Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 05, 2000, Image 80

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    MO-Unc-ter Farming, Saturday, February 5, 2000
SAT MAR 18 9AM Furniture
antiques, personal property, lawn
& garden equip tools, Elizabeth
Breneman 1 Newswanger Rd
Lancaster Pa John D Stauffer
SAT MAR 18 - 9AM Garage
Tools & Supplies 927 North Rail
road Ave New Holland Lane
Co, PA Mary E High, Edwin N
High, deceased Robert E martin
& Sons 717-656-7770
SAT MAR 18 - 9AM Real
Estate, Personal Property. 4125
Wilshire Drive York Pa For
Kathryn R Grim Witman Auc
tioneers, Inc
SAT MAR 18 9AM Estates of
marlha Graybill & Wilma Hoff
man, Real Estate, Antiques, &
Collectibles Hassmger & Court
ney Aucts 570 539-8791
SAT MAR 18-9 AM Real Estate,
antiques HH goods, tools & car
681 Wide Hollow Rd, E Earl
Twp, Lane Co Pa Freeda E
Good Estate Horst Aucts
SAT MAR 18-9 AM York Co 4-
H Farm Consignment Sale 1771
Stoverstown Rd, York, Pa Ster
mer Auctioneering Service
SAT MAR 18- 10AM Farm Con
signment Sale, 1817 Barclay Rd
Barclay Elbom Aucts
SAT, MAR 18 -11 AM For
Casey Systems, 151 Holland
Rd, Sussex, NJ, Farm machin
ery auction Col F R Daniel
Aucts, Inc 908-369-4784
SAT MAR 18-IPM Real estate
Lane Co West Earl Twp By
Edwma Weaver Gingrich &
Hoover, aucts
MON MAR 20 - Annual Con
signment Auction for tractors,
combines, farm equipment Auc
tion By M M Weaver & Sons,
169 North Groffdale Road, Leola
Aalron E Martin, Auction Ser
MON MAR 20 - 9AM Tractors,
trucks & farm equip, at 499 Fish &
Game Rd , East Berlin, Pa (or
Mildren Sauble by Blame Rentzel
Auction Service 717-764-6412
TUES , MAR 21 - 9AM Quilt,
Crafts Buggy To Be held at ASC
Diffenbach Auction Inc, 100 W
Jackson St, New Holland Lane
Co, Pa 717-355-7253
TUES, MAR 21 - Fat Cattle
Sale, Carlisle Livestock Market
Inc, 548 Alexander Spring Road
Carlisle, PA
TUES , MAR 21 -7 45PM Feed
er Cattle Sale Carlisle Livestock
Market Inc 548 Alexander
Spring Rd Carlisle PA
WED MAR 22 - 9AM Farm
Equip Tractors Truck Lots To
be held at Wolgemuth Auction,
109 N Maple Ave, Leola Lane
Co. Pa 717-656-2947
WED MAR 22 -9 AM Quilt &
Craft To Be held at A&C Diffen
bach Auction Inc, 100 W Jack
son St New Holland Lane Co
Pa 717 355-7253
THURS MAR 23 - Farm mach
& tractors, beef cows 321 E
Petersburg Rd, Neffsville, Galen
Hoover, Elizabeth Hoover Kline,
Kreider & Good, aucts
THURS MAR 23 - 146 Ac
Farm, Farm Equip & Supplies
Long Rd East Hempfield Twp,
Lane Co, PA Terms By
Genex/CRI Robert Marlin,
THURS MAR 24 - Gladlime
Farms, Tally, NY Herd Dispersal
Managed by Klmg's Auctions,
Inc Landisburg PA 717-789-
3883 and Wood's Auction Ser
THURS MAR 23 -10 AM 34
Koenig Rd Bernville Berks Co,
Pa Farm Equip JD Tractors,
Combine & Harvester Sale for
Diamonds, gold,
estate jewelry
Coins, antique jewelry
of all types
Parkhill Jewelry
5 West Main St.
Ephrata, PA 17522
Cumberland Valley Farm Toy Show
Ertl, Hess, Winross /l '
Toy Show... Friday 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM to t :00 PM
(Admission $2 00/person, under 12 free)
Toy Auction... Saturday 3:00 PM
Sponsored by the Cumberland Valley FFA/Cumberland Valley Tractor Pullers at
the Cumberland Valley Eagle View Gym and Cafeteria. Refreshments available.
