Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 12, 2000, Image 77
Real Estate Auction Sat,, February 19,2nnn Parcel #1 50+/- Ac. farm (mostly open) with 5 bedroom renovated farm house and 66x80 pole bam with box stalls. House has 1-1/2 baths, Ig. kitchen, Ig. Ivg. rm. and parlor, high efficiency nat. gas hwbb boiler, vinyl siding, new windows, modem sand mound septic, private well all situat ed in a great country setting with mature maple trees in front yard, small pond and mature apple orchard, conveniently set-back off hard road in Oswayo Twp., Potter County, PA. Taxes are under sl,ooo/year. Property is approx. 23 miles north of Coudersport via Rte. 44 to Millport-tum right on Eleven Mile Road. Farm is approx. 8 miles on left. Great horse/beef set-up and excellent hunting area! Parcel #2 Hunting Camp property-Gaines Twp., Tioga County, PA just off U.S. Rte. 6 between Wellsboro and Gaines. 2.45 Ac. Wooded lot in Big Bridge Hollow Camp Development, which borders State Forest Land. Electric available. Includes 20+ Ft. Skylark camp trailer and 8 ft. truck camper on site. Pine Creek runs just across Rte. 6 from this property. A wonderful area for endless recreational opportunities. Come take a look! Note: Auction will be held at each respective site. Parcel #1 will be offered first at noon and Parcel #2 will be offered at 2 pm. Terms: Both parcels offered subject to immedi ate confirmation. 10% down at close of bidding, and balance at closing within 30 days. Full terms will be ready day of auction. For info call auction at 570-835-4214 \ KZ... dEU " Tioga, PA 1548 L (570-835-4214) The Area’s Foremost Real Estate Auctioneer \ —7 PUBLIC AUCTION r / of Valuablejohn Deere IVactors; Case IH 1680 Combine; Planting & Tillage Equipment; \ I Trucks & Trailers; Grain Storage Equip. ' 1 SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 2000 AUCTION TIME: 9:30 AM Location: 3266 Maytown Road, Marietta, PA. From Columbia Exit of Rt. 30 follow Route 441 North approx. 4 miles to Rte. 743 turn right to farm on right. From Elizabethtown (Rte. 283) follow Rte. 743 south approx. 8 mi. thru village of Maytown to farm at corner of Rte. 743 and Fuhrman Road. East Donegal Township, Lancaster County, PA. John Deere 8300, MFWD, Cab, Duals, Fully Loaded, 490 Hrs., Weights, Like New John Deere 4440 w/Cab, #l5B Loader, Quad Shift; John Deere 4630 w/Cab, Duals, less than 500 hours on new engine,; John Deere 4040 w/Cab, 3885 hrs, front mounted snow blade, Quad Shift; John Deere 4020 diesel, tricycle, 3 pt.; John Deere 2440 w/#146 Loader, 3,680 hrs.; John Deere 630 w/ps. & 3pt.; John Deere 620 w/ps & 3 pt.; John Deere 40 w/2 row cult; John Deere 318 Lawn Tractor; John Deere Lt 166 Lawn Tractor w/grass catcher; John Deere 400 Lawn Mower; Case International #l6BO Combine - An exceptionally clean machine w/2420 hrs. #lO2O 22’ Grain head; #1063 6 Row com head (2) head wagons #1606 & #1620 to be sold separately Planting and Tillage Equipment Kinze #2600 12 Row Corn Planter w/liquid fertilizer tanks; this planter is like new; John Deere #7OOO conservation 6 row planter w/monitor, bean cups; John Deere #450 Grain Drill 7”x24 disc, like new; Ag-Chem field sprayer 750 gal. tank w/60’ booms, hyd. controls, foam markers; Demco field sprayer w/500 gal. tank 40’ booms; John Deere #2500 5x18” plow w/spring reset; Glenco 15 tooth soil saver w/hyd. Wings; Krause #l9lO 28’ folding disc harrow; Krause #4lOO Field cultivator, 28’ w/field leveler; 28’ folding Cultipacker; John Deere Rotary Hoe, 3pt., 8 row; Brillion 24’ cultipacker; John Deere #F34SH, 4 bottom plow w/hyd. Reset; Massey Ferguson 12 tooth chis el plow, 3pt.; IH 12 tooth chisel plow, 3 pt.; John Deere 24’ field cultivator, 3 pt.; (2) Brillion 6 row cultivators 30” rows, 3 pi.; 2 row cultivator, 3 pt.; Sat.. F. U 2( Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated every Sat. at 2:23 