Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 12, 2000, Image 78
B344.ancMter Farming, Saturday, February 12, 200C S at mar n snow Date ————————March 25 Spring Consignment Sale Tresslers Auction. Rl 64 THURS MAR 9 - 9AM Antiques, Livestock Market, Inc 548 household goods, glassware & Alexander Spnng Road, Carlisle, china, ad articles, military items, Pa Donald Duck 7 other collectibles, SAT MAR 11 - Public Sale of Barbie dolls, toys, tools At Al Farm Machinery & farm related Starr Firemen s Building, Village items (or Mr & Mrs Wilbert Diehl, of Willow St, Lane Co ,Pa By Carlisle, Pa Auct Kevin M Alfred Giordano Howard E Wickard Shaub Inc . auct THURS MAR 9 - 9AM Farm equp , by Neff Bros , Inc 140 Sheep Lane, Manor Twp , Lane Co Probst Family Aucts THURS MAR 9 - 9AM Farm Machinery, Tractors, Trucks & Loaders Loc 295 Myer Dr, Frys town Terms By Mrs Harold Myer Kreider, Kline & Good Aucts THURS MAR 9 -10 AM Farm machinery milking equip, reg Belgium draft horses, stud, coll, corn silage For Stephen P & Martha Stoltzfus on White Oak Rd, Lane Co Pelersheim Aucts THURS MAR 9 -11 AM First and Second Calf Holsfems from Canada At Klmg’s Sale Bam, 15 miles N of Carlisle on Rt 74 RD Landisburq, Pa THURS MAR 9 -11 AM Farm equip West Cornwall Twp Leb Co, Pa Roy D Shirk, Mays Kurtz aucts THURS MAR 9 - Feeder Cattle Consignment Jersey Shore Live stock following reg sale approx PM 814-349-5099 FRI, MAR 10 - 9AM Tractors, Farm Eq & Supplies To Be held at A&C Diffenbach Auction Inc 100 W Jackson St, New Hol land, Lane Co, Pa 717-355- 7253 FRI MAR 10 - 9AM Orchard Bakery & Farm Store Equip Homestead Orchards, Inc between Dublin & Perkaste, PA For Jim & Nancy Bmsberger Zettlemoyer Auction Co FRI MAR 10- 10AM Ron and June Ishler, Egg Hill Farm RD Spring Mills, Centre Co ,Pa Farm machinery Leon J & James T Smith, aucts AUB6BL & AU246OL FRI MAR 10 -10 AM Dorman Complete Farm Retirement Dis persal 3 Tractors, full line modem farm machinery, dairy equipment, etc Lamar, PA Conducted by Fraley Auction Co (570) 546- 6907 FRI MAR 10 - 12 Noon, Dairy Sale Middleburg Livestock Auc lion Sales. Inc Middleburg, Pa FRI, MAR 10 -1 PM State Grad ed Feeder Pig Sales Carlisle PUBLIC AUCTION Thins., Feb. 17, 2000 • 9:00 A.M. Mules, Farm & Milking Equipment Located at: 326 Hammertown Rd., Narvon. Directions turn North on Churchtown Rd. at Y turn right on Hammertown Rd., iy 2 miles North of Churchtown, Lancaster Co. M 9 Head of Top Sorrel Mules W 1 pair 6 yr. old - Molly - Good broke, tops 1 pair 9 yr. old - Molly - 1 pair 6& 7 yr. old • - Jack - Tops 1 5 yr. old - Jack - Tops 1 6 yr. old - Jack - Works anywhere 1 Smooth Mouth - Jack - Lead mule, broke anywhere 9 Set Front Gears & Backers, Checklines, Jockey Sticks, Collars, Yolks, 2-3-4-S-6-7-8 Horse Hitches. Farm Equipment 1066 International Diesel Tractor with Turbo on Steel Belt Wheels: Also Rubl 565 N H Baler, 323 New Idea Corn Picker, 892 N.H. Harvester w/Table, 256 N H Rake, Pequea Manure Spreader like new, E L.S. Liquid Manure Spreader, 2 - 16 ft. Grove Wagons with Helper Springs, 1 -18 ft Zimmerman Wagon with Helper Springs, Bradly Chopper, 8 ft. Bullion Packer and Seeder, 24 KBA J.D. Disc, 2 Bottom 12” Plow w/Reset, 9 ft Cultipacker, 10 ft J D. Harrow, 7 ft McCormick Grass Mower, New Idea Tobacco Planter, McCormick Cultivator, 28 ft Zimmermans Elevator, 2 Bin Wagons with Gears, 200 Gal. Field Sprayer with 5 h p Honda Engine, Tedder, 8 ft. Millers Manure Pump, Lg Water Tank, 770 N H Harvester for Parts, PTO Wood Saw, 1 - Fore Cart Auto Turn & Brakes, 1 Forecart with Auto Turn Hydraulic Unit, 1 Spring Cart with Brakes, 1 - Rhino 8 ft Scraper for Tractor, Wisconsin Engine VG4D with Starter, Wisconsin