Located along the Carlisle Pike (Rt 11) North of 1-81. Information (717) 249-8434
x Clip and Save x k Clip and Save x x Clip and Save x
loenmg Les
Lavem f
er, Auct^
FRI, MAR 24 -10 AM Farm
Machinery 3 Tractors, 986 Int
Diesel Jacob K & Katie Lantz,
875 Morgantown Rd, Honey
Brook, PA Steve Petersheim,
FEBRUARY 17 & 18, 2000 - 9:30 AM
Rt. 144 east, one mile east of Frederick, MD.
Selling 2 farm lots of equip., plus much more.
Tractors - Hay Equipment, Ground Working
Equipment, Farm Items, Tools of all Types.
Consign early, call today, storage avail.
Jake 301-662-3530
or Terry 301-663-0732
Public Auction
Farm Equipment
Saturday, Feb. 26,2000
at 10:00 A.M
Directions: From Honey Brook go east on Rt.
322 for 7 miles, at 2nd traffic light turn right
on Culbertson Rd., go 1/2 mile to farm on left.
West Brandywine Twp. Chester Co.
Farm Equipment: 4455 JD Tractor, 2300 hrs.,
dual hyd. outlets, 3pt hitch, full cab, power shift
trans, nice MFWD fenders, 540/1000 PTO; 4430
JD Tractor, 5000 hrs., 3pt. hitch, full cab, power
sift trans , good rubber; 1 set of Duals; 2940 JD
Tractor, 4100 hrs. w/canopy, Hi/Lo trans, 158 JD
Front End Loader w/bucket and pallet forks;
7720 Turbo JD Combine, 2600 hrs., 4wd attach
ment; 643 JD 6-row 30” Corn Heads w/oil bath
drive and low tin; 7000 JD Corn Planter, 12 row
narrow, forward fold w/hquid fertilizer, bean
cups, new wiring harness; 450 Bu. E-Z Trail
Grain Cart; Glenco 13 tooth Soilsaver, Model
1924 Krause 18 ft. Disk w/wmgs, 28ft. Bnlhon
Transport Packer; 800 series Noble Harrow, 6
row Westco 3pt Cultivator, 712 JD Mulch tiller;
JD 1060 Wagon Gear w/flotation tires; JD
Wagon Gear, as is, NH 12 ft single beater
Manure Spreader, Westco Stone Picker, JD
Rollabar Hay Rake, 550 JD Field sprayer w/500
gal tank, hydraulic booms, JD 10 ft. heavy duty
Soil or Snow Blade, fits all 40 series tractors;
New Idea 323 Corn Picker
Trucks: 1974 CMC Tractor 44,000 miles, not
inspected; 1976 Chevy w/tool box body, not
inspected, 1977 Chevy dump body w/gram sides,
30,000 miles, not inspected; 1974 Morgan dump
trailer, inspected to 7-00; old single axle equip
ment trailer, Kruger 4 axle dove tail 14 ton
trailer, needs repair;
Misc. Items: 2-1400 gal. poly storage tanks, pal
let.jack; JD 3 pt dirt scoop; air power greaser;
chain binders; shp transfer pump; 110 volt trash
pump, barrel stove, 5 poultry chilling tubs; JD
Spreader for parts; JD grain tester; 2 Dickey
John gram testers; good 18 4x38 rear tractor tire;
10 00x20 truck tires; new parts for equipment;
numerous other items found on a farm
Note: Only one wagon of small items. Large
equipment will be sold immediately following.
