Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 12, 2000, Image 165
Bel help jfifl WANTED AGRICULTURAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AGENT Penn State Cooperative Extension is seeking an individual to be a member of the Jefferson and Clearfield Extension education and the North Central Region teams to plan, implement and evaluate educational programs in the broad areas of agricultural financial management including business analysis, business planning, whole farm budgets, record keeping systems and farm management decision making A bachelor's degree in farm management ag economics business or related degree and experience in education or industry Candidate should possess teaching program development and evaluation skills and demonstrate positive human relations and effective communication skills necessary to work effectively with area farmers, agricultural business extension staff and general public Cooperative Extension is a unit of Penn State offering a competitive salary and liberal benefits package The closing date for accepting resumes and applications is February 24. 2000 or until a suitable candidate is found Applications are available by writing, calling or email (sis3@psu edu) Human Resource Services (814/863-3452) Pos # L-7001. 307 Agricultural Administration Building, The Pennsylvania State University University Park PA 16802, Fax 814/863 6215, TDD 814/865-1204 AA/EOE DAIRY AGENT COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES PENN STATE Penn Slate Cooperative Extension Adams County is seeking an individual to plan, implement, conduct and evaluate non-formal extension educational programs in the broad areas of dairy production, management and marketing Identify problems, opportunities and educational needs of clientele to be served Th - ' sition win ms position will also serve Cumberland and York Counties A Bachelor s degree in dairy sci ence or a related field is required A Master s degree is preferred Candidate should possess teach ing, program development and evaluation skills, and demon strate positive human relations and effective communication skills to work effectively with area farmers and the general public Cooperative Extension is a unit of Penn State offering a competitive salary and liberal benefits pack age The closing date for accept ing resumes and applications is February 29, 2000 or until a suit able candidate is found Applications are available by writing, calling or email (sis3@psu edu) Human Resource Services, (814-863-3452), Box L-7018, 307 Agricultural Admin istration Building, The Pennsyl vania State University, University Park, PA 16802 Fax (814) 863- 6215 TDD (814)865-1204 Penn State is committed to affirmative action, equal opportu nity and the diversity of its work force HELP! HELP! HELP! Looking for a good job? We have openings for: PARTS COUNTER PERSONS Mechanical and Computer Experience Helpful Good opportunities for the right career-minded person! We offer a good package of company benefits and 401 (k) retirement plans. Stop in for an application or mail resumes to: MNKLn»HORST W\ fl Ofl6 ITUC Lititz, PA 17543-0395 01 (717) 626-4705 1 -800-414-4705 Fax 717-626-0996 ful Milter* Warner ■ A J CONSTRUCTION CO. INC • NOW HIRING • - Pipe Layers -Laborers Call Kris (717) 397-8558 Farm Manager Needed For Turkey Growing Operation in South- Central PA Must Be Able To Operate Farm Machinery and Live on Premises. House Furnished. Send Resume To: HONEY LOCUST FARMS 2454 Stoney Point Road East Berlin, PA 17316 - A Eichelbergers. me. 107 Texaco Road, Mechanicsburg, PA l-800-360-0660 CONSTRUCTION DRILL OPERATORS & HELPERS Experienced & Entry-Level Positios Local & Out-Of-Town Work - No Weekends CDL License preferred, welding & mechanical ability desired. Opeators, $l5 & up / Helpers, $lO & up Paid vacations, Holidays, Medical, 401 K Plan, Life & Disability Insurance Apply in Person , EOE SU LEAD PERSON/2nd SHIFT Excellent opportunity for a lead person at our bakery recycling plant in Honey Brook, PA Bakery Feeds is a division of Gnffin Industries, one of the nation’s largest recycling companies The successful candi date will be responsible for all aspects of the plant operation, including maintenance repair and supervi sion of the reception and efficient processing of raw materials This will be a dual position, functioning as a lead person and jockey driver Must be willing to work in a “hands-on” environment Strong mechani cal aptitude required as well as good interpersonal skills. Overtime required. Should have a minimum of 3-5 years experience in a processing/manufactunng and agricultural type background Excellent benefits package available, including group medical, dental, life & profit sharing Apply in person at BAKERY FEEDS 97 Westbrook Drive Honey Brook, PA 19344 610-273-7014 EOE SINCE I«2t |M] CARPENTER Lancaster County’s Oldest Residential Builder seeking Carpenter for FT position Mm. 1 -3 years carpentry experience necessary. Valid PA driver’s license required. Benefits include health insurance, 401 (k), holiday pay and paid personal leave time. Apply in person to: Wm. Murry & Son, Inc. 