Engine VH4D, Robin Engine like new, 5 h.p. Briggs & Stratton Engine, Feed Cart. 48 in Lane. Silo Fan with Hydraulic Motor, 40 ft Extension Ladder, Platform Scales, 12 h p Koehler Engine with Roughneck Welder, Oxygen Set and Acetylene, Wire Posts, Posthole Digger with 2 Bits, 100 ft Hay Rope, Tobacco Shears & Spears, Tobacco Bale Box, 3,000 Tobacco Lath, One Horse Tobacco Sprayer, 2 Fuel Tanks. Milk Equipment: 4 Harmony Claws, 1 - 75 lb Pail DeLaval, 1 - 65 lb. Pails DeLaval, 2 - 55 lb Pails DeLaval, 2 - 40 lb Carrying Pails, 2 Strainers, Tools, Forks, Nuts, Bolts, Household Goods: 2 Single Beds, 1 Single Box Spring & Mattress, Treadle Sewing Machine Cabinet Snyder’s Auction Service Paul (717) 733-7052 - AU-873-L Michael (717) 291-5749 No Out Of State Checks - Refreshments Public Auction MACHINERY - MULES - DAIRY ITEMS Friday, Feb. 18, 2000 at 9:00 A.M. Located in Clinton County,Take Exit 26 Off Route 80 To 220 N., 1/2 Mile, Turn East On Auction Road, 3rd Farm On Left Or 1 Mile West of Rote, PA. 7 MULES AND HARNESS Team of 10 yrs old sorrels well broke w/snap, 6 and 8 yrs old mules w/snap. 6 yrs. old sorrel and 2 smooth mouth mules. 10 Britch harness, lines, bridles, assorted collars, etc. DAIRY ITEMS 4 DeLaval 50 lbs. milkers w/flow view claws, extra 60 lbs. milker pail and misc. items. FARM MACHINERY A.C. -D-17 tractor on steel, Papec silo filler, open buggy w/front wheel brakes. White Horse hyd. cart (new), 4 fore carts, N.H. no. 275 baler w/engine m A-l cond., N.H. no. 456 mower, A.C. mod. B power unit, N.I. no. 751 and 752 hay crimpers, N.H. no 256 rake, Pequea ground driven tedder, Zimmerman 40 ft. elevator, 3 good flat bed wag ons on steel, Vicon spinner spreader, Superior 13 disk gram drill, I.H. com planter, N.I. no. 323 com picker, N.I. com picker for parts, good 200 gals, field sprayer. White Horse 2-12 in. hyd. plow, H.D. KBA 28 disk, 12 ft. harrow, J.D. cultivator, 4 and 6 horse hitches, single and double trees, the usual misc. shop and farm items! Terms - Cash Or Approved Check. Amish Lunch David I. and Dora Click R.R. 1, Mill Hall, Pa. 17751 Mark Click and Elam Stoltzfus, Auctioneers AU-349-L AU-2452-L Terms by: DANIEL E. & NANCY ZOOK between Mill Hall. Pa and Lamar, Pa For Info Bill Tressler 570-726-3200 or Sam Force 570- 725-2143 SAT MAR 11 - Snyder Co Mod em Farm Machinery Auction, at Beaver Fairgrounds, Beaver Springs Pa Paul J & Sndra J Lepley, owners Bryan D Imes, auct Dnvmg Horse Sale 8 30 Tack, 11 AM Horses Middleburg Live stock Auction Sales, Inc Middle burg Pa SAT MAR 11 - 8 30AM equip, trailers & accessories, plumb mg,healing equip, elec supplies 161 Fulkroad Rd Millersburg John & Linda Lenker, owners Deibler. Ed SI aucts SAT MAR 11 -8 30AM Annual Spring Auction Quilts, Crafts Antiques, HH Goods, Farm Equip, Horses & Buggies at Got- property For Helen S Eptmg donvllle Fire Hall, Lancaster Co, Estate John M Hess, Bob & PA Dennis Woloetnulh. aucts SAT MAR 11 - 9AM Antiques, SAT MAR 11 - 9AM Farm mdian artifacts, primitives, equip, auction for the Estate of antique tools & hardware, early Ronald Strong. RD #2 Box 800, farming Items Held at the Horst Thomasville, York Co Slermer's Auction Center, Ephrala, Lane Auction Service Co ,Pa For Wilbur E Hoover SAT MAR 11 - 9AM Park & Estate Horst Aucts Thelma Hoffman McAlisterville, SAT MAR 11 - 9AM Tractors, Pa Farm equip HaMinger & forklifts, trucks, farm machinery, Courtney Aucts 570-539-8791 — NWof Potfsville Pa Kenny SAT MAR 11 - 9AM Real estate, Stehr & Sons Mike Deibert. auct household goods, amlques, col- SAT MAR 11 - 9AM John M leclibles - Holly & Robert Klemfel- Hess Auction Servicer, Inc 61 ,er . 