No out of state checks. Lunch provided by
Rockville Mennonite Church
Terms by: William Balderston
Merle Eberly AU-2417-L • Alvin Fleming AU-0433-L
Elton Homing AU-0434-L
Morgantown, PA (610) 286-5183
Alexander Spring Road, Carlisle,
25 & SAT, MAR 25 Consign-
ment Antique Tractor Sale
Columbia City IN King Auction
Service 219-723 4378
SAT MAR 25 Farm machinery
& related items (or Ralph Dietch,
Carlisle, Pa
man auct
SAT MAR 25 - 531 Panorama
Drive , Denver Industrial Trac
tors, Equipment, Tools & Person
al Property Terms by A Stanley
& Barbara A Burkhart Kline,
Kreider & Good Aucts
SAT MAR 25 Horse Sale - 830
Tack, 11AM Horses Middleburg
Livestock Auction Sales Inc Mid
dleburq Pa
SAT MAR 25 - 8 30AM Gap Fire
Co spnngsale Huge community
auction plenty of homemade
foods Pequea Ave off Rt 30 in q Ritchie, Owner Mike Deibert,
Gap Auct
SAT MAR 25-9 AM Farm Equip- SAT MAR 25 - 9AM Farm
ment Between New Tnpoli/Ger- Mahcmery, Const Equip, Tools,
mansville area, PA For Kenneth Lawn & Garden Equip, Hay &
& Margaret Bittner Zettlemoyer Straw At Perkiomenville Live-
Auction Co stock, Route 29, Perkiomenville,
SAT MAR 25 - 9AM Located in PA Ro b ® rt Lam
Centre Co, between Centre Hall N_C Weidenbaui
and Spring Mills, pa farm SAT MAR 25 - 9AM Farm equip
machinery and tools For Mrs action for Jay & Delores Rup-
Robert Breon Mark Click, auct iert, 5040 C W Canal R , Dover,
SAT MAR 25 - 9AM Tractors & YorkCo
Parts Farm Machinery, Sawmill SAT MAR 25 - 9AM Shop tools
and Planer Tools Equip & Col- lumber, antiques and collectibles
lectibles 12 miles SE of Sunbury, Andrew Allwem, Rt 343 North of
ImiNE of Dornsife in Lower Lebanon Pa Harry H Bachman,
Northumberland Co, PA Sarah auct
Dick’s Tractors
Saturday., Mar. 4, 2000
Starting at 9:00 a.m.
Tractors, Farm Equipment,
Lawn & Garden, Construction
Equipment, Trucks, Cars, Etc.
Advertising Deadline - February 14,2000
Phone: 570-546-8784 or Fax: 570-546-7342
4 miles from Hughesvflle Exit off 1-180
Rt. 442 1 mile East of Clarkstown, PA
Ed Goodrich, Jr. & Mike Lozier
Look for complete listing weeks of
2/19 & 2/26
Kelley Farms
Saturday, Feb. 19, 2000
New Church, Virginia (Eastern Shore)
Directions: From Salisbury, MD go South on FIT 13
approx 35 miles to MD-Virgima line, go south 1 9 miles,
turn right on RT 709 (Depot ST) go 1.2 miles, (709 will
take a sharp left but you will continue straight on Slocom
Rd Go 2 mile to Sale on Right... From South fake RT 13
North of Bay Bridge Tunnel (North side) approx 70 miles
to New Church, VA Take first right past VA Scales on RT
2302, go 1 block turn Right, take first left on RT 709 and
follow directions above
Tractors. Spray Coi
Superb Energy Miser Grain dryer movable on wheels,
model SOSOOC 500 BU per hr by Beard Industries, purchased
1996. Case International 1680 Combine. 4WD. 1990, 3210
hrs, Case-International 1020 Grain table, International
1440 Combine. 4700 hrs, w/16 5’ 820 grain table,
International 863 6rn corn head, “ ~
3 remote, 6716 hrs, 1990, John