1899 Lititz Pike, Lancaster, PA 17601 M/F Sam - 5 pm or Fax your resume to: 717-560-0391 f^^^aiTicatiSwL^^ { CONSERVATION SPECIALIST i LEBANON COUNTY CONSERVATION p DISTRICT U INCLUDES: Full time (35 hrs. wk) position with full It benefits New position working with rural i h landowners/farmers promoting conservation practices j \ and the farmland preservation program A <t DUTIES: Landowner consultations, field inventory and \ t analysis, conservation planning, conservation practice i < design and installation, program reporting and follow- j r up, public relations, and other duties as assigned REQUIRED: Bachelor's degree in Agriculture, 0 U Agronomy, Environmental Resource Management, j \ Geo-environmental Studies, closely related field or \ compensating education and experience Knowledge 0 6 of agricultural operations preferred Oral, writing, j » computer and organizational skills f APPLY OR SEND RESUME TO: { Pfl Job Center, | Attn: Natalie Houser, 243 Schnieder Drive, f —«'l - Lebanon, PA 17042 Ph. (717) 274-2554, EOE '^r-^V'^'V■ POSITIONS AVAILABLE We have openings for experienced people m the paving and landscaping fields at Conestoga Paving and Warihay Landscaping. These positions include Dump Truck Drivers, Asphalt Finishers, And Laborers. The ideal candidates will have experience in either the landscape, construction or paving industry, be a self starter, and work well with other team members These positions offer paid vacation, paid holidays, paid health ins , uniform allowance, weekly pay, extensive overtime hours available, and opportunity for growth Driver's license, phone, and transportation an absolute must Current employment references required with application Please phone 717/872-0755 for an application if you feel you are qualified for employment in one of the areas above MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE sedona AC, a contract sales organization working with Fortune 500 companies has an excellent opportunity for someone with experi ence in the Dairy industry. Must enjoy working in a team structure, be enthusiastic, reliable, and a self-starter. This position requires on-farm selling and customer service. The product has been on the market for several years, has proven results, and is widely accepted by Dairy Farmers all over tne USA. You will be assigned a protected geographic area and be calling on producers. Competitive salary, bonus opportuni ties, benefits. Mileage and phone expenses paid Currently we are looking for individuals in AZ, CA, IL, IN, lA, KY, ME, MD, Ml, MN, NE, NY, NC, ND, OH, PA, SD, TN, TX, VA & Wl interested candidates should send resume to; SEDONA AG 3392 Hillcrest Road, Dubuque, IA 52002 Fax; 319-556-3041 ore-mail; Or call 1-800-383-7641 and ask for Kristin. ter Farming, Saturday, February 12, 20004)33 DIESEL MECHANIC I Mechanic Needed To Service Agricultural/lndustrial Diesel Power Units. Experience Preferred. Must Have Own Tools. Service Vehicle Provided. Other Benefits Include Uniforms, Hospitalization & Paid Vacation. Some After Hours Calls Necessary. Wages Equal to Experience. For More Information Contact Jim @ Rufus Brubaker Refrigeration Southern Service Center Quarryville, PA 717-786-1617 I B | B Farm Equipment i g Service Technician | e Established, local, and customer oriented | e farm equipment dealership needs a self-1 e motivated and ambitious service g a technician. Engine and welding knowledge g B needed and opportunity exists to j| e assemble new equipment and repair used g b equipment. - Farm background preferred. j| § We Offer: | e - Excellent Benefit Package j| jj - Competitive Wage Offering g c - Lot of Good People to work with | I - Health Insurance & Pension Plan i C Q 2 | Also ... | g Truck Driver Needed I c Growing agribusiness is seeking a truck i B driver for lime application and short | B distance hauling. CDL Class B license is 1 B required. Some experience would be g B helpful. Agricultural background pre- g n ferred. Competitive pay and flexible hours, g B g a Jf interested in joining our team contact: g B Umberger’s of Fontana Inc. | B 1067 Horseshoe Pike g | Lebanon, Pa. 17042 I | 717-867-5161 Career Opportunity £ £ U= U= ti= tHlisli; {HlMli: U= IStir liz tt= tHttrlH IHti: lir AJ= Lt lir IHL!r tir Lfcli: L!= lir Ur U= Full Time Employment on Local Broiler & Crop Farm Residence & benefits provided References required Send experience & phone number to Robert Weaver RDI Box 50 Winfield. PA 17889 570/374-8865 RJI BUSINESS |£fl OPPORTUNITIES For sale: A profitable gar dening related business 717-786-5001 Business • Sales Mergers - Acquisition PROMARK Professional Marketing Over 35 Years Experience In Agri-Business Phone 717-569'7784 Fax 717-569-7994 ffm SITUATIONS j|l WANTED RENT Dairy Operation, Elizabethtown area, stan chion & free stalls, heifer facilities, silos & bunk, housing off site. 717-367-7831. Willing to share dairy fa cility and work load, dou ble 10 parallel parlor, bring your 50 +/- cows. Housing avail. Berks Co. 610-987-6348 Stay at home and get $6O, $BO even $l2O/hour. No experience needed. Will tram! FREE recorded info 24hrs, 1-888-454-2310, actnow.