71 E Mam SI, New acre farm, (arm equip, personal manstown, Pa Harry H Bach- man, auct Farmersville Auction Located In Farmersville, 3 miles east of Brownstown, Lancaster Co., PA Furniture, General Household Goods, Antiques, And Collectibles Of All Kinds. Too Much to List! Tbes., Feb. 15th. -1:00 p.m. Furniture Sells At 7:00 P.M. VISA, Master Card, DISCOVER, MAC Accepted CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME Call Larry Rutt 717-354-5095 Auctioneer's Lie. #AU-2455-L REDDING AUCTION SERVICE ABSOLUTE PUBLIC AUCTION APPROX. 232 ACRE FARM W/HOME & BUILDINGS NEAR GETTYSBURG, PA 6 TRACTORS - FARM MACHINERY - GRAIN BINS - FEED BINS By Order of the United States Bankruptcy Court - Middle District of PA - Case No. 1-97- 05108 (Robert L. & Judith A. Hay ) - (Chapter 7) - The undersigned trustee will sell the fol lowing - located from Gettysburg, PA - take US Route 30 - 3 miles, turn South onto Seven Stars Road -go 1.4 miles to Meadowbrook Lane and sale site on MONDAY, MARCH 6 10:00 A.M. ABSOLUTE REAL ESTATE AUCTION - 12:00 NOON All that tract of land lying and being in Highland Township, Adams County, PA - having frontage on Seven Stars Road and Meadowbrook Lane - T-344 (Township Road) - containing approx. 232.13 acres of which approx. 165 acres are cropland, 50 acres are woodland and the balance pasture, roads and building area. Improvements on the farm are: a 28 ft. by 34 ft. 2- 1/2 story brick farm house containing nice pan eled kitchen w/built-in cupboards, with stove; & oven - dining room, living room, study or den - all being paneled and carpeted - on first floor. Second floor has 4-bedrooms - all with closets - and a shower-bath. Home has storage attic, metal roof, full cement basement, oil fired forced hot air heat, aluminum storm doors & windows, an attached 24 ft. by 26 ft. screened rear porch w/cement floor and a nice 22 ft. by 16 ft. 1-1/2 story summer house a 70 ft. by 150 ft. pole building w/metal sides and roof - having a cattle feeding area and hay storage. Building has a bunk feeder and feed trough - 2 concrete stave silos - (1-20 ft. by 65 ft. - 1 -12 ft. by 45 ft) - a 40 ft. by 70 ft. metal imple ment shed - a 32 ft. by 60 ft. metal building for shop or implements - 1-96 ft. by 18 ft. and 1-20 ft. by 104 ft. open side metal swine finishing bams w/underground manure pits - a 60 ft. by 30 ft. 2- story cement block chicken house and other misc. buildings. Property has 2-wells and an on site sep tic system for home. This farm is in Ag-Land Preservation. AUCT. NOTE- If looking for a large farm, for horses, cattle, general farming, hunting club, etc. with a nice stream and pond - only minutes West of Gettysburg, PA - Plan To See & Attend Auction! INSPECTION OF REAL ESTATE - By Appointment Only - Call Redding Auction Service - PH: 717-334-6941. TERMS OF REAL ESTATE - 10% Down At Time Of Sale - Balance On Or Before 45 Days - Other Terms At Time of Sale. TERMS OF PERSONAL PROPERTY - Cash - Checks Must Have A Bank Letter of Credit For This Sale - Unless Known By Auctioneer Or Trustee. LAWRENCE V. YOUNG - Trustee REDDING AUCTION SERVICE - PA No. RH-78-L 717-334-6941 OF: SAT MAR 11 - 9AM Tractors, farm equip, tools, Verna P Brubaker, 175 N Cornwall Rd, Lebanon. Pa John D Stauffer, auct Meat Shop Equipment Tuesday, February 15, 2000 at 10 00 am EQUIPMENT; Hobart M-5116 1 1/2 hp bandsaw, Smith M H-26 staffer w/s s table. Multivac vacuum packer M A2OO/15, (6) s s cut tables w/sam-plas tops. (3) s s 2 & 3 bay sinks w/brass lock in stops, 52“ & 56", trolley hooks, s s hooks, shelving/racks, carts, poly swinging doors, poly tubs and containers, walk-in cooler 13*4" x U’4" inside dimensions, sectional panels w/Bohn refrigeration unit Refrigerated