hrs, 1983, Jol
John Deere 4:
30 w/148 Loader. 4700 hrs, Quad, 1977, SN
220 Spray Coupe. 1994, 4 wheel, 60’ booms,
4000 lb, side shirt, propane
3867, Melrose
Clark Forklifl
Trucks & Dump Trailer • 1997 Ford 9000 w/350
Cummings, twin screw day cab tractor, 10 speed, wet line, PS,
1974 Inter 2050 11 w/Cat 1160, 24’ Dump, 1964 Moore 30’
Aluminum Dump Trailer on 34’ frame, wet line, 1979 CMC
w/New Leader 15’ Spreader Body: 1996 Spread Master
16’ spreader body w/hydro drive on International Truck
w/V-8, 1961 Ford 850. Twin Screw w/Cummmgs and
extended 22’ Lockwood body, Link unloading chain, 1988
Dodge 1/2 ton Pickup, 1983 Ford F 350 w/utility body, and
Several other Trucks - Call for List
RR3450, 4 1/2” hose, 1200’, turbine, 3 axle, SN 24142,
Bauer Rainstar hard hose. 4-1/2" piston pump mdl
125400 T, (1200’),
Berkley pumps and Lima Gen sets, 4x6, call for specs. Hale
6x6 PTO pump, 21 Ramway B”x4o’ clamp together pipe; 50
Rainway 6”x3o’ pipe clamp, Irrigation pipe cart, Quantity of
pipe fittings,
PLANTERS & IMPLEMENTS ■ Great Plains Drill 15’,
center pivot, no till coulters, 2 hoppers, mdl CPH 1595, 1996,
planted only 4367 acres, exc cond,
Conservation Planter. 6 row narrow, liquid fert, insect, John
Deere 7000 4 row, liquid missing marker arms, Unverferth
Culti-Planter II 1996, went in front of 15’ drill, ex cond,
KMC 20’ hydro fold field cultivator, John Blue 500 gal
sprayer, poly tank, 3000 pump. Case Inti 496 disc, 60 blade,
19’ very good, Case 44 Blade disc, 12’ new blades, .ID 915 V
Ripper 5 shank, Hardee hydro slide ditch bank cutter,
Bushog 15’ cutter, Bushog 5’ cutter, 2 Ferguson 12’ Chisel
plows, Rhino BR 8” Blade, Amco ditcher, Brillion 4 row S
tine cultivator, 1500 gal poly tanks, 2 Int 6x16 plows,
Kiwanna 15' Rotary hoe, Fuel Wagon, John Deere saddle
tanks. Track Scratcher FMC liquid Fundan system, M&W
damn on Duals, Chemigator System for Pivots,
SHOP EQUIPMENT Karcher hot & cold piessure washer,
Welder, Jacks, Welding Tables, Electric Hack Saw, Metal
Work Benches, Drill Press, Grinders, Oster stationary pipe
threader, Engine Hoist & stands; Cutting torch Outfits, 3/4”
sockets. Air Compressor, Air Compressor for parts, Cham
Unused Case Tractor Parts - all new but at least 40-50
irs oh
Farms Office on El
Hauling Available.
TERMS ■ Cash or good check day of sale Titles will be held
10 business days unless paid for in cash or certified funds
We will work with Telmark. Farm Credit or Bank of vour
Direct all Inquires to Pete Richardson at 410-546-2425
Kelley Farms
pete*— j AUCTION
P.O. Box 51 c
Willards, MD 21874
(410)546-2425 or 1(800)408-9384
Jis, Owr
ih, Auct
e 4250. 18 4x38, 6056
20 8, 6475 hrs, 1981,
>hn Pi
will eil
RD iust off RT 709.
Located at Rt. 65 Flea Market on Sharpsburg
Pike, off Rt. 70, go 6 miles South on Rt. 65 beside
Washington County Ag center in Sharpsburg,
MD OR off 1-81 exit 1 in Williamsport, MD,
take Rt. 68 East 6 miles to stop light. Then take
Rt 65 South 2 miles. Watch for signs on left.