P.M. PUBLIC AUCTION Farm Machinery and Feed Saturday, Feb. 19, 2000 10:00 AM Having sold dairy herd and discontinuing farming operation the undersigned will sell the following at public auction. Located 8032 A Stevens Rd,, Thurmont, MD Take 1-70 East, Frederick Exit 528 to Route 15 North, go 8 miles to Old Frederick Road on right, go 5 miles to Stevens Road on left, first farm on right. JD 4430 tractor with cab and air, 20.8 tires; IH 560 gas narrow front; Case 1840 skid loader; JD 7000 six row conservation planter with liquid fert. and bean units; Knight 2300 mixer wagon; Badger 3200 gal. manure tank; NI 484 round baler; NI 5109 haybine; IH 496 Rock Flex 18’ disc; NH 256 rake; JD 660 rake; 13’ Perfecta-S- Tine field cultivator; dual rake hitch; 20’ bale wagon; JD 640 12’ disc; JD grain drill; JD F 350 semi-mounted 5 bottom plow; Wmco 3500 gas generator; 750 gal tank on wheels; pedestal grinder; rubber tire scraper; feeder trough on wheels; round bale feeders; 6 poly calf hutches; 3’-8’ feed troughs; misc. gates; Zimmerman head chute; 20.8x38 snap on duals; 4”xl4’ grain auger; tractor weights; calf jack, fencing supplies; misc. box lots. 34 rolls barley straw; 140 rolls of mixed hay, approx. 300 ton com silage; 200 ton haylage. Feed must be moved by March 30, 2000. Terms: cash or approved check, nothing removed until settled for, not responsible for accidents, number system, ID required. Mr. and Mrs. Troy Baily Auctioneer: C. Floyd Davis 8302 A Stevens Road Clerks: Drury and Drury Thurmont, MD Auctioneer’s Note: All of this equipment is shed kept and field ready. John Deere 4840 w/Cab, Duals, Power Shift, 24.5x32 Tires FEED Owners: Holland #220 2 row transplanter w/200 gal. water tank, hyd. Lift; 2 row pota to planter; 1000 gal. water tank on gear. Anhydrous 6 row applicator w/tanks, 30 or 40 series mounts; New Holland #320 Hay liner Baler w/belt thrower; John Deere #894 hay rake; (2) BxlB Bale wagons built by Strickler; (2) Bale wagons; John Deere 36’ Elevator w/motor; New Holland #795 manure spreader; E-Z Flow bin wagon w/auger, 500 bu., w/surge brakes; New Holland #359 Grinder Mixer w/scale; John Deere side mount mower for 20 or 30 series; John Deere 3 pt. Scraper blade; Red Devil 7’ snow blower 3pt., pto, w/hyd.; John Deere #1517 15’ rotary mower w/hyd. wings; International PTO transport fan; 24’ feed bunk wagon; Grain cleaner; Marlow 4x4 PTO irrigation pump; (2) rain guns, 28 pc. 30’x5” irrigation pipe; 38 pc. 30’x6” irrigation pipe; (29) Hog gates various lengths; (2) 1500 gal. poly tanks; (1) 8,000 gal. fuel tank; Stainless steel hog feeders; torch; shop press; welding table; 3/4 socket set; John Deere hydraulic cylinders; grinders; wheel weights; suitcase weights; approx. 1 wagon load of shop and farm tools. 1987 Ken worth Truck TYactor w/444 Cummins, wet line, 50,000 mi. on new engine; 1986 Peterbilt Truck Tractor w/400 Cummins, wet line, 100,000 mi. on new engine; 1997 Ravens 40’ dump trailer 102” width, spread axle, tarp cover; 1996 Ravens 40’ dump trailer w/tarp cover; 1976 CMC Truck w/18’ dump Grain bed, 57,000 miles; Low boy trailer; Tanker Trailer 8,000 gal. w/pump; 8’ width snowmobile trailer Cardinal Elevator Leg w/10 hp Motor, 3,000 bu./hr. cap; Brock grain bin 36’x9 rings; (2) Brock grain bin 30’xl0 ring w/heater; (1) 2,000 bushel wet tank; B”x2o’ transport Auger w/gas & electric motors; Auction Note: Farmers this is an exceptional line of modern farm, gram and trucking equipment. Please make plans to attend this Auction $2.00 credit at food stand to first 150 registered buyers. Terms: Cash or Good Check Day of Auction. Out of State Buyers must have bank letter of guarantee addressed to Auction Company to purchase w/check. Auction for FREY BROS. Harold & Herbert Frey Auction conducted by John D. Stauffer Auctioneers AU-ISO9-L Phone (717) 665-5099 Manheim, PA 17545 SAT MAR 4 - 9AM Dick's