display case-20’ in 2 sections 12’ & B’, 1 compressor, 2’ x2’ butcher blocks, sanitary scale, TEC SL36- 15L digital scale, Berkel deli sheer and scale. Enterprise grinder-counter top model, Penn walk-m box (disassembled) 12’xl9’ TRUCK: 1987 Ford F-700 370/4 valve gas engine w/14' Morgan body and Thermo King Street Boss STB-II refrigeration unit Inspection 4/00 OFFICE EQUIPMENT & OTHER: (2) Deacon benches, side chairs, secretary desk, 4 drawer lateral file, light fixtures, fluorescent lighting, Penco 5 section locker Terms: All items paid m full day of auction by cash or acceptable check 10% Buyers Premium Inspection day of auction -7 am All items must be removed by Saturday, February 19 AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Floyd K Aldcrfer & Sons, Inc Custom Meats/Seafood is consolidating its business to one location and will continue to serve their customers at the Lancaster County Farmers Market, Wayne, PA AUCTION LOCATION: Floyd K Aldcrfer & Sons Meats 272 Hunsbcrgcr Lane, Harleysvillc PA 19438 Directions: From Exit 31 Northeast Extension of PA Turnpike, Rl 63 West 2 8 miles, right at traffic light at Hunsberger Lane, first building on right Call 215-393-3000 for more details Alderfer Auction Company 501 Fairgrounds Road Hatfield PA 19440 • (215) 393 3000 hlip //www alderfercompany com PUBLIC AUCTION*^ MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2000 AT 1:00 PM RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT At Wolgemuth Auction Premises 109 N. Maple Avenue, Leola, PA 17540 EQUIPMENT: New American Eagle 20 qt. Mixer, 20 Hobart Mixer w/attach., 20 qt. Berkel Air Mixer, Krefft Meat Grinder, Tenderizer, Chipper. Two Patty Machines, Commercial Meat Slicer, Four Meat Slicers (1 Berkel 7 1 Unvex Manual Slicers), 8’ & 12’ McCray Deli Case, 57” Curve Glass Ref. Bakery Case, Dry Candy & Bakery Cases in various sizes, 8’ Meat Case, s’xB’ Display Case, Three 8’ Deli Cases, 4’ Sandwich Case, Delfield Pie Case, 8-door S.S. Traulson Refrigerator, Powers Glass 2-door Ref., New 4’ Dipping Cabinet, Victory 2-door S.S. Ref., Two 4’ x 32” pass-through S.S. Ref., Dbl. Sliding Glass Door Ref., 2’x3’ Single Phase Superior Grill, S.S. Bunn-o-matic Coffee Unit, Several Hot Dog Machines one w/bun warmer, Sani Serv Table-top Soft Ice Cream Machine, Snowcone Machine, Carnival Ice Cream Chest w/casters, 6’xB’ Walk-in Ref., Five Dbl. Bay S.S. Sinks, 3-Bay S.S. Sink, Vulcan Conv. Oven, Sm. pretzel Oven, 4-bumer LP Gas Stove, 7 Spit Esquire Bar-B-Q Gas, Numerous S.S. Plates, Bowls & Silverware, S.S. Ice Tea Dispenser, Hot Cocoa Machine, 8’ S.S. Steam Table, 3’xlo’ butcher Block Table, New & Used Bag Sealers, Sharp Microwave, 208 V. Elec. French Frier, 4’ & 6’ Blodgett 2-door Pizza Oven, Dahlen Bakery Oven, Dbl. Unit Vulcan Fry Cat, New P&H Choc. Warmer, Berkel Bread Slicer, Rondo Dough Shooter, 100 lb. Bakery Container w/casters, Victory Holding Cabinet, 16” Broaster, Cheese Slicer, Fry Cutter, Numerous Baker Racks, Pans & Trays, 5’ Ice Cold Salad Bar, 8’ Ref. Salad Bar, Ice Freezer, 4’ Pinnacle Hot Food Warmer, Acme Dough Roller, Also over 700 Folding Chairs. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Nice Clean Restaurant Equipment, the Items were moved to Leola location for your convenience, possibly selling with 2 Auctioneers. Sale held indoors, with a Tow Motor and loading facilities. Plan now to attend! TERMS: Cash or PA Check with ID. Sale For; Parties & More and Others WOLGEMUTH AUCTION (#2357) Call Dennis (717) 656-2947 FAX (717) 656-6011 Bob Wolgemuth John Hess F- SAT MAR 11 -10 AK .;arm . Construction equip Allen s Auc tion Service. 231 Landing St, Vmcentown, NJ Richard Allen, auct &