Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 12, 2000, Image 17
Eighty-four Livestock Eighty-four, Pa. February 7,2000 Report Supplied By PDA CATTLE 275 . [PDA] Compared with last week’s sale si. cows 1.50 to 200 higher, si bulls steady. SLAUGHTER STEERS Select 1-3 55 00-61 50. HEIFERS few Standard 1-2 47 50- 52 50 COWS Breakers 75-80% lean 38 50- 44 50, Boners 80-85% lean 36 50 4050, Lean 85-90% lean 33 00-37 00 Shells 32 50 & down BULLS few Yield Grade I 1480- 1970 lbs 47 00-51 50. few Yield Grade 2 960-1400 lbs 41 50-47 00 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS Medium and Large 1 310-555 lbs 86 00- 100 00, few Medium and Large 2 300-600 lbs 75 00-81 00, HEIFERS Medium and Large 1 305-500 lbs 80 00-94 00, 520-625 lbs 73 00-84 00, Medium and Large 2 370- 500 lbs 61 00-78 00, 510-750 lbs 58 00- 68 00, BULLS Medium and Large 2 485- 860 lbs 62 00-86 00, few to 48 00 CALVES 207 [All calves sold per cwt] VEALERS one Choice 130 lbs 95 00, Standard and Good 90-115 lbs 30 00-45 00, 65-85 lbs 23 00-35 00, Utility 60-105 lbs 16 00-25 00 FARM CALVES Holstein bulls steady to 10 00 lower No 1 Holstein bulls 90-125 lbs 105 00-152 50 mostly 115 GO -145 00, No 2 80-120 lbs 65 00-110 00, No 1 Holstein heifers 80-110 lbs 215 00- 240 00, couple No 2 70 & 90 lbs 80 00 & 90 00 Beef type bulls and heifers 60-105 lbs 70 00-140 00, couple to 180 00, 225-280 lbs 74 00-90 00 HOGS 2 SOWS, couple US 1-3 505 & 575 lbs 42 50 & 43 50 o panm Supply WESTFALIA ORO (PEN MOUJg FEBRUARY 16, 17 & 18, 2000 Update your milking equipment and make NO Payments C wktmu *) until September 1,2000! o*™^ ysi/HGf) * W ith approved TFS credit; check in store details jsurbej 6Sa »o^ S Meets or exceeds John Deere type 303 (J-14C), White type 55, Ford M-2C41, International Hy-trans fluid, Allis Chalmers Power fluid No. 821 and others Contains approx. 600 towels #5O box shown 8.33 per towel NATURAL SINGLE FOLI ,wels . run FEEDER PIGS 0. NO MARKET TEST 1 SHEEP 156 SLAUGHTER LAMBS. High Choice and Prime 110-120 lbs 80 00- 80 50. Choice 43 lbs 149.00, 60-75 lbs 116 00-135 00,80-100 lbs 87 00-11000. FEEDER LAMBS Good and Choice 40-60 lbs 80 00-95 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP 33 00-47 00, Yearlings 53 00-73 00 GOATS 62 Large Billies 80 GO -135 00, Medium 56 00-77 00, Large Wethers 52 00-83 00, Medium Nannies 85 00-67 00, Large Kids 35 00-55 00. Small 23 00-26 00 per head New Wilmington Livestock New Wilmington, Pa. February 7,2000 Report Supplied By PDA CATTLE 132 [PDA] Compared with last week's sale si cows steady to I 50 lower HEIFERS couple Select 1-3 56 50 & 59 00, few Standard 1 -2 53 00-58 00 SLAUGHTER COWS Breakers 75- 80% lean 40 00-43 00, Boners 80-85% lean 37 00-41 00, Lean 85-90% lean 32 00-38 00 Shells down to 25 00 BULLS few Yield Grade 2 1315- 1775 lbs 42 00-44 75 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS few Medium 1 340-550 lbs 68 00-79 00, HEIFERS few Medium 1-2 475-685 lbs 60 00-70 00, BULLS few Large 2 410- 485 lbs 53 00-68 00, couple Medium 1 565 & 735 lbs 70 00 & 76 00 CALVES 163 VEALERS Standard and Good 80-110 lbs 20 00-31 00, Utility 50-75 lbs 10 00-15 00 FARM CALVES No 1 Holstein bulls 95-135 lbs 130 00-146 00, 80-90 lbs 100 00-120 00, No 2 85-120 lbs 5000- 601 East High Street dfcjL. Elizabethtown, PA 17022 (717) 367-1221 or (800) 872-7478 Fax (717) 367-2003 $ 16.95 IXH RIVE* HA.J-ICH (ML •WOIWOIO WWTOWSL* 12000; few No 1 Holstein heifers 90-lUU lbs 270 00-275 00. No 2 80-110 lbs 90 00- 24000 Beef type bulls and heifers 75-135 lbs 75.00-12000. HOGS 146 .Barrows and gilts steady to 50 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS. 49-54% lean 220-270 lbs 39 50-42 20. 45-50% lean 220-280 lbs 37 75-4075. 