Cash or Honorable Pa. Check Only
All Announcements Sale Day Take Precedence
Over All Advertising
Not Responsible for Accidents
Food on Premises
Sdt Auctioneer: Mel Hoover bA
M au-003111-l
TT m 717-354-8397 Home or wTr
U 717-354-6431 Barn U *
FRI MAR 24 - IPM State Grad
ed Feeder Pig Sales Carlisle
Livestock Market Inc 546
Alexander Spring Road Carlisle
& SAT , MAR 25 Consignment
Antique Tractor Sale Columbia
City, IN King Auction Service