Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 12, 2000, Image 103
Perkins :ct>; ENGINES Rebuilding & Sales Lebanon Valley Implement 717-866-7518 Fax 717-866-2005 E-mail. 1) GEHL 3615, 1987 Model w/Approx 27 HP, 2415 Hrs w/Aux Hyd , 54” Wide Bucket and Pallet Fork, Work Lights, Nice - 66.900. UT 4334 2) CASE 18458, 72” Long Lip Bucket, Lights, Rear Counter Weight. Good Paint UT 4401 3) 1997 GEHL MODEL SL 4625 with Approx 763 Original Hours, 47 HP Kubota Diesel, Heavy Duty Galaxy 10 00x16 5 Tires, Self-Leveling Loader, Rear Window, Engine Block Healer. Work Lights - Only $14,500. LIT 4414 4) CASE 1835 C with 90% New Galaxy 10-00x16 5 Tires $8.950. UT 4423 5) CASE 1845 C (1996 Model), Deluxe Seat, 73" Bucket UT 4432 6) CASE 1845 DIESEL (79) Engine was Overhauled, Lowered ROPS. 80” Wide Bucket UT 4421 7) 60” WIDE GRAVEL BUCKET, with Tooth Bar (Very Good). Fit Case 1830 through 18358 & C Models - $350. 8) CASE 1845 C (1997) One Owner with New H Duty 12 00x16 5 Galaxy Tires, 80” Wide Snow and Litter Bucket, Aux Hyd , Counterweights, Engine Block Heater & Lights $17.900. UT 4399 9) GEHL MODEL 5L5620 SKID LOADER, Approx 53 HP, Ask For Landis UT 4358 10) CASE 15458 DIESEL, Newly Recapped Tires, Good 73’ Utility Bucket. One Owner Machine - $8,950, UT 4173 11) CASE 1840 UNILOADER with Aux Hyd & Self-Leveling Loader • $10.900, UT 4385 —— 12) GEHL 4500, Gas, 40 HP. 10 00x16 5 Tires, Large 65” Wide Bucket $5.900. UT 4369 13) CASE 1840 (93 MODEL), 3975 Hours, Self-Leveling with Aux Hyd , 73” Utility Bucket, Rear. Counter-weight, Engine Block heater, Lights, 1 Owner, Nice - $12,900. UT 4319 14) GEHL 4615 DIESEL, 44 HP, 1987 withl 3467 Hr!, Aux Hvd. Self-Leveling Loader. Backhoe Hyd $8.250. UT 4242 IS) CASE 1840, 50 HP Cum-mms Powered, Aux Hyd , 2,548 Hours, Self-Leveling Loader, Deluxe Seat, 63 Dirt Bucket, Lights - $12,500. UT 4154 16) CASE 1845 C, Case Cummins Powered with 73" Snow 7 Liter Bucket. 1? nnx 16 5 Tires - $9,900. UT 414 g _ 17) CASE 1845 C (1994 MODEL), with 80” Bucket. Aux Hvd . Deluxe Seat - $15.900. UT 4205 _ Stop In Today and Choose Your Loader! NH Hay. Forage, Skid Steer Parts Dismantling the following equipment; Balers 567, 315. 283,66,68.268. 269, 270, 276, 281,310, 311.320, 273 Thrower 54.70,75 Haybines 469,479.488.489,499, 1495,411 Discbme 463 Disc Mower Forage Harvester, 717,718, 770, 880, 890, 1880, 1890, 1895 Field Queen STD-SP Skid Steers L 35, L 775, L 555, L7Bl, L 785, 778 We Purchase NH Eq. For Salvage!! AG Industrial Inc. Rising Sun, MD 1-800-442-5043 Ask for Terry or Amanda in Service Now Is A Good Time To Moke Your Purchase Decision at BINKLEY & HURST BROS. INC. With Super Rebates and Special Low Rate Financing Take Advantage Now! This CASE IH MODEL MX 135 4x4 Cab, Rated 115 HP, is Being Offered at 3.9% Financing with Credit Approval Per Plan at Fixed Rate (NC 5660) Check Out These Fine Features • New Case Cummins Diesel with up to 44% Torque Rise • New Thumb Switch Power Shift • New 25 GPM Hyd at Rear Outlets with 2950 PS I Hyd System • New Ultra-Quiet 72 dba cab with 56 6 sq ft of Tinted Glass • New Turbo Chargers and In-Line Injection Pumps Purchase a Quality New Case IH from Binkley 4 Hurst Bros. Today' Look At This Finance Rate! 0.9% APR For 12 Months with Credit Approval. May Be Followed by Additional 48 Months at Elite OR Standard Rate with Credit Approval. Consider This New case IH MX IPO MFD Deluxe Cab Tractor, Rated 85 HP w/Lots of Operator Friendly Features 133 Rolhsvllle Station Rd. P.O. Box 0395, Litltz, PA 17543-0395 Located 1/2 Mile North of Rothsville IHfIIW VMMWPk IWt Cuvin am**™ PERFECT CIRCLE' Penn Diesel Service Co. Carries A Complete Line Of Engine Overhaul Kits For Most Ag, Truck, Automotive & Industrial Engines. Purchased from Leading OEM Suppliers, You Get Guaranteed Quality & Service At Wholesale Prices. For All Your Diesel Fuel Ihjection, Turbocharger & Engine Component Needs, Call Penn Diesel Today! PENN DIESEL SERVICE CO. Interstate 81 Exit 27 Harrisburg, PA 17112 (800) 535-2913 BINKLEY & HURST BROS., INC. Only 0.9% Finance Travel Speeds Up to 25 MPH A Beautiful 2-Door Cab Tractor For Traveling From Farm to Farm Take Advantage Now! New CASE IH MX 80C MF 4x4 Cab, Rated 67 HP with Big Tractor Features is Being Offered at 0.9% APR by Binkley & Hurst Bros. Today Per Credit Plan Approval Take Control of These Fine Features in a Small Tractor that can Handle Big Tractor Chores with a Less Than 8 Foot Wheel Base (or Better Maneuverability (NC 5531) • 3 PI Hitch Lift Capacity ol 8,393 Lbs with Electronic Lower-Link Draft Sensing with End-ol- Row Function for MFD and Differential Lock • New Thumb Switch Power Shift with Power Shuffle Reverser 16 Speed Transmission with Wet Clutch with Top Travel Speed up to 25 MPH to get you there FASTi • Turbo Charged High Torque Diesel Engines wlih Viscous Cooling Fans for More Power ■ Great Fuel Efficiency • Big Hyd Power with 25 GPM at Remote Hyd Outlets with 2950 PS I • Large Roomy 2-Door Cab with 56 sq It of Tinted Visibility with Class IV Cloth Swivel Air Ride seat lor Smooth Ride and Great Back Support Many More Convenient Features! Come to Binkley & Hurst end Treat Yourself to the BEST Today In Tractor Power! Don't Miss This Low Rate Expiration Date. (NC 5707) • Big Case Cummins 44% Torque Rise Diesel Power with Great Fuel Efficiency • Thumb Switch On-the-Go Power Shift and Power Shuttle Reverser - Great lor Loader Workt • Big Hydraulics to Power Your Loader at 25 GPM • Deluxe Cab with Class IV Air Ride Seat Many More Fine Features Make Your Move To A Cozy Farm Cab with Fuzzy Warm Finance Rate! (717) 626-4705 Z www bmkleyhurst com YORK COUNTY FARM EQUIPMENT Emigsville, PA 717/764-6412, 717/764-5115 Dealei of new Woods Equipment & Pets New Delta Gooseneck Trailer 8 x2O w/4 Dovetail & ramps HD 3 pt Hitch for Front Tractor Mount Kobetco LKSOO Payloader, 105 HP Case 580 Super L 4X4 Backhoe JD 855 4x4. Hydrostatic. PS, 3 Pt. 6' Mid Mount Mower MF 250 Diesel Int 484 Diesel w/Q T Loader Int 574 Gas w/Front Blade Int 2500Aw/QT Loader. Farmall 706 Dsl. WF. 3pt Ford 1720 w/ROPS & Roof PS Turf Tires Ford 3550 w/Loader, Sims Cab Ford 545 A Diesel w/Loader Case 1845 Dsl Skid Loader Int 140 w/3 pt Int 140 s w/Mid Mowers 3 Pt Flail Mowers Used Woods HD 315 Rotary Mower ■ New Woods MD 315 Rotary Mower L_ Woods Finish & Field Mowers & Snow Blowers in stock New Lower Finance Rate Offer! Binkley & Hurst Bros. Has New Case IH Tractors at 3.9% APR Now is the the best di on the besi equipment available! 2 New Case IH Platform Small Tractors at Super Deals from Binkley & Hurst MODEL CX7O MFD Rated 58 HP with Big Hydraulics and Lots of Good Features MODEL CXBO MFD Bated 69 HP with Big Hyd and Lots of Good Features Let’s Get Together Nowl You May Be Surprised At The Price. You Can Own a Quality New Tractor From Binkley & Hurst Bros. TODAY! Choose From 2 New CASE IH ; SERIES Tractors Designed To Work In Low Clearance Areas / 4x4 w/Loader ~~ ' | Ready To Work 1 Cl - H ue Diesel Engine, Equipped with 14 9x 28 Rear Tires and High Flotation 14-17 5 Front Wheel Drive Lug Tires Ideal for Stability in Loader Work, 2 Remotes, 540-1000 PTO, With New Case IH Model 400 Quick Attach Loader and High Capacity Bucket NC 5722 A Beautiful Set Up for a Loader Tractor Nice to Operate with the Forward & Reverse Shuttle Transmission Lots of Nice Features at Economy Pricing! Oder good through 3/31/00 Case Credit standard terms and conditions apply Oder subject to credit approval Oder subject to change without notice Ford 3930 4x4, 45HPw/Cab, 1990, Meyer Hyd. Blade Finance iO, Rated 50 HP (4 with a High rque Diesel igine, w/Forward S everse Shuttle ransmission, 2 yd Remotes, 540- )00 PTO, Thermo tart Diesel 1C 5723 1-800-414-4705 Fax 717-626-0996 <0 I 1