40-45% lean 250-290 lbs 35 00-37 10 SOWS few US 1-3 320-550 lbs 40 00-42 25, few 270-295 lbs 30 50-38 50 BOARS- few 370-800 lbs 12 50- 12 75 FEEDER PIGS 23 One small lot US 1-3 77 lbs 40 00 per head SHEEP 79 SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice 50-75 lbs 108 00-127 50,75-90 lbs 85 00-94 00 NEW CROP LAMBS Choice 60-85 lbs 110 00-122 50 SLAUGHTER SHEEP 2000-40 00 GOATS 6 Few Large 60 00-72 50 per head CATTLE 259 [PDA] [Supply included 98 steers and heifers, 108 cows, 21 bulls and 32 feeder cattle] Compared with last week's sale si steers steady to 1 00 lower, si cows 2 00 to 3 00 lower, si heifers I 00 to 2 00 lower, bulls steady SLAUGHTER STEERS few Choice 2-3 1360-1460 lbs 66 00-67 25, Select 1-3 57 25-65 00, Standard 1-2 50 00- 57 50 Dairy^^tar~ 1/2% lODINE TEAT DIP Cash &• Carry The more you BUY The more you SAVE Call for pricing on your desired quantities! o*** 10 -S' Bolts TINGLEY | #l3OO rubbers Leesport Livestock Leesport, Pa. February 9,2000 Report Supplied By PDA HOLSTEIN STEERS High Choice and Prune 2-3 1420-1630 lbs 62 00-64.75, Choice 2-3 1355-1635 lbs 58 50-6150, Select 1-2 58 00-5900. Standard 1-2 44 00-52 00 HEIFERS, couple High Choice and Prime 2-4 1220 & 1300 lbs 67 00 &68 75, few Choice 2-4 1355-1375 lbs 65 50- 68 50, Select 1-351 00-61.00, Standard 1- 2 43 50-51 00 COWS Breakers 75-80% lean 38 50- 43 50, Boners 80-85% lean 36 00-41 75, Lean 85-90% 26 00-37 50 Shells down to 20 50 BULLS one Yield Grade 1 1110 lbs 53 50, Yield Grade 2 1150-1650 lbs 40 00- 50 50 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS couple Large 1 780 & 915 lbs 60 00 & 61 50, few Large 2 Holstems 775-880 lbs 56 00- 60 00, Medium and Large 2 475-740 lbs 48 00-58 00, HEIFERS one Large 1 685 lbs 63 00, Medium and Large 2 550-760 lbs 50 00-58 00, BULLS Medium and Large 1 700-905 lbs 47 00-56 00, few Large 2 Holstems 360-780 lbs 47 00- 59 00 CALVES 151 VEALERS Good 140- 260 lbs 80 00-105 00, Standard and Good 70-95 lbs 42 00-67 50, Utility 65-100 lbs 5 00-35 00 FARM CALVES Holstein bulls 15 00-20 00 lower, Holstein heifers 30 00 to 50 00 lower No 1 Holstein bulls 90- 120 lbs 110 00-150 00, No 2 90-120 lbs 85 00-130 00, No 1 Holstein heifers 85- 125 lbs 21000-26000, No 2 85-120 lbs 70 00-142 50 Beef type bulls and heifers 85-105 lbs 70 00-142 50 ATTENTION DAIRY FARMERS: MEW PRODUCT - (PROVEN) HOPE PLASTIC BARN GUTTERS with 5/8” Bottoms & 3/8” Sides BMwir tfr • Customized to Fit Your Barn • All Seams Welded & Leak Proof * ’ • Gravity Flow System - No . Electricity Needed • Satisfied Customers We would be pleased to Show you operating facilities • Low Maintenance a, “ • Installed Between Milkings BmcuZZ-up HOMESTEAD EXCAVATING CO. 151 MeckviUe Rd., Myerstown, PA 17067 717-933-4366 mm j UwcMitr Farming, t>hid«y, Fthniary 12, M»-Al7 HOGS 53...8arr0ws and pits steady to 50 lower, sows steady to 2.00 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS 45-50% lean 240-263 lbs 37 25-37 50, 40-45% lean 230-260 lbs 34 75-37 00. SOWS US 1-3 310-470 lbs 26 00- 30 75,585-605 lbs 37 75-40 50 FEEDER PIGS 95 US 1-3 45-70 lbs 37 50-57 50, [SLAUGHTER] 20-23 lbs 80 00-115 00, 35-45 lbs 75 00 per cwt SHEEP 22 Slaughter lambs steady SLAUGHTER LAMBS one Choice 115 lbs 90 00, 160-185 lbs 62 50-85 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP 32 50-60 00 GOATS 1 One Medium Nanny 42 50 per head New Holland Horses New Holland Sales Stables Report Supplied by Auction Monday, February 7,2000 TOTAL HEAD HORSES AND MULES 168. MARKET STRONGER. WORK HORSES 900.00-1225.00. DRIVING HORSES 485.00-810.00. RIDING HORSES 485.00-800.00. REGISTERED RIDING 650.00- 1475.00. 1 AT 2450.00. BETTER RIDING 975.00-1325.00. PONIES 165.00-410.00. LARGE PONIES 500.00-585.00,2 AT 800.00. COLTS 180.00-290.00. ES i NG- • J laajaajaj