Regular Auction every Tues. at 4:00 PM
With misc. Furniture, Glassware & Box Lots
New Merchandise Auction on
Sat. Feb. 19. 2000 at 4:00 PM
New Furniture, Food Items, Can Foods, Meats,
Glassware, Figurines & Other New Misc. Items
Now taking consignments for next farm equip
ment & building material auction on
March 9. 2000 at 9:00 AM
Will be selling Lumber, Windows, Doors,
Hardware, Tractors, Machinery, Tools, Lawn &
Garden & Misc. Items,
Now Taking Consignments For All Auctions.
We do all types of auctions, estates, households,
& farm machinery auctions. On site or will haul
to our auction house. Contact us at 301-791-9550
or 304-274-1664. We do pick ups.
AUCTION HOURS: Monday - Friday 10:00 AM
to 2:00 PM or by appointment. Cash or good
check with proper ID. We accept most major
credit & debit cards. Food and restrooms avail
Selling Farm Machinery
At Public Auction
Honey Brook Fire Co.
Sat., February 19, 2000
Location: Auction to be hSld at Honey Brook
Fire Company, one block south of the intersec
tion of Route 10 and Route 322 on‘Firehouse
lane in the Borough of Honey Brook, Chester
New General Repair 9’ Spring Tooth Harrow; 770
New Holland Harvester w/Table Complete with
New Set of Knives, 1000 RPM Excellent condi
tion for information call 717-687-0772; New
Fisher 150 Gal. Fieldsprayer w/Honda Engine,
ready for the Field; New 9; Cedar Hill Harrow;
New Cedar Hill Fore Cart w/Brakes; New Cedar
Hill Fore Cart; New Cedar Hill 4’ Roller Harrow;
New Seller Autotum Forecart;' Rebuilt 9’ JD
Harrow; Rebuilt 24 Blade JD KBA Disc w/New
Blades; 9’ Rebuilt Packer; Good Kuhn Rake
w/Honda Engine; No. 56 NH Hay Rake; No. 273
NH Baler In Excellent Condition; w/2Cyl.
Wisconsin Engine; NH 55 Grass Mower; NI 323
Com Picker; NI 17A Manure Spreader; NH 311
Baler in Excellent Condition, Pending On Prior
Sale; Rebuilt Oliver 14” 2 bottom Plow; 456 NH
Mower Rebuilt; New DS 1100 Gal. Liquid Manure
Spreader; New 8’ Dryhill Manure Pump w/Hyd.;
Rebuilt Pequea 2 bottom plow; New White Horse
Lever Steer Forecart; New 4 Spinner Hay Tedder
w/Honda Engine; New Portable Honda Hyd. Unit;
New 3000 PSI Pressure Washer; New 1100 Gal.
ELS Liquid Manure Spreader; New I&J Rotary
Hay Rake w/9 HP Engine; New I&J 1 Row
Cultivator; New I&J Riding Garden Culitvator;
New I&J Walk Behind Garden Cultivator; New
110 Pequea Manure Spreader w/Tailgate On Steel;
2 New Sputmcks; 4-65 lb. Westfalia Bio Milker
Units (Like New); 4-65 lb. Delaval Milker units
(rebuilt); 4-65 lb. Interpuls & W/F combination
Milker Units (Like New); Truck Load Of Dairy
Attention Farmers: The Buyer Who
mtmm The Skfh*st TeiM Dollar
and Farm
ThfWire, Co. Free OfChame Either a
tfsm "Sputnik Or A New Warm Wagon
OfQpod R«aduTooo
Farm Me left., Don’t MUs This Sale.
3 Rebuilt Carriages; 1 Good Used Buggy; 1 Good
Used Spring Wagon; 1 New 2 Wheel Cart;
New 510 Pequea Tilt Trailer; New Model 1018
Pequea Deckover 1000 GVW trailer w/ladder
For Information Call The Firehouse:
610-273-2688 or 610-273-2907 or 717-354-5196
Sale by Local Volunteer Auctioneers
VISA and Master Card Accepted