trac- lots, lawn & garden equip Wel ters, 3195 Rt 442 Hwy Farm gemuthAucte machinery & tractor auction SAT, MAR 4 - 9AM Farm Goodrich & Lozier Aucts 570- Equip Tractors, Truck Lots Held 546-8784 at Ken Schaper, between SAT , MAR 4 - 9AM Farm Equip" Vineland 3nd Bridgeton along Hay, Straw, HH Goods 141 Tur- Cumberland Co. NJ tie Hul Rd, Leola, Lane Co, Pa 609 455-1640 Edwin W & Katie Nolt Robert E SAT MAR 4 - 9AM 21 Acre Martin & Sons, Aaucts 1717- Berks Co farmette, antiques, 656-7770 household goods, Ford tractor SAT MAR 4 -9AM Schaper Rt 73 Club Rd, Earl Twp, Berks Bros 27th Annual Consignment Co, Pa For Katie Frey Aucts Sale Tractors farm equip, truck SAT, MAR 4- 9 30AM JD Trac tors Full line of farm equipment FORMER ATLANTIC BREEDERS COOPERATIVE FARM PUBLIC AUCTION OF 146 ACRE TILLABLE FARM IN AGRI PRESERVE, FARM EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES THURS., MARCH 23,2000 Sale at 10:00 A.M. Real Estate at 1:00 P.M. Located - Turn off Rt 283 at Landisville Exit, turn north toward East Pete on State Rd , go 2/10 mile, turn left on South Colebrook Rd , go 7/10 mile, turn left on Long Rd , 6/10 mile to sale East Hempfield Twp , Lane Co , PA Frame bank barn w/a 30'x60 extension, 24'x70 silo w/Van Dale unloader, 20'x60' concrete stave silo, frame tobacco shed w/dampenmg cellar & stripping room, well w/pressure system, land in high stale of cultivation, soil, water & conservation plan Open for inspection Sals , March 4& 11 from 200t04 00 PM or for appointment call 898-1227 or Auct 656-7770 10% down day of sale, balance on or before May 23, 2000, for sketch map send self-addressed/stamped envelope to R E Martin 429 E Mam St, Leola, PA 17540 Terms by GENEX/CRI Aucts Robert E , Jeffrey R & Michael L Martin, 656-7770 AUOOOSBOL Randall L Ranck Edward Miller, Atty Hay and Miscellaneous Equipment Grain Equipment Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, February 12, 2000-833 Trucks Food by Mount Joy Mennonite Youth Frey Bros 3266 Maylown Rd Marietta Pa John D Stauffer, SAT MAR 4 - 9 30AM For John & Elsie Smoker, full line of farm machinery including JD 3020 dsl JD 1010 gas w/ldr Atglen Chester Co Pa Steve Peter sheim, Auct 610-593-2828 SAT MAR 4 -10 AM Collection of White House Apple products bottles at Woodsmen of the World, Rt 42 S of Harnsonburg Va Tom M Weaver 4 Kent Weaver, aucts SAT MAR 4 -10 AM Long Lane, Mallheim Centre Co Pa Mod em machinery for Robert W & Rita Musser Mark Click, auct SAT MAR 4 - IPM Pa York shire Assoc Spring Show and Sale - Lebanon Area Fair grounds Lebanon Pa Harry H Bachman, Auct SUN MAR 5 9AM Toy Show Leespotl Farmers Market Social Hall, Rt 61 Leesport, Pa MON MAR 6 - SPM Firearms Auction, Miller's Auclm Center, Bethel. Pa Dwight D Miller, auct MON MAR 6 - 830AMLebanon Valley Auction Co Spring Con signment Auction, S Race St Myerstown, Pa Harry H Bach man, Glenn Wenger & Blame Rentzel. Aucts MON MAR 6 - 9AM Annual Spring Farm Machinery Sale at Rudnick's Rt 213, Galena, Md Rudmck Sales, Inc _ MON MAR 6 -10 AM Absolut eauction of 232 acre farm w/home & buildings near Gettys burg, Pa Meadowbrook Lane Gettysburg, Pa Redding Auction Service 717-334-6941 TUES, MAR 7 - Fat Cattle Sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc 548 Alexander Spring Road Carlisle PA _ TUES MAR 7 7 45PM Feeder Cattle Sale Carlisle Livestock Market Inc 548 Alexander Spring Rd Carlisle, PA THIJRS MAR 9-9 AM Consign menl new & used machinery Centre Co, 1/2 mile N of Rebersburg Mark Glick & Elam Stoltzfus auct WED MAR 8 - 9AM 10 Head Grey Mules, 18 sets of harness farm mach , ong sputmck Mill port Rd , Lane Co, PA John L & Rebecca King, Owners Steve Pelersheim. Auct WED , MAR 8 - 9AM John L & Rebecca King, Millport, Pa Working Livestock & farm machinery, Petersheim Aucts 610-593-2828 ___ WED MAR 8 - Blizzard Date March 15 Cumberland Valley Produce Auction, Annual Farm Machinery Sale